![]() Is there a particular reason that you want a multiclass fighter/cleric? A single-class cleric is probably a better melee fighter than a fighter/cleric or even a single-class fighter, if you're looking for front-linerness. I can understand about the frugal part, but taking a level in fighter is not being frugal. Paying a level of casting to change BAB from 3/4th to full and increasing hp is not a good deal. ![]()
![]() Can you still use these feats when you're in a real combat, as opposed to performing for a crowd? Like take mocking dance. It seems to be excellent, because it increases mobility and gives you another move action at the cost of a swift action. However, it requires that you spend a swift action to make a performance check. Would it be allowed to spend a swift action to make a performance check to impress a non-existent crowd (or maybe the gods or some vermin that happens to be watching) to use the feat? I was thinking about using the synergy of the Kensai dealing maximum damage, which grants a swift action check, to do something like: Round 1: Charge at the enemy and use performance check to flee 30 ft
![]() Either one. I wanted to make an interesting character that was actually viable. Like a melee character that does "cool" flips and stuff. I was thinking about refluffing hydraulic bull rush and stuff as force effects, flinging people across the room and stuff. While being small --- I was thinking magus because I could use spell combat to buff myself in combat. Say I strike the first time, cast jump on myself. Strike the second time, cast haste. Then start flipping and jumping all over the place with insanely buffed acrobatics. And then wild talent from the blue could be used to get the fluff of calming oneself (getting psionically focused) and get some feats for that, like one that increasing speed by 10 feet while maintaining focus and a one time burst of 30 feet movement for expending it. ![]()
![]() So I was wondering what the forumites would do if they were going to build Yoda in the fantasy setting. I was personally thinking magus or soulknife ontop of using a Blue or a Goblin. And with that, what kind of things would you add to be thematically appropriate? How would you add insane jumping ability, using high dex effectively in combat, etc? ![]()
![]() 1. I was looking at the jump DCs, and it seems that it gives DCs for a long jump and a high jump. But are there any rules on doing both, like jumping high enough to go over an opponent and far enough to land on the other side (compared to on top of them)? 2. What kind of action does a jump take? Does it take a standard action or move action, or could it even be part of a move? Thanks in advance for any input. ![]()
![]() Introduce Jen, LN Female Human Wizard (Though not traditional LN in a sense, will explain in the background) Spoiler:
Background: Jen was born to a merchantile family, strict adherents of Abadar, the lawgiver, and heavily entrenched in the arcane arts. Their merchantile exploits were mainly limited to trade along the coastline and on the occasion of improved relations with Cheliax, the inner sea as well. While their magical tradition was less far-stretching than their fleet of ships, it was by no means secondary to their success. It was often alleged by rivals (and acknowledged privately by the family) that their success was driven by their magical dabblings; the occasional magical insight bonus and mind control couldn't do much harm. Jen was raised with a reverence of Abadar, but her apprenticeship as a trader did not exactly warm her to the prospect of becoming a future merchant. She was forced to travel back and forth between cities twenty times to prove her worth, and by the end, she was completely at odds with moving to the next stage. It was the magical part of her training that truly inspired her the most and that was where she focused her efforts. After her family saw her talent with the arcane arts, she was immediately enrolled as a full apprentice of powerful Nethysian spellcasters, eager to spread magic through the city, using the powerful family as a conduit. As Nethysian spellcasters, they frequently warred each other over morality and as a result, many of her tutors were periodically killed. This experience left her with the conclusion that morality and the war between good and evil was a false concept. Only the word and law of magic could decide the right path. It was at the start of the final year of her apprenticeship when her last and final tutor was killed in a magical accident involving a faulty clamp and a vorpal blade that was being repaired. As a firm believer in magic as a sentient entity, Jen concluded that magic had decided that her training was complete. While she firmly believed that she was ready, her family was not, and tried to stop her from leaving in pursuit of greater magical power. They had trading networks all over the continent and their contacts in many places, enabling them to track her movements and bring her back if necessary...except for in the Southern Jungles. And when she heard of the adventuring oppertunities there, she used her magical skill to fool detection and clamber upon the ship set for new and strange lands...Another place to be conquered by the power of magic. These replies might be a bit shorter if I already elaborated up above 1) Where are you from? This will likely tie into where you board the Jenivere (see the Player's Guide). The bustling city of Absalom. 2) Why are you heading to Eleder? To show to her family that she is most assuredly ready to face the outside world, and to prove the supremacy of magic over the natural world and the chaos of the jungles. 