
Poodle LePew's page

3 posts. Alias of veector.

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Hi gang

I'm seeing some great new stuff in this forum. The Pathfinder Database welcomes any content posted here that's in more of a final version to also be submitted to the database for long term searchability and presentation on a more targeted web site.


Looking for a buyer...

For sale on Pathfinder Database

Ok, big question here...

At what point does a RPG stop working for you? In other words, at what point does RPG Brand X mean less fun than RPG Brand Y.

I look back on my own decision in switching from D&D 2nd to D&D 3rd and it just seemed like a no brainer because D&D 3 did things the way I imagined they should be done without breaking anything I really loved.

Is that the core litmus test or is there some other ephemeral quality that intrinsically makes RPG Brand X better than RPG Brand Y?

A Tough Question

Just wanted to let everyone know that this project and other Pathfinder Modern conversions are building at the new forums on the d20 Modern Database.

d20 Modern Database

Shameless bump.

Hi everyone,

If you've got some awesome Pathfinder Roleplaying Game content that you've been brewing at home and it's finally ready to be put out into the wild, consider submitting it to the Pathfinder Database.

I see a lot of great content on this forum and its a shame for all these ideas to get lost amongst all the posts here.

The Pathfinder Database is a centralized data store for all of these ideas, organized and presented for readability. Stop by and try it out today!

Hi guys

I still love the products, but since the upcoming products aren't as relevant to my game anymore, I'll be purchasing items individually from now on.


In honor of Futurama coming back on the air, I give you...

Doctor Zoidberg, Kraken Bard

To all of you who have used or have contributed to the Pathfinder Database, I want to give you a big thanks!

As part of continuing to add content to the community, I've started a new Gamemaster Options category called "Archetypes". This category will include any common recurring bad guy types that you can't find in the Bestiary.

So, for example, the ones I've got so far are:

Goblin Commander (3rd Level Warrior)
Kobold Commander (3rd Level Warrior)
Orc Commander (3rd Level Warrior)
Town Guard (1st Level Fighter)
Seargent/Town Guard Commander (3rd Level Fighter)

At this point, to make this a real success, I'd like to hear any suggestions for new archetypes that YOU need for YOUR game.

Some ideas I've already got brewing:

Drow Warriors (Lvl 3, Lvl 5)
Orc Shaman (Lvl 3 Acolyte)
Kobold Wizard (Lvl 3 Sorcerer)
Goblin Wizard (Lvl 3 Acolyte)
Sahuagin Skirmisher (Lvl 3 Ranger)
Troglodyte Commander (Lvl 3 Warrior)

Please post away so I can build stat blocks that YOU need!

Just a reminder for any new members to the forum, if you're interested in posting your homebrew content to the Pathfinder Database for posterity, head on over and create an account.

By submitting content, you get a standardized content layout and a star-rating feedback from readers. Stop by and check it out!

Featured and flavor images are on their way. In the meantime, the map is up...

The Great City of Thorian's Gate

1 person marked this as a favorite.

First off, this post and discussion may take a nasty turn, I'm well aware of that but I am fully committed to keeping the discussion civil despite the "instigating" nature of this post itself.

What I'd like to discuss is what should the role of 3rd party Pathfinder web sites be?

As part of full disclosure, I run a web site called the Pathfinder Database.

I've also seen sites such as the d20 Pathfinder SRD and the Archives of Nethys and the Pathfinder Wiki.

Now I am fully assuming that we're all playing nice by Paizo's Community Use policy and respecting their Terms of Use. But what I've started to get really confused about is:

How does a site like the Archives of Nethys encourage me to buy any published material from Paizo which includes the same rules? In addition, how does the Pathfinder Wiki encourage me to buy any additional sourcebooks if I can basically gain much of the same information from the wiki.

I've just really been conflicted lately as to whether the ability to publish something on the web for free actually helps or hinders the sales of Paizo's products.

As always, if you think this is irrelevant or a useless discussion please ignore the thread and let it die. However, I would really like to hear a Paizo employee's opinion on the subject.

What takes several hoops to jump through using Google Maps API, Microsoft provides for free to promote Silverlight.

Take a look at the map for my new campaign world.

World Map of Thule


Don't count on this link remaining up. This is just a test. This is the combat tracker we use for my games.

If people are interested, I'd be happy to post this somewhere publicly available.


The final version would allow you to enter PC names (probably 6 to 8 max) and AC scores.

- Double click the ## fields to start entering PC or Monster initiative rolls.

