1 person marked this as a favorite.
Didja know some posts are mispelled just to gave headaches to those who are nitpickers on such things. Like my first online convo with the pony lawyer modual/module hehe
PONY!!! I lIKe this PONY!!!!
Sebastian wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: MeanDM wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: It is all Sebastian's fault. It's ok... We'll make sure he never does that to you again...
*Hands Pony a sugar cube and the card to a therapist he knows.* But the therapist will make me show on the teddy bear. Also, I already had my way with the teddy bear. Those multi-colored stains are what happens when skittles are exposed to moisture... 0_o
You wiped your but with the Teddy?!?!?!?
MeanDM wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: It is all Sebastian's fault. It's ok... We'll make sure he never does that to you again...
*Hands Pony a sugar cube and the card to a therapist he knows.* But the therapist will make me show on the teddy bear.
Chef's Slaad wrote: Gary Teter wrote: I think maybe this thread belongs in the fine literature forum. It certainly belongs in a category of it's own.
That is because it is all Sebastian's fault!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
It is all Sebastian's fault.
"oh, never mind."
Nom nom nom
"Ah my caterpillar never turned into a butterfly."
0gre wrote: Generic Villain wrote: Geez you two, have you no respect for the sanctity of the katana? If this thread has taught us anything, it is that katanas are serious business. They are (for some reason) special compared to every other sword in human history, and must be treated as such (apparently)! Now let us all bow our heads in prayer to this almighty piece of sharp, slightly curved metal.
Okay I'm done...
Katana serious...
People who take game rules too seriously are Pony!!!
Callous Jack wrote: Gary Teter wrote: Everything's funnier with Sebastian!
** spoiler**
/me keeps a bottle of fresh-ground Sebastian with him wherever he goes—it's the JokeMaker®! So... you have a bottle of glue? Pony :*(
Sebastian wrote: Little Timmy wrote: It's okay. A doggie jumped in from of me and took the blow! Good doggie! That happened to me the last time I was visiting your mom. Pony!!
Moorluck wrote: Moff Rimmer wrote: Moorluck wrote: Justin Franklin wrote: Moorluck wrote: Studpuffin wrote: *looks around*
Where is Solnes? She hasn't been around much lately. She's working tonight. She's been feeling a little disconnected from FaWTL lately, says she doesn't feel as part of the gang when she post nowdays. That's silly, of course she is part of the gang, or mob, or whatever we are. ;) According to a couple of posters we're a clique that jumps on and beats up other Paizonians for their AP money. :P Hey! Where's my cut? We spent it paying Sebastian legal fees for that class action suit filled against us earlier this year. Boy am I glad that it didn't cut into my share! Ah PONY!!
Another Dang Hippeh wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Goddang hippeh!
BLAMM!! BLAMM!! URGhK! {falls dead under the Christmas tree} ah a pwesent fer me!!!!
Sebastian wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: Sebastian wrote: I like pie. Pony, Your BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so much less creepy than the old avatar... Pony!!
Sebastian wrote: I like pie. Pony, Your BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: MWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA! The trapfinders are finally through. Excellent, the hoard is mine! {breaks out the rolls of My Little Pony and Scrappy-Doo stickers, proceeds to sticky-fy the various and sundry RPG materials} are you working for a certain pony lawyer?
Sebastian wrote: Garydee wrote: Callous Jack wrote: Sebastian wrote: Garydee wrote:
Tranquilis, one thing that I've learned on this board is that people who throw the word "bigotry" around the most are usually the worst perpetrators of it themselves.
So, you admit that you're a bigot against bigots?
Bigot. I knew it! I'm also bigoted against tyrants who run their cults with an iron fist. Fascist! I'm not sure if that cult is run so much as it runs around aimlessly. PONY!!!!
Don't go into the factory!!!!!!!
Ahh the wittle pony is soooooo cute!!
Lazaro wrote: FOR PONY! Pony!
Wolfthulhu wrote: And that's why everyone loves Sebastian. ;-) Pony!
there is another pony?!?!?! Yipee
Fish are yucky and slimey I want my PONY!!
This is why no one loves me.
Do you like to Brush his hair, its just so purply and ...sigh so strong...........
And here I thought you were just in it for the Hooves.
Pony Stalker wrote: I think that he wants me to tie you down and spank you. He knows what I like.
yes he does. he want to tie you down. I want him to tie me down.
Pony Stalker wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: Matthew Morris wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: It's MY PONY, but thats not why I am crying. I just sometiimes miss 1E. You can never love the pony the way I do. Because that way is illegal in his state. And physically impossible in this universe. You just lack imagination. No, just a power lift, two cups of egg whites and a ton of scientific equipment. You're after my pony too? No the darn link wouldnt work
He is my pony!!!!!!!!!!!
Pony Stalker wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: Matthew Morris wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: It's MY PONY, but thats not why I am crying. I just sometiimes miss 1E. You can never love the pony the way I do. Because that way is illegal in his state. And physically impossible in this universe. You just lack imagination. No, just a power lift, two cups of egg whites and a ton of scientific equipment.
Matthew Morris wrote: Pony Stalker wrote: PonyLVR, wrote: It's MY PONY, but thats not why I am crying. I just sometiimes miss 1E. You can never love the pony the way I do. Because that way is illegal in his state. And physically impossible in this universe.
It's MY PONY, but thats not why I am crying. I just sometiimes miss 1E.
Pets CDP with a gleem in his eye.
There, there puppy it will be alright.
Sebastian wrote: I like pie. My Pony! You cant have him!
Ohh a puppy.
Here Puppy I hab sum kibble for you!
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