3) Odd question: If your character were an animal, what would he or she be? Think of this as a personality question and feel free to explain If we're talking about DnD "Animals", probably a young dragon. While from a feared race (magical users), she is still untested. She has the confidence from her status as a magic user, but as someone that just graduated from being an apprentice (well, she promoted herself), she still needs to prove herself. If we're talking about real world animals, it gets a bit harder. I would say that a certain species of cuddlefish (related to octupus and squid). So it's this little tiny thing only slightly larger than a human fist, but it struts around on the seafloor with bright colors. While its physical size is not imposing, it is self-assured because it has a secret "magic" weapon (extremely deadly poison). Still, it is underestimated due to its size and until recently, human scientists believed that it was just faking. I will post the stat sheet tomorrow soon. :) ![]()
![]() Here's my submission for Jen, the Gnome Master Summoner Spoiler:
Backstory: Many would say that the path of magic leads to power. Others would say that it is a dark path, leading to soul crushing corruption. But to Jen, magic would lead to fame. Above all things, Jen was a show(wo)man and an entertainer; everything that she did was done with grace, finesse, and style. And naturally, what better way to perform than using the magic of conjuration and illusions? Jen was part of a nomadic group of people (kinda think of gypsies) that originated in Avistan. Originally living in the outskirts of Cheliax, her gnomish clan was approached several times by the diabolical (in the sense of demon summoning) government, attempting to recruit them as spellcasters, as gnomes were prized among other things as potent spellcasters. The nomadic band, unwilling to involve themselves in the dark arts, fled Cheliax and over the course of several decades reached the city of Absalom. Not to mention that besides the basic gnome cantrips, they were not actually spellcasters. While the true reason that they chose this city is not known to Jen, a contributing factor might have been its large population of gnomes and its cultural diversity. And of course, its money. As performers, the clan was reliant on a population base flush with expendable income, and Absalom, with its large population of traders and wealthy guildsmen made it the prime location. By the time Jen had been born, the nomadic group had already settled down comfortably within the city and had become well-known for its entertainment. Jen was trained in this vein and proved remarkably gifted. She took gnome magic to the next level, using spells to create spectacles of sight and sound. And when she realized that she was not going to be able to dazzle a loud crowd by herself, she enlisted the aid of summoned creatures, to help perform with her. So began Jen's amazing circus and her career as a ringmaster. But of course, crowds are always fickle and after dazzling crowds for years, they grew tired of her. Her profits began to sink and she had to close down. As gnomes always do, she went to seek more excitement, this time, in the form of adventuring. Her summoning skills from her circus days were also useful for the battlefield. Still, she retains her flair for the dramatic from her theater days. Personality: Jen is incredibly acrobatic and charismatic. She is always willing to try new things or discover new lands, in style, of course. While she may have a penchant for wearing showy clothes during adventures and talking too much. Sometimes she treats combat as a circus and monsters as circus animals, one of her frequent downfalls. Crunch: About Jen the Master Showman JEN CR 1/2
Dancing Lights, Ghost Sounds, Prestidigitation, Speak with Animals 1/day Level 0: Infinite (Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic, Message)
Ringmaster Hoop (+1 to Handle Animal)
![]() Yesh. I had a few ideas in mind, but I was wondering if you knew the personalities of the other people in the group? I tried to craft the mechanics so it was complementary, but I'm not so sure of the personalities yet. --- Oh wait, I found the OOC thread. Okay, here we go. If there's anything that you have questions about or you'd like me to flesh out, feel free. And if somehow I made some background or fluff that went against the workings of the world, I'll change that. Spoiler: Background: Jen was not born into a traditional clan, but into a roving band without a home and without a name. Originally a nomadic group steeped into the arts of druidic magic on the surface world, the nature it had worshipped was taken from them as they were forced into hiding from the demons and they switched to the arts of the Kaiju. As rather late arrivals into the sanctuary, they settled into various temporary shelters and slums. Of course, this did not lend well to the honor of the band and as a result, they were not very powerful. Originally, her training was in the power of the Kaiju, the use of natural predators against the demons. Yet the more she studied and the more she watched, it was clear to her that this was not the solution. Either the Telvani were too weak to control one, or they in turn were too weak to defeat the demons. Her masters had not been entirely forthcoming about the truths of Kaiju mastery (or as she calls it, lying), leading her to try and find the solution in the Eidolon, powerful outsiders that were specially attuned to the summoner. But within that, she found another flaw. The Eidolon was powerful and controllable, but hardly