Ratfolk Troubleshooter

Rediz Mazar's page

313 posts. Organized Play character for Kulko.


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Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)
GM West wrote:

Elliander speaks openly about the perils they faced in Wati, with the Cult of the Forgotten Pharaoh and their search for more information on the mysterious Sky Pharaoh Hakotep I. Deaconess Sekek writes down the information, making a few remarks as to the bravery of the adventurers in the face of the undead horde that threatened their sister city. "I will certainly relay your request to the the haty-a Deka An-Keret. Please return tomorrow morning and perhaps I will have her response by that time."

Any plans for tonight? Otherwise I'll fast forward to the following morning.

Rediz is fine with fast forwarding.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Looking at the Priestess rediz is completely lost in the intrinsic details of her dresses embroidery while he waits for Francis to speak up.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

An aid from Rediz and Soumral autosuceeds since on skill checks there is no automatic failure on rolling a 1

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Looking for a bit of open space in this cramped halls, rediz unfolds his wings and flies a few times along the main hallway to gain the necessary height, before retruning to the history section and scanning the upper shelves. Knowing his limited time he scans the markings for anything from the appropriate time befroe quickly checking on the scrolls in that section. After a few minutes he strikes gold and returns to the others with a scroll about Hakotep also called the "Sky Pharao"

"Does this picture look a bit strange to you too? Why would thomebody paint him like that? We really need to find out more. I found thith scroll claiming this scroll was copied from the inner sanctum. How about we go there to find out if there is more about this ruler still waiting to be copied."

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Sorry, live being a bit hectic right now, yes Rediz can fly for a couple of minutes, if this is enough.

Will try to be more attentive.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

"Do you believe this is wise? We might draw unwanted attention to our investigation. I am sure, the two of us can find our way through a library quite handily."

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

@GM: I was just asking the group for ideas.

@All: Lets just come back tomorrow.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Knowing that Cleanliness is very important to avoid diseases in foreign lands, Rediz puts down his last coins for the more expensive package.

Knowing guards in all cities will always be guards and seeing that this man clearly does not believe the city of Tephu could ever be in such a dire situation Rediz suggest they come back in the morning. "I don't belive its worth it Amenhep, the man is only doing his job. Surely we can come back in the morning."

I don't believe anybody has the skills to find us some illegal way into the city?

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

"Thank you, Amenhep, do you mind to send me over some of that fresh bread?", Rediz takes to the dinner with an appetite contradicting his small size.

When later discussion turns to the question of plans, he suggests that we first find out a bit about the city. "If what we heard is right, there might be a bit of trouble coming outr way once we start asking questions, and I belive we should know who's who in that place before that happens."

Rediz himslef is not a peoples person, so he cannot find out too mich on his own.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

@ GM
Craft Alchemy should have a +7 bonus to craft Items by now, but apart from that the character Sheet sounds fine.

My clothing and rations only weight half the normal weight, so the belt and the rations are slightly lighter.

I general I was thinking about using only the bag of holding from now on and storing the flasks in my bandolier, which should hold 8 slots (6 potions, wand and thieves tools)

I don't believe I have any problems with retrieving something from taking a full round action as most of the other stuff isn't used is combat, especially since this might mean I can keep the mace out.

Daily prepared spells:
L1 (6)
Heightened Awareness
Targeted Bomb Admixture
3 unused

L2 (4)
Alchemical Allocation
Tanglefoot Bombs
1 unused

L3 (2)
1 unused

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)
GM West wrote:

Rediz, I've got your character sheet finished. I've got the following notes:

I think your HP is +5. You rolled a 3 on the d8, which is upped to half (4), then +1 for CON. Not sure where the other +1 you mentioned came from, but maybe I overlooked something? Your HP total at the moment is 40.

That is correct, I just copied from last time where we made two levels at once so I still had +2 con bonus in there which is why I arrived at 6.

