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![]() Tsu looks at Seylene and ponders a few things on their way to their final destination, eventually voicing her questions at Seylene. "So, Seylene, I have a few questions for you," Tsu says with a quizzical look on her face "if you are native to this island, then I wonder how you have survived for so long, and also, are there others, do you have a tribe?" "I understand about Dao and myself, we were abandoned here, but you are a bit of a mystery to me." ![]()
![]() oh, and i need a quick clarification on something, you mentioned that characters start with a certain amount of experience for creating magical items, Darkmeer wrote: All +0 ECL races start with 1500 XP, allowing characters to scribe scrolls, etc. and may go down to 1000 xp for such but then you go on to say that you no longer need experience for magical items Darkmeer wrote: I had originally required XP for magic items, but I no longer require that. i just need a clarification on which one is correct, thank you. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() i do apologize, Darkmeer, i have had a few family issues as of present, ill get to creating a character right now. it should be finished in an hour or so. just a couple of questions though:
Peebo :D ![]()
![]() Oooh, I have always wanted to play shackled city, my regular DM would never run the AP. I would like to put my name down as well, if at all possible. If not, I am happy being a substitute if anything comes up (just email me, my email address in in my Peebo profile). I was thinking about a Calimsham half elf druid eventually going into Elemental Archon (pg 190 Faiths and Pantheons). If this is unplayable, I will probably play the same thing, but drop the PrC, making me a straight druid I will create her in a few hours, look out for the anme Lial Siannodel. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() one of my most favourite moments was my very first PFRPG character. a gnome druid. she was brilliant, she even had her own wolf pet, which she constantly tried to ride everywhere, but lacking a saddle and appropriate riding skills, failed most of the time. well, we were doing the whole party-meets-in-tavern thing when a yell erupted from outside. running outside with the party, we see a horde of goblins running about with their goblin dogs. seeing her hated enemy, my character was in overdrive, and rolling brilliantly, using a quaterstaff, and rolling a nat 20 and a 19 on the first hit. well, being small, i couldnt cover the ground as fast, so hoping that i could luck it out, i successfully rolled a 17 on ride, and rode toward the only goblin mounted on a goblin dog. just at that moment one of the players, who has a bad habit of playing music on his laptop during game sessions, started to play the song from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, it worked brilliantly as my character and the goblin stopped for a round or two to take measure of each other, and then charge, its shortpear vs my quaterstaff in a small sized jousting session of pure win. knocking him off, he managed to grab me and drag me off the wolf, which then resulted in he and i pummelling each other with our non existant strength bonuses, and small sized fists of fury. after about 17 rounds of combat, a lot of misses were involved, i finally managed to subdue the goblin, only to have my character look up and notice the entire town crowded around the small pit we were fighting in, cheering and exchanging money. i managed to start a goblin fighting ring, where only bare fisted and with no armour could you fight, as long as you were small sized. i brought commerce to the town, as quite a few years later, my gnome underwent a forcible retirement involving a very large tree and a very angry family of dire squirrels, my tiefling rogue character came back to the town, only to see that the town had prospered quite a bit and was now in the process of constructing their own small sized arena for their monthly, "Pint Sized Pummel Fights" Peebo :D ![]()
![]() im definately interested, probably Dwarf Barbarian. just a little advice, not meaning to sound narky or anything, but if you put in your hookup thread how many players you want, and how you will select the players, it would help us who want to join. just a thought. will write up a character in an hour. probably call him Dirk Strongbeard. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() this is a conflicting subject for me, i always assumed that outsiders were immune to all non magical diseases. as to devils/demons/daemons being healed, yes, they are healed by positive energy. To clarify this, evil subtype outsiders aren't powered or made up of negative energy, just unholy energy, same as angels, only undead are powered by negative energy, and so are hurt by the positive energy. on a side note, i have always found that (speaking from a player POV that helps my DM make the world easier to manage) it would be strange that Generic Cleric of [insert-game-specific-good-deity] would be able to heal the evil succubus without any repercussions from his good deity, and vice-versa. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() i would also argue that, for perform value, you have to make multiple skill checks. as a DM, i could see a character like that in my game having to make the following skill checks: a CMB check (to successfully complete the maneuver)
