Dr Davaulus

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84 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hey everyone I am moving and will be running a game with my old friends but am looking at starting something with some local people also in Cobourg.

We play Pathfinder mainly and run either Adventure paths of home written campaigns.

Hey everyone I am running jade regent and about to finish book 3. They just finished the tower encounter and the party is burnt out. Was planning to fast track and do the spider encounter followed by the followed boss fight. This being said the final dungeon is a grind and dull. Look for any ideas to create a great mini version of that dungeon or coouple of encounters before tian xi. The bosses are fine just yeti are a weak aand boring repetition.

Hey everyone, my group is bringing in some new players possibly and I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for a good module that is balanced in roleplay, combat and problem solving. I am looking for something not too high of a level as some are new to pathfinder (however have played 3rd), was thinking level 1-6 as a starting point. I want to run my current players and new ones through the module to make sure the group works well together before bringing them into our current adventure paths...kinda a try out I suppose. So far Carrion Hill has caught my eye, but I'm a carrion crown fan so there is that.

Can't run the harrowing or masks of the living god as we have already played through them.

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Hey everyone, just wanted to get some opinions on how you deal with character death, I have a specific situation I am finding frustrating. My party is playing through Jade Regent, currently they are traveling the Crown of the World (Arctic)where during the trip to spicen up the travel, they were taken into the Harrowed Realm, however there lifeless bodies remained on Golorian while the NPCs continue the travel and watch over them. Now, 1 character has already died while in the harrowed realm and accepted a reincarnate because it was all that was available and was excited about it as she came back as a male half-orc when she was originally a female halfling witch, having lots of fun with it.

Now, I have another character who I have posted about before, who got himself in a bad situation and was killed by a creature+environment. Instead of seeking out a reincarnate, he is refusing it as it might "gimp" his character. Instead he insisted on the party using a special item the party received which can raise dead once per month however it basically sends a message to the main group of villains who are trying to find you telling them your specific location. The party refused him this option as it was not worth the risk.

Now the party needs to escape the harrowed realm still so he was told he could play a NPC for the next couple of sessions as they have no way of finding a diamond worth 5000gp. The problem still remains that when they get out of the harrowed realm they still have weeks to travel to the nearest civilization and find a diamond for raise dead or resurrection.

To make matters worse, when I told him he would be playing a NPC if he wanted to go this way and warned him he would be leaving the party at a disadvantage ( I feel being selfish ) said "Well can't we just assume the boss we fight has a diamond?" This made me angry, basically dictating to me what treasure we should find and saying character death should go unpunished. How do you guys deal with character death in this sense? let them pop raise dead spells like candy? I have been considering doing a 1st free raise dead, 2nd 20% fail, 3rd 50% fail, 4th it doesn't work as the spirit begins to reject coming back.

Just feel the game has no threat if there is no fear of being destroyed aside from a TPK, when even a NPC could collect a part of a body.

Hey everyone, I am running a certain module in the middle of Jade Regent. They are on book 3 (Hungry Storm), so they currently are level 8. The Pc's are all level 8, 20 point build. They Include Summoner, Ranger (Ranged), Barbarian, Witch, Oracle. I am wondering if you think the fight is possible? It is a Adult Blue Dragon. Or if the party leveling to level 9 would make a huge difference, or either way it will end poorly for the party? Gear is fairly average for there level. Now the party may also have a Level 7 Bard (Ameiko)and a Level 7 cleric of Desna (Koya) once they manage to free her and bring her into the combat.

Level 8 Barbarian, Witch, Oracle, Ranger, Summon + Level 7 Bard, Cleric


CR 13 Adult Blue Dragon.


Hey anyone, seems the section for roll-calls has been removed other than online? My gaming group is looking for possibly 2 players. I GM, we have 2-3 other players ready to go, a couple of others are most likely leaving for work. Looking for people in the Durham / Peterborough area. We usually play in Bowmanville or Pontypool. 2 Female players, 2 Male players currently. Campaign is open to discussion. We get together once a week or bi-weekly. Send PM if interested.

Hey everyone, a PC in my group is playing a very under geared witch. So was looking at some gear to throw her way. I saw the Icicle wand while reading through the AP (we are actually playing Jade) and thought it would be neat. Question is though it says that it functions as a wand of ice spears. Now:

does the Icicle wand have charges for casting that spell?
if so how many spears does it cast? or is it based off the characters level?

