
Pax Areks's page

294 posts. Alias of Obakararuir.


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Goblin Squad Member

Pax Bringslite wrote:
Wow. Necro for real.

I was channeling Golgotha =)

Goblin Squad Member

Notmyrealname wrote:
Well , Pax should do well in PFO if you can get two settlements now , people will see that you are going to be a strong influence in the future. I guess I will stop stirring the pot to see what comes to the surface.

I'm sure that would be appreciated, and Pax has been, is, and will continue to be up front and as transparent as possible. Those that have taken the time to get to know us on a more than casual level are a better testament of our character than any Paxian ever will be.

Goblin Squad Member

Xeen knows that first hand too. Has it been six months yet? ;)

Goblin Squad Member

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Notmyrealname wrote:
So Pax absorbed Golgotha to win the first land rush and now they are funneling votes to set Golgotha up as a Pax settlement? Is that the result of a secret deal Golgotha made when they joined Pax , that Pax would help you later to get your own settlement , it sure looks that way because that is what you are doing. Good thing you are left to police your own ethics , so you can get away with it.

Morbis and Uffda are the only two Golgothan votes for Aeternum that won Callambea. Those two are in this landrush under Aeternum also.

"Pax" didn't win the first land rush. A guild within Pax did. That guild was Aeternum... And it did so with negligible help from Golgotha. Two votes.

We are abiding by the rules.

And yes, we do police ourselves.

Pax has always been a community of multiple guilds. It started with six guilds in the same game back in 2001. It remains different guilds with different leadership. Those guild leaders collectively oversee the community known as Pax Gaming.


Goblin Squad Member

See the Aeternum Parcel Service... Its currently being revised, but I thought it was worth reminding folks about our initative as it is similar to this one =)

Goblin Squad Member

Seeing the pony express thread, thought I should bump this.

Goblin Squad Member

Lord of Elder Days wrote:
I think this discussion has highlighted the fact that the Pathfinder IP is seriously lacking in constructed languages of its own. The racial source books don't even include a basic primer of common words. In short if we are to come up with setting appropriate names we need more setting appropriate resources.


I actually wish they could license out the use (for a reasonable price) of Sindarin and other Tolkien languages for use in other fantasy realms.

Goblin Squad Member

Just as much as it needs Brighthaven, Callambea, and Phaeros... yes, PFO needs Golgotha!

Goblin Squad Member

While I disagree that they won't commit those acts I would say that those acts will be done for what they perceive to be a "greater good" be it for themselves or the Empire. =)

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Hobs, that's not how you shamelessly bump.

THIS is how you shamelessly bump.

Areks bumps the thread shamelessly.

Goblin Squad Member

"The Lamenting Woman" I'll have to visit =)

Goblin Squad Member

As long as I'm not flagged KOS to NPC guards I could care less. We'll be running around as a mob, grouped up likely, to share aggro if incurred.

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
Ravenlute SBC _Prophecy_ wrote:
...travel from Tavern to Tavern.
PFO Pub Crawl! It'd be great if we could agree on a limited-time "no attacking" rule for the Crawlers.

Awesome idea... not so much on the not attacking part tho.

Speaking of which, does Aragon have plans for a Tavern... and if so what will it be called?

Goblin Squad Member

As far as I was tracking that was a map edited by FMS for clarity as well as hosted by them.

Goblin Squad Member

Seriously!? A second!? And no, not to my knowledge =)

Goblin Squad Member

Actually... that one is not the most current... sorry. But it does have a bit more contrast =)

Goblin Squad Member

Try this one, courtesy of FMS!

The map!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Lifedragn wrote:
Pax Charlie George wrote:

I would like to note that I have a particular weakness for Disney songs, Muppets, and Broadway musicals.

You know, if you want to add to the recording list ;)

"What are their armies made up? Fighters? Wizards?"

"No, sir... I believe they look like... bards."

Bards... With hawt pants!!

Goblin Squad Member

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Papaver... You kill me you really do. If ever we face of in PvP and you hop on VOIP and say some madness like that, ill be laughing too hard to defend myself. =P

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

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Daz... Don't give Lam any more ale... He's slurring ;)

Goblin Squad Member

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Hobs did you hear that!? Your victory is gonna be complete bro!!

Goblin Squad Member

Well you want more lightning, add more lightning rods =)

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Pax Areks wrote:
I was speaking more towards home grown groups than evil off-shoots. I have no doubt that groups established by you and yours would be welcomed into the Accord regardless of alignment.

