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Espy Kismet wrote:
Yeah, that was my fault for using the wrong word. I meant blindsight as it is the Monster version. Not blind sense like the feat. ![]()
There is a rule within the rule book that addresses this. I can't remember it off hand, but I think it was basically a, "decide amongst yourselves who needs it more" or something to that effect. I think there is a digital copy of the rules on here somewhere. I played the through first adventure solo and then with another person on the rogue. I kept my gear and skill feat form my solo adventure and then after completing the first scenario of the second time through the adventure I was able to do some trading with the other player who chose Valeros. It adds a completely new dimension to the game when you have items that others want and they have items you want. You get to be creative on trades and deals. On another note, I am a pawns collector and the NPC Codex has Pawns of all the players from the card game. I use the pawns instead of the cards now! ![]()
Man a rules lawyer and a power gamer. Some people forget that the you don't play any RPG to try and "win" the game. You play to tell a story. That is what makes the game fun. Characters die, you move on, or in PFS you spend the points to rez. Sounds like you got a brother becoming defensive for sibling who was about to die. These are the kind of people who sit around all week trying to find ways to make their characters OP instead of how to make their characters fun. That all leads to the difficulty for having to GM a table where you don't know anyone. Don't sweat it. Sounds like the guy is just an ass. ![]()
Never underestimate monsters with blind sense, scent, or tremor sense. If they know he is there it nullifies it. Of course most of these have a range limitations. Have him think he is stealthed, but really he has been marked for a huge fireball and they are waiting for him to pop out of cover again. ![]()
You can buy the game tiles from Fat Dragon Games. It is basically a modular way to create streams, paths, lava, etc. I will be using a pretty solid combination of both FDG and Dwarven Forge once my KS comes in October! It is a great way to build a dungeon with water in it as I lack the water tiles from DF and my wife won't let me buy them... edit: To clarify, the "game tiles" from FDG are 2D printable images in a 1x1 grid system. ![]()
"My books are about killing God.”
Philip Pullman, Author of the Golden Compass. What is worse? Pushing your beliefs through Children's books or writing a book that doesn't push your beliefs and then using the proceeds to support your beliefs? Get off your high horse and quit arguing symantics. ![]()
I will be going to see it and plan on enjoying it. This is just some pathetic attempt for people to push their own agenda and completely miss the literary achievment that is Ender's Game. I didn't boycott the Golden Compass (movie or book)because it is written by an Athiest. The author is not only an atheist but his books also, in a way, push his agenda. I thought the movie and books were both enjoyable even if I don't agree with the authors views and would recommend them to anyone. I go to the movies to be entertained, I read to be entertained and a few loud mouth people, for or against, that feel I should boycott something won't change that. ![]()
Update! So I got my holders yesterday. The "coupon holders" are perfect for huge pawns. The only downside is that the pawns had the tendency to move and if someone were to turn it upside down, out would pour everything. Today I bought a half inch roll of double sides scotch tape and put a small amount inside the top of each slot. It worked perfect. They are beautifully laid out, alphabetical, and easy to find in a pinch. I put up to 3 pawns in 1 pouch. Ie I have 5 treats so there are 2 in one pouch and 3 in the other. The coin holders for the small worked much the same. I found that I could put two pawns per pouch, and as I bought 2 Beastiary 1 boxes, this worked perfectly. It is very symmetrical and clean. Because of the same issue I was having with the huge pawns and them sliding out I used the double sided tape here too. To test I turned my 4" 3-ring binder over and shook. Not one fell out. As it stands I have a binder for huge, large, medium and small monsters. 1 for each. And I am afraid to tackle the NPC codex as it has a great amount of variability and I want to keep all those in the set together. I'll most likely end up using just business card holders and double sided tape for small pawns. It is a fun way to show off creatures! ![]()
It was best said when an above poster said, "I'm not trying to WIN THE GAME" and that it is about the story. As a gm imams it a point to create the story. Encounters mean something and so does a group of PCs working together to overcome it. If you don't fear death in the game then you are missing out on the best feeling of getting the killing shot on a great beast who in one more round would have killed you or your companions. Should the GM try and kill you? No. It shouldn't be his goal. But why should you be able to get a lucky roll, one shot the "boss" and the boss doesn't have the same chance? After all your GM spent a long time preparing and establishing tactics. But I don't think a creature should run up to the fighter and cast disintegrate over and over. To add some suspense to my grouping also implemented coupons. For those who played hack master know what these are. I use them much like hero points, but they gain the by things done out of game. I agree with the OP that while it is fun to say you failed your save and died, the coupons represent mulligans on all things but fumbles and crit confirms. So they can reroll a save, but before they know what happens. TL;DR it should be fun for the PCs and the GM. ![]()
