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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 59 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dark reader is also a good option.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


I'm seeing a status of Transaction Declined and Transaction Authorized on this order.
My bank statement shows a pending withdraw and pending deposit for the exact amount of this order. I'd really like to get this sorted out so the order can be shipped.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Bestiary 2 not included in "Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription?"

I started it with the GMG and it appears that the Bestiary 2 is not shown as an item included in it. The next item shown is the APG.

I ended up purchasing a copy separate from the subscription, I'd just like to know if that was the case.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My groups have used them in almost every campaign I've played. Current one they have been used for re-rolls and extra actions in dire situations.
One of the other PC has used the 2 points to nix death. He had a particularly egregious attack of the stupid.
Charged through a cloud of fog with 5 pike-men militia on the other side who had all ready actions against a charge before the sorcerer put the cloud between them and the party. (party was trying to retreat but for whatever reason the cleric felt the need to deal with the militia first.)
Two of the pike-men crited and the total damage was two points over his full HP + negative con score. We were level 3 or 4..

The most common use I've seen is rerolling things and either extra actions or spells. I've used them a few times to get encounter saving spells off for the party, (distraction illusions or invisibility) so we could flee. The most successful one was major image involving a gold wyrm coming to the party's rescue and a well placed fireball to make it more 'realistic'.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Warlock/Dragonfire Adept are really nifty classes that can't be replicated in PF.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm a fan of the Good Omens style.. especially Red.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have never actually been in a game where someone played a wizard.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

No love for Dunkelzahn and Super Tuesdays?

Getting past that SR is going to be the big problem.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Currently the two games I'm playing in are 4 and 5. Once got up to 6 but the gm asked to last two that joined to leave because it just wasn't working out. Especially when one player was unreliable and the other was very disruptive. I've played in groups up to 8 and it gets messy and feels far more like a tactical combat game when the groups get that big. Not to mention combat drags on a lot and you have a lot of redundancy.
Personally I feel 4-5 works best. Six isn't bad but everyone needs to be on top of things and pet classes tend to slow things down when there are that many people.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Cult of Vorg wrote:

Indeed, Raelynn, ye olde bag of holding and portable hole trick. Probably requires a sacrifical pc, but they may be able to rig a mechanical trap to glue onto it then jump away.

It's not dead, but it is lost, and maybe that works better for the party anyways.

There is also the possible side effect of him returning as elder evil from beyond the stars fighting dragon jesus.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Clearly the party needs an explosive powerful enough to blast a whole in the fabric of reality that leads to the astral plane.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Seems overly complicated and adds another resource to track. Not to mention it punishes certain already inefficient builds (blasters) while rewarding encounter breaking builds (SoS casters only need 1 or 2 spells cast in an encounter).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

1. Some noble heroes just slew the tyrannical red dragon that has ruled your island for as long as your people can remember. Unfortunately as it turns out the Empress was guarding a sealed portal to the Void and one of those heroes unlocked it, sending a surge of wild void magic through the world and now something very wrong just happened your kindly village hedge wizard.
1a. You are the beautiful red great wyrm that received this miserable little island in exchange for protecting whole planet. Or you were.. because now you are in this squishy human body, something must have gone wrong with your resurrection contingency..

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Damn this thread makes me feel like sorcerers need a boost when compared to wizards.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Hawktitan wrote:
On a side note does anyone feel that charisma should be what affects Will saves rather than wisdom?

I went off on a tirade in a similar vein with one of my GMs. It still drives me nuts. I'm biased though because I tend to play Cha based casters.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Dwarfakin wrote:

I had a GM that had a rule for his scorcerers. I rather enjoyed it and it made people play much smarter. When you say that you want to play a sorcerer the GM picks your bloodline and the spells you recieve. His reasoning is you can't really pick what your ancestor fooled around with to get you your bloodline. And the way he described spells for a sorcerer is the spells you know were ancient spells that your ancestor knew, that know exist in your blood.

I was the only sorcerer after that point. I thought it was a cool idea.

That sounds awful. Sorcerer is one of my favorite classes to play and that.. well wizards already have a huge advantage over them. That just makes things much worse.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