I thought of an appropriate language, as Khelish is spoken in this area of Golarian. Let me know if that's OK, or if you'd like to choose another.

Sounds fine too me.

And thanks for all the adjustment of load, I still had planned to do that. Will Look through the deatils on the weekend.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

I can access the site and the sheet himself looks well organized and easily readable. Although I would prefer longer seldom used sections to be in in something like the paizo spoilers to reduce the need for Scrolling.

PS: Whe you calculated the amount of money did you consider that we are selling the Spellbook after we have successfully copied what we need?

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Tephu! Finally Rediz will be able to see this jewel of the desert.

When he was young, uncle Fradak used to be his favourite uncle. When Fradak came around Rediz would sneak into the grown uos cave and klisten to his stories of far away places and wonders.

The young ratling dreamed of spending the noght at the People'S square, watching in awe at the acrobats performing there acts, while tasting foreign fruits and snacks from the various vendors.

Now 15 years later he would finally be able to go there himself. Pf course rediz suggests finding a in in the outer city where the real lifeblood of the city lies, but he is soon convinced that the security of the mask is more important.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)
GM West wrote:

And don't forget! I'm offering you all the chance to use your imagination in the adventure thread and write up something you might have done to deserve some extra gold or a magic item of some kind (let's cap it at 750gp or so) or even a discount on a more valuable magic item which I might allow to go over that limit - depending on how much your spending.

Maybe you were helping a merchant to repair his shop and found something valuable you returned to them? Perhaps you are approached because you saved someone's daughter or son? It'd be a fun way of looking over the adventure thread all the way back to the beginning and find something that maybe seemed innocuous at the time and expand on it!

The more detailed and compelling your story, the more likely I am to grant your wish - even if it goes over my limit somewhat.

I know but I must admit I am completely blank and the events in the thread don't really gave me any inspiration, but I will keep thinking while you are on holiday.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)
Soumral Malyarin wrote:
Eliander and Rediz, how about Soumral kicks in 150 for the Bag of Holding, and Eliander can keep 150 of the 300 he was going to give?

I believe Eliander is overspending his own share already, so I am not sure if he can really finance the bag.

But between Francis and Soumral I am sure I can find the neccessary money.

@Francis: The Scimitars where found they day before our second expedition into the city of the deadand I think we sold them already to finance some minor kit improvements for the Fight ith the big baddie.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)
Elliander Celandi wrote:
@Rediz: Sure! 300gp enough?

Unfortunately 450 gp but I am sure somebody else can also chip in. And I am of course willing to carry stuff for other people.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Being fluxed by his failure to capture the magic of the Haste spell in a formula Rediz spends another few nights in Labratory until he finally suceeds.

Forgot to roll one spell in Week 1
Spellcraft Fly DC 18: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 Success

Rerolling failures next week
Spellcraft Haste DC 18: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 Success
Spellcraft False Life DC 17: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 Success
Spellcraft Detect Undead DC 16: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14 Fail but useless anyway

Thats another 220 gp for a total of 450 gp.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)
Elliander Celandi wrote:
@Rediz: Are you getting a Bag of Holding?

Looks like I will only be short a couple of hundred GP short since I need thise to scribe my new formulaes. But if somebody can chip in these I will buy one.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Yes it works the same but I found the following in the rules.

Rules wrote:

If the check fails, the wizard cannot understand or copy the spell. He cannot attempt to learn or copy that spell again until one week has passed. If the spell was from a scroll, a failed Spellcraft check does not cause the spell to vanish.

Which is why I assumed no second attempts if we want to sell the spellbook here in Wadi. And since I only failed on inconsequential spells I don't see a reason not to sell it now.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

can Someone bring me a bit up to speed how bad this Nakht Shepses really was?

