Psalmist's page
Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
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Perfect Strike, per the Paizo staff, is intended to be "a cool thing that monks can do". On it's own, the limitations placed by the feat on which weapons can make use of its benefits are somewhat obstructive to the "cool" alternative it is trying to create.
The limitations are not themselves bad. I think that the feat is balanced from the standpoint of allowing weapons that only occur naturally in the Weapon Proficiency list of monks and I also think it's a good thing for it to focus on being for a monk build which uses weapons b/c that is a really interesting way to try and build the PC. It's a good feat, but it's not being used to its full potential. This feat shouldn't be a stand alone -- it should be a stepping stone.
I would like to lobby for the Paizo Staff to consider adding an Improved Perfect Strike feat into one of their future supplemental manuals. The feat would require Perfect Strike as a prerequisite and grant the ability to use the Perfect Strike feat with all weapons that have the Monk special feature, not just the list that was in the original Core rulebook. I do not champion adding the unarmed strike to the list of attacks that can be affected as the original feat is for making a monk build where using something other than an unarmed strike is encouraged.
An investment of a feat to gain this ability is a fair trade off for players and it does keep the game balanced. After all, a player will have already had to invest a feat for using a monk weapon outside of the normal list, so why not stay true to the spirit of the original Perfect Strike feat (to make a cool monk option where the monk uses something other than its unarmed strike) and provide reasons to begin building that direction.
I submit this suggestion for Paizo Staff consideration, and hope that it provides helpful feedback for the game.
PS - For those wondering where it says this is meant to be geared as a cool offshot for monks, here's a link to the FAQ that mentions it:
It's nice that we've been given a push to explore another aspect of the monk build; it would just be nicer if we could explore that departure more completely. Thank you and have a great day!
Yeah, a friend of mine and I were discussing this just the other day and we both agreed that Slayer is one of the best ways (if not the best) for making Conan. I don't think you'll likely be able to make a true incarnation of Conan within a 20 lvl based PC (he's pretty epic), but you'll get closest with that class, probably. You should consider looking at adding in some Mythic Tiers as well since that would supplement the 20 lvl base character and also seems like something a character such as Conan would deserve. Have fun character building!
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
This is just a question of curiosity, really. In Ultimate Magic where the Words of Power system is outlined, a table is supplied showing how two and three effect words of a varying level interact with the overall spell level itself (Table 4-1 on p. 164).
When looking at the Table, you can pick out pretty easily how each level is built off of the prior level (ex. a 4th level Word can be at 2/2 or stretched out further to 2/0/0 because a 2nd level Word can be 2 or 0/0).
My main question of interest is in whether you can keep on expanding based on those progression rules. For instance, could a 4th Level Word also be combined as 0/0/0/0 assuming the combination of Words themselves followed the rules for building the entire spell? I'm not saying you would want to do that, mind you, I'm just curious about people's thoughts on the concept. The rules themselves seem to leave the possibility open... so far I haven't put my finger on anywhere that specifically places a limit on the number of effects that can exist in a spell...
Anyway, hopefully I haven't come off as too stupid. Thanks for any clarification you have to offer! Cheers!
I delight in the archaisms and abstruse words that permeate gaming literature :D That said, I think that the general rules of thumb for using obscure language in products should follow something along these lines:
- In narrative sections, spritzing in words can add excitement to a reading for linguaphiles! Don't overdo it, but where logical feel free to use a word that is extraordinary. I think adjectives should be treated reservedly, but nouns can occur more readily in texts such as these.
- When naming items I encourage liberal use of obscurities, while for feats and spells I would advise an approach more dependent upon wordplay than exotic word choice. My reasoning behind this is fairly straightforward. Feats and Spells should communicate quickly to a person how they may be useful to a character, they appear in lists and people often pick out of the list itself before going to the entry (in my experience). Items, on the other hand, are acquired through a process that's more like window shopping if you aren't trying to whip a character up in a hurry: you go to the back of the book, flip through the pages and look for things that catch your eye. As unusual words accomplish that, I think it's okay to use them in item names with more regularity.