Hey guys and gals, I am thinking of writing a adventure path. I own Inner Sea Guide but aside from reading through every location in it, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations of a Interesting location(s) to spend say 1-17 levels. My group has played, Crown, Runelords, Jade, Skulls and Shackles, Serpent Skull. We loved the horror setting of Crown, The Jungles of Serpent Skull and Variety of Jade. I am not looking for a exposed to the elements location, more cities, jungles etc.

Any recommendations would be great to add to my list of places to research! There is no story set in stone so don't let that influence your choices.

My first thought was to write it around where Carrion Crown took place having the events of Wake of the Watcher spill out into the rest of the world or close by (Cthulhu) but any locations would help great for any theme!!

Hey everyone just looking for some advice. We have a player in our group I will call him Q. Q has been with the group since the start and has been known to build the same type of know it all hissy fit character every time. At the moment there are 3 campaigns going on which Q is involved with playing the same type of character (different classes and races, but the same personality.)

All the of other players in the group will take archetypes that add flavor to their characters and not necessarily ones that make them the best, but things that uniqueness. Basically, he dump stats. Buffs up main stats with every character, gets angry every time he takes damage and demands healing, and any rule that happens that isn't in his favor, we have to listen to complaining.

I personally have already had a conversation with Q and said he is aware and will try to correct the issues. Lasted a month. As a GM it's frustrating, feats are taken that break combat and make it not challenging, ruining it for the rest of the players. The rest of the group is able to look at feats or rules and if we think they won't work in favor of keeping the game fun, will make adjustments. When playing a spell caster he will cast spells with Area of Effects regardless if party members are in that area.

I find myself at times figuring out ways to kill his character or try to favor attacking him when I know I shouldn't especially since he always plays a class that should be staying in the back (Ranged or spell casters). One character he has, has a Charisma of 7. There is a monster I am aware of that I could have sneak on him during watch (2 of them) and most likely end the character via Charisma Drain. This wont fix the problem as I am sure he will just make another D*ck character. This goes beyond the character builds, and also involves the snotty arguments that occur when we talk about homebrewing certain rules to balance some game mechanics, if it doesn't favor his character it can't be the right thing to do.


Hey everyone. Just couple questions on arcane archer. when shooting a spell through bow, do they shot against ac or touch ac? And after they shoot a spell, do they still get there remaining regular shots? Lastly when shooting an area spell do they have the option to selecta square adjacent to the target to hit ac 5?

Hey everyone, was just skimming ahead through runelords anniversary edition, and was looking at the last fight... It looks different than the orignal edition by quite a bit and just wondering...is how it written correct? The encounter involves

Karzoug The Claimer (cr21), Adult blue dragon (Cr13), Warden of Runes (Cr17), and 2 Wardens of Thunder (cr14).

Has anyone ran this encounter yet? Curious of how it went.

Hey guys, I have two games I run, two different players using almost the same build for Ranger or Fighter/Ranger. Here is a example of the build, 20 pt buy, currently level 6. My issue is that at level 6 the fighter on average with using Rapid Shot + Point Blank + Deadly Aim + Many Shot in a full round is doing 1d8+11 4 times. averaging 64 damage in a round, almost 1 taking down a boss at level 6 instantly. Is this how ranger is played or is there something I don't know in regards to the feats/shots?

Also know that as per home brew rules, all characters are given Weapon Finesse and Intimidating Prowess are given as free feats.


Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter (Archer) 6
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 46 (6d10+6)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 Longsword +7/+2 (1d8+3/19-20/x2) and
Club +6/+6/+1 (1d6+7/x2) and
Masterwork Scimitar +7/+2 (1d6+2/18-20/x2)
Ranged +1 Composite longbow (Str +2) +9/+9/+4 (1d8+11/x3)
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 21
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Blind-Fight, Deadly Aim -2/+4, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Longbow), Weapon Specialization (Longbow)
Traits Highlander (hills or mountains), Magical Knack (-Choose-)
Skills Acrobatics +3 (-1 jump), Climb +7, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +11, Knowledge (engineering) +7, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +6, Ride +0, Stealth +10 (+12 in hilly or rocky areas), Survival +8, Swim +8

SQ trick shots (trick shot: disarm)
Combat Gear Potion of cure light wounds (2), Alchemist's fire (2), Weapon blanch (cold iron) (2), Weapon blanch (silver) (2); Other Gear +1 Breastplate, +1 Composite longbow (Str +2), +1 Longsword
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Highlander (hills or mountains) +1 to Stealth checks, Stealth is always a class skill for you. Double this in hilly or rocky areas.
Magical Knack (-Choose-) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Manyshot You can shoot two arrows as the first attack of a full attack action.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Trick Shot: Disarm Disarm with a bow at 30' and -4 CMB.

Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has run a module during runelords? I am current running the harrowing in Jade regent book3, nice side quest. Just wondering if there are any that can be tied into runelords at all. We are currently on Skinsaw Murders, module can be during or between any book (other than Burnt Offerings obviously)

Hey everyone, starting hungry storm tomorrow, just wondering if anyone can recommend anything that you added to the adventure. I am fabricating the route they take and taking a mix of encounters from both paths and randoms to spice up the trip. Just wondering if you added anything in particular to add some Roleplay...maybe some different conversation set pieces, or situations that you created to make the trip a bit more interesting aside from basic combats?

Hey everyone, I am starting book 3 and planning the AP out a bit, going to be adding Under frozen stars into the journey, but I do not see a mention of this "alien city" anywhere in the original AP, I am trying to find it so I can tie it in, I know its around the tower but don't see it ever mentioned.

Just wondering if anyone else is finding the AP really easy? Running it with 4 Pcs 20 point buy. Party is:

Life Oracle
Druid w/ Roc

They are walking through most encounters.


Book 1 was fun so it wasn't really notice as much.

The sorcerer fight in Book 2 kind of gave them a struggle, as well as the Vine creature shortly after. But now that they have gone into the underwater dungeon, it's basically one attack kills. Everyone has air bubble and the druid/alchemist have touch of the sea giving them swim speeds so most combats under water aren't any harder.

Anyone else finding this? I have ran Serpent skull, Jade and Carrion Crown, and they seem to have quite a few tough fights, I just find these two books to be WAY too easy.

Hey everyone was just wondering if someone could help me out. Was just wondering, when an Int Weapon uses a spell it has, does the spell come off of the weilders action? Ex, lets say a sword had Invisibility as a once per day spell. If the sword casts the spell and the spell (which it does) requires a standard action, does the weilder lose their standard?

Can a ranger use multile shot styles? Example, can a ranger you Manyshot and Rapid shot in the same round of shooting?

Hey looking for a couple players to fill out a couple games I run in the surrounding areas, send me a PM if interested. Group ages between 16-30s

Hey everyone, just got to about part 2 of book 2. First book went by alright, had to make some changes to make it run smoothly but all in all the group enjoyed it. Then we hit book 2. First part was ok (Squibb), however when we got into part two the ship to ship combat is weak, at least from what we can see in this book. Same repetitive encounters, no flavor, on board combat is done in 2 rounds. I know I can add flavor to it to spice it up, it was all done on short notice.

My question is...does the ship to ship combat get any better in the later books? or does the ship to ship combat stop and it focus more on event encounters/dungeons?

Hey everyone, I know there are threads on this already, but just wanted to have a basic one to see how people are working around it. Starting Shackles tonight and a little worried of PC's dying by simply drinking? I know they heal 1 ability point per round, and can possibly heal with with magic, but 5 days or less of heavy drinking can cause death? From a half pint of rum, which isn't too much. Someone had posted this alternative rule

Slack Off: Take a –4 penalty on all checks for a job’s daily task. You gain 1 ability point as if you had rested and automatically pass any Con checks to not be fatigued.

to add to the daily task choices, think it could balance it out, what do you think?

hey everyone, just wondering how you plan to treat riptide cove? It seems to me almost as if the players are going to be entirely under water for the most part of this section, does anyone feel this might be a bit frustrating? I have really never ran a portion of a book involving complete submereged combat, maybe just need some direction? Any tips?

Hey everyone, just wondering as GMs how you managed to keep book three, The hungry storm fresh and exciting. I haven't gotten to book three yet, however doing my homework and it just seems with all the random encounters (that I will probably turn into real combat instead of caravan) and story encounters that its going to be nothing but session after session of combat.

I run a fairly low roleplay group and do not see them conversing too much during the caravan ride, and even so with almost 3 months of travel that would even get lame.

hey everyone, looking for a unmarked map of Saventh-Yhi to use for player hand outs. I have the poster map but wanted something to put on 8x11 for them to make notes and such.