@ GM: as said, I think I am mostly looking for a bag of holding which is worth 2500 gp, but after all is said and done I can probably afford only about 500 gp.
As far as deedds are going, Since I joined we only wandered through the cityof dead if I remmeber correctly. So if I could convince Soumral to visit that Lamia once more, in exchange for a bag of holding? *Just kidding*

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Rediz is happy to hear that although he immediately regrets having asked when Amenheps level of play raises again after cleansing his system.

"Thats most welcome. And from what we have seen here Pharasmas arm will probably be needed wherever we meet that cult again."

Having gained acces to the spellbook from Soumral, you do not see Rediz for a full day as he tries to ban the arcane formulas in his extracts.

SC Haste DC 18: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 Fail
SC Invisibility DC 18: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 Success
SC Communal Resist Energy DC 18: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 Success
SC False Life DC 17: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 Fail
SC Bears Endurance DC 17: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 Success
SC Detect Undead DC 16: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 Fail
SC Shield DC 16: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 Success

Since Soumral knows Haste I can probably copy it from here so I am fine with selling it.
Rediz also spends 2*90 + 40 + 10=230 gp

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

@ Soumral, if we get to spend a whole week one trying to scribe spells from that book, I think it is fairt to assume that Rediz would hold it for about a day (12 hours) giving me a try on all of the 3rd levels spells as well as one or two minor ones.

@ GM: was there any language we came across on that adventure which felt like it was worth learning for my linguistics point?

@Loot: Rediz does like a few doses (5?) of the poison, but we can sell the rest. If I understand it correctly we get about 1000 gp/character, not a lot of money at this stage. I was hoping for a bag of holding, but that will have to wait for a while then.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

A few days later Rediz returns home to the tavern after another frustrating day looking for Moondew to stock up his portable lab, when he finds Amenhep sitting in the barroom enjoying his beer and setting up a Senet board. "You are a player?" he wonders stepping closer.

When the Paladin admits to his passion, he ask for permission to join.

"As long as Soumral is fumbling about trying to decipher that spellbook I might as well have a good time while we are waiting."
The Ratling has only recently learned the rules from a fellow pathfinder, but found itz a welcome challenge for his mind and is more than happy to while an evening or two away.

"Looks like we are going to Tephu from here. Soumral hasn't told me her decision yet, but I imagine she is as intrigued as I am and she is just handling the formalities with the organization. But what about you? Are you going to help the priests to clean their city or coming with us? If that cult is still about I am sure they will try to prevent us from finding out too much about their plans and somebody like you will come in wvery handy if things turn ugly."

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Round up to 6 if I remember correctly

BAB +1

Damage to 4d4/4d8
Bomb Number+1 -> 14 per day

Improved Initiative

Skills (9):
Disable Device +1
Heal +1
Know Nature +1
Perception +1
Stealth +1
Climb +1
Survival +1
Fly +2

BG Skills
Linguistics +1 (Any languages we met down here which I might want to learn?)
Know History +1

Favored Class
1/6 new discovery

New Spells

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

I wasn't asking for the mask, showing that one to Sebti I am fully on board with. I was thinking about the jewels and the other sarcophagus in this room.

As a player it feels wrong to open them, but my character likely would suggest it.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

BTW what exactly were the rules on keeping thigs you find within the city of dead?

Would we be allowe d ot open tose sarcophagi? would we want to.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

While the others discuss how to proceed with the mask, Rediz is searching the room for any hidden treasure.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)
Soumral Malyarin wrote:
Yeah, between beefing up the 'ole spell book and scribing some scrolls I think Soumral will be spending a lot of time with that spell book.

Soumral, I am fine with you getting first dips, but there are two spells I would like to convert into formulae relatively soon (Invisiblity and Haste). so hopefully we can come to someform of arrangement.

There are 4 more which I would not mind in the long run but no rush on those.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

If I understand it correctly Elliander is a MAgus and as such can also copy spells from that spellbook.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Wow I assume Soumral and Rediz will fight the next few weeks who is allowed to copy that spellbook first.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Not much here either apart from the first L3 Spells. And everybody gets a bonus feat.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

"Yippee ki-yay, m***!"

