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With the remaster I am at wait and see. To me removing the monsters and other setting aspects is not that much of a deal breaker for me. I can just bring them back in. Back in 1989 renaming devils and demons is pretty much same thing but for different reasons. The main issue for me is the mechanics. I am fine with how they are. I don't like certain things but will see. Like I said my campaigns if I do any remaster will be a mix of remaster and non. Dont know how much of a problem that will be. ![]()
keftiu wrote:
That is true. The setting is not generic. However I could remove the setting from the mechanics I could play the lost omen setting in Gurps, Runequest, pathfinder 1e, 2e, any version of D&D. I would have to do the work to convert it, but can be done. I could of course convert any published setting to use with PF2E. Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Glorantha etc... The Pathfinder mechanics are generic. Technically the mechanics of D&D can be generic. I mean the d20 system at one point was king system at one point. However D&D had their IP. Mainly their monsters. Everyone knows this, pathfinder technically is a retroclone of D&D 3.x. it was pretty much D&D 3.75. To me PF2E is D&D with a better system. However, with the remaster and their other products they are trying to break away from D&D. This is fine. Happy for them but at same time can understand some people's frustration, and potential start looking elsewhere. ![]()
I think it comes down to how integrated the setting is to the mechanics. You can ignore anything. Remove classes and races etc. However when you open the core books, going through them invokes a certain feel. Even if you never get the lost omens books the core books invoke a certain type of world setting. Same with D&D Heck Runequest/Gloriantha One of my friends hates casters especially wizards in PF2E. He says they feel off compared to what was before. His group just converted to 2e from 1e. I think casters are fine. For whatever reason he says they lost some aspect of before. I started playing rpgs in 1981. I have 100s of them. Started with D&D basic. It is amazing how much it has evolved system wise along with all the other rpgs. This is first time I felt like this. Is it good or bad don't know. I can always stay with pre remaster version and be ok for years ![]()
CorvusMask wrote: I mean, the thing is that they are trying to have "Paizo/Pathfinder identity" rather than identity as "TSR/WotC/D&D" game, so I'm not sure I fully agree with take that Pathfinder is becoming "generic fantasy" since that kinda implies D&D isn't or that every trpg that isn't D&D is generic I will have do some thinking to convey what I am trying to say. I think what paizo is doing is great. However I can't properly convey what my issue is with it. It is not mechanics though. It is just a feeling that is lost compared to before I love the system, however I know I will have a mix of remastered and non remaster aspects in my campaign. I don't like remastered version of grab for example. ![]()
Captain Morgan wrote:
Generic might be wrong word. Yes both rulesets are fantasy. I do think it is the cultural signifiers, that make the game in some ways. It invokes a certain feeling when you see or read the books. D&D has the mind flyers, beholders etc. When you play baldurs gate 3, you can tell it is a D&D game. Pathfinder has its own culture now. Goblins, lesheys etc.... Mechanically pf2e is a beautiful system I see nothing wrong with wanting to play dnd using that system However it is now drifting from that. Not a bad thing just different ![]()
Master Han Del of the Web wrote: Please don't take this as being snarky... but yeah, maybe you should try a different game. If what was keeping you invested in Pathfinder was a set of specific signifiers that harken back to the cultural cache of D&D and not the actual mechanics and feel of the game, then OSR games might really be a better fit. Pathfinder is a very different beast from the games you seem to be longing for. I don't find it sparky at all. I just wish that Paizo pulled the plug when first designing 2nd edition. I love the mechanics and the system. My main issue is now that they are changing the mechanics, some I don't like. Yes I can use the rules as is currently. However the ieda of running a game that is say 70% remaster, 30% before remaster kinda puts me at unease. How well will that work. I agree if want to play a version of D&D then go OSR, or earlier version of D&D. Unless you want to spend the time hacking PF2E to make it fit what you want. The difficulty of doing that will depend on how much you alter. ![]()
Inspector Jee wrote:
I know exactly what you are going through. I just recently got DCC, it is really good. I also started looking into OSR, and started to re read 2nd edition AD&D. I forgot with 2nd how easy the system was, most of what I thought complicated it is actually optional.Of course if I wanted to run it I would go with bab and ascending armor class etc... I am perfectly happy with 2e as is. I am also intrigued with some of the things changing in remaster. However I am also not happy with some. I also think pathfinder is becoming too much of something too different. It is becoming another generic fantasy system. A good one but still generic. It sucks that they had to go this route, when the other OSR games still are keeping on with the dndisms. I also looked into castles and crusades and that looks more D&D then Pathfinder. ![]()