You do miss out on some not really unbalanced spells that way. Polar Ray, Stormbolts and some stuff in the polymorph school (Form of the Dragon II/III, Elemental Body and such.)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Charisma is your ability to exert your will on others effectively.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I use a Nexus 7 for exactly that. I probably wouldn't use it for running scenarios, though I've had several GMs that love their full sized tablets for that.
As a player I use it for looking up spells, items and stuff on the prd, I prefer a hardcopy character sheet for playing though. It works incredibly well for that and has saved me hauling around a 15" laptop everywhere.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With a good group intra-party conflicts of interest came be lots of fun. One of campaigns I'm playing in now(homebrew heavily tweaked post time of troubles sort of post spell-plague Faerun) has had some great moments with it. Or it did until we picked up a 5th player that doesn't seem to grasp why his dwarf being a massive prick to the rest of the party when he is being paid to spy on us by a neutral 3rd part is a bad idea.
One really good example actually happened during the first session. When there were still 4 of us. We recovered the Mcguffin from an abandon dwarf hold and were ambushed by a rival group of adventurers. After a brutal fight (everyone went into the negatives at least once, cleric went into the negatives 3 times, fightery character twice.. sorcerer twice and rogue once but didn't get revived until after combat.) the sorcerer was furious. The orc leading the revival party basically give a "Turn over the device and we'll let you live." but she got taken into negatives by a barrage of arrows that was fired by the orc's hirelings before being given a chance to answer. The orc was down but still alive he was barely breathing, she drew an obsidian dagger no one had seen before and started to cut one of his ears off. At which point the cleric lost his s*+* (Lathander worshipper)and we had a stand off. It was good fun to roleplay out. Even if it ended with the cleric cowing to the sorcerer, which to be fair he had been rather terrified of her since roasted several lizardfolk and was the person that finally took down the orc barbarian-fighter. It set an interesting tone for the rest of campaign until chucklesmchateeveryone showed up and now the DM is regretting inviting him. >.<

I personally don't think there is anything wrong with some party conflict and disagreement. It can add a lot of characters and roleplay. I'm not advocating the hurrr someone's playing a pally so I'm gonna play an undead lord or daemon worshipper, but I cut my teeth on Shadowrun and often PCs have radically different opinions, goals and plans but are brought together by mutual greed in that game so my opinions may be strange.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Honestly, I don't think a class should fall for something done under duress.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Arcane Strike!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I seriously like playing prepared casters. To the point at which I've not rolled up concepts I really liked because of how much I dislike playing them. For example I'd love to play a magus, in a homebrew game one of my gm's just started it would have been a close fit but I can't get over dealing prepared casting. (Instead ended up playing a tweaked and converted DFA.) I have this huge fear of getting caught with completely the wrong spells prepared. Maybe not fear.. but I just don't like the idea at all.
I suppose I also like the fluff of characters' magic being something innate and derived from themselves rather than taught or gifted.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dragon Staff
any of the school staffs..

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Here I was expecting a crappy wizard given my real life skills..High school injury cost me a service academy appointment. Then was an EMT (and instructor certed) for a while, hazmat operations certed, certed with local SWAT and bomb squad before I moved to the west coast. Almost finished my BSRN before I dropped out of medicine all together for personal reasons. Now I do unix network administration and some other virtual environment management. But it's mostly because I find it easy and lets me spend my free time romping around the hills on a bike or having fun with my friends.
Not sure if I totally agree with the stats. (I used to be a decent marksman before I moved out of the sticks.. and I aggressively lane share on a motorcycle on california freeway traffic on a regular basis.)
Test says..
Chaotic Good Human Sorcerer (4th Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 10
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 13
Intelligence- 17
Wisdom- 15
Charisma- 16

Oh great.. I'm a Sorcerer that would have made a better wizard. You know what? That's cool. I like playing Sorcerers a lot and I'd totally be okay doing the whole dragonic bloodline thing. (Even if Sage would be a better fit..)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My girlfriend is presently running an Ifrit Arcane Duelist Mysterious stranger. She looked at doing Dervish Dancer and we built both but she liked being able to fall back on party buffs sometimes. Needless to say MS + AD is pretty fun. Being to cast Abundant Ammunition is damn useful too. Last I saw she was MS2 AD3 and planning on doing MS5, AD 15.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

They weren't OP in 3.5. I don't really see why they would be OP in Pathfinder where everyone got more goodies. They should definitely be bumped up to D8 HD.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Good Caster gets to party in Elysium, or possibly catch a ride on Aspu's dragonbud party boat wandering the planes until the end of days. What's wrong with that?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

