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How did you guys handle this from a GM's perspective? Is there a write-up out there that I can pass out? Has anyone written one? Did you just tell them what they learned, or did you make up actual entries? If anyone wrote anything up, could you post it please as I need ideas for my game.

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I'm fairly new to GMing and as my players have a tendency to not RP, I tend to be very cut and dried. The problem I'm running in to is that they're gearing up to go to the prison tomorrow and there's still a few weeks before the next adventure path. I'd hate to take a week off. How can I drag the prison out? We usually play for 3 or 4 hours once a week. I'm trying to make it so I can get the next section of the AP and flow in flawlessly, but I'm worried they will just sword and board their way through this prison and wreck everything. How can I stretch it out a few weeks, or is it denser than it looks?

Using only Pathfinder stuff, I am trying to optimize my Bard for diplomancing around situations. I don't want to straight up try to get out of encounters with it, just get more money, get my way, and generally trick people. Right now I am level 3. I have 20 cha (gnome), 17 Bluff, 12 diplomacy, and 14 disguise. Is there any way I can possibly get these numbers higher? 3 ranks in each, 5 cha bonus, 3 trained bonus, deceitful, Skill Focus (Bluff) and the Street Performer alternate starting package is what I've used so far. I only have 1,800 GP and any help would be appreciated.

I have a player rolling up a Monk for our new campaign. After reading the text, it seems like his Flurry of Blows should be -4/-4 at level 1. I don't see where they are getting the -1/-1 from. Furthermore, I don't understand why sometimes the BaB remains the same from level to level, but the FoB goes up, or where they're getting the extra attack at level 6, etc. Can someone please explain these to me?

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