Night Wyvern

Patrick Levasseur's page

Goblin Squad Member. Adventure Path Charter Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 18 posts (5,012 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 13 aliases.

Game will be restarting here!

Start posting here.

Invitation only.


I'm looking to start a group of 4 to 6 players for a Rise of the Runelord Anniversary Edition game. It would be in a small game cafe in the little town of St-Eustache. It would be every second friday night starting on July 21st. If you are interested, you can either reply here or send me a PM.

Map of the place!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kenabres, 16 of Arodus

For several weeks, excitement has been building in Kenabres—Armasse is coming! Traditionally an opportunity for scholars and priests to come together to study the lessons of history from wars past, since Aroden’s death, this holy day has become more about training commoners in weaponry, choosing squires, and ordaining new priests. Over time, Armasse has grown to encompass jousting competitions, mock duels, battle reenactments, and other festival events. In Kenabres, the festival is eagerly anticipated, for it provides distractions from the horrors of being on the front line of the war. Smiles on faces normally marred by downcast eyes and furrowed brows do wonders for city morale in the weeks leading up to the event.

Armasse is a citywide celebration, but the majority of the event, including its jousting matches and other entertainments, takes place at Clydwell Plaza, just west of the cathedral. You have been lucky enough to get good spots to observe the opening ceremonies at noon.

Welcome to this Wrath of the Righteous Campaign.

Here's a quick exemple of sheet for you character : Orlog BrightShield

Aslo in the Classes/Levels tag I would like those info as a minimun :
Inquisitor5 | hp 60 | AC21 T14 FF 18 | CMD 21 | F +7 R +7 W +8 | Spd 30' | Init +5 | Perception +12

The character creation guide line:
Level 1
Abilities 25 pt buy
Races Core + ARG feature races. Alternate racial traits are fine.
Classes Any paizo classes that are on the PRD.(For the summoner, go with the unchained version)
No Evil. No exceptions.
Max HP 1st level, 2nd level and up are rolled. Rerolling any 1's.
Traits x2 No traits that increase starting gold. No drawback.
Wealth Average or rolled character wealth for your class.
Background Skills

As long as you guys keep posting, I will keep this campaign going. To that effect, 1 post a day from monday to friday would be nice. Weekend is optional but always appreciated.

Don't hesitate if you have questions.

Starting soon.

Discussion is now open.

The bells atop the Temple of Erastil toll their midday song, echoing throughout the quiet town of Kassen. As the peals begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful. After a few moments, a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let Mayor Uptal through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver lantern. Behind him, an old pony drags a cart laden with
backpacks and supplies.

Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Uptal stops and calls out to the assembled townsfolk. “Once again the winter winds blow through the Verduran Forest, marking the end of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just as it was one hundred and seventy-four years ago, when Kassen himself left these walls to protect us, so it is today. Where are the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to Kassen’s tomb and retrieve the flame to keep this community
safe for another winter?


This will be my first try as a GM for a PBP game. I've been playing TTRPG for the past 20 years both as player and GM. I do intend to see this through and if it goes well, to follow this story with The Dragon's Demand. For that to work I moved Kassen to Taldor just north of Cassomir in the Verduran Forest.


Now Character Creation:
Level 1
Abilities 25 pt buy
Races Core + ARG feature races. Alternate racial traits are fine.
Classes Any paizo classes that are on the PRD.(For the summoner, go with the unchained version)
No Evil. No exceptions.
Max HP 1st level, 2nd level and up are rolled. Rerolling any 1's.
Traits x2 No traits that increase starting gold. No drawback.
Wealth Average or rolled character wealth for your class.
Background Skills

Background Short background only. You are all from the town or the immediate surrounding.

If you have questions or suggetions, I am open to both.


Anyone knows where I can find a human female un armored flag bearer. I've look at paizo and reapers and I can't find any. I know wizard made one, but it was wearing a full plate. I don't mind if it's not prepainted.



I've been finding myself reading more and more on the pbp boards and feeling like I would enjoy it. But the recruitment board kinda look scary for a newbie. Everytime I find a game that might be fun for me, there is 50+ people applying for it also. Then I get thinking, why pick me when they have all those experienced players to pick from.

So here's the question. Is there, out there, a nice group willing to pick a newbie to show him the ropes of the pbp while playing a pathfinder game at low level? I'd rather a short game for my first one but who knows, maybe one of the pathfinder adventure could do also.

Thank you!