Name of PC: THORALD Thicktights
It is uncanny but my PCs are exceptionally good at following the flow of the modules. The found the revenant and broke the trance. As it goes to leave the Bard is standing in the doorway. I ask, "What do you do?" He decides to stand there. She attacks. The other 6, yes 6, members of the party decide to watch. 1st full round of combat the Bard goes first. I ask again, "What do you do?" He attacks. Misses. She attacks, hits twice, and kills him outright. The rest of the party gets out of its way. ![]()
Rynjin wrote:
Really? Breaking the rules? Pleeeaaasse. If I wanted to play with a bunch of rules lawyers i'd join the pathfinder society. Rules. How about a chaotic evil character in the party of a paladin, the rules would say they can't party together as they would try to kill each other, but people can't even attack each other in the PFS. If my players wanted to create a character that was mute but spoke through the revving of a chainsaw I'd figure out a way to make a chainsaw work. As for a paladin wanting to occasionally do bad things I brought this very scenario up at one workshop where we discussed ideas for upcoming players companions. Think outside the box because you are missing the real fun of These types of games. For anyone who's played 1st edition they will know what I'm talking about. ![]()
I have a table where I reward them for creativity. For instance, there is a paladin who was born on the street and has the impulsion to steal. I gave him a bonus to bluff but each time he steals there is a cumulative 5% chance that he loses all of his paladin abilities for an hour in-game. Did I mention he is a halfling? Regardless, I make no secret that he is stealing from someone in the party. He has this signal where he wiggles his fingers in front of his mouth and I have him roll sleight of hand and tell me who. I then make them roll perception. If they fail, I tell them, "You suddenly realize that (d20) worth of gold is missing from your pouch." They know who did it and it is just a big joke. If they succeed I tell them you catch "Andy" with his hand in your belt pouch. He then rolls bluff and they try to sense motive. I will admit I'm generous with my loot, but if I frankly wouldn't invite someone to my table to begin with if they can't keep their character and the real person separate. Simply stated, if thats what he wants to do, let him, but all you have to do is make the rolls obvious. If anyone gets bent up over it then you have bigger problems in-store. If he wants to steal loot from a corpse prior to the party looting it, then have them random perception checks throughout the encounter to see if they notice that "Andy" has a new item and they can interogate him. ![]()
I commented on these on my Beastiary 1 review, but it is worth mentioning here. If you use the pawns and want to easily decipher multiple creatures I want to tell you about something that makes life infinitely easier. http://www.aleatools.com/ The above link will take you to a maker of an accessory that is so helpful you would think they made it for the pawns. A brief description. You glue the included "conversion piece" to the bottom of your bases which enables you to use the magnetic markers. The markers are strong enough that you can pick the pawn up, move it, at more magnets, and have no disruption in the game. Further more, you can buy stickers that they make that fit perfectly. These stickers can be numbers, 1-10, or even conditions, ie sickened. If my PCs are fighting 8 goblins I can literally say, number 6 attacks and they know which one it is quickly and there is no confusion. Also, since there are 2" versions of the markers I use them for my large and huge pawns. They fit perfectly on the large, but the huge are a bit too big. FYI the 1" fit perfectly on the medium bases. If my PCs are fighting something with 100+ hit points I also use yellow, orange and red markers. This is to indicate when the creature has 75%, 50% and 25% hp left. Truly though there are a magnitude of options. I also use blue ones to indicate if someone is flying or underwater. I picked these up at Gencon last year. I had just bought the pawns, the guy said use these stickers and the white bases to keep track of which creature is which. I told him to shut up and take my money. I had seen alea tools many years prior but never knew what I would do with them if I bought them. Now I can't live without them. Pawns + Alea Tools Markers = Match Made in Heaven ![]()
Here's another idea. Make the colossal and gargantuan a la cart. The cost issue is relative to production, size of the box, number of sheets, etc. If there was simply a list of monsters that people selected, and lets say there was a certain cost per monster, then the costs could be better accounted for by the consumer. Simply put, you only have to print what people buy. Make a minimum spend and have each order come with 1 colossal and 1 gargantuan base. Further more there could be custom bases to account for creatures that have odd dimensions. (This would be a stretch, but would be cool) Packaging could be like the RotR pawns, just a piece of paper. While I'm at it, if these sized pawns were created it would be great if they were not just a 2D image, but an X where the 2 images connected. It would add stability and give a better sense of size. I'll just add this to my wish list. |