
Protuberanssi's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Icyshadow wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I have compiled a list of things Jon Snow knows.
Link didn't work for me D:

So he doesn't actually know anything?

Granted. Your flesh now turns into dirt that becomes part of America.

I wish I could control time freely.

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Icyshadow wrote:
I kind of want to give recaps for the previous GURPS games we've had with my group thus far, but I feel like I should focus on Pathfinder. XD

DO IT! Just, do it! Don't let your recaps, be just one game.

Icyshadow wrote:
Anyone recall if I did recaps about a campaign jokingly called Three Clerics?

Why do we have three clerics?

Soon Dark souls 2 is installed on my computer. My butt is ready for the beating!

Ugh. I'm in a really bad pickle right now. The newest windows 7 update really screwed my computer so I can't use it anymore, unless I get my hands on a win7 install cd (although I do get one on sunday) so I can repair the damage. But sunday is far away and I need a working computer fast

My Fighter/Hellknight idea is:
LN, Two-handed fighter using scythe and sunder.

Possibly Feint if I get my intelligence 13.

I have also thought about taking Exotic weapon profience Net, but I don't know how good that would be since it can be used only against creatures of own size or smaller (it would be kind of more to the RP).

242. Eyes of Light You can look directly at natural bright lights and suffer no ill effect, and in dark your eyes glow like phosphorus.

Happy valentines day to everyone!

Zombieneighbours wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
I've allowed all the splat books, and my Kingmaker hasn't broken yet Sissyl. They just started Blood for Blood last session.

I don't believe that for a second.

Kingmakers breaks at the drop of a hat. The power level is very low for a 15 point game, and any significant amount of optimisation allows the most of the campaign to be roflstomped by even remotely competent players.

We haven't broken the game and we even have had several close calls for TPK (but not for my part, I would have just... tactically retreated with teleportation) even with random encounters (wisps, mammoths, cycklops etc. etc.) we've survived those with god like rolls (ranger + animalbane-arrow + 2 20 rolls in a row and crit confirmation = about 70-90 damage).

Icyshadow wrote:

Nobody seemed to be celebrating Halloween here in Finland.

Such a shame, too. I think it's one of the more fun holidays around.

Shame on you! No more capitalistic holidays here. My wallet is already empty.

Icyshadow wrote:

What of the pantheons? Human deities, Aedra and Daedra.

I've always been interested in seeing what kind of domains would the Elder Scrolls deities have.

This is pretty much taken from the wiki:

Nine Divines
Akatosh - The Dragon God of Time and the chief god of the pantheon
Arkay - God of Life and Death
Dibella - Goddess of Beauty
Julianos - God of Wisdom and Logic
Kynareth - Goddess of Nature
Mara - Mother Goddess and Goddess of Love
Stendarr - God of Mercy
Talos - God of War and Governance
Zenithar - God of Work and Commerce

And there are also the Daedric Princes...

Hey, wait a minute! Did number 9 roll a crit in stealth or is it disquised as number 23 1/2?

OT: I have seen one of my GMs do 3(rolling 20 on a skill roll wasn't an automatic success), 8, 10, 16(but it was publised adventure path, so I can't really say).