- Rule text, text defining effects or elucidating the function of mechanics for the game should rarely if ever incorporate a word that requires you to refer to a dictionary. Wording for these should be as efficient, accessible and clear as possible.
I feel like these pretty much cover the uses of obscure language in fantasy roleplaying. Other roleplaying universes could require different rules depending on the type of feel they want to evince, but for an rpg like Pathfinder I think the above works well.
Anyway, this has been a longer post than I meant to make and I need to get to bed. Good topic Evil Lincoln! Definitely an interesting one, lol. Cheers!
I see plenty of holes in this already, but I want to know what others see. Thank you for taking the time to give me feedback so I can improve!
Lover’s Favor
Aura (see special ability entry); CL (see special ability entry)
Slot ----; Price cloth cost + 300 gp + base price for special abilities (see below); Weight 1/2 lbs.
Coming in the form of exquisite kerchiefs, lover’s favors are tokens esteemed by the giver and recipient for their sentimentality and functionality. Tying the lover’s favor to a weapon grants the wielder a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls. Additionally, the embroidery of a lover’s favor may imbue the weapon to which it is affixed with special abilities (see 468 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). Special abilities gained in this fashion may only be activated once per day and must be used in a manner consistent with the desires of the giver. A lover’s favor may bestow a single special ability calculated with the costs on Table 15-8 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Special abilities gained in this manner do not impact the allowable weapon bonus for the original weapon. Special abilities gained in this way are subject to the normal weapon and effect restrictions as their entries suggest. A lover’s favor ceases to confer bonuses if used by anyone other than the beloved of the giver.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have 5 ranks of Craft (cloth) or Craft (clothing), see individual special ability entries; Cost variable
I think Sean McGowan's entry covered a lot of my own thoughts on this and you've gotten feedback on the mechanics (a field of item design I often enough struggle with in my own right), so much of what I would have to say has been said. What I really want to applaud you on is the innovation of the item, but not just for the concept of a silhouette (which, I agree with Neil, those would be pretty cool to introduce into the game!). More importantly, you created an effect which required the use of multiple items... that's brilliant! It's like "synergy abilities" for equipment almost :D It's like "Rube Goldberg machine" meets RPG! I'm not sure if I've seen items designed in such a way that when used in conjunction with one another they definitively can create new and exciting effects (I've seen it happen in game, just not directly designed into the game), so I really hope that Paizo's staff will consider recycling that aspect of your idea to bring us some new item-combos... special maneuvers for items, lol :D Anyway, overall I like your entry a lot and it is extremely inspiring. Congrats on getting to the 32 and I wish you well as you go through to the next round!
Overall I'm pleased with this item :) I know that the judges mentioned they've seen different variations of it before, but to be honest I'm not sure I've had any in game experiences which incorporated effects like those attributed to your item. So to me it's very novel! I think you did a great job of covering potential uses for the item, but didn't let yourself get bogged down in the myriad of ways it could be used (that is to say, you gave us enough information that a player or GM can easily enough troubleshoot another person's crafty ideas). Because of the variety of ways this can be used (and those that are unexplored) I really see this item as a wonderful addition to our armory of parlor tricks. One thing I do think needs some adjustment is that Escape Artist check for folding oneself. I'm not sure if I'd like to see a higher check or if I would like to see each fold requiring a new check... perhaps a combination of both where the check is at 30 and you have to make checks every 10 minutes in game to not succumb to body fatigue from being folded or the struggle to breath while in a closed space (like a bottle or a book). That's really the only thing that I can think of worth mentioning for reconsideration off the top of my head :) This is a fantastic item and when I'm thinking about my top five, I've got a feeling this one will be amongst the runners ;) Congrats on making it to the 32! Cheers!
So, first off, I love the name of this item because (like a lot of the good items on here I'm finding) it really projects an immediate image in my mind of the item in use. It's very successful title and harkens to those suspenseful moments of long winding staircases in castles you find in fairy tale cinematics and the such.
That having been said, I really like the concept, but I do feel like there are a few kinks to work out on its functionality.