versatile. It could have the combat prowess to defeat several demons, but would then perish against the harsh enviromental dangers of the outside world. She had watched countless summoners stricken with grief upon the temporary "death" of their Eidolons and more importantly, left with little power to defend themselves. It was with this in mind that she turned to the arts of sorcery and master summoning. This left her with the versatility of any number of summoned creatures with any emotional attachment. Further, her powers were not limited to the strength of her Eidolon, as long as she still had spells left to protect herself and summons left to cast. Personality: Her belief in the absolute power of pragmatism led to the choice of her path and it continues to carry into her future. As a result of her use of expendable summons, she did not develop the empathy like many other summoners for outsiders, including her Eidolon. While she does not disrespect her Eidolon, without her spiritual energy, it does not frequently come onto the material plane. Even when it does, it is more of a globular, undefined shape, hence the name "Puddles." She has little respect for the natural world as well, despite her family heritage. The little that remains is probably from her blood, carrying from the generations before. Sometimes she is ruthless in her quest to defeat the demons and that can get the better of her. ![]()
![]() I get the image of a Pharasmic cleric guiding various undead into giant underground caverns (like carbon capture) using control undead schemes... Until a major seismic event leads to the caverns cracking open and the undead climbing over each other to escape, leading to zombie apocalypse! Actually, that could be a campaign right there. ![]()
![]() I'd definitely be interested in this game and will be submitting a master summoner. It will be up soon. Spoiler: Jen, Female Telvani Master Summoner 1
Level 0
Level 1
Summon monster (10/day) Feats:
Puddles, Quadraped Eidelon
![]() DM Acid:
Yeah, I was unaware of how the adventure path started, so I just left it at a loose end. I could not find where we would begin within the adventure path's player guide, so I felt that leaving at that stage would make it easy to continue on. I just didn't want to go with the cliche "Oh, girl with super powers escapes from unescapable prison" theme, so anything can be tweaked and weaved in with the story. I personally recommend looking at one of Shanosuke's games for combat, because it flows really nicely for a PbP combat system. ![]()
![]() Spoiler:
Puckml the Gnome Summoner (Master Summoner), NG History: Puckml was born to a family of summoners, deeply entrenched into the service of a powerful aristocrat in Westcrown. This particular aristocrat was a full-blown worshiper of Asmodeus, and as part of their occupation, Puckml's family delved deep into the art of summoning to extract the most powerful and sinister forces of evil, to bring them into the material plane to serve. As one of the more powerful magical families, their social status was second only to even greater aristocrats and they enjoyed comparatively remarkable freedoms for people that weren't part of the ruling class. Puckml was groomed to continue the family tradition, a new gnome for every human that took up the aristocratic mantle. She was certainly talented, managing to summon a low level imp within the first year of her apprenticeship, but doubt crept into her mind. The demons were sometimes used to torture or punish captives. Summoners were required to remain in viewing distance, to make sure their demons were under control, but the first time that Puckml tried to watch her first torture session, she had to run out of the room and another summoner had to take her place. It was clear to her that she could not follow in the footsteps of her parents. It was during this time that she was assigned an Eidolon, a creature of immense power from another plane that was to act as her guard and guide, but since it looked so similar to the creature that were torturing people to their death, she believed that her family was intrinsically evil and were trying to push her in that direction, she actively restricted its power. It was because of this restriction that it was unable to protect her when thugs paid by other competing aristocrats kidnapped her and her family. Along with rebels opposed to the Westcrown government, she was tortured by the demons that she used to control, even though she was only a child. She was rescued along with the other prisoners by rebel forces, but her family was already dead, having been tortured extra for information relating to demon summoning (which they refused to share). As a "demon summoner" working for the government, the rebels took interest and demanded ransom for her to be released. When it became clear to the resistance that she was not in cahoots with the demons and that the government was not going to pay the ransom, they offered her a chance to use her magical talents for good and it was here that she learned to summon other creatures that could help her combat the evil, corrupting force of the demons. (Leaving it at a loose end here so that it can be easily tied in with other backstories later) Personality: Puckml is rather secretive about her past and tends to focus on the future. She has a strong sense of empathy and refuses to torture for information. While she is fiercely combative against the forces of evil, she also believes in the power of redemption, as she was also redeemed. While she has maturity beyond her age, Puckml is still a child, so sometimes she chatters incessantly and is easily frightened. Motivations: After having her family killed and herself tortured in the name of aristocratic squabbling as well as the deaths of countless others, she believes that it is the deep involvement of the government with Asmodeus which is causing the issues. While she was not particularly close to her family, her strong sense of empathy for others (perhaps it's not actually empathy, if you literally know what it is like to be tortured) compels her to stop others from suffering what she herself had to endure. (Also, I see some potential for some roleplaying with her Eidolon, since she is intensely distrustful of it, but it has her best interests at heart) Reference for writing: Reference Link Comments? ![]()
