hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Will: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 Correct, Hardness still applies Eagle is unprepared for the energy spike and takes it full on. "This flank is secure!" she shouts to the others
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Round 2: no rage for me Acrobatics DC 18: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Eagle rushes over the tree and stabs at the evil plant Round 3, accepting rage
Rerolling that, 4 GM stars
With sudden speed she attacks again!
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Eagle waits to see how things develop "It is an evil creature, but does that give us the right to kill it?" She tries to address the creature in draconic "Hello, I am sorry. Can we talk?"
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Not wanting to run headlong into a fight with something that is also lured here Eagle takes a moment to determine whether this foe is evil "Why are we fighting this creature? Grimpfkin, let me go, I will not fight for your amusement!" move to detect evil, I am fine with not using my standard
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Eagle takes a good long look at the creature detect evil Evil:
"I will not partake in your tests and it would be wise if we all ignore this evil creature" Not evil: "Do we all have to take the same test? Otherwise I would prefer the test of speed"
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
I assume slide 13? Can you move it to position 1 if that is indeed the appropriate slide? Warry of the thickets Eagle draws her mace and moves closer to the elk, staying away from the underbrush. If the elk would attack her she is ready! Readied attack if someone attacks her or an adjacent ally: 1d20 + 6d6d1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + (3, 3, 5, 2, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 2, 6, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3) + 1 = 57 "This is not natural!"
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Eagle dances past the high-flying dragon and attacks the kobold with her mace. I assumed the dragon is out of reach. If it is not I will attack it instead of the kobold, add 2 to attack and 4 to damage from smite evil. Also: Acrobatics to avoid AoO: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Climb: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 Restless eagle climbs up and draws a dagger when she is up, having dropped her mace when she started climbing That is another double move for me
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
"Good king, these kobolds are just minions of the true beasts of winter; Dragons. If we show them we are hardier than winter itself these kobolds will ly low again" Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Having said her piece with the king Eagle turns to the Queen "My queen, dragons and kobolds are nothing more than ravenous beasts. Would you have them kill everything there is? We need to cull them, bring down the flock so the pasture can rest and recuperate." Handle Animal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 "I would like to add that it is not only the animals of the forest are suggering. The fey are also suffering. Help them help the animals of the forest, please." Handle Animal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 Those dice are on fire!
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Smack: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 6 + 2 = 25
Eagle moves into a flank and smacks the giant kobold. Giant being relative of course, compared to a standard kobold...
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Eagle locks eyes with the champion "You're going down!" and then strikes with her mace. Smite: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 2 = 26
AC 21 vs the champion
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
The female shoanti that had introduced herself as Restless Eagle draws a dagger while she moves forward She holds her dagger in front of her, ready to slash at the first enemy that comes within reach "Foul undead! We will put them to rest!" Readied attack if an enemy comes within reach: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
hp 12/16 | Ac 19 T14 FF 15| Init +4 Fort +5 Ref+6 Will +6 | Perception +0 Sense Motive +5 | LoH (1d6) 3/3 | Smite 0/1 | Reroll 0/1
Player Name: Gerard / Magabeus
Starting GP: 2
Total GP and PP costs for any equipment you purchased in this scenario. Please leave this open, I will probably purchase items with the proceeds from the scenario.
Initiative Bonus: +4