Ryan Dancey is right about the incredible advantages it would create for certain combatant types during encounters and its ability to grant maybe a little too much help to a party (allowing them a chance to circumvent obstacles in a way a GM might find original, but frustrating). To limit its use within a combat sequence, my suggestion would be to play even more distinctly off of that 'suspenseful stairway' from which it is derived.
Make the stepping stones appear within a timeframe that hampers movement (as an example, my character can move 30ft in a round but only 15ft worth of steps actually appear during the round). Adding a duration for how long the steps last after they have been stepped upon could be a good move (no pun intended) and I would probably change "those that successfully follow [the wearer]" to "those that successively follow [the wearer]" and intimate that stones left in the wearer's wake begin the process of dematerializing if another player (or NPC) doesn't immediately step on the stone after the wearer moves forward. Since it is a staircase, I am also in favor of the steps always either moving up at a 45 degree angle or down, but never directly horizontal. And, with those limitations, I would actually be okay with losing the 10 minute per day clause... maybe, I think I would be at any rate, lol.
I know those are a lot of extra clarifications to add to the item, but I think what it does is take the item and put it in a position that it can be very useful outside of combat and in situations where time is plentiful, but less effective during combat-driven or time-sensitive scenes.
The only remaining detail I can think of is Sean Reynolds observation about how much force those stones can take b/c, to be up front with you, my immediate plan as a PC against a foe wearing these is to the let the GM get them good and high and then ask "So, mage hand?" :D
I realize I've said alot, but don't fret that doesn't reflect on my opinion of the idea. The good news is the only reason I have so much to say on it is b/c I truly like the concept and feel like you've hit on something with tremendous potential! Great job on the item and congrats on getting into the final 32! I look forward to seeing where your phantasmal staircase takes us :D
Lol, could I get away with capa of the swashbuckler? Of course, I think then we're back into the realm of cloaks... I'm a little fuzzy on bull-fighter raiment since it's been a while since I read "The Sun Also Rises" (on a flight back home from Seattle strangely enough):D
The writing on this was an exquisite blending of flavor text and functional exposition, Tom :D It's not quite as well-written as Ask A RPGSuccubus' last comment, but you had a word count so, it's forgivable :P I enjoy the theme you went with for the item, it unified its abilities well or you chose abilities wisely in keeping with the theme (whichever came first, the chicken or the omelet, lol). I don't know how I feel about the continuous Will saves... I think that its effect should at least be cut down to a reroll every 5 or 6 rounds or so (that would keep it relevant to a battle without making it obnoxious were a PC to for some reason be stranded in the mist for an extended period of time). All-in-all, I find this to be an excellent entry and a well-designed item. I don't know if it's my favorite (mainly because I gravitate towards lower level games and thus more inexpensive/mundane fare, lol), but I definitely think the judges opinions were on the money about moving you forward. And with that, I congratulate you on your fortuitous rise to the 32 (a third time in a row) and wish you gobs of good luck in the upcoming rounds! Cheers!
Incidentally, I think I know why I'm not seeing the removal of the cloak in my head. When I'm imagining it, the figure in my mind is using a cape instead of a cloak, lol. That could be a big contributing factor to my inability to see it happening. Could we make it a cape of the swashbuckler, capes are cool and underused in campaigns (I think my next PC will wear a cape) :P
I really appreciate the concept behind this item (it evokes an immediate image in my mind of it being used with a genuinely enjoyable cinematic quality) :D However, in that same cinematic theme I'm having trouble picturing the swashbuckler actually removing the cloak to use it... in the image that's conjured in my mind the cloak is still worn and all the cool little tricks that come with it are a matter of them adapting the worn item to ingenious uses... I think what I'm in a very bumbling way trying to say is I don't buy the necessity of doffing the item in the way described. It seems more appropriate that while worn the cloak offers a +2 shield bonus and allows for the extra maneuvers to be performed so long as the PC's shield slot is open, automatically assuming its use in combat... and jetison the stealth bonus altogether. If it were built that way, then you eliminate the worry over a PC buying this item just to use as a shield while wearing another cloak. Admittedly, people are having a hard time seeing it as a wondrous item already and eliminating the extra stealth makes it even less wondrous, but this is just how I kind of see it functioning in my head (completely subjective). I do think what you did here was quite an awesome idea and I'd be thrilled to see something like this end up in a supplement someday! Cool concept, pretty good delivery, good job :) And congrats on getting into the 32!
