Paladin of Iomedae

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Organized Play Member. 50 posts (51 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

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Orthos wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
I take your magic and turn it again you? Did anyone else think of the Mord-Sith from the Sword of Truth series?
I didn't before but now I am.

That makes two classes that remind me of characters from Sword of Truth.

Remember Chase, the Warden in Wizard's First Rule, the first book in the series? When I think of the Slayer class, I keep imagining Chase, just carrying around an arsenal and using various tactics to fight, rather than being a straight up fighter or a ranger with Favored Enemy (Evil Outsider).

I have a feeling people are going to start comparing Sword of Truth characters to these new classes…

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deuxhero wrote:
One thing not mentioned: What if a Half-Elf has BOTH classes as favored classes?

They are only gaining levels in one class, let's say Slayer. They start off as Slayer, and choose that they can get the Rogue Favored Class Bonus. Choosing Ranger and Rogue as a Half-Elf wouldn't help because they are gaining levels in neither of those classes, rather, they are gaining levels in Slayer.

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This is something I am for, a class that uses a pool to cast spells in a way similar to the Magus, but much better, changing it so that it is used more for spells, then just recalling them, and memorizing them. The new concept seems to me like a walking Dispel Magic that turns the magic they've dispelled into other spells.

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The_Lake wrote:
Jaunt wrote:

Increased threat range makes it less streaky, yes, but you have to admit that relying on a 1 in 4 chance to even trigger the possibility of a crit, followed by having to confirm it, is much less reliable than simply getting a chance to hit it and do damage. Theoretically, high risk (missing) balances high reward (critting), but save that for some kind of gambler class. Slayer, to me, says reliable and hardhitting. That currently seems to be the intent, minus unreliable sneak attack. I understand that any class can crit, but there's a difference between being able to crit, and being reliant on crits. Even if, in becoming reliant, you make crits more, but not very, reliable.

My suggestion was RIDICULOUSLY large threat range by adding the only stacking "keen" abilities in the game.

falchion: 18-20/x2
keen falchion: 15-20/x2
suggested +1 threat ability + keen falchion: 14-20/x2
suggested alternate assassinate + keen falchion: 9-20/x2
+1 threat ability + alternate assassinate + keen falchion: 7-20/x2

So with a weapon optimized for reliable crits it's only a gamble if you can expect to hit on a 2-6 or 2-8 anyway. In most cases i would expect a higher chance of hitting and criting with the ability than hitting on a 3rd iterative at -10 BAB.

I do agree that martial debuffing probably doesn't have much use between casters and combat lasting 2-4 rounds anyway so reducing ability scores or attack bonuses by a couple of points won't change anything.

That said if the debuffs were on the order of dispelling/lose standard action/lose move action then i think it would be worth it.


Your suggestion seems more like a very weird archetype or PrC rather than a base class. I would be interested in seeing this happen at some point for a Slayer Archetype, but again, not for the base class.

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Insain Dragoon wrote:

10th level Human Slayer of 2WF
STR: 16
Dex: 21
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 7
1. Weapon Finesse, two weapon fighting
2. Weapon training Short sword
3. Power attack
4. Talent for favored terrain (most appropriate for setting)
5. Iron will
6. Combat trick: Improved two weapon fighting
7. Greater weapon focus Short sword
8. Slowing strike
9. Double Slice
10. Opportunist


Insain Dragoon wrote:

2. Weapon training Short sword

Weapon Training is a Fighter class ability

Insain Dragoon wrote:

7. Greater weapon focus Short sword

This requires 8 levels in Fighter

Also, I'm designing a level 15 Slayer, level 15 Ranger, a Level 15 Rogue, and possibly a Rogue 8/Ranger 7 or Rogue 7/Ranger 8 if I feel like it. They'll be focused on Two-Weapon Fighting, and I'll post them here afterwards with a comparison.

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Dragon78 wrote:
Personally it should get a max 5d6 sneak attack but it's chosen target is always considered flat footed. If the target as uncanny dodge then the slayer has to be a level higher for it to work. Basically it studies a target in knows where too consistently strike it to get sneak attack damage.

This is an idea I like, though I am afraid that this may space out sneak attack dice too much. A talent that allows a Slayer to always sneak attack their favored target would be nice and much preferred.

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Rorenado wrote:
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Rorenado, I see your point, but we can't cram something from the (optional) words of power system into this class. We can make spell kenning easier, and theme it to certain things (such as "you can use this for sonic, divination, and X Y Z effects") to make its purpose clearer.

It was just a suggestion, and I understand your point about the words of power system. Another suggestion would be to theme it to word based magic, or runes, or something to that nature as well, as well as any spell with a language-dependent variable.

Thanks for responding!

One way Spell Kenning could work while keeping in the theme would be to allow it's use only on spells that have Vocal components, since, as stated before, kennings were phrases. These phrases would be used as the Vocal component for the spell when using Spell Kenning.

Edit: This could, however, be annoying in that a player would have to look up each spell and see if it uses Vocal components just so that they can use Spell Kenning.

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I believe this class needs a good Fort save, along with the current Reflex save, because guess what BOTH Gunslinger and Fighter have? Good Fort saves.

As this class is uses light armor, and is meant to be agile, I think that Evasion would be a decent fit, though there doesn't seem to be a need for Improved Evasion. Also, it would make sense to have the class add Charisma to their AC, or at least half of their Charisma, since this class, unlike the Gunslinger, is a melee fighter, and unlike Fighter, doesn't have access to medium or heavy armor.

For Swashbuckler Finesse, I think it should get the Weapon Finesse feat in addition to the ability to use One-handed weapons with DEX, as it can cause problems in various ways. Some people have a problem with the fact that you can't use it to get the Dervish Dance feat, though you also can't get the Mythic version of Weapon Finesse in a Mythic game that allows you to use DEX for damage either unless you spend a feat on regular Weapon Finesse.