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Why not? I propose to add to tumble through at page 145 this:
And i propose to add this to grabble at page 146:
There is a "par" concept in any stat of the sheet that compared with the crits give possibility to take them only if you are lower or higher in the opposed defense number. In the case of "par" you have almost exclusively the case of success or failure. The crits are very prospective if you are much more strong or weak, moving the bar of opportunity. So you could be visibly strong in few aspects, but inexorably weak in other, if you don't want to distribute more equitably the stats. And it seems part of the game balance of PF2. ![]()
All calculations are based on level + competence + char modifier + magic object bonus: (1/20) + (- 2 / + 3) + (0 / about +10) + (1/5 maybe; the cd instead is 10 + level + char modifier. Let's start by saying that there is no initiative bonus. They had announced it would be treated in a particular way that it is not yet possible to know. Surely perception will be used for this. We do not even have the maneuver bonuses. Seeing the ogre's stats block I think that it is compensated with acrobatics and athletics. Always seeing that a lot of skills will not be necessary for the monsters, but only the TS that remain the only defenses with the CA, at maximum perception in certain cases. The BAB and the skill levels to be distributed at each level do not exist, it is replaced by the level, you can just increase the values with the competence (acquired at least with the progress of the level, the classic X + Int, or also with feat?). From what I understand each class allows you to increase them as you go up with the level as before you did with the ranks, to acquire on armor, weapons, TS always with the progression of class, but especially at the center of all the feats: class, normal , skill, race, archetype are all made the same way, not only maybe increase the "dots", but possibly offer an extra move to do, so on the first page down there is few space to complete, it is all marked on page two, each item or feat can give you the requirement to take a different action, as well as the spells on page 3. In addition, with the skills you can unlock powers similar to spells, but they will be chosen, regardless of class and probably at will and above all regardless of the class. It gave me the impression of being like the White Wolf board (with the d20 system of course), but by training and putting competence, you decide then the effects to buy on the capacity you bet on (*). For the equipment I would focus on weapons. The skills seem to shift rather than on the single weapon, on two groups of weapons only (martial or simple). This means that, together with the rune system (I still do not understand how they will work exactly), it will be more common to change weapons, perhaps exploiting special abilities that should be of central importance. The same thing maybe even for armor and shield (which more than numeric we already know that it is very tactical). Another substantial thing, there aren't many bonuses on the AC (the various natural armor, deviation etc ...), "miscellaneus modifiers", and size. This suggests that the space for numerical optimization is limited to the magical object, the competence, the characteristics. (*) Because I associated the pathfinder 2 sheet as a mixture between d20 and the White Wolf system: We take masquerade's skills, but let's not focus on "pitches" that are a separate mechanical part and not part of the d20 system. As the level goes up, he gives one more die to roll. In Pathfinder it adds a numerical bonus instead.
So here, I put on acrobatics and then on the basis of the dot I decide that it moves further to join in addition to maybe the basic ones. So with the dots I numerically benefit in the most varied tests and at the same time increase the number of things I can do (they also said to replicate spell effects). And here the thing is similar, but expanded. In PF2 the competence has more meanings: to draw numerical bonus (-2 without training, 0, 1, 2, 3 legendary);
Why does PF2 seem to be balanced? Phase 1: The math at the board is solid and has STRONG limits. Phase 2: All the capacity (feat, spell or magical object) gives things to do more than numbers and can be a very unlimited choice (from there all the encyclopedic options that remain proportionate to the level of competence and then to the level and investment in that specific category). Phase 3: At the end you return to the numbers for dice rolls and effects. It is a process with watertight compartments that in the numerical phase before and afterwards is strongly linked to the numerical bridles, while it can be very various in the central phase, where however the capacities are associated with the power level (a bit like the spells, it is difficult that there is no proportion and coherence between the various levels). I tried to do two tests at the system and its modularity: RULE TO INSERT THE BOUNDED ACCURACY: I remove the level from all the boxes of the sheet. RULE TO REMOVE THE MAGIC ITEMS: I take away everything apart the weapon potency (the part that increase the damage dices). And everything should spin, at least in the numbers. Even if there is to be some other adjustment, I do not think it will be more difficult to create other alternative rules. Let's say that having read only 2 pages of the hypothetical test book it is incredible to be able to understand so much already.