- When you get the Hand/Pointer cursor, you can click and drag to move the PC/NPC/Monster entries from the active combat side (Left) to the holding side (right).

- Click the "Start" link to have the combat begin.

- Click the left and right directional arrows (below the "Start" link) to continue turns.

- Click a number box above to reset the round to a specific round number.

- The line below the Monster/NPC name is a input field where you can write notes about monster health, conditions, etc.

- Click on Monster or NPC names to edit them.

If you have any questions/suggestions, feel free to ask. I have already heard about wanting something to auto-sort by initiative roll.

Just got an iPad this weekend. Where's my character sheet app Paizo?!

Just kidding... but if any other Mac developers out there feel up to the challenge, I'll be the first to buy!

Hi again

After looking at the pipeline, I'd also like to cancel my Pathfinder Chronicles subscription. Just not anything in the near future that sparks my interest.



I just received my email notice of order #1361021. I'd like to cancel my Adventure Path subscription. If I am correct, I should still receive AP #30 but I should not receive AP #31.

Just not interested in the next AP.


Author Jaron Lanier has written a new book called "You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto". In he posits that the Web 2.0 evolution of the internet has "results in cynical mob behavior, the shouting-down of reasoned argument, and the devaluation of individual accomplishment".

Link to the book on Amazon with a very interesting Q&A with the author

I have to agree.

Another side of this is that with the ease of publishing electronic content, the price of that content is pushed further and further down, to the point of becoming free. (see the Q&A in the link)

So the question is: What is the "value-add" of companies like Paizo or Wizards or other roleplaying game companies when much of the content that they produce can be developed by individuals and shared online.

What is the value that you place on content? Can the same quality of content produced by Paizo and other companies be found online? Should this content cost the same as what it costs Paizo to produce? How will this new economy affect companies that produce intellectual property?

To offer full disclosure on this subject, I also run a web site that publishes fan-created roleplaying game material.

I'd like to cancel my Pathfinder RPG subscription.

Also, is it possible to set my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription to cancel after a certain release?

If so, I'd like to cancel it after the end of Council of Thieves.

Sorry, I meant to select USPS Priority Mail as the shipping method for this. Can you change this and charge me the difference?


To whom it may concern:

I'm a fan and I love supporting Pathfinder and Paizo's product lines. However, this month, I feel the shipping options did not live up to the intent of the options themselves. Specifically, I'd like to call attention to the difference between these two options:


Hold subscription items to ship with my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription
Combine items when possible, but make sure my Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes are shipped as soon as possible. Due to varying product schedules, occasionally I may pay to ship a volume by itself.

Hold for monthly shipment
Ship my subscription products once a month, so I'll pay only one shipping charge.

I understand these options present different shipping methods depending on the type of subscriptions the customer has, but due to the recent delay of this month's Adventure Path, I feel these options did not treat customers with courtesy, especially since you now have products that might be of greater importance to customers besides the Adventure Path.

Since I am a subscriber to the Adventure Path, I know all my stuff will get shipped with my AP, but that is a delay of 1 month for all the other things I was hoping to get this month. As is explained under "Hold subscription items to ship with my Pathfinder AP" option, I understand that some things may ship by themselves, however, the reverse does not seem to be the case. If the AP is late, the shipping of other products should not suffer. If this happens again, what's the difference between the two shipping options above? The difference I see is that all my items get delayed 1 month and I get a much larger than expected bill on the next month, rather than, I feel rationally, getting customers their products as soon as possible despite problems with the AP.

I guess I would rather have only two options for shipping:

1 - Ship individual items as they are available (identical to the current option like this)
2 - Monthly Shipment (This shipping option would only ship items that are ready to be shipped by a particular date. This date would be chosen to coincide with the availability of the AP. If any subscription item is late, including the AP, it does not ship.)

Thanks for listening

First I'd like to say thank you to all those who have submitted content to the Pathfinder Database. The site has really grown and accumulated a lot of great new abilities and game options for fans.

Secondly, I've gotten many requests from content submitters who'd like more detailed feedback on their submissions. I do not want to replace the great feedback system on these messageboards, so I'd like to put in place a review system similar to the way the content is reviewed currently.

Using a 5 star system for different criteria based on what type of content it is, I think the authors will get the feedback they're looking for while still reserving in-depth comments (the kind I don't want to moderate) for the messageboards here.