I've got a little confession to make, the reason this is the first item I have looked at out of the submissions is because I actually LOVE the name.
I have another confession: the item was nothing like what I expected to see from looking at the name, lol.
Rather than saying the name is bad, I'd like to say the name doesn't fit the item itself. When I see "Clockwork Conscience" my expectation is that the item is going to have an effect related to alignments or how alignments are perceived (bad example: an amulet which can be used for up to one minute per day over non-consecutive rounds to make a PC appear to have a different alignment than their own). So, I disagree that the name is bad, but agree it isn't apt for the object being described.
As far as the functionality of this item goes, I think it's pretty neat. I like the fact it doesn't seek to altogether eliminate adverse conditions, but rather provides PCs with a couple of extra opportunities to perform possible game-changing actions. I like it, think you did a good job, David. Cheers! Oh, and congrats on getting into the final 32 :D
I'm pretty sure SIAC stands for "spell in a can" (which is just an item that replicates a spell, basically). I'm not sure of SAK off the top of my head. As far as I know they never make their comments available, unfortunately. But I saw someone say that there will be a Critique thread we can post our items into for getting some feedback from other people like ourselves at some point :) Glad you participated (heck, I'm glad I participated even though I didn't get very far, lol) and good luck with next year's contest! Cheers!
Feral wrote: Bummer.
Is there any reason the submission threads aren't just made available for viewing?
Just kind of guessing, but I imagine they have sections of the site that are reserved for in house employees of the company only. If that's true, then the discussions over submitted items may happen within that area and not be publishable without allowing people to enter that section of the site. Also, I get the feeling they receive a fair number of submissions. I can see the reasoning behind not publishing those threads directly because, when all's said and done, it's generally going to be a single person interested in that particular critique. It would lead to a number of extraneous threads kind of hanging around. Also, making those threads available could create a false sense that they're thought process was open for debate and, unfortunately, there would be those who would try to do just that (which wouldn't be particularly fair to the judges; they worked hard and deserve to be left in peace). Off the top of my head, those are a few possible reasons for not furnishing that information to us. In any event, the comments belong to them and they can do as they will with them (that's they're content, lol :P). I understand your feelings though, I'd love to know what the judges had thought of my submission. Trial and error though, sir, trial and error ;) Good luck next year (I'll need it too) and I hope you post your item up in that thread for people to look at and give some insight! :)
Enjoyable read, in the fashion darker literature offers enjoyment. While reading I wasn't sure how I felt about the progression (my feelings vacillated as I went), but I can't say I was disinterested at any point so whatever was tripping me up didn't impede your ability to carry me along. The description you use throughout the text is wonderful, you have a talent for engendering the environment and evidencing the physical experiences surrounding your characters or (in this case) character. The ending was unsuspected, I didn't see it going that direction until just after he had finished Cara so bravo for a successful turnabout. Btw, the scene in which Rhyn inspects the innards of the gator and the transformation depiction were very well-crafted.
I would have liked to have seen a third chapter, I think. Not because it isn't complete as is and not because I wanted to see a happier conclusion... in fact, I sense the potential for greater tragedy in the life of this figure and I find myself unintentionally grasping after that final incarnation of his doom. The good thing is, if you have my brain spinning its wheels, that's something to applaud because it means you made the character personal in less space than most people utilize. Thanks for your contribution! Incidentally, I just purchased "The Bastards of Erebus", if I recall correctly you have work in there. I suppose this means I'll be meeting with your literature again very soon. I look forward to it. Take care and continue showing us worlds!
Lord, so many great comments on this story already, I hope I can find something worthy of adding!