Again, I'll say I'm surprised some of the folks currently in Golgotha didn't tell you they were being courted by T7V. Those weren't "off-shoots", they were "home grown".

Just a little surprised.

You shouldn't be. I've been away for most of the semester. There's quite a bit I missed once they came in the door.

Goblin Squad Member

I was speaking more towards home grown groups than evil off-shoots. I have no doubt that groups established by you and yours would be welcomed into the Accord regardless of alignment.

Goblin Squad Member

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That's not the only way to join either! We are accepting independent settlements and companies as well!

Don't think you'll have the numbers for the Land Rush but are interested in establishing a POI? We can help you make this happen!

Settlements that join get equal voting rights in the Imperial High Consul (executive branch)!

Sponsored Charter Companies get equal voting rights on the Xeilian Praetura (legislative council)!

Don't wanna be involved in the big picture as far as Xeilias is concerned but still think you want to operate a business out of the Empire?

Private Charter Companies can lease settlement space and don't have ties to the Empire.

Last but not least, even though the Empire, right now, is a strictly lawful entity does not mean we don't accept Neutral or Chaotic allies. Currently we cannot support chaotic training, but hopefully we'll have that rectified in short order!

Goblin Squad Member

As always Dakcenturi, we are most gracious. =)

Goblin Squad Member

I'm thinking above K, below K, and between A and B. Other possibilities, just below Thornkeep, just right of Thornkeep, and right of Fort Inevitable.

Goblin Squad Member

Lifedragn wrote:

I do not know that we have that stipulation. I think the current envisioned system is that most of the 'evil' population will be catered to through neutral settlements.

I think the only concern about evil groups is whether they would be likely to turn on or otherwise attempt to cannibalize the rest of the accord.

I could personally see accepting evil groups that are evil by nature of the amount of PvP they are doing against 0-rep loss or otherwise consenting targets, or delving into necromancy or slavery.

As a member of the accord, I am not against evil groups. As a key representative of Brighthaven, I do not want any groups that are going to bring non-consensual PvP to the residents that come to us to escape that setting up shop as our neighbors. It really isn't the alignment, but rather in how that alignment is expressed.

Now, in-character I am likely to stand against and oppose evil actions - including those that are not directly harming other players. But that is entirely not personal.

Completely understandable. So while IC personally you would object to a group using slavery, you wouldn't find that as a disqualifying factor for their admission into Roseblood?

@Alexander- No mouse traps, I promise =)

Goblin Squad Member

So are you all actively blocking evil groups from the RBA?

Goblin Squad Member

Bringslite... Oh how you have been missed brother.

I am truly grateful your convictions and our intentions are again agreeable with each other!

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:
Pax Areks wrote:

To be clear, I don't think that you guys made a "horrible mistake" or anything like that. I simply think Andius's plan has a greater potential for success than TEO/T7Vs plan. Again, that has quite a few variables that can be manipulated. You guys certainly aren't doomed from the start, but some things are going to have to break in your favor[b]. If they don't I feel [b]you will be set back compared to other settlements not relying on those breaks. Eventually, that could lead to your demise.

I'm not trying to be critical...

Really? Because it sounds like you're just piling on to an opportunity to try to turn people away from our guilds and make it more difficult to recruit members and allies to join us where we're settled. I mean, that's great and all, but don't pretend you're not being "critical".

I guess I can be glad it's taking place in this thread instead of ours. I am an optimist after all...

Well to each his own. Take it that way if you like, but after expressing myself to both Avari and Lhan, they don't seem to think so.

There is a difference between examining the merits and flaws of both assessments and being critical for no other reason that being critical.

As I told Avari, I expressed myself to Lifedragn before the choices were even made that I agreed with Andius's assessmemt.

Why should that change now? It shouldn't.

Why is there an issue with me agreeing with him? There certainly was an issue when I disagreed with him when you two were pals, but now because your relationship has changed, I'm the bad guy for pointing out the merit in his assessment.

Why does that have to be characterized as me being opportunistic instead of me simply being honest and expressing my opinion? I've done nothing but applaud you guys for your decision, its bold, brave, and praise worthy... but it wasn't the smartest move given my interpretation of TEO/T7V intentions. That takes NOTHING away from you.

I completely disagreed with Andius airing dirty laundry in public. I completely agree with his opinion on where you guys should have gone but give you all the credit in world for making that choice and making the game that much more interesting.

I'm not going to get pulled into yet another back and forth about anything besides the topic in the OP. Good day to you sir.