I've done an example of this with one article, a feat that I have written. Spell Surge (Metamagic)

My idea right now is to only allow the registered users to review content by criteria, but reviewing content with the "overall" rating, the current system, will remain as it is now, anyone (registered or not) can review anything.

For feats, I had the following criteria in mind:
Balance refers to how powerful the feat is in relation to its requirements.
Utility refers to how useful the feat is over the life of a character's career.
Compatibility refers to how well the feat would fit into a variety of campaigns.

If you like this style of reviewing content, please let me know what criteria content submissions should be based on. For example, here's a quick list I just thought up now...

Races - Balance, Flavor, Compatibility

Classes - Balance, Abilities, Compatibility

Spells - Balance, Utility, Compatibility

Magic Items - Cost vs Power, Flavor, Uniqueness

I'd also like criteria for other sections of the site, such as: NPCs, Monsters, Encounters, Traps, etc

Thank you for your time and thanks for the feedback.

According to the Rules as Written, is it allowable for a wizard to craft a wand of empowered (+2 spell lvl) fireball (3rd level spell)? The cost to create it comes out to 20,000 gp and change.

So, after the first battle in Fortress, my players took down quite a bit of the adversaries. This was mainly due to a wizard being able to dish out a ton of damage with a wand of improved fireball. Also, using Pathfinder RPG rules and very experienced players all around, they were able to avoid much of the punishment the giants could dish out.

In the end, the body count was:

Terktinus (CR 10)
Longtooth (fled, CR 10)
6 Stone Giants (CR 8 each)
2 Dire Bears (CR 7 each)

If I'm not mistaken, this calculates to over 10K XP. The characters are 9th level. This comes to over half the XP needed to advance to 10th. Am I missing something? This seems really HUGE.

This came up in our game last night. A dragon is flying around and the wizard wants to put up a Wall of Force right in front of the dragon so the dragon would hit the wall, take damage, and then fall to the ground.

So he's just barely able to get in range (invisible) and he casts the wall. I made the dragon take damage on the wizard's turn, but it really should have been the dragon's turn.

We discussed it for a bit and came up with a rule that any creature moving horizontally that uses a mode of movement that cannot instantly be stopped/maintains its momentum (intentionally or unintentionally) into a solid object takes damage as if they were falling (1d6 per 10 ft of speed, ignoring first 10 ft of movement), but the damage is based on the last full round speed of the creature (max 20d6).

So the dragon (large size, juvenile) was flying (150' speed) and took a double move on his turn. So he takes 20d6 when he hits the wall of force.

If in this situation it was an Air Elemental (perfect maneuverability), it wouldn't have seen the wall of force. Now, if it's some other object that is made to instantly appear in front of the Air Elemental, the elemental can stop on a dime and so it wouldn't take damage.

I realize this doesn't scale down very well, so I'm looking for other suggestions or if anyone else has a simple system that adjudicates this sort of thing.


Hello thar fellow Pathfinders. I've been fielding quite a few Feat Submissions to the Pathfinder Database and I wanted to hear from the community at large the answer to one question:

"What makes a good feat?"

As part of that, consider answering also...

When should something be a feat as opposed to a class or race ability? What are the limits of what a feat can or can't do? What existing feats do you think go beyond or break these ideals?

Thanks for the feedback!

The game store I found in Oakland, CA. I have never seen a store this organized or containing more helpful staff. No, I don't work there.

Endgame in Oakland, CA

So here's my issue...

I'm working on a character creation program and what I'm looking for is a weighted list by character class of what feats each class is most likely to pick. Like so...

Definitely Pick (Highly valuable)
- Power Attack
- Cleave
- Weapon Focus

Maybe Pick (Valuable in specific cases)
- Quick Draw
- Improved Shield Bash

Unlikely Pick (Not valuable unless for a specific concept)
- Rapid Reload

Definitely Pick (Highly valuable)
- Spell Focus
- Craft Wand

Maybe Pick (Valuable in specific cases)
- Empower Spell
- Spell Mastery

Unlikely Pick (Not valuable unless for a specific concept)
- Widen Spell
- Craft Rod

I do realize this is dependent on the concept of the character, but what I'm looking for is what "the most common types" of that particular class would take.

I'm not just looking for this list for a fighter and wizard, but for all PC classes. You don't have to go through the entire list of feats, but within each section (Definitely Pick/Maybe Pick/Unlikely Pick) should be between 10-15 choices.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

Ok, so some people are not happy with the new Wild Shape/Beast Shape/Elemental Body fix for Druids. I have an alternate idea, not sure if it was brought up during the beta, and wanted to see if others like it.