What it seems is that at the base there is a simple rule that allows flexibility leaving the base to create 1000 thousand different capacities, but putting a narrow numerical cage from which you can not escape optimizing. This means that the development of the character is to be done on tactical choices, group strategy and above all concept. I think that's awesome!!!! ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
There will be Pathfinder 2.0 or only a new parallel set of rules? ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
When does we'll see that with sword without laser & dragons that don't take the shuttle to fly? ![]()
Hi! The pathfinder system is inspirated by the 3,5 version of D&D. I know and understand that this game is very difficult to unchain from the previous version mantaining the retro-compatibility. Is there the will by you and Paizo to create in the future a new set of rules that will prefer the innovation and the symplification of the game with the same care you spended to renouvate the previous version of D&D 3,5? ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
Are you sure that is not umbalanced that an Oracle of Lore could have, for example power of Oracle of Air? Or other extrange combination don't umbalance the game? Could you give an official answer? ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
But with dragon ferocity(streght x1,5), the increased unarmed strike damage is by 2 or 3 points per -1? ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
Excuse me, I'm not english or american. Example: I'm a monk at 18th level and I use my unarmed strike with the Brass Knuckles. If I attack with them, my damage is 2d8 or a d3? This is the correct link: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/brass -knuckles "Brass Knuckles These close combat weapons are designed to fit comfortably around the knuckles, narrowing the contact area and therefore magnifying the amount of force delivered by a punch. Benefit: Brass knuckles allow you to deal lethal damage*. Drawback: You may hold, but not wield, a weapon or other object in a hand wearing brass knuckles. You may cast a spell with a somatic component while wearing brass knuckles if you make a concentration check (DC 10 + the level of the spell you’re casting). Note: Monks are proficient with brass knuckles and can use their Monk unarmed damage* when fighting with them. *Adventurer's Armory Errata Update 2.0 — Release Date: 07/21/11 *Special Note Monks do not use their unarmed damage when fighting with brass knuckles even though the latest errata did not change or remove the sentence stating they do. [Source]: http://paizo.com/store/games/roleplayingGames/p/pathfinderRPG/paizo/pathfin derCompanion/v5748btpy8dmf/discuss&page=12#550
Two handed unarmed fighter BAB 29, Monk 24. The monk have a ki attack more than fighter.
The monk has abundant step (use it whit dimensional dervish :P), spell resistance and much more. The fighter is not so good. And the same is valid for all other classes. Less direct damage, but more fun and possibility! ![]()
If you do the math, you discover that the warrior does more damage. We are all agreed. But:
most important thing wrote: And then the most important thing: it's very very much more funny!
ROLE wrote: Damage and condition dealer!!!!!!
Dear Paizo, I am an Italian and a happy consumer of your player board game Pathfinder. Unfortunately I have a complaint, certainly not with regard to your work, but to those who have to distribute the product in my country. The Wyrd is a company that does not keep its promises and she did not publish your materials by the dates announced. In Italy we have not the APG. What we have to wait for ultimate Magic and combat? I hope that my comments will help customers to have an Italian best that you can solicit feedback and outputs or to find a publisher in a better position. Best regards! ![]()
Kaiyanwang wrote:
Yes, the limit is that elemental fist is for only 1 attack. A monk with different moves has: disarm
Kaiyanwang wrote:
Elemental fist is only a +d6 and perfect strike is only for weapons... not so usefull. A monk with ki can use 3 attacks at max BAB, I think that the stunning fist, touch of serenity and punishing kick are the best for unarmed monk. At 15th there is quivering palm, whit manouvers you can take only touch of serenity for differentiate the save throw (it's on will, good for combatant)... ^_* @dragonsong: the monk at low levels can take disarm and trip as bonus feats! You can combine these on your attacks. At higher levels you have a very high choice of combat styles! ![]()
Dragonsong wrote:
I don't understand. Excuse me... You can consider also the CM as disarm and umbalance. At higher levels there is quivering palm... Monk is not so bad. On the damage the fighter is better, but it's fanny and he have a big variety of attacks! ![]()
stormraven wrote:
Thank you. Paizo is a little unprofessional. The books are not written clearly and give rise to misunderstandings. I have the Italian version and there are also spelling errors. The books are not written clearly and give rise to misunderstandings. I have the Italian version and there are also spelling errors. About abundant step, I think it is not a spell, but a supernatural ability and the operation of the feat is for the monk, after all an action of movement can be made before or after a standard action (as occurred with the school feat of the sun 3.5). ![]()
AvalonXQ wrote:
The problem is that you can do a move action before or after a standard action. There are not writer of the original text than can solve this question? |