Rediz uses his newfound wings to fly up to the top of the room and fly a few

Thanks Soumral, but I have been sitting out a few fights before to have the power left to do this.

Next steps:
- What exactly is this place? Why did it cause the undead to rise? do we need to switch something off?
- Reconsecrate the alter using the holy water fountain?

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)
GM West wrote:
Rediz, give me one more damage roll for your bomb from last round.

Why do you think so? I don't think the alkahest stacks up over multiple bombs, but I am not sure.

Explosive Bomb

If it does stack he was hit by 5 of them so far I believe so I would have to roll even more damage but that sounds vastly overpowered.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Fort DC13: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 Rediz is not Nauseated

"Trying to play cat and mouse are we?"

Rediz spreads his wings again and surges forward and above the cloud. I stop at a point where I won't fall back into the cloud if I fail fly checks and should be able to see the priest unless he has moved massively.

Talking a short look around for the necromancer he throws another of his bombs.

Alkahest Bomb vs. Touch: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27 (+4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 Size, +1 PBS, +1 Fire Bug)
Dam: 3d4 + 6 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) + 6 = 15 (+5 INT, +1 PBS)

additional Alkahest damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Thanks a lot, that should be enough to survive the sphere and even two full hits and he hopefully can't have more than 40 points of damage left.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Rediz is able to avoid the first ray but the second one hits him in the side leaving a stink of burning fur everywhere. It also pushes him further back into the sphere of pure electric ebergy burnung into his back.

"Arrrrghh. Francis! I need your help."

Seeing most of the others still stuck inside the granite spikes, Rediz sees he has no other option than to trust in Francis and try tpo distract the priest until Eliander or Amenhep manage to break free. "Think you can bully the small ones do we."

Alkahest Bomb vs. Touch: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 (+4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 Size,+1 Fire Bug)
Dam: 3d4 + 5 ⇒ (1, 2, 1) + 5 = 9 (+5 INT)

Alkahest Bomb vs. Touch: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 (+4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 Size, +1 Fire Bug)
Dam: 3d4 + 5 ⇒ (1, 2, 4) + 5 = 12 (+5 INT)

Alkahest damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Then he braces for the inevitable next pulse of lightning hitting his back.

Reflex Save DC 19 next round: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 1 = 22 Rediz will take only half the damage.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Well if you would have healed rediz he could keep on chucking bombs instead of wasting actions on getting away from that sphere, so that would probably be the most efficient use of a spell in overall damage dealt.

Well that ship has sailed so I am left wondering if I should try to just hit him twice to end it now, but if I am wrong, I will probably be toast.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Reflex DC 19: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 9 + 1 = 17 take full 8 damage now at 17/35

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

@ Francis: What do you believe this spell will do? Best case it take he fails a 50/50 Saving throw and then has to make a 90% Concentration check. so 95% chance of no effect. or do I miss something.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

@ GM:
Rediz got 3 damage from the ball last round, than 5 more damage falling.
But then he got channeled by Francis and should have been back up to full health (Which Is why I did not roll the damage)

so right now I should have 18 or 14 damage depending on how my reflex save goes.

Also I am not ging to prove your count wrong :-)

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Rediz has only one more bomb left, but hopefully, that he is mostly reduced to really squishy crossbowman.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Landing between the jagged spires of the petrified lava leaves Rediz with a lot of cuts, but shortly later he feels Pharasmas positive energy close his wounds again. 3 damage from the lightning + max 6 damage from fall still leaves me with less than 12 damage so I won't roll it.

Seeing his first Bomb left the priest burning woth acid and enraged he decides to send two more bombs after the man.

Second attack from last round is converted into first attack from this round, now rolling second attack from this turn.