Goblin Squad Member

Bigmancheatle wrote:

I agree with most of that. Personally, I've never joined a guild and then traveled to meet them. I usually link up with people and if I end up joining, I'll get an escort if I don't know my way around or if I am out of my league.

To be clear, I don't think that you guys made a "horrible mistake" or anything like that. I simply think Andius's plan has a greater potential for success than TEO/T7Vs plan. Again, that has quite a few variables that can be manipulated. You guys certainly aren't doomed from the start, but some things are going to have to break in your favor. If they don't I feel you will be set back compared to other settlements not relying on those breaks. Eventually, that could lead to your demise.

Andius's plan is playing it safe and smart. You guys made the conscious decision to make a bold move and picked the perfect place to do so. Its highly defensible. Sometimes fate rewards the bold for thinking outside of the box and sometimes it punishes the bold for their arrogance.

I've said as much to a few members of TEO and T7V. I'm not trying to be critical of you guys, I simply see merit in Andius's plan and I think those two can be separate.


Goblin Squad Member

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***cough flyby video of AB, AD, and H would suffice cough****

On a serious note, I think everyone would agree that you guys wanna get the ball rolling as much as we do. I'm sure we can do without a blog so you guys can continue doing what you need to do to bring the River Kingdoms to life.


Goblin Squad Member

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Audoucet wrote:
Well what are your achievements on other games then, so we can judge if you are better ?

Oh please, don't get him started ;)

Goblin Squad Member

How could you possibly ignore HAWT PANTS!!

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk wrote:
Pax Areks wrote:
When people that have the values Brighthaven and Phaeros share, they will likely start in Riverwatch. If they get killed a couple of times trying to get to Brighthaven and Phaeros, if they know about Brighthaven and Phaeros, they'll probably look for somewhere closer...
= Hypothesis

My friend, if I were implying those were geometry don't you think I would include something about distance and how if you formed a triangle around RW, K, and AD that the distance was shorter from RW to K than RW to AD? In fact, I do believe that was the very next sentence.

Also, in the above quoted statement, I've highlighted key terms that I included so as to the best of my ability inform the reader that those were assumptions that I was making, not to be taken as fact, but a likelihood. It was the distance between Riverwatch and K as opposed to Riverwatch and "Mount Phaehaven" that I was referring to when I said "That's not a hypothesis, that's geometry."

Perhaps I should have phrased it differently, sorry if there was confusion.

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk wrote:
Pax Areks wrote:
From an unbiased third party...

No offence intended, but your statements really don't seem very unbiased...

Pax Areks wrote:
That's not a hypothesis, that's geometry.

hy·poth·e·sis noun \hī-ˈpä-thə-səs\
: an idea or theory that is not proven but that leads to further study or discussion
Um.. seeing as how what you and Andius are talking about has not been proven, it seems to me that this very much IS a hypothesis...

I am affliated neither side of this debate. It has zero impact on me. So yes, I believe that qualifies as an unbiased opinion.

The distance from Riverwatch to K is significantly less than Riverwatch to AD/AB.

You mean to tell me that the above quote is a hypothesis and not simple geometry?



Field Of Study
Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer.

I would say you are mistaken my friend.

Goblin Squad Member

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@Avari -

Pax Areks wrote:
... We wanted to be centrally located near a road with specific diversified resources. Coin has no alignment. You don't have to be a specific alignment to enter Callambea or to conduct business there.

I would say that you are accurate in your assessment that Chaotics will be running around Callambea.

How is it not the EXACT same thing?

Chaotic Evil characters will come to our city to trade. We intend to have the best goods. If we are successful in establishing that, CE will be held at bay by the value of Callambea as a marketplace. That may or may not happen, but they will have an incentive that is not over come by a pack mentality.

What incentive do they have not to attack your recruits that cannot be overcome by them simply teaming up to defeat you through superior numbers?

There is a consequence beyond death for aggressions towards Callambea.

Again, not relevant to the OP.

If you want to continue this discussion, we can take it to PM... =)

Goblin Squad Member

Lhan wrote:


I am not arguing about where people will probably start. I agree with you. I am taking issue with the idea that the devs have deliberately carved up the map for different play styles. Will it be a challenge to recruit? Yes. Is that challenge insurmountable? We obviously don't believe so.

If this game is to be the much vaunted sand box we have been so often told that it will, then it will be the players who determine the geopolitical nature of the map. Just look on it as another opportunity for meaningful interaction.