Firstly, anyone who works at Paizo and has the ear of those in the hierarchy making decisions to hire (ha, hire-archy) authors for writing Pathfinder setting-based novels if you haven’t already TELL THEM TO GET LIANE MERCIEL TO WRITE A PATHFINDER NOVEL! I cannot stress this enough! This story was absolutely phenomenal! Hence the overuse of exclamations… Sorry about that, but if you read “Certainty” then I can’t see you likely to disagree that the exclamation points are more than deserved. Heck, this was so captivating it deserves a portable hole full of exclamation points. Maybe several…
Anyway, now that I have that out of my system, Liane you’re a beautiful writer, to say the least. This work (and though it may not be bound and printed, I say with all certainty that “Certainty” deserves to be described as a “work”) is intoxicating and I hope that you are given more opportunities to write for Pathfinder. I will be stumbling (can’t quite walk a straight line, I’m still intoxicated by the reading experience) over to your site to find out more about your novel and any other writings that might be referenced there. All luck and blessings to you as you continue revealing tales to us!
PS- KyuShik Shin, your artwork is amazing! I love your take on Jelani with as much fervor as I love your rendition of Tiberion in "Noble Sacrifice".
You know, all of you (writers and artists alike) are setting a high bar. What's wonderful is it's a high bar you all consistently clear. Keep up the great work!
Hmmm, I've been working on a scenario for PFS which centered upon a mystery (mainly b/c I'd noticed the glut of similar games). I think I'll go ahead and submit it since your open call text says that you try to give feedback (any suggestions that can be provided on how to craft better scenarios would be very appreciated). On the bright side it isn't (necessarily) a murder mystery. And I did my best to incorporate a number of story elements so that it had a few sides to be explored. I'd mention the name I plan to title it, but that would be kind of pointless. After all, if it's good enough to stand on its own, it has to be good enough to grab your attention, too.
I'll think of it as a chance to familiarize myself with your process and, in the meantime, dream up something that you hopefully haven't seen before.
Thanks for asking this question, Fraust! That was smart, wish I'd thought of it in advance, lol. And thank you for providing us with extra direction, Mark. I hope we (and Paizo) are able to capitalize upon it. Cheers!
Thanks for the clarification, James. I had read these chapters rather late and I apologize that I hadn't managed to tease that detail out on my own. It's much appreciated you took the time to let me know, adds a new set of mental images as I recall portions of the plot, lol.
Oh, speaking of the artwork, Gerald I like your depiction of Omaire. Sorry to the artists out there whose work I haven't been commenting on (I'll try to remember to do so as I keep reading through the remaining stories).
Once again, thanks James and I hope you have a great day!
Excellent story! I have to say, so far the web fiction is 3 for 3 and I am very impressed. Getting back to your tale though, I find your writing style to be extremely satisfying. It has good flow, moving deftly between action and plot without detracting from either. Also, the humor that is interspersed in this was generally able to elicit a smile if not an outright laugh (Arduga makes for wonderful comedy relief). I clap in earnest appreciation of your success.
The only element of the story which I did find a bit perplexing is Omaire. Not as a character, she's very well designed as far as characters go and I found her observations and the use of her voice to be quite pleasing for the narrative. However, and I admit this may have just been poor reading on my part, I missed key descriptions on her appearance. If there had not been a picture of her, I wouldn't know whether she was a gnome or halfling and even now I am not certain she is a halfling as the references to her short stature could simply mean she's a vertically challenged human. As I said, I may have merely missed where that was pointed out though and my confusion as to the intricacies of her physically did not detract from my enjoyment of her as a character. Were you inclined to tell me (or anyone else who did pick up on this in the reading) I'd love to know what her race is.
You did well and I thank you for sharing this writing with us. Take care and have a great day! Keep sharing worlds!
Works for me, thanks for your advisement!
So far Varthanna's answer seems the most comprehensive. I think I'll refer to that if the question comes into play :)
Steering a slightly different direction what do you all think with regards to something such as alchemist's fire? It's not magical so it seems it may follow another set of rules. Also, black powder isn't like the typical items a PC might carry which burn, but don't carry the possibility of exploding.
Thanks for the input everyone, your thoughts are appreciated!