Why can't Wild Shape function more like the way the polymorph spell originally worked, but instead of an unlimited amount of creatures to change into, only a limited subset, for example, only animals that the druid has had close interaction with or only a specific number of animal forms.

Using the first restriction, a druid gaining wild shape for the first time would be limited to the scope of animals they've come into close contact with in the game world. This could be broad or narrow, depending on the DM and the type of campaign.

Using the second restriction, let's say the first time a druid gains wild shape (lvl 4), he's allowed 3 different animal forms. For argument's sake, lets say he takes Eagle, dog, and alligator to gain the benefits of flight, subterfuge, and swim. This restriction makes the animal forms chosen VERY important decisions. I'd say using this, a druid should gain an additional form each time they get another use of Wild Shape. This also provides for a little more variation between different styles of druid.

Just tossing around some ideas...

One of the things I've noticed since starting a campaign using the Pathfinder beta rules and now continuing into the final rules is the lack of enthusiasm over Prestige Classes.

I have a couple of theories over this and was curious what everyone else thought.

One theory is that, due to the remake of all the core classes, Prestige Classes lost their bite. I almost see Prestige Class abilities pretty much on par with base class abilities. Whether upping the ante with the core classes was intended to balance prestige vs core, I don't know.

Another theory is that the designers are more inclined to encourage people to stick with one core class for the sake of playability rather than dipping into X number of other classes to get what they want. Overall, it's basically saying "What do you need to go to a Prestige Class for when you're base class is still very cool?"

So, all in all, I see many people interested in new base classes, not so much in new Prestige Classes. If they are interested in Prestige Classes, it's for the sake of roleplaying rather than cool abilities.



CMB = Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier

CMD = 10 + Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier + special size modifier

As one rises in level, Strength and Dexterity both increase. Our 17th level sample Barbarian has a CMB of +24. A CR 13 Storm Giant has a CMD of 40. Our CR 16 Cornugon has a CMD of 45. And both of those are before equipment. She needs a natural 16 to accomplish anything against a monster four levels lower than herself, and she only succeeds on a natural 20 against the fiend one level lower than herself if she can convince the DM that a natural 20 always succeeds on a Combat Maneuver roll.

And that's before we get into the maneuvers themselves:

Grappling no longer requires a free hand, it requires two free hands to avoid an additional -4 penalty to the Combat Maneuver Roll. So our Barbarian has to outright drop her greatsword to succeed on a grab attempt against that Storm Giant on anything other than a natural 20. And it doesn't even do anything unless you keep the grab up for two turns in a row (and the enemy can full attack you in the round in between - no fooling). Verdict: Useless.

Bullrushing is changed all out of recognition. Now, you almost get Domino Rush for free, except that you suffer a -4 penalty to try (which means it doesn't succeed). Also, you still push them one extra square for every 5 points you exceed the DC, which with CMB being what it is you're only ever going to get a 5 square shift off that maneuver. Also, pushing enemies into impassable squares makes your bullrush fail instead of dropping them prone. Verdict: Useless.

Overrun is based on the Andy Collins' petulant errata version where it's always a standard action and can't be combine with a Charge. So you already know it's bad. But they actually made it worse. See, your target can still let you go if they don't want to risk you making a CM check against them, but they might as well take the attack of opportunity because the only thing that happens if you succeed is you moving through their square. To get the knockdown effect, you need to exceed their CMD by five. Verdict: Useless.

Trip You get counter tripped if you fail by 10. So our sample Barbarian will actually trip the Cornugon on a natural 20, but fall down herself on a 1-11. Improved Trip has been divided into two feats (seriously) and the extra attack at the end is now an Attack of Opportunity so you need Combat Reflexes to actually have it stack with the attack you get for them standing up again. Verdict: Useless.

(Disclaimer: Not my work, but I find it hard to disagree with. Again, wanting to see how the Bestiary resolves this.)

I'm not the author of this quote, but I find this argument compelling. Is anyone else finding issues with CMB vs CMD in particular situations?


I often find that the charm subschool has clunky mechanics because it requires a lot of DM decision making about what the charmed creature would believe/want/do. In addition, the opposed Charisma check mechanic didn't make sense to me for simplicity. Since the Diplomacy rules already cover a lot of negotiation mechanics, I thought I'd combine the two and produce a more specific description for what Charm Person does and under what circumstances the recipient receives a new saving throw.

