
Phenomenal Cosmic Power Gamer's page

16 posts. Alias of Tacticslion.


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Unless you shave by using the event horizon of a super-massive black hole, have a full and luxurious beard able to drown the galaxy, are stone cold stoic, and able to confront your emotions by singing Icelandic Pop Sensation Baba*, you’re not a real, real, real man!

Phillip Gastone wrote:
Wizards, no sense of right or wrong!

That’s just not true - it’s just wrong, I tell you!

Hey! There are no rules about morale penalty due to tiny living spaces!

There’s even a movement!

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Who has two thumbs and a new phone with a battery that won’t die in a few minutes?!?

*looks at self, notices am just some dice lacking thumbs*

Oh, come on!!

EDIT: who knew min-maxing to such extent could ever come back to haunt me!

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Scientific Scrutiny wrote:
I thought that was rope burn from the vines. Dude's inner thighs must've been RAW.

I don't see a page number, so I'm suspicious. I think you might be suggesting RAI, instead. That's just dirty pool.

Meh. I could take 'em.

Luke_Parry wrote:

Alright then!

I think I can work with this - I now just have to go back to the drawing board, and do some crunching, since I honestly hadn't looked at prestige classes in any of my theory-crafting for this AP...

(Psssssst. Eldritch Knight covers the extreme basics of both your suggested builds; you can choose what you want to emphasize/customize from there.)

((Feel free to ignore this suggestion. It's just an off-the-cuff that I cant think of that gets the most basic gist of the things you were looking for.))

That... changes... nothing~! NYAHAHAHAHAHAH~!

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Nothing is broken... it's all working just as I intended...

... a kobold! >:)

((EDIT: And don't forget, since the PF APs were originally written when it was still 3.5, and CotCT, SD, and LoF were never updated out of 3.5, that means that PF has 3.5 material as part of its official canon/continuity (as both CotCT and SD are not only referenced in, but required parts of both JR and Shattered') meaning this applies to Golarion fully. Why, yes, I'll just take every OP ability from first to fifth edition and PF, thank you~! >:D))

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Daggummit! I forgot to give my pastiche the Leadership feat!

Bother-it-all! Well, good game, guys. Good game. I had a good run.

I guess I can't overpower it in all the ways.


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TriOmegaZero wrote:
My crew uses just about every Paizo book available. It's pretty ridiculAWESOME.


Sorry. I know it's overplayed, and I know I'm not part of your group, but I found it too tempting to resist.

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Sarcasm Dragon wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
God be willing, I'll have a functional computer by Monday...
No you won't. Functional computers are now BANNED!

I reject your reality and substitute my own~!

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
You know when you start a discussion called only "Cheese" don't be surprised when I send the whole thing into the ditch talking about cheese. :-)

Oh, linky linky linky!!! I have to participate in Cheesehood!

NOW THIS IS A GAME IDEA I CAN GET BEHI-... aw, dangit, you're talking about actual cheese aren't you? DANG IT, WISCONSIN! SOME OF NEED TO USE THAT TERM, TOO!

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What's in the box? wrote:
You know... THAT is balance- Phenomenal cosmic power... once! :)

Once is all it takes... in the right hands.

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LazarX wrote:
Ilja wrote:

Kthulu: probably because the gm gets to decide on the inclusion/exclusion of dozens of races,and what race dozens of npcs are; then it seems quite small-minded to ban the single race that a player wants just because the gm doesnt like them. When its the only thing players get to decide, i think its a sign of good dming to cut them some slack. Exceptions occur of course, but they should ve kept rare exceptions, not anything close to default.

With the caveat that kirth mentioned of course; if other players too want to exclude catfolk that is a different thing.

What's this "only thing players get to decide" nonsense? Last I heard even in the most restrictive campaigns, players get to decide.

1. Ability scores
2. Class choices
3. Skill choices
4. Feat choices
5. Gear choices.

And I even hear that some extremely liberal and permissive GMs allow you to NAME your characters.

Wait, wait, wait. I get to just decide my ability scores in your game?! I'm choosin' NI+2, scores, baby! Suck on those guns, Pun-pun!