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![]() Aura of Courage lets me share the pally's smite with his mount, using the paladin's bonus. The mount has the celestial template, so gets a smite with his own HD to damage once a day. If they both smite the same target, the smite is coming from different sources. Does the mount get his own smite and the pally's smite, or would only the highest one apply? I am confused since they are from different sources, and although it seems like it should be a sacred bonus, it is an untyped bonus. Thanks! ![]()
![]() I know that multiple people can join a grapple, so several people can pile on to subdue someone. What if a monster grabs PC 1, can PC 2 join the grapple to free him, or is he limited to simply attacking the monster? I know you can always aid another for +2, but that doesn't seem as much help as piling on the monster should be. I don't want to reverse the grapple, just have party members try and help free PC 1. ![]()
![]() Let's say I am armed with a lance, and my mount has greater overrun (see below for the feat). We charge, knocking an opponent down, provoking on AoO from us both (we will ride on through, but that isn't really relevant to my question). My horse hits the guy with a hoof, but I don't think I can get an AoO because I am wielding a reach weapon and the opponent is adjacent. What can I do so that I benefit from that AoO? I think armor spikes will do it, but I don't like the flavor of that since I am on a horse and the opponent is prone. I couldn't kick him as an AoO because I don't think natural weapons threaten unless I have the improved unarmed combat feat. Would a blade boot work? I like the flavor of that better, and it is on my foot, which is close to the opponent. Is there anything else I can do so that I benefit from that AoO? Thanks
Here's the feat:
Prerequisites: Improved Overrun, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6, Str 13. Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to overrun a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Overrun. Whenever you overrun opponents, they provoke attacks of opportunity if they are knocked prone by your overrun. Normal: Creatures knocked prone by your overrun do not provoke an attack of opportunity. Here's the blade boot:
Benefit: You can use a blade boot as an off-hand weapon. Action: Releasing the knife is a swift action; rearming it is a full-round action. Drawback: When the blade is extended, you treat normal terrain as difficult and difficult terrain as impassable. ![]()
![]() They can overrun, and once someone is prone, seems like they could try and pin them with a hoof, but they don't have grabby parts. Without the feat, it would provoke and AoO, but is there a rule against horses grappling? If it makes a difference, in our game we are talking about a Paladin's mount, so he has INT 7. ![]()
![]() What would the DC be to ride by and pick up a willing ally? It seems to happen in every western movie, whenever someone's horse gets shot. Would it require feats? How much harder would it be if the guy you were picking up didn't have a readied action to help? What about to ride by and pick an unconscious ally up off the ground? Like at 2:06 of this video, where Rambo picks up the goat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p68eNRLb8cU I wanted to do that in last night's game to a halfling that was knocked out and was in danger, but I couldn't figure it how it would work, rules-wise. ![]()
![]() You can't take an AoO if you are flatfooted. So if you try a combat maneuver on someone who is flatfooted (let's say they haven't acted yet at the beginning of combat) they can't get an AoO on you for doing so, right? So if you get the init, you can get a free chance to Bull Rush or Overrun etc, without their attacking you. Seems like they'd also be denied Dex to CMD. Please correct me if I am wrong about any of these assumptions. Okay. Now what about a combat maneuver like Overrun? This allows the target to choose to step out of the way. They can't get an AoO, but can they choose to step out of the way if they are flatfooted? Thanks!
![]() I found a thread on it, but I was a couple of years old. Seems a good cleric can't summon a creature with with the fiendish template, which demons and devils don't have, but it seems like they are inherently fiendish. Has there been any sort of official ruling on this? If they can't, doesn't that nerf the higher level summoning spells for them?
![]() Had what I thought was a ridculous situation in my game last night. 14th level fighter AC about 40, fighting two fire giants. Gets paralyzed. The two giants miss him six times. He also had displacement, so I guess that was possible. He gets fireballed and makes his reflex save. What do you guys think? They didn't CDG him, and that would have been next, but he was freed from the spell the next round. Basically, getting paralyzed seem to make him invulnerable! Does anyone else think this is funky, or am I overreacting? A helpless character is paralyzed, held, bound, sleeping, unconscious, or otherwise completely at an opponent’s mercy. A helpless target is treated as having a Dexterity of 0 (–5 modifier).