Hi all, hope this finds you well. This thread is less about reviewing the gunslinger info (I'll try to do that later) and more about prep for a game to get a better feel for all three of the playtest classes.
So, here's the scenario:
The halfling gunslinger Clint Westleaf gets in a tavern fight and the local authorities tend to operate in pairs (a martial deputy and a magical deputy). Clint's loaded down with plenty of black powder because he needs it to operate his primary weapon. He's a bit rowdy, having fun exhibiting the natural gunslinger attitude and what started as a fight against a typical bar patron turns into an encounter between Clint and the two town deputies. That's when it happens:
Magical deputy casts a fireball at Clint and it hits.
Now... do Clint and the rest of the bar blow up? Is there a percentage chance that the powder ignites causing some damage to Clint and exhausting some of his resources? Or do we simply assume that the black powder is naturally kept in a place unlikely to be ignited by a fireball and similar fiery attacks?
For the sake of ease, I could see just not worrying with the question in the playtest, waiting to find out what they have decided for the complete rules (as this is probably mentioned there). However, I figured I'd throw out the big "What would you do?" to all the GMs out there who may have some wisdom to share. Anyone have a thought? Thanks for your input! I hope everyone's playtests go well!
Edit: By popular demand, the fight between the deputy and the gunslinger moves outside of the bar before the fireball spell is cast. So the bar's safe, how 'bout the halfling :)
Very well done :) That opening chapter was especially thrilling and had a wonderful cliffhanger! One element I found particularly pleasing was the way you played with the title's foreshadowing, presenting the opportunity to fulfill its promise only to find a credible way of bypassing doing so just one more time.
As for the characters, I had a hard time getting into Kal but I really enjoyed Tiberion incredibly. Even though the story is written moreover in Kal's voice, Tiberion was the one I could hear talking when I read his dialogue. You did an excellent job with both characters though and I'd love to see the continued adventures of either one (better yet, both).
Incidentally, one reason I may have gravitated his way could simply be that everytime I saw Kal's name I couldn't help but think of Kael from "Willow" which, of course, instantly gives me a double dose of dark knights. Great stuff and I hope to see more of you as I read through these tales. Cheers!
PS- If you really want to have a monkey in the plot, maybe you should have an eccentric druid join their party ;)
Thank you, I'm glad to hear my praise is potent enough to carry with it moderate medicinal properties. Actually, I had meant to extend one other plaudit. I appreciate the fact you integrate words people might have to look up in your stories. Though it wasn't in the tale itself, I am happy to say you taught me "tenterhooks", never heard that expression before yesterday. I'm very much looking forward to reading the novels and hope to see more of them in the future. Stay warm, get well and take care!
I can't believe the final chapter in this series hasn't received a comment since July! Well, in lieu of other readers who may have been remiss in their responsibility to offer feedback and praise at your work, I hope my reply is a worthy substitute for all those unspoken accolades.
Initially, I wasn't sure if I would like "The Lost Pathfinder". For one, I've stumbled into the web fiction section in hopes of acquainting myself with Golarion (it's so much more satisfying to be "shown" rather "told" the details of a world, isn't it?). Also, Varian took a moment to get my head around so being introduced to the story by him made me stumble. Don't worry, that was definitely not a fault with the text, in fact I think that in order to set this up for what it becomes you made the best choice. It offered a great framework, poetic in how it opens and closes this wonderful prequel to what I am sure will be a great novel.
Once I worked through these minor details, I was utterly enthralled.
Your characters, no matter how brief their participation in the plot, were well-crafted and one could see them as living beyond the purpose they served within the story. Anyone of them could have been given a biography of their own from the shiver addict to Varian's butler. You fleshed out the details of the setting in a manner that allowed me to see not only place, but action with stunning vividness. Also, you deserve applause for having successfully integrated the noir atmosphere into a fantasy setting.
In short, you pulled off a great story.
Thank you for sharing this writing with us and I hope that this comment (should you read it) brings you satisfaction. Take care and keep on revealing worlds to your readers!
