
Psalmist's page

Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Perfect Strike, per the Paizo staff, is intended to be "a cool thing that monks can do". On it's own, the limitations placed by the feat on which weapons can make use of its benefits are somewhat obstructive to the "cool" alternative it is trying to create.

The limitations are not themselves bad. I think that the feat is balanced from the standpoint of allowing weapons that only occur naturally in the Weapon Proficiency list of monks and I also think it's a good thing for it to focus on being for a monk build which uses weapons b/c that is a really interesting way to try and build the PC. It's a good feat, but it's not being used to its full potential. This feat shouldn't be a stand alone -- it should be a stepping stone.

I would like to lobby for the Paizo Staff to consider adding an Improved Perfect Strike feat into one of their future supplemental manuals. The feat would require Perfect Strike as a prerequisite and grant the ability to use the Perfect Strike feat with all weapons that have the Monk special feature, not just the list that was in the original Core rulebook. I do not champion adding the unarmed strike to the list of attacks that can be affected as the original feat is for making a monk build where using something other than an unarmed strike is encouraged.

An investment of a feat to gain this ability is a fair trade off for players and it does keep the game balanced. After all, a player will have already had to invest a feat for using a monk weapon outside of the normal list, so why not stay true to the spirit of the original Perfect Strike feat (to make a cool monk option where the monk uses something other than its unarmed strike) and provide reasons to begin building that direction.

I submit this suggestion for Paizo Staff consideration, and hope that it provides helpful feedback for the game.



PS - For those wondering where it says this is meant to be geared as a cool offshot for monks, here's a link to the FAQ that mentions it:


It's nice that we've been given a push to explore another aspect of the monk build; it would just be nicer if we could explore that departure more completely. Thank you and have a great day!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

This is just a question of curiosity, really. In Ultimate Magic where the Words of Power system is outlined, a table is supplied showing how two and three effect words of a varying level interact with the overall spell level itself (Table 4-1 on p. 164).

When looking at the Table, you can pick out pretty easily how each level is built off of the prior level (ex. a 4th level Word can be at 2/2 or stretched out further to 2/0/0 because a 2nd level Word can be 2 or 0/0).

My main question of interest is in whether you can keep on expanding based on those progression rules. For instance, could a 4th Level Word also be combined as 0/0/0/0 assuming the combination of Words themselves followed the rules for building the entire spell? I'm not saying you would want to do that, mind you, I'm just curious about people's thoughts on the concept. The rules themselves seem to leave the possibility open... so far I haven't put my finger on anywhere that specifically places a limit on the number of effects that can exist in a spell...

Anyway, hopefully I haven't come off as too stupid. Thanks for any clarification you have to offer! Cheers!

Scarab Sages

Hi all, hope this finds you well. This thread is less about reviewing the gunslinger info (I'll try to do that later) and more about prep for a game to get a better feel for all three of the playtest classes.

So, here's the scenario:

The halfling gunslinger Clint Westleaf gets in a tavern fight and the local authorities tend to operate in pairs (a martial deputy and a magical deputy). Clint's loaded down with plenty of black powder because he needs it to operate his primary weapon. He's a bit rowdy, having fun exhibiting the natural gunslinger attitude and what started as a fight against a typical bar patron turns into an encounter between Clint and the two town deputies. That's when it happens:

Magical deputy casts a fireball at Clint and it hits.

Now... do Clint and the rest of the bar blow up? Is there a percentage chance that the powder ignites causing some damage to Clint and exhausting some of his resources? Or do we simply assume that the black powder is naturally kept in a place unlikely to be ignited by a fireball and similar fiery attacks?

For the sake of ease, I could see just not worrying with the question in the playtest, waiting to find out what they have decided for the complete rules (as this is probably mentioned there). However, I figured I'd throw out the big "What would you do?" to all the GMs out there who may have some wisdom to share. Anyone have a thought? Thanks for your input! I hope everyone's playtests go well!

Edit: By popular demand, the fight between the deputy and the gunslinger moves outside of the bar before the fireball spell is cast. So the bar's safe, how 'bout the halfling :)

Scarab Sages

I hope this finds everyone well.

I am new to the Pathfinder Society and having created a character would like to put the PC in a thread as soon as possible. As my local city doesn't have any posted gaming opportunities on the calendar, I was hoping to find some online options. I mentioned that I was having difficulty finding GMs online who are running the sanctioned PFS scenario materials that would advance my character and it was suggested that I put up a thread about it in the "Gamer Connection" subforum as well as post a thread here in "PFS General Discussion" with a link to the original. Here's the link to my initial thread:

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/community/gaming/connection/pathfinder SocietyAndOnlineGamingOpportunities&page=1#0

Any advice or pointers you could give me to help me start gaming with PFS would be wonderful. Thank you for your time and attention. Cheers!

Scarab Sages

I hope this finds everyone well.

I’m new to the Pathfinder Society and there are no events shown as scheduled in the calendar on the website around my physical location. I would very much like to take a character I’ve created using the PFS guidelines out for a spin on one of the Society sanctioned games, but am having difficulty finding a resource for play-by-post or play-by-IM options. Does anyone know of a place I could go for seeking out GMs specifically running PFS material? Or would anyone be interested in pulling together a game online using this thread as a start point for recruiting players? So long as it’s a PFS scenario that I can use towards advancing my character in Society gameplay, I will do what I can to participate.

In case it’s worth mentioning, I’m familiar with the Pathfinder rules and don’t mind GMing sometime in the future. It’s just that this would be my first time doing Pathfinder Society gameplay and I’d like to familiarize myself with its setup/nuances before trying to take on that role. Also, I’d like to enhance my knowledge of the Golarian setting before venturing into that capacity.

Thank you for your time and I hope that this thread helps me or others find a way to get involved with the Society. Cheers!