An enemy can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless foe. An enemy can also use a bow or crossbow, provided he is adjacent to the target. The attacker automatically hits and scores a critical hit. (A rogue also gets his sneak attack damage bonus against a helpless foe when delivering a coup de grace.) If the defender survives, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die. Delivering a coup de grace provokes attacks of opportunity. Creatures that are immune to critical hits do not take critical damage, nor do they need to make Fortitude saves to avoid being killed by a coup de grace. ![]()
![]() In our last game, the party created a wall of force about the height of an opponent. The top was within reach, so I judged he could grab the edge and climb over. Does it have an edge you can grasp? The opponent had DR 10, so I didn't think it would cut him or anything, but the players objected. What do you think? ![]()
![]() From the SRD: Price 35,000 gp (lesser), 75,500 gp (normal), 170,000 gp (greater); How is this price arrived at? normal does up to 6th level spells, but quicken is plus four levels, so am I now pricing a 10th level spell power? Modeling after pearl of power doesn't work, and if I price it as a command word item with charges a day, the price is lower than the price for the rod. I am trying to figure out adding quicken to an item. I want it to function once or twice a day instead of three times, and I can't figure out the math.
![]() Happened at the last game. As the DM I ruled it was a line down the middle, and those who made their saves were squeezed to either side. How wide is blade barrier? Looking at past threads, some here say that it can go through the center of squares since it affects creatures, others say it needs to follow the lines of the square. Seems like Wall of Force and Wall of Stone can go anywhere, so I am not sure why this one would need to follow the lines of the grid. In the case of a hallway, that would be up against one wall which seems like a bad place for the caster to put it. So how wide is it and where can it go? Here's the spell: Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
[This content was created for the Pathfinder rules by Paizo Publishing LLC and is part of the Pathfinder RPG product line.]
An immobile, vertical curtain of whirling blades shaped of pure force springs into existence. Any creature passing through the wall takes 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6), with a Reflex save for half damage. If you evoke the barrier so that it appears where creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing through the wall. Each such creature can avoid the wall (ending up on the side of its choice) and thus take no damage by making a successful Reflex save. A blade barrier provides cover (+4 bonus to AC, +2 bonus on Reflex saves) against attacks made through it. P.S. The bad guy's next tactic was hold person, to hold them there another round, but the party mage was able to bull rush them held guy out with a grasping hand spell. ![]()
![]() My players (seven level 11-12 PCs) have just sunk a pirate ship in a fun combat, and now proceeding on shore, I want them to find that the ship's crew have been taken hostage and the remaining pirates will slay them (a mage will fireball the helpless, bound men) unless the party meets their demands. I want a negotiation to ensue. If the players succeeed, they might get some or all of the hostages released. They may have to do a sneaky rescue if they fail. I don't want to simply have them make a diplomacy roll. Any Ideas how to make this interesting? Kill a hostage every hour until the party complies?
Any help would be appreciated. ![]()
![]() I have a bard that wants to add some spells to his spell list using a custom item, but I can't find a price. Looking at a command word item like Cape of the Mountebank, that item lets anyone cast a 4th level mage spell (Dimension Door) with out provoking an AoO. This item costs about 10K gold to buy, about 5K gold to make So if I made an item that let me cast a 4th level bard spell once a day, it seems like it would be around 5k BUT that item would let ANYONE cast it, with a command word, which doesn't provoke. Would it be less for me to cast an make the item since it is for bards only, like 30% less? From the SRD "Item Requires Specific Class or Alignment to Use: Even more restrictive than requiring a skill, this limitation cuts the price by 30%." So now the price should be around 3500 to make 7000 to buy. Only bards could use the item, but it would still be a command word item that would not provoke. But even that isn't want I want. I want a fair price per spell level, to make an item to add spells to my list of spells known. A spell cast in this manner would provoke as normal, and would come out of my daily spell slots. Is there an item around like that, or if not, how can I price such an item by spell level? Level 1
![]() One of the limitations of spring attack is that you can't attack someone that you are adjacent to at the beginning of your turn. SRD says: "Benefit: As a full-round action, you can move up to your speed and make a single melee attack without provoking any attacks of opportunity from the target of your attack. You can move both before and after the attack, but you must move at least 10 feet before the attack and the total distance that you move cannot be greater than your speed. You cannot use this ability to attack a foe that is adjacent to you at the start of your turn." If you had 10ft reach, you aren't really adjacent to them. So could you move 10 ft and attack them, then next turn move 10 feet more and attack them again? Thanks
![]() I am trying to come up with a magic item which would give my bard more spells known. It might be modeled after the expanded arcana feat which gives one spell of your highest level or two of a lower level. Or it could function more like a pearl of power which gives you extra castings each day, with a price that is dependent on the level of the spell recalled. What would a fair way to price this as a magic item? Prawn ![]()
![]() Alter self lets you change from medium to medium, and gives a size bonus to str: "If the form you take is that of a Medium humanoid, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength." Enlarge person changes you from medium to large and gives a size bonus to str "This spell causes instant growth of a humanoid creature, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the creature's size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength" Should these size bonuses stack?