Alkahest Bomb vs. Touch: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 (+4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 Size, +1 Fire Bug)
Dam: 3d4 + 5 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) + 5 = 14 (+5 INT,)

@GM he is also doused in alkahest from the explosive bomb last round should I roll the 1d4 damage or will you?
Alkahest Burning damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2

HP: 41/41
AC: 18+2
Bombs: 1/13

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

@ GM: I did roll the reflex save and the Fly check together and then saw the result and realized I had other checks to do as well.

Since Pyizo does remember all the die rolls, I would consider it cheating if I then decalred the d20 roll on the refelx save to be something else instead. which is why sometimes the order of my rolls is out of sync, bit the application of the effects should not be.

Tunr coming later today.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Fly DC15 Rd 3: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Looks like I fall from the sky. I assume taking a 5ft step wouldn't have saved me from this check? I just did not want to take a move action.
Ref DC 19: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 1 = 30 half damage from lightning no fly check as I am downed already by this time.
Acrobatics DC 15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 1810 ft Fall damage avoided 1d6 nonlethal damage from the last 5 ft? Anything bad from the difficult spiky terrain?

"Oops, looks lije this is harder than I thought. I should have taken Training I assume.

@GM did I get this right? Am I prone right now? Anything else I need to do before throwing bombs at the guy again?

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

instead of moving and attacking, Rediz goes for an all out attack.
Therefor the damage of the attack is reduced by 1 to 12 due to the longer range, but the haste bonus offsets the lost attack bonus and I forgot to add in the bless
Also I am still using explosive bombs for the ongoing 3d4 damage from the alkahest.

Alkahest Bomb vs. Touch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25 (+4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 Size, +1 Haste, +1 Bless, +1 Fire Bug)
Dam: 3d4 + 5 ⇒ (1, 3, 2) + 5 = 11 (+5 INT)

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Remembering the limited options for ranged combat Rediz decides to go after the priest and leave the mopping up to the others. (Moving to be within 30 ft of the priest.)

Alkahest Bomb vs. Touch: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27 (+4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 Size, +1 PBS, +1 Fire Bug)
Dam: 3d4 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4) + 6 = 13 (+5 INT, +1 PBS)

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

@GM at least some zombies were in the 10 feet area of splash damage and should have been damage now.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Know Religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 to remembrr to stay 40 ft away, from our previous enconters. If I succeed and you allow it Att and Dam will be reduced by 1.

Will 1: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 19
Will 1: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 24

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

Starting tomorrow I will be on holiday for 2 weeks without computer access. I am unlikely to be able to do full posts via tablet so please bot me if necessary. Rediz rather boombs the undead than the priest, since this is more useful, but if I am the only one able to reach him, I will switch targets.

Grand Lodge

M LN Ratfolk Alchemist (Crypt Breaker) | HP: 39/39|AC 18, Touch 15, FF 14| | Init: +5| F: +6, R: +9, W: +3| CMB: 4, CMD: 18| Speed 30ft| Perc: +12 (+3 vs. Traps), SM: +1 | Active conditions: None| Bombs 13/13 (DC17) | Extracts 6/6 (DC16), 4/4|(DC17)

"Oops, that looks really high." Rediz carefully glides down a bit closer to the combat before chucking a bomb onto the red mummy. (30' should be enough to be out of reach of the Mummys attack)

Activating Explosive Bombs to increase the splash radius to 10 feet and douse the mummy in alkahest (1d8 ongoing damage per turn.)
Alkahest Bomb vs. Touch: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 (+4 BAB, +4 DEX, +1 Size, +1 PBS, +1 Fire Bug)
Dam: 3d8 + 6 ⇒ (8, 4, 4) + 6 = 22 (+5 INT, +1 PBS)
8 Splash Damage on adjacent Targets (Allys excluded via precise Bombs)

Fly Check DC 10 if needed after Priests attacks me:

Fly: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 Currently only 1 rank applied to fly since I am still learning.

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