I'm open to some of the changes. However certain things I had no issues with. For example I don't like that they are changing how grab works, being an attack roll and then a confirm roll. I will see. If I don't like the remaster I have all the other books and with archives of nethys I can pick and choose what I want. I don't know how much of a pain it will be using some things from remaster and not remastered at same time. ![]()
Squiggit wrote:
I've been searching on how to get the battlezoo books for pathfinder 2e, with no luck. I only find the 5e versions. Can someone direct me where I can buy the pathfinder 2e versions? Thanks ![]()
My copy has been pending since the 10th as well. I have an idea in my head for a campaign. I know I will be using the relic rules Free archetype rules. Possibly the different methods to do bonuses based on level. Like now it is +1/level for most everything. The one thing I would also like is like a base generic class. Everyone would be that class and then multi class into what base class you want. That though might be going to far. For example it would be like final fantasy type thing. Everyone is a hero. One might be a hero/wizard, another hero/fighter etc.... ![]()
The Raven Black wrote:
Sweet. Thanks Anything about what power level the character would. For example
I am still waiting for my pdf. I got the pending notice 5 days ago. I am wanting to see what the aspect on character power when you allow a free archetype given out. My plan for the campaign is to have everyone multi class as a cleric. My campaign is on hold til I get that jnfo. I am hoping it actually ships out Monday and will get my pdf then ![]()
Thanks for the responses so far. For right now I applied the elite or the weak template to all of the first monster encounters across the board. I also adjusted the number of them, so that they are close to what the modified encounter budget would be. For example I "weakened" the goblin dogs to become level 0 creatures. I then adjusted the number down from 3 to 2. When the gamemastery book comes out I will look into how gestalt characters work and see if that makes the characters equal to 1.5 level or 2 levels. ![]()
I am planning on running a game really soon. I have currently two players right now, maybe sometime in future will have some more. I plan on running the age of ashes campaign My question is this. What would be the power level of a character with a base class and was given a multiclass archetype for free. Where he would automatically get the class feats of the archetype without spending actual class feats to obtain them. He would not get access to any other multiclass archetypes, but can freely choose any other type of archetype as usual. My other choice right now is to use the non elite template on all creatures above a certain challenge. That way the encounters won't have to be altered to much for two players. any advice? ![]()
prototype00 wrote:
I am looking over the pdf now. Which level 4 feat is made obsolete. I am not seeing the 13th level class feature that would replace it. ![]()
This is what i am working on. It will end up being a rogue that multiclasses into Cleric. Level Class Features
With these slots i believe I can put any divine spell i would like into them of the appropriate level. ![]()
Re reading it it seems like you have access to all the cleric spells, of the appropriate levels, via the cleric multi-class archetype. So at 4th level you if you take basic cleric spellcasting you would get a level 1 slot, and can put any level 1 divine spell into it. at 6th a second level slot and spell at 8th a 3rd level slot and spell Which is correct? the above post or this post ![]()
Ok question. I am going over the multi-classing aspects now,and am very intrigued by them. However want to make sure I understand them. So if someone multi-classes say into cleric and takes Basic Spellcasting
1 1st level slot at 4th
Now it says you get your deities spells. Are those the ones listed for each deity on pages 437 to 441 For instance you Abadar's spells are (1) illusory object, (4) creation, (7) magnificent mansion. So if those are the spells you get, you will not be able to cast creation til 12th level when you can take Expert Spellcasting, and 18th level to cast magnificent mansion when you can take Master Cleric Spellcasting and get your 7th slot. is this correct? ![]()
Bardarok wrote: That looks right. Also no you don't get the bloodline magic unfortunately. The dedication is pretty clear about what it gives you and then says that you don't get anything else so if it isn't in the dedication description you don't get it. Thanks for the info Based on that, I can officially say that pathfinder 2nd edition is the game for me. I love everything I have read so far ![]()
