Night Wyvern

Patrick Levasseur's page

Goblin Squad Member. Adventure Path Charter Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 18 posts (5,012 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 13 aliases.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Gerald wrote:
I gave my charter subscription about six weeks ago. PF2 just doesn’t do it for me.

And yet you still have the tag.

I'm still here. Don't know for how long. My long running group seems to be drifting away. My second is more into fifth edition so far. I will either have to adapt the adventure to fifth edition or continu to try convinced them to learn pathfinder.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

While the guards are nice, I would have prefer to have minis of the elemental races. (Ifrit, Oread, Sylph and Undine) Guard have been done before, and these, thanks to the symbol on the shield, aren't generic enough to be use in any size town. I would have prefer to have them as a pack like the iconic or the preview box.

For the rest, I don't see a lot of uses except for specific cases. Will have to see the rest of the previews before I make my mind on buying or not.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Still here. The only thing I'm still buying are the adventure path and the minis.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I agree with the fact that a small player guide would be nice. I know it's a tool that really make it easier for character information when I pass it to my players. The core book will be something that I will probably still be going through to help prepare the first game.

At worst, all that we need is a 1 page or 2 to help create their background. Some basic history and information about the "world", general info about the races and classes, and the basic gear. most of it could be a copy/paste from the core book and the adventure path. Heck, I'd even be willing to pay 5$ for a pdf version if it makes my job easier at character creation.

Something to think about...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
ckdragons wrote:

Still alive and kicking here... hoping someday to be able say, "Yes, I've ran all the APs Paizo has released!"

At the speed my group play and with the amount of adventure path release so far, I'll be in my retirement home before I can say that.

We started when RotR came out, and so far we finished that one and completed Council of Thieves. The next one we are starting is the Emeralde Spire. I know not a path, but it will probably take a while to do anyway.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
GeraintElberion wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
I started with The Hook Mountain Massacre. Does that count?

I bought Burnt Offerings and a five-pack of players guides from a shop.

Subscribed with Skinsaw.

It doesn't count...

But I've got an awesome shelf of books.

Shelf? I got a bookcase full of RPG products, mostly Paizo's. I'm currently looking into building myself a bigger and sturdier one. I'm toying with the idea of finding a way to combine my books and my gargantuan minis together as some sort of display with this guy front and center.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I never noticed that there was a charter subscription title before. Still have it, good thing I never canceled! :) I'm also planning to add starfinder but unsure if I'll keep it. It will depend on finance and how good the rules and first adventure is (no pressure on the authors) But if it's anything like the Rises of the runelords, I'll be hook for sure.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
blope wrote:
What I would rather have is some high level modules starting around level 17 that could be tacked on to the end of adventure paths. They wouldn't even need to take a group to 20, one levelup per module would be enough as long as we could expect several of them over a period of time. My players would love to revisit/reuse old characters 'just one more time'.

I love this idea. I rarely buy modules, prefer the APs (own every single one of them) but I would so buy modules that bring my players to level 20. Maybe just do the AP that sold very well and make sure the we get a clear indication to which AP it ties in to and I would buy them all.

As for the starting level, I like the starting at level 1. I find that's the best way to start. No 20 pages background and no optimizing the magic gear, just you, your sword and your wits. I have some very imaginative player that surprise me often with ways of solving problems.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Thraug wrote:
A review article states the Pathfinder large figure bases are slightly larger than the DDM large mini bases. I wonder if this was just a simple omission. I use Dapper Devil attachable bases to track creatures and the review article claims the large Pathfinder minis do not fit in his Dapper Devil bases. I hope future Pathfinder releases change the size of the large mini to match the DDM ones. I can't justify purchasing any now that I'm heavily invested in Dapper Devil base attachments and use them all the time. ;(

From what you says, it's not really a problem, but to match DDM large base? which one? I just pull out a Destrachan (aberations 29/60) and compared to the Cadaver Collecter (war of the dragon queen 27/60) and they have a big size difference when it come to the base. Almost as if the 2 were from 2 differents size...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Takasi wrote:
Michael Brisbois wrote:
Mike Mearls discusses the dragon in his D&D XP blog. In one of the games he ran, the dragon got slaughtered by the PCs.

Cool, here it is.

In the dragon's defense, he was put to sleep (not sure why he couldn't fly down to a water area before he fell asleep, thus waking him up) and then was pounded with an incredible lucky streak of 20's from the players and low rolls from the dragon.

So I take it that the dragon aren't immune to sleep anymore...

From SRD :

Immunities (Ex)
All dragons have immunity to sleep and paralysis effects. Each variety of dragon has immunity to one or two additional forms of attack no matter what its age, as given in its description.

I didn't read everything on 4th edition yet. Not really interested in changing so I don't follow on everything. And even if I was to change, it wouldn't be for a long while.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

No poster and no Dragon 358 for me too. :(

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hi, I just got my Dragon 359 but I am missing my giant poster. Also, I still haven't received my Dragon 358. :(

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

It would seem that some of us in Canada have to wait a extra month to get their Dragon issue. I got my Dragon 356 around the 5th of July, then I got 357 around the 30th of July. 358 still hasn't showed up and I'm not expecting it before the end of the month. After 2 issues being so late. a third one would be a surprise. Also they seem to be sligthly damage when they do get here. So I hope that the poster in 359 is in the pages of the magazine and not outside the cover. I really hope I won't be having any problems with Pathfinder, for I like you products, but the mail system seem to hate me.

Anyway, can't wait to get my hand on my first Pathfinder... I know it will be high quality material!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Karelzarath wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Karelzarath wrote:
Just got 357, but no 356 yet. Figures I wouldn't get the issue that stirred up all the controversy. :)

Well... you'll be getting one, now! I'll get a replacement sent out as soon as possible.


Got it! Thanks! You guys are the best.

3rd of July and still no Dragon 356 or Dragon 357. I starting to feel like my mailman is stealing my magazines :( Should I wait more? Cause my vacation is in 5 days and still no reding material to bring on the plane...

Oh and Happy 4th of July to you all!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Well, it now the 17th and I still don't have my dragon #356 :( I hope I'll get it early this week. If not, I guess I'll have to ask for a replacement too. I'm leaving on vacation in 3 weeks and I wanted to bring some good reading material on the plane. :)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Sadly, I'm in the same situation. I was not sure what was the procedure so I also sended a email at the customer service ( Ignore this if the problem is already been taken care of.

Thank you

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:

The USPS claims a target of 2–3 days for domestic Priority and 4–6 days for Global Priority. However, they don't guarantee either; it sometimes takes a couple of weeks, especially overseas.


Well, 2 weeks and 2 days as pass and still no Sorcerer on Black Dragon. I was hoping of getting it today since I have a game where I could've use it. Oh well! :( I can only hope to get it next week since I didn't get one in 2 cases of WoDQ that I bought today.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Cosmo wrote:
We ship orders using the method you choose at the time you place your order. In the case of your Sorcerer on Black Dragon order, you chose USPS Priority Mail. Therefore your order should arrive within 3-5 business days, which would put delivery on or around Monday, July 10. However, given that this is just an estimate and given the holiday tomorrow, I would revise this estimate to "sometime next week, probably."

Is there a big difference between USPS Priority Mail and USPS Global Priority. Cause my Sorcerer on Black Dragon shipped on June 21st and I'm still waiting for it.

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