I wish Andius the best of luck with whatever he now tries to do, I really do. This is not a zero sum game. When, however, he spends more of his time railing against Roseblood with strawmen and other fallacies than putting forward anything positive of his own then I will call him on it. It would be good to see him putting together something concrete to back up what he believes in. All I see right now though is vitriol directed at people who had the temerity to disagree with him - which smacks less of rational argument and more of toys being thrown out of the pram. YMMV.

From an unbiased third party, I really don't see it this way. I don't think anyone is objecting to the fact that players will shape the geopolitical landscape.

I agree that Andius's initial outburst was out of line. This proposition is not in that same spirit from my assessment.

If you know anything about the past between Andius and I, you'll know where were quite frequently opposed to each other on a great many topics.

This call is simply saying, "Hey, the South isn't where we belong, there are too many obstacles to overcome there."

How that is "rallying against Roseblood" when over half of Roseblood doesn't even have a location on the map yet, nor is it a binding agreement past "don't be a jerk," is completely lost on me.

I don't see the words of the developers as fallacy. You won't be able to bounce all over the map with teleportation. Travel will for the most part be linear. This means that the "he is using strawmen" defense dead in the water.

If a new player gets killed going to Brighthaven or Phaeros once, they might try the journey again. If they get killed again, those odds lessen. If you shorten the distance for which the new player has to travel, you increase their chance of survival. Riverwatch is the designated "good" starter city. Its not going anywhere.

When people that have the values Brighthaven and Phaeros share, they will likely start in Riverwatch. If they get killed a couple of times trying to get to Brighthaven and Phaeros, if they know about Brighthaven and Phaeros, they'll probably look for somewhere closer.

That's not a hypothesis, that's geometry. The distance from Riverwatch to K is significantly less than Riverwatch to AD/AB. I'd say the chance of hostile encounters increases the closer you get to AD/AB. Thornkeep will be where CE players start. Those folks that don't really care if their rep/alignment takes a hit for RPKing.

These things are facts, subject to variables, so long as the developers don't change them.

Will you get recruits from Thornkeep and Inevitable? Yes, during EE. Come OE that likely hood drops with the access to Riverwatch. Evil characters are going to start in Thornkeep and Inevitable. The ones that are the "worst" kind of player will start in Thornkeep. That's the settlement you all are closest to.

We don't know what will happen, but Andius is using sound reasoning. He's basing his proposal on what has been determined "likely to happen" from the blogs where the devs have described their intentions and expectations for the game.

Again, this isn't about WHERE people will start. This is about the logistical demand of getting the majority of your recruits from Riverwatch to "Mount Phaehaven," the number of recruits that find that appealing, and will that number be greater than the evil players that want to dethrone you when evil settlements do not have the same hindrances in regards to standards of play and logistical demands on recruit acquisition.

No one is saying its impossible. It is more likely that those hindrances will set you back and make you less effective against those that wish to dethrone you than if you were located closer to Riverwatch.

That's not a slight to you guys, that's just an acknowledgement that what Andius is saying makes sense and he isn't using lies or deception in his argument.

I don't have a horse in this race. It doesn't matter to me one way or another.

People can say Andius is trying to use smoke and mirrors all they want... again, I really don't see it that way. The man is making perfect sense.

Goblin Squad Member

It will be very interesting to see how "mutual benefit" plays out if any of the signatories end up on opposite sides of the field.

Goblin Squad Member

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From the Blogs wrote:

Selection of Alliances

As play begins, we're going to have a limited number of alliances in the game, concentrating on a smaller number to make sure they get proper resources and attention rather than spread ourselves too thin on a wider number of alliances. For now, we think the initial spread will probably look something like this:

Hellknights (Major Alliance—LN—controls Fort Inevitable)
Knights of Iomedae (Major Alliance—LG—controls Fort Riverwatch)

After four weeks of voting, and in a squeaker of a victory (winning by just one-half of one percent of the votes!) the wretched hive of scum and villainy hidden within the Echo Wood shall be henceforth known as Thornkeep!

I took several pages of notes about what we were shooting for: "hive of scum and villainy," "Deadwood," "village of Hommlet," "constantly shifting power groups," "goblin slum or ghetto," and a couple dozen more. We knew that this would be the place where rogues, rangers, barbarians, and other such characters would like to begin in Pathfinder Online.

We kicked around the idea of going with the Order of the Chain, since we knew that Fort Inevitable would be the "evil" starting town and would be a place where slavery was openly practiced, but we didn't want Fort Inevitable to be *too* evil, because we wanted to leave plenty of room for lawful non-evil types to feel okay about starting their careers here.

The developers have made the writing on the wall very clear as to why Andius's line of thinking is not only tactically, but logically sound as well.