followed by
but that is just what i would ask of my players. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() it would really depend on what everyone else was playing, if there was already a wizard, i would probably play a straight Sorcerer going into Dragon Disciple, and taking Metmagic feats such as silent spell and still spell and the Arcane Bloodline. an the flip side, if there was a sorcerer, i would play a wizard, mainly concentrating on item creation feats, but the school specialisation would differ depending on my mood, mainly an Evocationist or a Transmutationist. i am toying with the idea of a Telekenisis wizard for my groups coming Legacy of Fire campaign. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() okay, the previous post is spot on, but want to explain it a little further, the +3 STR bonus is simply a basic mechanic of the weapon, it isn't a magical property of said weapon, it's only the way the weapon works physically. the magical bonus is purely that, a magical bonus applied by a spellcaster with the appropriate feats to enhance the weapons attack and damage magically. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() thank you Andrew for adding me to the mailing list, any time would be great, just need a heads up on time place and what to bring. and for those who want to know where im coming from, im from south western sydney, so getting to the City isnt really a bother for me. thanky Peebo AKA Ekeebe :D [EDIT] i think he is referring to the Mother of all Battles in Sylvania, its a 3 day wargaming event in October, no i've never been, i'm just good at resourcing XP [/EDIT] ![]()
![]() okay, i was a little unsure on the cost to craft a certain item, and on what the market price of said item would be. i want bracers of (skill +3) so if i am reading this correctly, and assuming that masterworked non magical bracers are about 158 GP, then the total price to craft this item should be about 1058, or 2116 GP market price. formula works out as such: Skill bonus squared (3² = 900) X 100 GP + 158 GP = 1058 GP creation cost doubling the creation cost to work out market price amkes this 2166 market price. am i correct, or am i reading this wrong? Peebo :D ![]()
![]() wow, this reminds me that one of my PCs is currently infatuated witht the Queen! we have flaws, and this character has chosen Star Crossed, meaning that the character falls in love with the wrong people all the time, like the iconic falling for the villain's daughter. upon meeting the queen, the PC asked if they could make a Diplomacy or Bluff check to seduce her, or even catch her eye. despite the queen not paying any outward attention to these advances, the character is convinced that the queen secretly loves them, but cannot do anything in public as scandalous as taking a lover so soon after her husband's death. i love this character!!!! Peebo :D ![]()
![]() Grandmikus wrote: As for the familiar he thinks he is useless because he wont ever use his skills to anything, and is an "unneeded roleplay". it seems that this player is wanting more of a hack and slash game, or something along the lines of World of Warcraft. my advice to you is to stick with what is written in the core Pathfinder book, if it says that you can swap it out for a feat, then do so, other than that show your limits, remember that this is your game, and no amount of DMing experience in the world is going to be enough to over rule you. you are the DM, you are god, you decide what happens and when, if it seems too ufair to other players, then dont allow it. just remember that despite being strict, and i have a very strict DM at the moment, the games will still be fun, they will still be Pathfinder, and they will still be at the same table. munchkining only hurts the other players and the DM, but even still, dont go out of your way to nerf him too much, the rules were written as balanced as they could possibly get them. anywho, that is my 2 CP for the day. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() BronzeSparrow wrote:
i think you have your wires crossed here, Bracers of Armour are Wondrous Items, and require drastically different feats and spell selections to +1 magical armour and weapons. as a DM, my short answer would be "No, Bracers of Armour are different from the stated +1 magical Armour and weapons, and therefore are not sold as base armour or weapons. Sorry" Peebo :D ![]()
![]() Jared Ouimette wrote:
okay, first and foremost i played all of the Darkmoon Vale modules with my gaming group as DM, and i loved them too, a few thing i had to rewrite, but all in allvery well thought out and planned modules. not sure if you have your hands on module E1 or not, but it is called Carnival of Tears, and it is set around winter time in Darkmoon Vale, and introduces a new BBEG that they dont actually go into, they just add a little fluff and let the BBEG's minions be the whole adventure, which can lead up to another AP or even just Game Mastery Module. although further release of this has yet to be seen, it promises to be a good and epic fight. the majority of this module deals with the Dark Fey, and their mistress, the Witch Queen of the North, a cold and heartless being of ice and evil, using and corrupting all creatures to her icy will, think Jadis the White Witch from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. this may help you, and if you do write this up, please post it here, or drop me an email, i would love to read it! Peebo :D ![]()
![]() the latest way for me to come up with names for my characters is to name them either famous historical figues in real life, such as Napolean Bone-Apart (one of my latest necromancer BBEGs for a module i ran), or to name my characters after natural occurances or disasters, such as Tsu Nami, Huh Ricayne, Torn Adoh and such. makes the GM and the rest of the party look at me in disbelief when i pull out the human Varisian Aristocrat/Bard named Jel O'Reslin. XD Peebo :D ![]()
![]() usually, my party makes magic items for each other at half the creation cost, making "mates rates" a beneficial factor for the purchasee. although, there are always some esceptions to the rule, an example i have come across, was a LN Wizard from the Acadamae of Varisia, they were required (me being the DM and making this stipulation) to sell anything they made at normal market cost price, but had to donate 10% of the sales back to the Acadamae. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() Jal Dorak wrote: One things that's always bothered me about "item slots" is the arbitrary nature of the rule (I understand the chakra perspective, but that's not really how magic reads in D&D). You already have a limit on your magic items in the form of wealth. If someone wants to spend all their gold on 10 magic rings, let them have them, I say! this is a sore subject with my group, we have about half of the group wanting it to be "1 ring for 1 hand" but the other half is the esact opposite with "well you have 8 fingers!" ive always wondered about other magic items, using todays jewelry style, facial piercings, belly buttons, toe rings, and so on and so forth. usually, when i DM, i let the character as many magic items in "slots" as Feasibly possible, including the occasional Ear ring of Darkvision. Peebo :D ![]()
![]() i have never actually DMed a story arc with less than 6 players, and at the moment, i am DMing the D series with a party of 7 players, and i find it a lot more fun for the DM and players if there are more people to share the storyline with. to give people more "screen time" as you put it, i always start from my left, and go around the table, slowing rounds down to bullet time, allowing each player the opportunity to act during that round, and until the round is over, i dont actually let the players know if the enemy is dead or not until the end of the round. its not really all that hard to slow it all down, but you must always let the eemy get an attack in, either with a high initiative roll, or he survives the barrage, if his initiative roll is bad. but i have to say, breaking up the party isnt that bad if it is a small party, say 3-5, but with a party of 7 running off into the dungeon, and splitting up into 3 smaller groups is starting to irk me a little! the most fun part, as you said, is "beefing up" the encounters to compensate for the added players, and seeing the player's faces when you "pull a rabbit out of a hat" and scare the bejeezus out of them when they realise what is happening! Peebo :D ![]()
![]() Wow, i cant wait for this! I just talked to my group, and we have agreed to buy 3 hard covers and we will all be buying the PDF as soon as it is available. unfortunately, due to our location, it will be easier for us to drive to the City and buy the hard cover copies. but this will be added to my downloads as soon as it is available. (eagerly awaits the 13th of August!) Peebo :D ![]()
![]() ooookay, so i have itroduced the Azlanti to my campagin, i am playing the D series and just finished D 1.5 Revenge of the Kobold King. now my party met one of the ancient Azlanti spirits, fought her, and killed her, but try as i may, i cannot, other than story based info, find anything on how the Azlanti work or why they were so feared by the Rune Lords and everyone else in the world. now one of my party members wants to bring her back from the dead later down the track, and im not sure how to go about it. now can people here please give me ideas on whether to; a) not let the party bring her back at all, although it would be fun if the party created some bad thing to happen because of it, ensuing next generation characters in a stylised world. or b) what would the Azlanti be like, and why were they so feared. Ideas about what the Azlanti as a race would be like would be a great help. not sure whether this belongs here, but i do apologize for it not being in the right place ahead of time, if it is found to be so. thanky you. Peebo :D