While I can't comment on silent image the most effective use I've seen or done was Major Image combined with other spell casting to make the effect more real.
Long story short the party was getting our ass handled to us by an APL +4 or 5 (don't remember exactly) encounter. Early on in the campaign we found a scroll of Major Image. Much later it was still hanging out in my Sorcerer's handy haversack. In a moment of inspiration she yanked it out and used it to create the image of a Gold Great Wyrm swooping down from the clouds to our rescue than using it's breath weapon on the enemy. She burned a hero point to cast fireball on the target of breath weapon.
The party cleric caught on and burned her fireball domain spell on the next swooping flyby imaginary dragon attack and the enemy broke, demoralized and unwilling to fight an ancient gold dragon. Which saved our asses during that encounter.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Talk to the player. My first D20 game I played an elf brass dragonblooded sorcerer in Pathfinder quite effectively, doing a mix of blasting and area control. My prior tabletop experience had been all excursively Shadowrun and Classic Battletech. My experience with anything DnD related was Baldur's Gate series, Neverwinter Nights series and Icewind Dale on the PC years before hand. For whatever reason now people look at me in a lot of the groups I play in like some arbiter of balance and fairness especially for homebrew stuff. Granted it helps that I have near photographic memory for things I've read.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The only thing that bugs me about this is the same thing that bugged me about the Orb spells. This should be an evocation spell. I know at least one of the GMs I play with would allow it with that caveat.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sounds like fun. I'd love to play a scenario like this. I recently proposed something similar but much lower CR as an idea for episodic break from of their normal campaign.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Locate a cleric of Lamashtu. Convince her to seduce and bed the paladin. Cackle manically.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Synthesis Summoner.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This only works if the players are aware. I played a draconic blooded sorceress that occasionally pocketed small pieces of loot when nobody was looking. She was also the person the entire party trusted to divvy up the loot and was the party face. Eventually hilarity ensued when she was finally caught. She generally only pocketed shiny things, gems, jewelery, a ring of protection or two which she later offered up as payment for a couple magic items taken as party loot. When the party druid finally noticed she offered to cut her in but it didn't work.
The druid told everyone what scale-face was up to, she confessed and turned over a few minor magic items and lot of silver and copper. At which point the party looked baffled and she finally blurted out that slept on it. Which everyone happily believed and she made up for the stolen loot by making a some magic items for them. After that they continued to trust her to handle the party treasure but every now and then someone double checked her ledger.
Everyone got a good laugh out of it and she got bonus xp for roleplaying over it.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The party in the homebrew game I play in just got our s$%+ pushed in by a group of Tiamat worshipers using Drow poison and Sleep. They snuck up on us while we slept in the middle of a nasty storm. Tagged the teifling on watch, hit the cleric and barb with sleep while they slept and made off with the dragonborn sorcerer while the rest of them slept.
Took the tiefling about 20 minutes to get the rest of the party awake and figure out what happened. They eventually managed to catch up to the cultists who had my poor dragonborn strung up in chains and with a metal muzzle holding her mouth and were draining her blood for use in some sort of ritual after spending some time torturing her. Worst part about that was watching them wipe the floor with the party while my poor sorcerer was unable to escape the chains or the muzzle and help them. Eventually they drove the cultists off (who fled with a lot of the poor girl's blood.)

So I second sleep + poison, ambush them when they least expect it for bonus points.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Oh.. that looks interesting in DG.
TheSideKick, hunter of the supernatural is what I'm getting.
I'll take a look at the infiltrator and forward that to him as well!
Thank y'all.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The urban barbarian and skirmisher ranger both look like very good options that I hadn't really looked at. I'll definitely suggest a good hard look at both of to him tomorrow. DG, that is an interesting paladin build, I may steal it or something similar to it in the future but we are trying to get him away from playing yet another paladin, again.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

One of the players in of my weekly groups wants to play a 'smart, brash and someone reckless' monster hunter but doesn't like how magicky the inquisitor is or how nature and animal centric the ranger is. We are trying to get them a little away from playing paladins over and over. They are a decent player in a semi-optimized, roleplay heavy group. They are very focused on the idea of playing a reliant on his own wits, strength and guts monster hunter character but having a lot of trouble coming up with crunch for the idea. I'm trying to help but given the 'not really wanting to deal with innate magical ability thing" I'm a bit at a loss. (I usually play some sort of caster.)

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

6) There are monsters in the tall grass.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've used tablets and laptops before and with a very by the RAW GM I used herolab extensively. In the end I decided I like having a paper sheet anyway. It's easier to manage, spell card are nice too. Now I under a very homebrew GM I use a paper sheet and keep the tablet handy for quickly looking up things I've forgotten the mechanics of or seeing if some weird idea I just thought up is possible. Mind you I do all of my looking up and tablet use before my turn in combat and I don't use it for anything else during gaming. Being able to look up scrolls, wands and magic items as loot immediately is nice as well.
In my current group only one other person uses a tablet or laptop. In my previous group several people stopped using paper sheets in favor of Herolab and Chummer (for Shadowrun). Toward the end of our last Shadowrun campaign almost everyone was using Chummer and we started running out of room at the table for laptops. Part of the reason that happened was the GM started to strictly count ammo and such which is way more tedious on a paper sheet.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Hunttar wrote:

A friend and I were talking about the Pages of Spell Knowledge and we can see a potentially big problem with them. The thing that makes the sorcerer powerful is versatility; they can cast any spell known, anytime they want, and can cast more spells per day than other equal level caster. This was balanced by not knowing many spells.

I can see issues in the future, especially at higher levels, with Pages of Knowledge totally ruining that balance and make selecting a Sorcerer (or other Spontaneous Caster) a no-brainer decision when it comes to selecting a caster class to play.