Ogre is there any chance I could have your Skype name so I can contact you to test out stuff this evening? If you'll email it to me I'll add your name in and see what we can do about catching up :)
Btw AdaAstra, I like Neve, she's a cool concept.
AdAstraGames wrote: 0gre wrote: AdAstraGames wrote: Start times are 9 AM PST and 2:30 PM PST, yes? Yep! OK, what niches have you got filled so far? As far as my PC goes, he's geared towards ranged combat. Not really an all out tank, but a good combat support character. Depending on what obstacles we come up against, he might have a few places he'd wind up being effective. In case you'd like to give him a look, here's a link to the character:
If you notice any math errors or have any suggestions, feel free to pass them my way. I'll probably update the PC with a description of his appearance sometime soon.
Any idea what you might run with?
I'll see what I can whip up for you :) Is this the best place to contact you or should I use a different method for catching up with you?
I'm very interested in joining your game if it gets off the ground this Saturday. As it would only boost me up by one level, the GM for the game I'll be doing the following weekend said they didn't see a problem with me using the PC I have planned for their game (Xanthon, a human fighter/1). What would you like me to provide you in preparation for the possible game? Thanks for the suggestion and I hope to join you this weekend :)
That sounds like it could be fun :) I'll try to make another character that I don't mind keeping locked in a PbP for a month or two. Once I have that made I'll try heading your way. How soon would you need me to have a PC for you?
Yeah, I've seen a few notices on that at H&D (don't know if you're local, if you are you'll probably know where I'm talking about). Thanks for pointing that out, I'll definitely keep it in mind as a future endeavor. Out of curiosity, if you are close to Columbia if we were to start a local "lodge" for doing the PFS games would you be interested in joining? Thanks again!
JP Chapleau wrote:
There is a very active Google group called the Pathfinder online collective. There are games there all the time. Join up ! They are offering a lot of low-level games at this time.
Thanks for the suggestion! I've joined up and submitted a PC towards a thread just a few hours ago. I appreciate your advisement and if you have any tips you think would be worth mentioning to me, please, feel free to do so. Cheers!
I don't mind sharing my general location at all. I live around Columbia, South Carolina for the moment. I did see a person in the PFS Lodge threads who mentioned doing games a few hours away from me, so I replied on their thread to find out more.
Based on the recommendations of a few people (including both ithuriel and miniaturepeddler) I've checked out the online collective and I've submitted a character for a game that would be played on the 29th :)
Thanks to everyone for helping the newbie out, lol. If you have any other tips to impart that might come in handy, by all means feel free to clue me in. I've got that Osirion symbol by my name so I'm supposed to like knowledge, right :P Cheers all!
I hope this finds everyone well.
I am new to the Pathfinder Society and having created a character would like to put the PC in a thread as soon as possible. As my local city doesn't have any posted gaming opportunities on the calendar, I was hoping to find some online options. I mentioned that I was having difficulty finding GMs online who are running the sanctioned PFS scenario materials that would advance my character and it was suggested that I put up a thread about it in the "Gamer Connection" subforum as well as post a thread here in "PFS General Discussion" with a link to the original. Here's the link to my initial thread:
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/community/gaming/connection/pathfinder SocietyAndOnlineGamingOpportunities&page=1#0
Any advice or pointers you could give me to help me start gaming with PFS would be wonderful. Thank you for your time and attention. Cheers!
Hi Salarain, I live in the Columbia area and if you're planning on running the sanctioned scenarios that allow for PFS character advancement, I'd be up for making a drive out to participate on occasion. Are you looking to deal with the sanctioned scenarios or was this more for a homebrew styled game setting? Always a pleasure to meet another South Carolinian who rps. Take care and, if it's not something I'd end up participating in, I wish you luck with pulling a party together. Cheers!
I hope this finds everyone well.
I’m new to the Pathfinder Society and there are no events shown as scheduled in the calendar on the website around my physical location. I would very much like to take a character I’ve created using the PFS guidelines out for a spin on one of the Society sanctioned games, but am having difficulty finding a resource for play-by-post or play-by-IM options. Does anyone know of a place I could go for seeking out GMs specifically running PFS material? Or would anyone be interested in pulling together a game online using this thread as a start point for recruiting players? So long as it’s a PFS scenario that I can use towards advancing my character in Society gameplay, I will do what I can to participate.