![]() I believe the issue is that half of you are talking about strict, strict RAW in regards to Pathfinder Society play, and the other half of you are talking about being reasonable in a home game. In PFS, the GM has no power to overturn RAW. It doesn't matter if it becomes stupid or ridiculous, if it's what it says on the tin. RAW, it does not say anything about willfully or anything for a druid. So if a druid does X, then Y happens. Dominated or otherwise, the druid is still physically doing X. Of course, I would never do that in a home game, but the original question was about PFS. ![]()
![]() Puckml the Blue Kobold (Alternately, Human with some Blue Kobold Heritage, if Kobolds do not count as core): Kobold Stat Array: STR: 6 (Not even a dump, but the racial modifier is THAT bad)
Human Stat Array: STR: 8
Class: Cleric Gimmick: While not particularly strong or smart herself, she relies on her two crocodile friends as protection. These two particular crocodiles are named Butterscotch and Caramel, after the foods that they first ate in her process to gain their trust (and in return, they become her animal companions). As such, she spends most of her time buffing her companions and her crocodile friends, while they do the heavy fighting. Outside of combat, she frequently preaches and gives solid advice, while slowly attempting to convert everyone to her cause. Physical Description: (Kobold) Shorter and bluer than most of her kobold compatriots, her form is quite stout. What she lacks in physical strength, she makes up in comparatively tougher constitution and adept mental senses. (Human) Shorter than most of her human compatriots, her form is quite stout. In certain lights, her skin is tinged slightly blue, but her most striking feature are her deep yellow eyes, a relic from her kobold ancestry. What she lacks in physical strength, she makes up in comparatively tougher constitution and adept mental senses. Personality: Her personality is mostly helpful, but primarily driven by the quest to unite all of dragonkind. Sometimes she may act somewhat condescending as if "SHE WAS THE MESSIAH", but normally she is kind and will listen to anyone's troubles, if it does not interfere with her question. She is extremely goal oriented, and will continue to fight stubbornly until the bitter end. History: (Human edits in parenthesis) For as long as she could remember, her life was filled only by the long and seemingly futile quest to unite dragonkind. Her parents, inconsequential. Her friends, inconsequential. It was only her quest that mattered. But few would listen to kobolds (the poor). Her life as a kobold (beggar) was already difficult, but it would become even more difficult when people heard about what she was trying to do. She was rather unintelligent and weak for a kobold (human), but she had succeeded on countless occasions against the odds, something that she credits to her inner dragon, fuelling her faith and giving her strength to accomplish even greater deeds. Other members of her clan thought the ancient connection with dragons was dead, but she knew better. (Other people in her village thought she was crazy to even approach a dragon, the destroyers of countless villages). And now the evil serpent folk were corrupting the kingdom and giving a bad name to those with scales everywhere? Now she continues to walk, grinding her feet against the hard dirt, looking for aid to continue her noble quest, defeat the evil serpent folk, and unite all of dragonkind. One step at a time, of course. ![]()
![]() Shanosuke: I was wondering if it would be possible to modify the Dervish Dance feat so it applies to other one-handed weapons as well (with a refluff)? Having it only applying to Scimitars makes it pretty limiting. And if she takes Boon Companion as a feat early on, would it allow her to get an animal companion earlier or will she have to wait until 4th level like normal? ![]()
![]() Hi, I'm Jen, she says rather timidly, but less so than when she greeted Ashley. Of course I can introduce you, he's a very interesting person. Actually Floyd, I will take you up on your offer, she says, looking at Aidan, but believing that she was looking at Floyd. Jen scrawls a small note on a napkin, Hey, some people want to meet you. -Jen, before tucking it in one of the folds of the paper airplane and sending it off in Terry's direction. It lands nicely in front of him. Not sure if or when Terry will respond to this, so leaving it open ended ![]()
![]() Possible 3.X Shenanigan: Uber Decrepit (3x), Venerable, Dragonwrought, Loredrake, Spell-hoarding, Greater Draconic Rited, Young, Advanced, Nalfeshnee-Possessed, Solar-Blessed, Hellcat-Bound, Perpetually Drunk, White Dragonspawn Abomination Racial Ability Score (Decrepit using the advancing age option, hence Venerable) +10,+18,+8,+17,+7,+13 Normal CR :) And free special abilities:
