Carousing Champion

Raven Gravehart's page

Organized Play Member. 36 posts (38 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Liberty's Edge

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There are a few things I would like to touch on about the topics at hand. The first of which is the way the Varisian people have been used in the game and the way I saw them. Romani are in many cases still a nomadic ethno-cultural tribal/clan people who tend to only settle for short periods of time. They tend to work "non-conventional" jobs that lend more heavily to being artisans, migrant workers, performers, and a wide range of other legal jobs. This was captured pretty well in the Varisian people I felt.

My second point is that while there are portions of the Romani people, especially here in the US, that wholly reject the term Gypsy as a derogatory term thanks to the fact that it was used as a slur, it did not originate as such. It is also the legal term in the UK and Ireland for any people that live a migratory life in caravans/campers/tents. The Romany Gipsies are a recognized ethnic group with legal standing in England and Wales as are Irish Travelers which is another ethnic group with a lifestyle very similar to the Romani. There is also a growing population of both ethnic and cultural Romani that have returned to embracing and reclaiming the name Gypsy as their own. Using it with pride much like my fellow members of the LGBTQ+ community have embraced and reclaimed the names gay and queer.

Yes there is still along way to go before gypsy is a name that can be used as openly as gay and queer can be and should be used carefully and with much thought and compassion by people who are not either members of allies of the Romani people but it is a term that is again becoming a name for a proud and noble people who are doing the best they can to live in a world that still pushes those of us who are different to the edges of society.

The good news is that I can see Paizo trying to do that. Was there a misstep or two? Yes but they happened while Paizo was trying to go in the right direction and that is better than many other RPGs manage or even to get it.

Silver Crusade

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This is starting to sound way too 4&5E for me.

Silver Crusade

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I have used the Report a Problem feature on my Organized Play page a couple of times because it shows that my Pathfinder Society ID number and character number was used in Asheville, North Carolina on 12/07/13. I live in Oklahoma and have never even been to North Carolina much less on that date. I created my account and character because we used to have a Society registered group in our area but they have since fallen apart and there are few of us that openly meet up to game in my town.

Is there some way that this session can be removed or that I can get a new ID just in case we do get another active group in the area? I don't really want to be playing with benefits I didn't earn.

Silver Crusade

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I would most likely worship three gods, Cayden Cailean, Sarenrae, and Desna while also paying homage to Shelyn, Pharasma, Milani, and maybe Arshea. Though I think this might change depending on where I grew up and where I live.

Silver Crusade

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thejeff wrote:
Grey Lensman wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
One of the dumbest things happening with this today is that Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz are in Kentucky to talk to her
Of course they are. For a certain section of the Republican base, this is gold. Confirmation of their persecution complex.
The funny thing is other parts of the Republican party are turned off by this stuff. I'm pretty sure that eventually the libertarian wing and the religious wing of the party are going to go to turn on each other.
I don't know. I've seen an awful lot who claim to be "libertarian" defending this kind of thing on the grounds of "local control" and "federal overreach".

What most modern libertarians don't seem to realize is that many of the earlier and more prominent members of the libertarian movement also shied away from or outright opposed religion, for the same reasons they oppose government. American libertarianism is working against its on "best interests."

As with so many other modern party and movement lines, modern libertarianism is one thing masquerading as another. The modern libertarian movement is actually a theocratic oligarchy movement claiming it wants government out of our personal business but seems to actually want to privatize government, also not libertarianism, with strong Puritan religious tendencies and a drive for war.

Silver Crusade

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As a gay man living in Oklahoma, one of the many states claiming to be the buckle of the Bible belt. I have seen homophobia and transphobia as something that is very prevalent. Something that seems common in rural and suburban areas of the Midwest and deep South. I have even seen and experienced hetero-normative masculinity ideals within the LGBTQA+ community here, the gay man that thinks you have to be masculine if you are male or that thinks gender identity/role is determined by whether you are a top or a bottom. Luckily most of my current circle of friends, gay and straight, are not transphobic.
I think the rise in the visibility of the LGBTQ community is helping dispel much of the stigma we have had to live with throughout modern history. I like the fact that we are becoming more of a part of society and less the enemy but I see that we still have a long way to go as well.

Silver Crusade

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A paladin was the highest valued warriors in the court of Emperor Charlemagne. Examples are the Childe Roland and Olivier de Vienne. They were warriors that predated knights and at least in modern popular fantasy materials are precursors or even contemporaries of knights and live by a holy code much the same as that of chivalry.

Mosaic's quote from Kingdom of Heaven is one example of that code. Another Code of Chivalry and vow of Knighthood is from The Song of Roland and is listed as follows:

To fear God and maintain His Church
To serve the liege lord in valour and faith
To protect the weak and defenceless
To give succour to widows and orphans
To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
To live by honour and for glory
To despise pecuniary reward
To fight for the welfare of all
To obey those placed in authority
To guard the honour of fellow knights
To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
To keep faith
At all times to speak the truth
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
To respect the honour of women
Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
Never to turn the back upon a foe

To make it fit in game all you have to do is change out references to God, He, and Church to the deity your character follows, gender pronoun for your deity, and Temple. Or you could keep the code you choose in is original form and worship a "strange god" from a strange land.