Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus looks at the scrolls with a grimace. "Well, I hope the water didn't destroy the scrolls we need. And I wish I could read Kelish." Robertus looks around the scrolls, looking for scrolls that might be trade agreements. Perception Check:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Looking for scrolls that look like they might be trade agreements. Something with seals of other cities, maybe. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus nods. "We were also requested that some Trade Agreements be picked up. Not sure if they survived, but if they have, we are to retrieve them." Robertus's grip does not relax, but he lowers the point of his Guisarme slightly. Sense Motive on Maurit:1d20 ⇒ 10 ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus keeps himself between the ghouled Pathfinder and the party in general, making sure Trébuchant is ready to trip the ghoul should it leap down. I will be continuing to sense motive on everything he says. Consider Robertus distinctly unfriendly. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Initiative Roll:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Robertus's eyes widen as he looks upon the undead creature, but they narrow even as the surprise vanishes from his eyes. "Stand behind me, friends. Let this creature feel the wrath of Trébuchant!" As he calls out the name, Robertus reaches back and pulls out the collapsed Guisarme, snapping it back into its full length, placing the blade between the undead and himself. Alright, move action to draw, move action to assemble. Should the Undead provoke an Attack of Opportunity...: Trip attempt vs Undead CMD:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Flashback: Robertus raises an eyebrow at the outburst. "No, you do not read me incorrectly. However, all I want to know is what has taken up residence there. If you don't know, then say so." Robertus frowns, crossing his arms as he awaits Aaqir's response. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus pauses in his writing as he looks up at the Keleshite. "If these Trade Agreements are so important to Padishah Empire of Kelesh, why not go get them yourself? What is preventing you from returning and getting them at your leisure?" Robertus's tone is not disrespectful, but very straight forward. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus shrugs. "Soldiers in the front never get to see the big picture. We can only hope command has their head on straight." With that said, Robertus wanders over toward the corner, taking out the notepad from where he stashed it, so he might take notes. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Turning back to Volta, Robertus grins. "I must agree, I have never seen such a spectacular display of Snapdragons, Volta." Lowering his voice so only those nearby can hear, Robertus's tone changes to something a bit more serious. "I don't recognize him. Maybe he is curious at how someone of my rank got invited?" ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus turns toward the snapdragons, careful to make a show of examining them and smelling them closely, all the while careful to not look at the man behind him. He thinks back, careful to try and recall where he has seen that face... Bluff Check:1d20 ⇒ 14 ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Oh my, as Takei would say! Robertus grins and stands as Venture-Captain Li ends the meeting, careful to put the closed notepad inside his armor, for safe-keeping. "How could I pass up such an opportunity from such a beautiful and prepared Hostess?" Robertus bows once to Amara before going out and joining the party. It wouldn't take much of a sense motive to realize Robertus is referring to the Kunai Amara is using as a hair piece. Robertus stays silent during the Major's outburst, unsure of his drunken nature or his true intentions. He does spend drinking slight amounts of wine, only speaking to answer the occasional question. "I doubt it...he may have a bit much to drink." ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Spent 75 gold for the party, 100 gold for the Guisarme. After talking with Fernis and Aryllan on the way out of the Pathfinder Lodge, Robertus head's down to the Lodge's suggested Blacksmith. They spend some time discussing designs and bandying about the price, they shake on it and Robertus leaves his Guisarme to be altered. He also leaves his armor to be professionally cleaned and polished, and head's down to the Tailor. It takes some time for the Tailor and Robertus to settle on the specific cut of cape, but they eventually settle on a square-cut cape, the color a brilliant Jade with a silver trim to match a polished suit of scale mail. Down to the final stretch in his shopping, before getting cleaned up, Robertus to stops by a cobbler, a Leathersmith and a Silversmith. At the cobbler Robertus picks up some stylish black military boots. At the Leathersmith, Robertus picks up a belt as well as a simple hood and length of braided leather to tie the Guisarme. Finally, at