![]() Oh, Deer Lord wrote:
Thanks for looking at it. It hasn't been abandoned, but it is on the back burner for now. And with the remaster I've been busy updating my other home brew stuff. ![]()
![]() I did a thing. I've always liked the Deities and Demigods book from 3ed DnD and even played a deity in a campaign which was fun. I've been thinking of possibly elevating a character in my current game I'm running in my world, so I've been working on updating the deity rules for PF2. Here is what I've been working on. It is still a work in progress, but I would love any feedback. Thanks.
![]() Thank you very much for the feedback. I reworked a lot of it, got rid of full caster and added invocations to give it a more warlock feel. As for the number of first level feats, since 6 of them are tied to a patron there are actually fewer unique options for a player that at first glance, so I left it as is. I also detached spells/invocations from the patron so having them all occult makes more sense. Finally, I beefed up pact stuff and worked on the feats. I hope that the rework is closer to what we imagine it should be. Thank you. Warlock v2 ![]()
![]() I've been struggling with the way ancestries are put together as well. I don't really get what the heritage is either. I like the versatility, and the choosing certain options as you level up, but there are some things that are difficult to make. I remember sun elves and moon elves and the like from Forgotten Realms. They were all elves, but had some different abilities, and even starting stats. It is difficult to create something similar in PF2. I almost want to see a third feat option in addition to heritage and ancestry feats to reflect the biology a little bit more. It could be called legacy or lineage or something. It could include its own ability boost and biological aspect of the ancestry. In order to create a certain type of elf (lets say drow) you would select a suite of feats (this lineage feat, this heritage feat, this first level feat) to create the drow. Just an idea I've been kicking around for my home brew world. ![]()
![]() For both kinds of clerics, they ONLY get expert for their deity's favored weapon. They are the only class that doesn't get expert in simple (unless their is an errata I don't know about). At my table I give expert to all weapons that they are trained in at 11th level and I give the warpriest master in their deity's favored weapon at 13th level. I agree that more doctrines are needed. The one you proposed is interesting. ![]()
![]() Is it possible to attempt to use Intimidate on someone you communicate with using a message cantrip? What about with the telepathy spell? My end goal is for someone to use a 17th level crystal ball which allows you to use telepathy when you scry. If they know the subject's True Name, would they be able to use the Revel True Name skill feat against someone they are scrying on? I've given a modified version of the crystal ball where they can use message on someone they are scrying on. Just need some advice on when they can do what. Thanks. ![]()
![]() So, for about a year and a half my group wasn't meeting so I had a lot of time to come up with challenges for the characters. Reading Lovecraft at the same time may not have been the best of ideas. So, I created something called the Abstract to mess with one of my players. I would love some feedback about it. Thanks. ![]()
![]() I am very curious to see what variants, options, and house rules that other people use during the character creation process. I really want to see what options to bring into my group. I generally like power gaming in my group so I'm pretty open to different levels of character options during character creation. I've seen (and like) an extra ancestry feat and an extra class feat. I'm mostly wanting to see what else is out there. Thanks ![]()
![]() Basically what you need to ask yourself is what is the role of the class? What niche will it fill? How will it be different than what is already there? What unique abilities will it have? And finally, what makes it interesting enough to want to play? Once you answer those then just compare to existing classes to see if it is balanced. ![]()
![]() Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote: Looks good to me. I want to say "heck, go ahead and make it Common" but Paizo did specify "rituals are never common" in the CRB for some reason. Thanks for the feedback. It originally was going to be a common ritual, until I read that sentence. It still might be common in my world. ![]()
![]() It always seems that while exploring a dungeon that is hundreds of years old that there are books or wooden doors that haven't completely decayed centuries ago. To explain this my group always said there was low level magic that was preserving the perishable materials from the ravages of time. I finally put that magic to paper: Preservation:
Uncommon, Abjuration Cast 1 hour x spell level; Cost rare incense and oils worth a total value of 20 gp x spell level; Secondary Casters 1 (optional until 4th level, increases to 2 at 7th level) Primary Check Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion; Secondary Check Craft Range 10 feet; Target one object of no more than 1 bulk, or a structure of no more than 5 cubic feet Duration 10 years x spell level You use magical energies to preserve an object, like a book or vase, or part of a structure from the ravages of time. The object or structure is more resistant to normal wear and tear, but intentional efforts to damage or destroy it would be able to be successful. This ritual can not be used for armor or weapons. Critical Success The duration is doubled with an increase to the objects hardness of 2 and 2 x spell level Hit Points. Success The object is preserved with an increase to the objects hardness of 1 and 1 x spell level hit points. Failure The ritual has no effect. Critical Failure The object is brittle, weakened and vulnerable to damage. With repeated handling the object will crumble to dust. Heightened (+1) An increase in variable effects. The bulk and area of structures affected are multiplied by the spell level. Heightened (3rd) Can also add endure elements to the object (if on spell list). Heightened (4th) Can also add resist energy to the object. Heightened (8th) The duration can be permanent, but can only affect an object as if the spell were 3 levels lower (for purposes of target size.) Thoughts? ![]()
![]() I don't know if this has been discussed before or not, I wasn't able to find a discussion for it so I apologize if this is a duplicate. What lore skills do you actually use in your games? I'm looking for a focus on recalling knowledge in particular. Looking back on the old knowledge skill I used knowledge planes, history, and geography quite often and so will be using planar lore, historical lore, and geographical lore a lot in the games that I run. What other ones would be particularly useful? Thank you. ![]()
![]() mordreddurak wrote: Thank you for these, I am hoping to add kinesis/psionics into my game at some point and can't wait to see how well it works. Cool Deal! Let me know how it works for you. I am open to suggestions for improvement. I'm also currently working on the soulknife, should be done within a week or so. ![]()
![]() I love psionics so much and it is so integral to my homebrew world that I just went ahead and made my own stuff instead of waiting for a third party to do it for me. I made its own spell list, the psion, and an alternative with power points. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uP40j5HY29ClwZun8aAjETyyODBAusYo?us p=sharing ![]()
![]() I made revisions based on feedback which include Psion specific focus powers. I also brought back Psionic Combat (it's pretty much a focus power now). Finally I created a variant that uses power points instead of spell slots. The link above should still work. I would love feedback and suggestions. Thanks. ![]()
![]() Thank you for your feedback. This is the second class that I've made for PF2. I've found that it is a daunting task, I have a lot respect for the game designers. I did base if heavily on the wizard and sorcerer because that is what I had to go on, and I was just doing a conversion at this time from the 3.5 version. Now that I have the framework, it would be easier to modify in the future to make it a little more unique. I've also been toying with the idea of using the power points instead of spell slots. All this just takes time. I'll get to it when I can. ![]()
![]() So I LOVE psionics. My first exposure was the Psionic Handbook 3.0 and I've been hooked ever since. Since Paizo doesn't really seem to be moving in that direction and Dreamscarred Press isn't really doing much right now I just did it myself. I decided to tackle the task of creating the Psionic spell list and then went on to make the Psion for a member of my group who also likes psionics. What I have so far is in my drive folder. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uP40j5HY29ClwZun8aAjETyyODBAusYo?us p=sharing ![]()
![]() MaxAstro wrote:
Yeah, your right. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote my original comment. Probably because I was getting familiar with the new book. The Razortooth is a good reference for balancing that ability. I herby withdraw my previous suggestion. ![]()
![]() Kohrune wrote:
That looks pretty good. For the plains you may want to say that you get training proficiency in the unarmed attack. Maybe an automatic increase to expert at some point. ![]()
![]() Frogliacci wrote:
They aren't actually the combination of a halfling and elf, it just looks like it. They are a distinct race. The Gnomes do get a second lore skill increase as well, it is just from their background. The 13/15th level thing seems like an error on my part. I fixed it on my master copy. Thanks ![]()
![]() This is my first attempt to make a race for 2E. More crunch than fluff though. Let me know what you all think. Thanks. Spoiler: Mardrin
The Mardrin value education and the discovery of knowledge. They live in larger cities with tall spires. They are very friendly to outsiders and have a strong sense of community. Physical Description
Hit Points
Ability Boost
Ability Flaw
Low-light Vision
Mardrin Heritages
Library Brat
Magical Indoctrination
Quickling Mardrin
Stout Mardrin
![]() I've been running my own world for 18 years. There are constant adaptations and adjustments, but I'm able to make it work with no difficulty. Pathfinder 2 seems to be a little Lost Omens-centric rather than a strictly generic gaming system, so more modifications may be necessary. It would be interesting if Paizo ever comes out with other campaign settings, that would probably change their perspective a little.