Hey everyone, just checking to make sure im not missing something. When looking at elementals, why is it that Fire elemental is immune to fire, but none of the other elementals are immune to their element type? Is this to say a water elemental could be damaged with a water spell? and elementals aren't weak to opposing elements?

hey everyone, I know there is the conversion guide and stuff, but it is honestly way too much work to bump things up a little bit. I am using the 3.5 MM as most of the monsters are in that book and am wondering if there is any way to make things a little bit harder for the adventurers. I have ran a couple of sessions so far and they just seem to walk through it.

I have the Pathfinder beastiaries and am wondering if I should use those versions of monsters? and if so, do I keep it at fast paced XP?

Or maybe simply just add a HD to each monster to make combat last an extra round? Just looking at the end boss of the first book (Burnt Offerings) and she only has something like 36hp. By 3rd level that boss could be dead in 2 rounds.

hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has been in a party or seen a bard be a decent healer? Group is going to be starting Rise of Runelords with a Ranger, Druid, Summoner and Bard...or so it seems as of right now. I had thought about running a DMPC healer, but kinda want to avoid it.

hey everyone, just a question about stone call, does it damage friendly PC's?

Hey everyone, this is probably a really noobie question and I apologize in advance. I'm running a 2nd campaign (Rise of the Runelords) and after running serpent skull, I don't understand how the XP works. It uses the 3.5 MM and there is no XP beside the monsters as there is in the beastiary and I know the progression for 3.5 is different than Pathfinder? so my question is, when using the 3.5MM can i link the CR to the pathfinder CR to XP chart that is on the DM screen?

hey everyone, g/fs playing a druid and not entirely sure on the rule.

Her leopard has Bite Claw Claw. Does it go Normal -5 -5? or Normal Normal Normal to hit?

hey everyone, have a quick question. When making multiple attacks, what are the penalties normally? example if a monster has bite +8 and 2claws +3 if i use the bite attack do i then take the claw attacks at -2? and also if i say start with the 2 claws, do both claws get the full bonus? or does the second claw take a penalty as well as the bite to follow?

hey everyone, I'm looking to see if there is some sort of books or anything to read in order to make me more knowledgeable on the Pathfinder world? such as books that are just filled with back story to the lands and such...any recommendations or does such a thing even exist?

hey everyone, my sister is playing a barbarian in or one campaign, and recently rolled up a rogue in a new one. She really likes the rogue and wanted me to ask for opinions on how a Barbarian/Rogue (Elf) would work? She isn't worried too much about if its the "Best" combination, she just thinks it will be fun but is looking for recommendations on how many levels to put into barbarian and how many into rogue? Barbarian is the favored class.

Just thinking with her Great Sword she does 2d6 dmg already + Strength. Catching someone flat footed or flanked = 2d6+1d6 for sneak attack at first level rogue.

hey everyone, was just helping a buddy make a witch, and picked scorpion familiar. Was just wondering other than holding spells for them, is there a point to them? they don't seem to do any damage or anything?

hey everyone, im part of a new pathfinder group, and when we have been playing we've been playing where ranged attack is attack bonus + dex mod +d20 to hit. And melee is d20+base attack bonus. Is this right? I just bought the Hero labs character builder and its showing for melee it being D20+Str Mod+base attack bonus? which is right?

-thanks in advance to the awesome community.

hey everyone, just wondering new player and looking for a quick rule clarification. When you put a rank into a class skill, do you get the +3 bonus for each rank? or just the first time you put a rank into it

example level 2 Acrobatics with a +3dex score, should it be the first block or 2nd?

Total Ability mod Ranks misc mod
Acrobatics 11 = +3 2 6
Acrobatics 8 = +3 2 3

hey everyone I am just wondering, what exp rate does pathfinder adventures paths use? The Fast? Moderate? or slow brackets? My party as already cleared the entire upper portion of the island and has found the use camp site roughly in mid map. Some people in other threads have said there party has leveled by this point which I find odd, as my party fought every possible encounter + I gave bonus XP for certain events?

Full Name

Zella Aviar




Witch 12














common, elven, draconic, infernal, celestial, sylvan, gnome, Undercommon, Kelish


Day jobs are for common people.

Strength 9
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 22
Wisdom 12
Charisma 7