Obviously this would cascade to Charm Monster, Mass Charm etc

Thanks for the feedback.

Hi Gary/Vic

Where should we start listing features/suggestions/feedback for the Pathfinder RPG Reference Document?

I love it... but I want more! :)

I assume from the spell descriptions that the special abilities and ability score bonuses are the only things gained when the effects of these spells take place.

Do you also gain the natural attacks of the assumed form? If not, you essentially can change into a wolf that has an unarmed attack? Is that right?

As I had posted in a previous announcements forum, the Pathfinder Database aims to aid the community by providing an organized outlet for fan-created Pathfinder RPG content. It's been a considerable amount of work to get the site as user-friendly as possible. If you've got a lot of content you've created for your own game, or simply have that one necessary feat that seems to have been overlooked, I invite you to stop by, get registered, and submit away.

Ladies and gentlemen... the Pathfinder Database.

As I had posted in a previous announcements forum, the Pathfinder Database aims to aid the community by providing an organized outlet for fan-created Pathfinder RPG content. It's been a considerable amount of work to get the site as user-friendly as possible. If you've got a lot of content you've created for your own game, or simply have that one necessary feat that seems to have been overlooked, I invite you to stop by, get registered, and submit away.

Ladies and gentlemen... the Pathfinder Database.

So, the great state of Alaska has an online app from the "Alaska Resources Library and Information Services" called the

ARLIS Pathfinder Database

My search engine ranking on Bing, Yahoo, and Google for the Pathfinder Database just went above theirs.

More people play Pathfinder than live in Alaska and go to the library. WOOHOO!!!

I'm planning on taking Thursday off to devote the required time to digesting the amazing tome which we are about to receive.

Anyone else?

After a long hiatus, I have returned with a new project...

The Pathfinder Database awaits you.

I'm basically starting a site for any and all Pathfinder fans to post their custom Pathfinder RPG creations, be that Races, Classes, Prestige Classes, Feats, Equipment, Spells, Magic Items, and NPCs.

What's the big deal?

There's a lot of content available on the messageboards and other sites, but you have to do a little bit of searching to find it. My goal is to provide fan-created Pathfinder content for free in an organized and more readable format.

Any content available will follow the most common format as found in published Pathfinder RPG material.

I hope the site meets with your satisfaction and piques your interest.

Sorry, they're crowding up the Gamer Life forum. I'm happy they enjoy the game, just not sure that's the appropriate forum.

Boy the way Glenn Miller played

One of the things I go for when creating a character or (as a DM) approaching an NPC that has already been described is to really look at the motivations and circumstances of that character.

So the old actor's line goes: "What's my motivation?"

I'll take one of the initial NPCs from Rise of the Runelords. You don't necessarily have to see them as they are written.

Kendra Deverin is described as "Kendra Deverin has served as Sandpoint’s mayor for the past eight years. Lawmaker, judge, and general peacemaker, Deverin has proven to be both an adept diplomat and stern hand when need be—skills likely honed during her youth in Magnimar and adventuring in the region. With a personal—some say sisterly—style of governing, Kendra holds the abiding respect of most of Sandpoint’s people, charming them with her fiery temper and tenacity for justice (as dem-onstrated during the Late Unpleasantness). A council of several of the town’s most respected and affluent landowners aids Deverin’s work. While several councilmembers have their own agendas and visions for the town, the mayor’s no-nonsense attitude assures that council decisions ever work toward the common good."

Now from this description, I roleplay her like Hillary Clinton. She's dedicated. I thought about what kind of background would fit her best and came to the conclusion that a upper-middle class (maybe even noble) upbringing in Magnimar would suit her. So she's from a wealthy family in Magnimar, but she wanted to go out and prove herself on her own. Thus the move to Sandpoint and climbing the political ladder there.

So far it's worked really well in this campaign.

For PCs, I do the same thing. I work from a skeleton concept of personality and history and then try and make the stats fit the character. Sometimes that means having a low stat, so be it. Sometimes it means taking a feat that makes sense for the character and not any sense for the build. So be it. Sometimes it means putting a lot of ranks in a skill that isn't very useful in an adventurer's daily life. So be it.

What do you think? How do you approach character creation from a roleplaying aspect?

Well maybe not. But my friends and I were discussing what things are likely to happen in the next 10 years and two big ones came to my mind.

- You will no longer see any print daily newspapers. They'll either be only weekend editions or magazines.

- Niche bookstores will go away unless they do something to build communities around their niche.