In case it’s worth mentioning, I’m familiar with the Pathfinder rules and don’t mind GMing sometime in the future. It’s just that this would be my first time doing Pathfinder Society gameplay and I’d like to familiarize myself with its setup/nuances before trying to take on that role. Also, I’d like to enhance my knowledge of the Golarian setting before venturing into that capacity.
Thank you for your time and I hope that this thread helps me or others find a way to get involved with the Society. Cheers!
Male Reportedly halfling, however, like the sasquatch I'm hard to photograph so who knows (it's not my fault, people aim the camera a shy too high :)) Barbarian1/Ranger4/Pathfinder Chronicler1 (at least I will be once I can get someone to purchase written material from me for 50gp or more)
Thank you so much for your understanding and your advisement. I will definitely do what you have suggested and see what comes my way. If in the course of asking around I find out information about forums used as contact centers for online PFS games, I'll do my best to jump in here long enough to drop a link. Continue enjoying your game and I hope we get to share a table sometime. Cheers!
Male Reportedly halfling, however, like the sasquatch I'm hard to photograph so who knows (it's not my fault, people aim the camera a shy too high :)) Barbarian1/Ranger4/Pathfinder Chronicler1 (at least I will be once I can get someone to purchase written material from me for 50gp or more)
ithuriel wrote: Continuation of the PFS pbp series for Alie, Kayluss, Sekhemre, Wadi, Fog, & Aldred.
If you guys bought anything significant let me know here. I'll be starting The Bloodcove Disguise tomorrow.
I apologize for interrupting a game that looks to be in progress. I've been trying to locate a good resource for joining PFS PbP games on here and have not had a lot of luck. Ithuriel, I've ran across posts by you several times and it looks as if you might would be able to offer me sound advice on locating and/or joining games of this nature. Is there a chance I could get some aid? Once again, I apologize for impinging upon this OOC. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see if you offer a response here, but to avoid further infringements on the game an email address I can be reached at is
Thanks to any and all who could offer me suggestions. Once again I sincerely express my regret for this interruption and I appreciate deeply any help that is extended. I wish you all a great game with a plethora of natural 20s. Cheers!
Edit: If you'd like me to, I'd be happy to delete this post from your thread so as to keep it from ruining the flow of conversation.
Fair enough. Thank you for the speedy response, James! And, by the way, your mini-autobiography earlier in this thread was rather encouraging. I'm glad you were (and are) a success. Good luck with your search and I hope that I can illustrate I warrant your interest.
For what it's worth, I thank you for the presentation used in outlining this job opportunity. In looking at a number of similar postings (or simply writing-intensive positions) one is often given the sense that should they have no demonstrable prior job experience they may as well consider the position a non-option. The wording of your job description and supplementary postings regarding it in this thread leave me feeling my application is welcome and that feeling in and of itself is deeply appreciated.
Having extended my feelings of gratitude, I do actually have two questions I thought worth venturing as I await hearing back if I will be granted the opportunity to do the writing/mapping test.
First, with regards to salary is it possible that we could be given an idea what the base will be on this position? I realize such items are open to discussion, affected by a person's prior work experience and a number of other factors so I'm not interested in a figure set in stone. It's just that should someone have to move (which in my case I would happily and necessarily do so) there is research to do on what one should expect when preparing for a change in setting. Having an inkling as to the basic amount to be earned would help make that process (not to mention its viability) an easier feat to begin calculating.
Secondly, will applications received during this round of selection be kept on record for future use during other hiring phases? In all likelihood, were someone passed over this time around they would be glad to resubmit updated versions of documents. At the same time, knowing the possibility exists that our original application will remain on file and be looked at during other phases of expansion is nice. Gives you a reason to always pick up the phone and check a random email :)
Thank you so much for your time, have a wonderful weekend and, in case you have Monday off for the holiday, enjoy an extra day of rest that is well deserved. Cheers.