The Manyfaced One

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For those of you who do not use eletronics at the table, I have made an Initiative Card Template for your use.

It is as basic as can be. It uses a program called Scribus, which is really easy to use (especially with the provided templates).

For if you've never used Scribus:
The templates are setup such that each card has two components, 1st is 'upside-down', and the 2nd is 'right-side-up'. Simply Right-Click on a card, then click 'Get Image'. Select an image to use (portrait pictures will work best). Repeat for the other element. Now finish the sheet with all the goblins, skeletons, or w/e you want.

When I print mine, I use photo paper with high quality settings. You can use plain printer paper, grey-scale, and high speed if you really want to save yourself some money.

Once they're printed, cut them out, and fold over the cards. Drape them over your GM screen, or just stand them in a row.

You may need to "Right-Click -> Save As", these are on Dropbox.
Large Template: I use this for my beginning and end labels (they say "Highest Initiative" and "Lowest Initiative", as well as PC's, NPC's, and Boss characters.

Medium Template: Useful for most creatures, for large encounters, consider using it for larger threats, leaving the small ones for the grunts.

Small Template: Small fries.

If your supply of paper/ink is low, just use the medium ones and small ones.

I hope folks enjoy these, feedback is welcome. Also, if there are similar resources out there, feel free to let me know of them.