the Silversmith, Robertus purchases a belt buckle of silver, with the symbol of his family emboldened on the front. Stopping by a local scribe, Robertus has himself introduced by full name and Rank, and nothing else. Realizing he has time, he stops by the Blacksmith and retrieves his polished armor and collapsible Guisarme, taking a moment to hood the blade. Robertus takes great care to carry the armor to his next location, the bathhouse, where he is cleansed and trimmed from head to toe. He takes his time dressing, careful to not smudge the armor or wrinkle the cape before entering the carriage. As the carriage rolls to a halt, Robertus steps outside. He takes but a moment to examine his surroundings, an old habit, but useful. He catches the faint scent of orchid with the acrid tang of gunpowder, and his eyes catch the dark outlines of the horse and carriage. He steps upon the red carpet, moving forward with an old precision until he is directed to a halt, near the end of a line. He listens, catching the names of the other Pathfinders, nodding in satisfaction that the others made it to the party. Finally, the herald's assistant signals Robertus forward to the point of introduction. The Herald's voice doesn't waver as he announces "Lieutenant Robertus Leonardo Toreador". The guests see a man roughly 6 feet in height, reddish-brown hair with green eyes similar in hue to the Jade Cape. An imposing, almost military figure, wide in the shoulders, arms thick with muscle. His scale mail is well-polished, reflecting the light almost as well as dragon's scales. Attached to Robertus's new belt is a pair of small pouches, cinched shut. After being announced, Robertus gives a curt, military bow before moving downstairs to mingle with the guests. What the guests don't see is the collapsed Guisarme secured upon Robertus's back, even as he walks stately down the stairs. He takes his time, as the other guests greet and congratulate the group to complement each of the Pathfinders. For Volta, its a clever use of Orchid and Jade, and for the dwarf, the high quality of his dwarf-craft boots and bangles. Uraisa receives a complement concerning her flowing dress, while Aryllan is complemented on her artful braids. As they are ushered in to see Venture-Captain Li, Robertus stays quiet as she speaks. He does, however, reach into his pouches and pull out a notepad and a pencil, so that he might take notes. Robertus will proceed to take notes unless the Venture-Captain objects. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus nods at the dwarf, grinning as the effects of the dark magic fade away. "If your opponent has no stable ground to walk on, expect him to not put up much of a fight." Robertus stays quiet as they return to the Pathfinder Lodge, nodding where appropriate. After dinner, Robertus bathes and takes time to clean and polish his armor. He ends the night by finishing his report of the events that occurred since his last report after the Orphanage. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Will Save:1d20 ⇒ 3 Robertus shudders as the dark energy passes over him, and watches Deandre fall with a grimace. "A pity such beauty with such dark insanity." As the others search through the packs and make note of the items carried by the others, Robertus takes out some rope and ties up Larkin, after taking some time to make sure no daggers are hidden up sleeves and the like. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() The Attack of Opp was caused by Deandre moving through my threatened square from her starting position from here to here. Correct, you would roll the miss chance to hit for the trip. After the initial attack, should the miss chance cause the trip to miss, it gets rid the mirror image. No concentration check is necessary and you didn't miss anything else. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Attack of Opp (Trip) vs. Deandre:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 If my Trip attempt worked...:
Robertus attempts to bring his Guisarme down on the fallen leader, despite her altered appearance. Attack Roll vs. Deandre:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18 Damage Roll:2d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 1) + 4 = 7 If the trip missed...: Robertus throws himself at Deandre, dropping his Guisarme. He attempts to pin her to the ground and end the fight. If she is armed, she gets an Attack of Opp. Grapple Check vs. Deandre's CMD:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 If that worked, she can either make a full attack, attempt to break free (Escape Artist or Grapple check (The grapple is at a -4 unless she drops her weapon)), or cast a spell (Concentration check of 14 + spell level) I think that sums it up. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus steps back, five feet to the west, and grimaces at the act of treachery. He scans the battlefield, noticing the rest of his compatriots have taken up ranged weapons. He scans his opponents, and chooses a target. "I can handle Larkin. Focus your shots on Halli!" He finally turns his attention to Larkin, swinging with the intent of slowing down the last of Deandre's melee combatants. Trip Attempt on Larkin, Combat Expertise still active:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Attack of Opportunity:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 Damage:2d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 2) + 4 = 9 That will leave a mark! Robertus steps back, now directly alongside and south of the dwarf. He changes tactics, swinging full on into the Wounded Halfing while continuing to keep an eye on the actions of the other opponents. Attack Roll vs. Halfling (Combat Expertise still active):1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 Damage Roll:2d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 2) + 4 = 8 I really hope that is a dead halfling. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus grunts as he steps back, alongside Volta and diagonal to the dwarf. He regards the halfling with a glare, and swings the Guisarme low toward the halfling. Trip vs. Ledford, Combat expertise active:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 All ACs are increased by one, Threatening Defender prevents the normal penalty on Combat Expertise. Also, my life is Pain. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus drops his dagger against the wall, putting both hands to his Guisarme as he steps back to be adjacent to Aryllan. Putting me at a diagonally adjacent to Volta Robertus attempts to bring down the weapon into Larkin. Attack Roll (adding the bonus for him being prone):1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 4 = 27 Damage:2d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 3) + 4 = 8 Attack of opportunity, should Larkin provoke from standing up:1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 4 = 25 Damage:2d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 1) + 4 = 7 ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() DM, is it possible for me to, instead of drawing dagger and readying, just readying to trip the first one of the enemies to come into range? Now that I see we aren't engulfed in Fog and all that. Trip Attempt (In case it triggers): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26 ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 "Fall Back! This mist gives them the advantage! Realizing he can't see anything beyond arm's reach, he pulls his dagger as he moves to the front of the group, taking a defensive posture. Not sure if I have the actions to ready a trip attempt at one of these folk that try to get by. If so, yeah. If not, they still provoke that Attack of Op. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus accompanies the group, taking time to make notes of what occurred in the room while the others speak to the folk in charge. However, as they walk toward the Lodge, Robertus stays close to Uraisa. He uses the butt of his Guisarme much as a walking stick, and makes sure none of the people along the street try to pick the group's pockets. Doubly so for Uraisa, since she is the one carrying the box from the Paracountess. Will let the GM roll for me, in case someone tries. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Once the table is moved into place, Robertus climbs up, but holds off on taking a wider stance until Aryllan climbs up onto the table. Acrobatics Check:1d20 ⇒ 5 Guess we got the table in place. Height:2d10 ⇒ (2, 5) = 7 This makes Robertus 5'5", and 155 pounds. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus nods at the idea of the table. "Good idea Volta. Aryllan, Uraisa, and I will move the table. Volta, try and unlock one of the other chests with this key." He holds up the jeweled bronze key, handing it off to Volta. He then moves over and takes the degrading wicket basket and the jar filled with linens off the table, and gets ready to move the table the appropriate spot. Strength Check:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 Volta now has both keys. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus nods, walking to a spot in the center of the room and looking at Uraisa. He sets both polearms down, and sets himself as a solid foundation, almost like a climbing stone. "Alright Aryllan, go ahead. If we need the extra reach, Uraisa can hand you my Ranseur to Aryllan?" He gestures to the appropriate polearm, and then gets ready to lift Aryllan. Maximum lift is 460 pounds, while maximum lift overhead is 230. ![]()
Male Human Fighter 1 (Polearm Master)/ HP - 11/11
![]() Robertus quickly puts all but one of the linens back into the basket, then takes the basket over and sets it back onto the table. He then takes a quick moment to steady his hands, and pours the jar of acid into the basket filled with linens, leaving the wet, jeweled key sitting on top. He then takes the one, dry linen off the table, and retrieves the key with it, using that linen to dry it. Once he has retrieved and dried the key, he empties the now-acidic linens into the jar, so this way the acid doesn't completely ruin the floor. "I wonder which key this goes to?"