Can Lawful Good start in Fort Inevitable? Sure. But it's clear by design it's supposed to be the lawful "evil" starter city. Can Chaotic Good start in Thornkeep? Sure but it's clear by design it's suppose to be the chaotic "neutral" if not "evil" starter city.

Unless you guys are operating on information from the developers that the rest of us are not privy to, which I highly doubt, Andius is making perfect sense.

I applaud you all for thinking outside of the box and being as bold as you have. The problem with thinking outside of the box is, a lot of people will be skeptical until it is a proven strategy.

From the information thus far, I would say it is safe to say in the long game, most of your Good players will start in Riverwatch, very far away from the bastion of light and goodness.

Goblin Squad Member

DEACON!! Put the damned mouse trap away!!!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Tuoweit wrote:
Pax Areks wrote:
As far as the comment, from a personal and military standpoint as a Staff NCO for over 3+ years, Andius's line of reasoning makes tactical and logistical sense for the most part.

I agree with you, it's sound reasoning, if you accept the premises. However, I don't agree with the premise that the Southeast area will be a pit of evil, for a couple of reasons.

One, Goblinworks wants players to be the main influences in the game, not PvE content. I do not believe that the NPC towns will be such huge influences on the overall alignment that players will be unable to outweigh them, especially at such a large remove from either town.

Two, OE will be many months after EE, during much of which there is no Fort Riverwatch. Initially, all new unaffiliated players, including Good-aligned ones, will start at one of the two neutral NPC towns of Fort Inevitable and Thornkeep. And those months are ample time for those so inclined to create their own area of good-aligned influence.

In conclusion, I strongly disagree with the premise that there's any significant predetermined "theography" to the map that might hinder the long-term prospects of an organization, unless they decide to settle immediately beside one of the NPC towns. The game is meant to be a sandbox, the map will become what we the players make of it.

That works if you are playing the short game. It is less likely in the long game. Again, all a matter of opinion at this point.

The Devs could make Riverwatch LE, Inevitable CG, and Thornkeep NG and throw us all out of wack.

My understanding is that Inevitable will be LN leaning evil, Thornkeep will be CN, and Riverwatch NG.

In the long game, you would be fairly far away from where most NG players would likely start. The inability to swell your ranks when others can may lead to downfall. My opinion, I'm not saying it will or won't happen, but I think by choosing that location, not layout, that they've sold themselves short in that department.

Time will tell.

Goblin Squad Member

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@Feydred - Bro, I keep picturing your cyclops wearing a stetson =P

Goblin Squad Member

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The bandits are offset by the establishment of outposts. Doing that will allow merchants three different approaches into a controlled hex. I don't think they'll get starved out. T7V will be shuttling food more than likely if things get bad.

Other then that, your assessment is spot on as far as I am concerned. Still foot traffic is an unpredictable variable. If allies take the settlement to the north the mountains, new players could take the road to that settlement and significantly reduce stress on TEO forces.

We can hypothesize all day, but the picture will only get clearer oncer the land rush starts.

Goblin Squad Member

I did no such thing. Nor is Callambea the capital of Xeilias. I did voice my opinion in favor of H. We wanted to be centrally located near a road with specific diversified resources. Coin has no alignment. You don't have to be a specific alignment to enter Callambea or to conduct business there.

Only time and gameplay will tell which choice, if any, if not all, were wisest.

As far as the comment, from a personal and military standpoint as a Staff NCO for over 3+ years, Andius's line of reasoning makes tactical and logistical sense for the most part.

I completely disagree with the notion that the chosen location for Brighthaven is indefensible. Its actually the best layout in regards to defensibility. I fully expect TEO to establish outpost check points on the northern terrain entrances and T7V to establish one on the southern entrance. This is going to allow Brighthaven to flourish and fully realize the functionality goals it has set for itself... but location isn't everything.

No Main Supply Route. Completely on the opposite side of the map from the "Good" starting location. That's going to affect recruitment and personnel resources. If it is more difficult to get resources and it is a difficult location to get to, its less attractive point blank. Having to rely on someone else for food, which if disrupted, could cause problems as well. That and being in Inevitable and Thornkeep territory makes it more likely to be harassed by Evil and Chaotics. Is that going to set character development back? Is PvPing and losing half the time worse then only PvPing when you have to and winning most of the time?

The main thing is this... will it get the foot traffic it needs to sustain its numbers if attacked?

Only time is going to tell that. I'm skeptical, but if it does, it's COMPLETELY defensible. This would be the PERFECT location is it's exact layout was located at A.

Again, just my two copper.

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