![]() Effortless Trickery Your natural knack for illusion allows you to maintain at least one illusion spell with little effort. Prerequisite: Gnome. Benefit: You can maintain concentration on one spell of the illusion school as a swift action. This has no effect on spells of other schools or on illusion spells with durations that don’t depend on your active concentration. While you may only maintain one spell as a swift action, you may take your move and standard actions to maintain other spells normally, if you wish. Normal: Concentrating to maintain a spell is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. ![]()
![]() I ran an adventure from dungeon magazine with a stone golem in it. The golem had several crystal chakras which were vulnerable and could be sundered in order to cripple the golem. The crystals didn't have the golem's DR, but they had a Hardness of 8. The party summoned a lantern archon whose light rays overcome "damage reduction of any type." The eye rays could hit the golem and ignore his DR 10, but would they also ignore the hardness 8 of the crystals? Thanks! Prawn ![]()
![]() http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Greater_Stone_Golem Size/Type: Huge Construct
I don't know what the CMB should be. Any suggestions?
![]() There are a lot of feats for chasing down casters, shouldn't the casters develop a feat or spell to counteract it? I am asking because a player in my game wants to do something like this, and before we invent it, I want to make sure there isn't already something that does this. How about a second level spell, one minute a level, that turns your 5 foot steps into 10 ft steps, so you can 10 ft step away and cast, and then the fighter you are escaping from can't get his full attack? ![]()
![]() "A critical hit means that you roll your damage more than once, with all your usual bonuses. Exception: Precision damage (such as from a rogue's sneak attack class feature) and additional damage dice from special weapon qualities (such as flaming) are not multiplied when you score a critical hit." So extra dice of damage from sneak attack and shocking/flaming etc weapons don't get multiplied. Extra Damage from Vital Strike doesn't either. What about bonuses from Power attack Strength Bard's Song Arcane Strike Weapon's pluses (+1 of the sword for example) Prayer Is all of this multiplied? Thanks,
Edited after leo1925's questions. ![]()
![]() I have a character who fights a greatsword with a buckler. Bucklers give -1 to hit with the off hand, which I presume applies to the buckler. Is there a special material that could get rid of this penalty? Darkwood has -2 on all armor check penalties
They both have a higher dex mod and allow for better arcane spell failure. How about having a magical buckler made that would get rid of the penalty? What would it need? Is there a special material or magical buckler that would allow me to retain the +1 AC bonus when attacking, or should I just try something else like a ring of force shield or a levitating shield? Thanks
![]() Last night, we had a combat with a Green Slaad which was changed into human form. The Slaad had his back to a wall, and a PC was in front of it. The Slaad changed back into its normal form, size Huge. There was 10 feet of empty space to the side, and more beyond the PC, but none directly in front. PC
What happens? Is the Huge creature squeezed? Is the PC pushed back? Do they both end up in the same square? Are they both squeezed? Help would be appreciated.
![]() I have an arcane duelist bard with a +3 mithril breastplate. Next level I will be able to wear medium armor without penalty, but for now, I am not proficient in medium armor. I know that until I am proficient with medium armor, I will take a minus to hit and Dex related skills.
Since bards can use light armor, and this breast plate is considered light, does "other limitations" mean that I can cast in this armor without penalty? Prawn ![]()
![]() Talking is a free action which you can do when it is not your turn. Can I tell an unseen servant to do something on someone else's turn? Example:
![]() My bard is going up a level, and gets 2 new 3rd level spells. We use core + APG. I won't take haste because someone else in the party has it, and I won't take invisibility because I have it at lower levels and others in the party have it as well. So, I am leaning towards Charm Monster because that seems like the archetypical bard spell. Then there's Slow (a powerful debuff) Reviving Finale (Immediate actions are powerful) After that there are other good ones: Confusion (a powerful spell, but a pain to run because you have to roll for each person each round. Too much rolling slows things down.) Fear
Any thoughts? Anything I am missing?