I'm finding it oddly compelling for such a simple game. For about $5 I can't complain. How can we submit bug reports? I found a bug where the 30 second timer at the end of a level got stuck and let me wander around opening chests for about 5 minutes before I got tired of waiting to see if it would start counting down on its own.
I am slightly confused as to why the creative commons licensing of the 5e SRD doesn't make Drow free game, but as I am not a lawyer I assume Paizo's legal department has good reasons for what they are doing.
Hey Mr. Jacobs, how does this affect Starfinder? The Drow are a slightly greater part of that setting than Pathfinder's, and they're also pretty different from the D&D version. Any idea how that's going to be handled?
Hey, I didn't see the message about a slot opening until just now. Holidays had me busy as hell. Hope this is still open! What level is this table?
OK so I set up a character, # 42641-1001 (Qualzar). It looks like it doesn't create an alias? I would just post using this or whatever name I want to make?
If you don't mind holding my hand a little, I'll get my sorcerer deck out -- or maybe cleric -- and create a character.
I've never played an ACG game online or in organized play. I have a couple class decks though and I understand how the game plays. I really don't understand how you play online.
Game #96, Call of the Copper Gate, is full.
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That's my wife, I'll help her get set up. This is her first PbP.
Any more room or are you full up?
Is the PDF of the scenario going to be updated with these changes, Mr. Compton?
Have you seen Ant-man and the Wasp? If so, what did you think?
Casting [u]raise thread.[/u]
So I'm running this module as two play-by-post games, and in both of them, the party made the necessary checks to discover the details of the shrine, and went there first instead of doing the bait. If they wanted the inside to be completely inaccessible without getting the key first, they should have made it a DC 40 lock instead of DC 30. Getting +10 to Disable Device isn't difficult for a 5th level character, and in fact the pregen Merisiel has +13, so if they find the shrine they can get inside by taking 20. I don't see any indication that there's a bar on the inside of the door or anything like that.
What I'm trying to figure out is whether I should let them in and then have the big mean thing outside attack from behind while the other creatures attack from the front. I mean, that makes the most sense.
You can always play with pregens if there's a pregen within the subtier.
Well of course, you always need to own the resource. Which guns can I buy, then, just the ones in UC?
If you get a boon on a chronicle from CORE play that opens up a gun-using archetype, e.g. spellslinger, does that make it possible to purchase guns and ammunition for that character?
Hi, I just realized session 96 is incorrectly stated as starting on the 13th of August instead of the 1st of October on the Session List. Could that be fixed, please?
You can play one of the level 5 pregens that come with the adventure, if you want to. Valeros, Ezren, Merisiel, Harsk, Kyra, and Seelah are the options.
What do FPSP2 and PFSP3 mean?
The module will be free to download before the start date, by the way. No scenario support will be needed for this one. (Not signing up to play, just letting you know this.)
When are we able to start signing up for the specials, or is that already started?
Session 92, Skitter shot, is also full.
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Following up on this -- the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsbo) icon for starfinder is also apparently broken. Both of these show up as a broken image icon in Chrome.
I did, thank you, and added links to those in my posts.
I have a level 2 android soldier or a level 1 (possibly level 2 by then) vesk envoy who should be ready to go on the 1st of october.
Ooh spots available! I have an android soldier 2 or a Vesk envoy 1 available.
I'd like to reserve a place in the core session for my level 3 (possibly level 4 by then) wizard, if that's alright.
Just opened recruitment for We Be 5uper Goblins for the 2nd slot of the gameday (starting October 1st).
I weighed in with a new character to start with. We'll see how it goes!
OK, I'll have to give slides a try next game I run.
I'm not really familiar with slides, drawings is just what I'm used to. I wasn't really aware that slides allowed you to interact on mobile. How does that work, since you can't really click and drag with a touch interface?
Ah, starship combat.
Let's start out with a handy link to an SRD page on starship combat for easy reference.
Marking this inactive now. Message me if there are any issues with the chronicles.
So all the other PCs are dead? Maybe the new player characters then?
No, unless your GM house rules otherwise. While you can perform a move action as a standard action, There are a lot of abilities that work as swift actions that are exceedingly powerful if allowed to occur several times per round.
Also, rules questions are best asked in the rules forum, and I've flagged this post for being moved.
The simplest option could be to pump up your strength. Start with a Mk 1 personal upgrade and make the next one your priority when you get enough credits.
Kenning, not Keening. Kenning refers to the historical use of metaphorical names for things in the norse epic poetry, which of course the Skald class is inspired by.
The ability says you can cast the spell as if it were a spell known. It doesn't say it becomes a spell known. Scroll creation doesn't say you have to be able to cast it, it says you have to know the spell. I'm not sure.
Mekhu is up still. If he hasn't acted by midnight tonight PST I'll bot him.
Is the spheres of power system dramatically more powerful than standard spellcasting? If so, yeah, you'll probably need to in order for NPC spellcasters to keep up. If not, don't bother -- most enemy NPCs last like 2 rounds if that. Maybe if you have a major enemy who they see repeatedly, and gets the chance to cast lots of spells, you could do that one. NPC spellcaster allies maybe as well, since, again, they'll be seeing them a lot.
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Mononucleosis with a hangover.
Creatures with only secondary natural attacks treat their attacks as if they were primary.
Level 2 characters should get 510, then, and level 1 characters 470. Thanks for fixing it!
I'm not sure those archetypes can stack.
I'm interested. I'd like to try a level 1 (0 XP) slyph psychic, but I can bring something else if we end up going higher.
Is there room for one more? I only count 5 in the first table?
Dangit these tables fill up so damn fast!