And basically every resistance and immunity of devils, celestials, demons, dragons, as well as +5 free wizard casting levels ![]()
![]() Sure, I would love to. Mr. Camden perks up, hoping to please on his first day. I'll prepare that! He moves over to the microwave to warm one of the ciabatta and fumbles with the buttons. Hmm...okay. Let's try this, wait no, that's not right. My years as a scout never prepared me for this. He finally seems to get it working and the machine started up, whirling its contents inside. The countdown began: 2:00, 1:59... Mr. Camden sighs with relief and heads off to watch Ashley "work." Except after two minutes, the counter was only at 1:57, as if Mr. Camden had set the microwave for two hours. The sounds of the microwave was common enough that no one noticed, even Mr. Camden, who was supposed to be keeping track, until the Ciabetta heated up too far and exploded, covering the inside of the microwave with sauce and bits of salami. That was supposed to be your group, but I thought you guys were still at the bar. :) ![]()
![]() ooc:
I think Jen would fit well in either group. For group one, Floyd made a good point about the mediating female influence (and the prick thing, which might end up in conflict), and for group two, the contrast between popular cheerleader Ashley with fire and unnoticed nature explorer Jen with water would also be interesting. Jen notices the paper airplane drifting lazily past, and excusing herself from the table, picks it up from the floor. The front point is a bit dented, but she quickly smoothes it out. She traces the path back to the origin of the plane and sees a group by the bar, speaking intently and maintaining eye contact. Seeing her chance, Jen walks casually by, slipping the paper airplane back onto the counter near one of their sandwiches. ![]()
![]() Ashley, the picture you chose for your avatar is the same one as I'm using for a cleric of Erastil. Very wierd to see it for both characters. Jen, she says, addressing both Moose and Terry. She turns to Terry. So I guess one of the teachers finally got tenure and decided to risk something for their kids? I don't believe it. A small, playful grin appears on her face. It's okay; when I head off of school grounds, I have to wait until school security is distracted. At the time, I thought they were the only ones that... Her voice trails off as Ashley enters the cafe rather loudly. While ordinarily she would not mind, as it had always been the status quo that the cheerleaders would get the attention, but Jen was enjoying this particular conversation. When Ashley greets her, she is surprised and only manages a feeble wave in return. Hi Cooper. She accompanies the greeting with a shy wave. While he might not know her name, she was usually perceptive and knew everyone, though that was more often than not a one-sided relationship. ![]()
![]() I probably hike more than you've seen me, but I only wander around the school grounds when I'm tired. For a real adventure, I wander a few miles... Jen stops and realizes the importance of Terry's statement. Not many have seen her, a rare few have noticed her, and only a small handful have ever remembered her. But here was this person that she did not know, that did all three. Secondly...The roof? How did you get up there? ![]()
![]() 16:00! Damnit, not again! She stomps the ground in an uncharacteristic show of frustration. As Jen spins around to exit the cafe, she bumps into the very person that she was waiting for, her scout master. Unlike usual, he is wearing a loose fitting shirt and tie, attire that was definitely not suited for the outdoors. I'm sorry Jennifer, I tried to reach you sooner. It was strange for him to call her by her full name and made her curious. I called your house, but you weren't there. The other scouts haven't seen you all day and since you insist on not carrying a cell phone or checking your email...Anyways, I finally found a job again, working here at Monrial's cafe. Unfortunately, this means that I won't have time to plan camping trips. I know that they meant a lot to you, but I hope that someone else can take up the slack and continue to make these trips happen. Another man, presumbly the store's manager, comes out of a locked door and waves to her scout master. He quickly leaves to greet him, leaving Jen unable to get a word in edgewise and obstructing the line. ![]()
![]() Jen enters the cafe, a place that she had been only a few times before, to pick up some books for her classes. Immediately, a strong waff of coffee hits her like a brick wall. At least, it was strong to someone that was so unaccustomed to being in the cafe. The scent sends her reeling, forcing Jen to take a few deep breaths outside to regain her composure. I don't remember that from last time, she mutters under her breath. Discreetly lifting her travel handkerchief closer to her face to block some of the smell, she walks into the cafe again, making a beeline for the coffee shop. From the height of the sun, she knows that she is late for her group meeting to head out camping. Seeing none of her group present, Jen asks for a cup of hot water from the barristars, preparing some tea from some leaves that she picked up from her time in the outdoors. Despite drinking her tea in slow sips, none of her group members arrive by the she can see the bottom of her cup. Frustration mounting, she tosses her cup into the garbage and heads off into the book section of the store, to rid herself of the horrible smell. She taps one of the people waiting in line, a tall man that she has seen a few times in school (*cough*Trenton*cough*). Excuse me, I hope I'm not interrupting, but would you happen to have the time?