Bardarok wrote: You need basic bloodline potency before you can take advanced bloodline potency. You should probably use it to pick up Cantrip Expansion since you aren't bothering with spell slots. So like this. 1st level Ancestry Feat, Background Feat, Class feat
I want to make sure I am understanding this correctly. I want basically the draconic bloodline spells. This is how i think it goes. This is a fighter that is multiclassing as sorcerer Start as a Goblin Fighter 1st level Ancestry Feat, Background Feat, Class feat
Is this correct? I really like the archetypes and this is a way to see if I am understanding them correctly Thanks for any info. ![]()
Order 5245532 I wanted to do the 3 subscriptions Core
However for whatever reason it will not let me select the pathfinder 2nd edition products. I want to make sure that i only get 2e products. Can you make sure that these are actually chosen. I wanted the subscriptions instead of the individual products. Subscriptions come with the pdf as well. That is why i canceled my previous order. ![]()
Ok here us a quick question The below example does not take in consideration the actual item value Do you pay the full price of the item when you craft it? Ie I am an expert crafter of 3rd level crafting a level 3 eeapon Expert item is 350 silver. I have to pay 175 silver in raw materials to start. I am level 3 and the weapon is level 3 so it is a base of r days. After 4 days I roll craft. If I succeed i can pay 175 to craft it immediately. So effectively I pay 350 silver total. If I choose to craft more instead, then per day I lower the rest of the price by 4 silver a day. Am I understanding that correctly ![]()
A series of questions for people who like the new game and general direction paizo's team is taking it. But, before that I want people to give an honest answer without interference, so no judgement please. Likewise I'm mainly going to be viewing peoples responses, so I'm not going commenting on anything unless people need clarification on a question. Also, the reason I'm asking is because I don't like the direction the new game is going. Despite that I'm just curious as to what people like about and where they might be coming from. I want less drama and more understanding, so here we go. 1. Do you currently like pathfinder 1e? (I know it sounds loaded, but please bare with me.) Yes 2. Did you once like pathfinder 1e but now find it troublesome? (feel free to give details.) I like 1e but am glad that a new edition is coming out to codify and implement many things that have come out in other books. 3. Do you like 4th or 5th edition D&D? (Also sounds loaded but again no judgments) Did not like 4e at all, one of major reasons went to pathfinder. I liked some of the things in it. I did not like how it felt like a board game. I love 5e, however do not like the lack of customization. I immediately was thinking of ways to implement bounded accuracy into pathfinder. 4. Which are you looking for class balance, smoother high level play, more options, or even all of those things? (Small edit: these weren't meant to be mutually excursive, I just want the gist of what you're looking for, feel free to add additional thoughts/desires as well.) All of these things. Though having smoother high level play would be awesome. Especially after level 20. 5. How do you feel about making the game more accessible in general? I would not mind it at all if it is more accessible 6. Are you willing to give up on accessibility if you can still gain all of the benefits listed in question 4? Yes 7. Would you be willing to play an alternative rules system then what we have been presented? (A different version of pathfinder 2nd edition if you will). Ok this question is interesting. I love 5e, my group hates it. They love pathfinder for its customization. When I saw starfinder I thought this would be awesome if i could use it as a straight fantasy rpg. In my opinion you have done the work for me. What i am reading as far as rules go, is a combination of some things i liked from 5e implemented in a different way, and Starfinder. If this is the way pathfinder 2e is heading, I will be playing pathfinder til 3e comes out 8. And if you said yes to the above question what would you like to see in that theoretical game? (Most of you will see what I'm doing here, I'm finding common ground) ![]()
Pakishi wrote:
Ok I got book in front of me. On page 21 of bestiary For high threat encounter you get 80 xp. You use the 80 xp as a budget to buy monsters. Under choosing creatures it says for 1st level parties, level 0 creatures count as level minus 2. So 20 xp each. So you buy 4 goblins at 20 xp each totaling 80 ![]()
Pakishi wrote:
I do not have the book in front of me at this time. I believe you look at a chart and determine how hard the encounter will be. Say a hard encounter.A hard encounter say gives you 80 xp total for the group as a whole. You then use that 80 xp to buy monsters. You figure this out by comparing pc level vs monster level. Ie pc minus 1 means a level 0 creature is worth 30. So you can buy 2 0 level creatures for 60. Buy a 3rd as 90. Probably not matter that much if you are a little bit over So even though monsters add up to 90. The encounter only gives 80. |