Of course, Wealth by Level guidelines will help with balance; if adhered to, since PAGEs are not cheap. But I am proposing a NERF that may seem severe on the surface, but really isn't so bad on close examination.

First: PAGEs become another one of those items that are sort of bonded to the character. You have to have them in your possession for 24 hours to attune to you before you can use them.

Second: You are limited to Caster Modifier x 1/2 Caster Level in total spell levels of PAGEs attuned to you at any one time. This is in keeping with other Pathfinder Item rules and limits the amount of extra spells you can have, without completely gimping the item.

So for example a Sorcerer with a 20 Cha (+5) at Level 20 could have 5 x 1/2(20) = 50 Levels in Spells from PAGEs. That still provides massive versatility. They could have several level 9 spells if they wanted, or a whole lot more spells of lower levels... I can already hear some people complaining bitterly at even this NERF; but its really not much of one. If your GM adheres anywhere closely to the Wealth by Level Guidelines, a Level 9 spell PAGE is 81K... If you bought 5 Level 9 PAGEs, that would be half your total wealth. So in reality its a very mild NERF, that still allows this item to provide the tremendous versatility that is truly a gift from the gods.

You are forgetting that for the cost of a single page you could have 20 scrolls of the same level. That seems like a really unnecessary nerf.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Early on, first 2 modules yes. After that not from what I recall though it has been 2 years since we ran RotRL so my memory might be a little spotty.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah but Paizo seems to hate on spontaneous casters pretty hard already so it's nothing new.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hell, destroying one seems like it would make a pretty entertaining high level (possibly short lived) campaign.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
BenignFacist wrote:

Wait, I guess you could use Forceful Hand... it's a hefty 6th level slot but.. heeey, ya know? :)


It'd be nice to have more pushy/pully/pokey spells - as it stands, we can permanently blind someone as a 3rd/4th level caster but to really pushme-pullyou a target we have to wait until Telekinesis (5th level).

(Yes yes, we can make our own but ya know, PFS? Ya knoooow? :))

Ah well!

*shakes forceful fist*

Take a look a Hydraulic Push in the APG?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Damon Griffin wrote:
Raelynn wrote:
Halfing Paladin of Iomodea, Halfing Rogue, Half-Elf Cleric of Sarenrae, Human Ranger, Elf Druid, Half-Orc Weapon Master and Elf Brass Dragon Sorcerer. None of the character are overly optimized, used 20 point buy and are all 4th level.

I have almost exactly the same issue. I'm DMing a party of 5th levels who just took out Ironbriar, questioned his messenger ravens and know the next place to go should be the Shadow Clock, but they don't know what's waiting for them there. I want them to be 6th L first.

NPCs were able to translate Ironbriar's ledger for them, so they found out that the Red Mantis has samples of Vorel's legacy, and they're going to take a side trip to Riddleport to try and recover that.

I plan to toss a sea serpent (PF Bestiary) at them on the way; between that and a couple of Red Mantis Assassins they should have enough points to level up.

Since your group spared Ironbriar -- what were the terms of that deal, BTW? -- this may not work for you.

He told us everything he knew about Xanesha and the Shadow Clock. We got a pretty intensive run down of her abilities, equipment and what sort of support she had there. In exchange he went free as long as we never saw him again and we would not turn him over to the Hellknights. The caveat being that our cleric smacked him with Mark of Justice (Thou shall not commit nor assist in murder ever again, effectively). Of course we no idea he could remove it so it seemed like a good idea.

We did also nab his ledger but haven't had time to translate it. Both the rouge and my sorcerer have all of the languages necessary and several points in linguistics so we plan on taking a stab at it. He did mention the Red Mantis at some point during our thorough negotiation and interrogation. So that might be a possibility.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Some spoilers below.

I'm part of a group running through Rise of the Runelords and after being incredibly thorough through Burnt Offerings and most of the Skinsaw Murders we've kinda run into a bit of a road block. We cleared out the Seven Sawmill and eventually made a deal with Justice Ironbriar (He went free but only after having a Mark of Just laid on him). Then we got the scoop on the lovely lamia matriarch that could easily eat our entire party for lunch.
Why? Because no one in our party is higher than 4th level. Just for reference the party consists of the following; Halfing Paladin of Iomodea, Halfing Rogue, Half-Elf Cleric of Sarenrae, Human Ranger, Elf Druid, Half-Orc Weapon Master and Elf Brass Dragon Sorcerer. None of the character are overly optimized, used 20 point buy and are all 4th level. Our DM is looking for ideas and suggestions for how to get the group to 6-7th level before taking on Xanesha that aren't complete and total railroads.

He doesn't have a ton of spare time so modules that can easily be adapted are recommended.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Xabulba wrote:

^This is immediately came to mind. Of course Docwagon would also do hostile extractions for Platinum Customers. ;)

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