Anyone got anything else? Doesn't have to be about printing/books.

Ok... everyone's entitled to their own version of Pathfinder. Let's have a fair "discussion".

Personally, I hate warforged. I don't hate constructs. I hate the concept of the warforged race. I know many may like them, but I don't. It breaks the Tolkienesque version of fantasy that I like.

So my request of Paizo: Please do not foist any warforged-lovin' "army of constructs" type of ideas upon Golarion.

Thanks. Flame away.

I would like a copy of the hardcover release of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game signed by Jason Bulmahn, Lisa Stevens, Erik Mona, and James Jacobs.

How much?

EDIT: Ok, and Vic Wertz too.

I lifted the following from an article about Customer Service. You can easily see how Paizo stacks up. This may seem like those cheesy office posters, but it works.

Customer service is an integral part of our job and should not be seen as an extension of it. A company’s most vital asset is its customers. Without them, we would not and could not exist in business. When you satisfy our customers, they not only help us grow by continuing to do business with you, but recommend you to friends and associates.

The practice of customer service should be as present on the show floor as it is in any other sales environment.

The Ten Commandments of Customer Service

1. Know who is boss. You are in business to service customer needs, and you can only do that if you know what it is your customers want. When you truly listen to your customers, they let you know what they want and how you can provide good service. Never forget that the customer pays our salary and makes your job possible.

2. Be a good listener. Take the time to identify customer needs by asking questions and concentrating on what the customer is really saying. Listen to their words, tone of voice, body language, and most importantly, how they feel. Beware of making assumptions - thinking you intuitively know what the customer wants. Do you know what three things are most important to your customer?

Effective listening and undivided attention are particularly important on the show floor where there is a great danger of preoccupation - looking around to see to whom else we could be selling to.

3. Identify and anticipate needs. Customers don't buy products or services. They buy good feelings and solutions to problems. Most customer needs are emotional rather than logical. The more you know your customers, the better you become at anticipating their needs. Communicate regularly so that you are aware of problems or upcoming needs.

4. Make customers feel important and appreciated. Treat them as individuals. Always use their name and find ways to compliment them, but be sincere. People value sincerity. It creates good feeling and trust. Think about ways to generate good feelings about doing business with you. Customers are very sensitive and know whether or not you really care about them. Thank them every time you get a chance.

5. Help customers understand your systems. Your organization may have the world's best systems for getting things done, but if customers don't understand them, they can get confused, impatient and angry. Take time to explain how your systems work and how they simplify transactions. Be careful that your systems don't reduce the human element of your organization.

6. Appreciate the power of "Yes". Always look for ways to help your customers. When they have a request (as long as it is reasonable) tell them that you can do it. Figure out how afterwards. Look for ways to make doing business with you easy. Always do what you say you are going to do.

7. Know how to apologize. When something goes wrong, apologize. It's easy and customers like it. The customer may not always be right, but the customer must always win. Deal with problems immediately and let customers know what you have done. Make it simple for customers to complain. Value their complaints. As much as we dislike it, it gives us an opportunity to improve. Even if customers are having a bad day, go out of your way to make them feel comfortable.

8. Give more than expected. Since the future of all companies lies in keeping customers happy, think of ways to elevate yourself above the competition. Consider the following:

* What can you give customers that they cannot get elsewhere?
* What can you do to follow-up and thank people even when they don't buy?
* What can you give customers that is totally unexpected?

9. Get regular feedback. Encourage and welcome suggestions about how you could improve. There are several ways in which you can find out what customers think and feel about your services.

* Listen carefully to what they say.
* Check back regularly to see how things are going.
* Provide a method that invites constructive criticism, comments and suggestions.

10. Treat employees well. Employees are your internal customers and need a regular dose of appreciation. Thank them and find ways to let them know how important they are. Treat your employees with respect and chances are they will have a higher regard for customers. Appreciation stems from the top. Treating customers and employees well is equally important.

I'm emailing this on behalf of a 16-year-old who emailed me to try and get help finding a gaming group. He lives in the Boston area and has some experience with D&D.

Besides starting his own group, which might be difficult since he doesn't have a lot of experience, where could he find a gaming group that's age-appropriate?

Looks interesting

I have to say, this special ability is the most evil thing I've seen Paizo inflict on a party (at any level!). The effect isn't so tremendous that the heroes can't overcome it, but the pure spite of teasing a player with a d20 roll of "20" that they can't have is PURE EVIL GENIUS!