Olom, Lord of Inverted Glyphs's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 19 posts (21 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 30 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

It kind of looks like Kess is cheering Yoon on as she hurts those poor crocs :(

Dark Archive

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Are those orcs walking like gorillas?

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

I want one too!

Dark Archive

Does the puppeteer have any subtypes for its marionette based on the puppetry styles mentioned?

Dark Archive

Any word on if there will be a shifter play test?

Dark Archive

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Drop bears

It's been 6 bestiaries and my favorite cuddly murderers are nowhere to be found.

Dark Archive

That seems really cool!

Dark Archive

So cool!

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This errata affected one Society character I still actually play, and I'm not too broken up about that. Overall, I feel like these were good changes.

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So excited for this book!

Dark Archive

Nagaji Mesmerist, a serpentine duelist who gets in her opponents heads and breaks them mentally before physically dispatching them? I thought it was a fun spin on the class, so I made one for a home game that's starting soon.

Dark Archive

Secret Wizard wrote:
Brandon M Dees wrote:
Wayang Brawler

Ok, I know you wanted an uber-optimized Intelligence martial, but bear with me so I can tell you why the Kulit Jester was created...

I just wanted this to be the archetype that used Stunning Fist in conjuction with Faerie Strike, Nightmare Fist/Weaver/Striker, Mountain-Splitting Strike, and possibly Mantis Style. It's just so damned sweet to think about it in action.

Couldn't help myself.

EDIT: I'm calling it for the night but the requests were taken in mind. I'll be busy the next couple of days, but I'll post as soon as I finish this. I'm still taking requests so go on!
As a rule, though, I won't make more than one archetype per race. I may repeat classes but not necessarily.

I think this might be the most beautiful thing I've ever read. Thank you secret wizard! Thank you!

Dark Archive

Skinwalker Gunslinger, Skinwalker anything really. Wayang Brawler, Investigator, or Magus would be cool too.

Dark Archive

Protean Blooded Sorcerer is a lot of fun to play. The small size bonus to hit and first level bloodline power allow you to throw a bunch of tanglefoot bags that burn over time and keep enemies locked down. I usually go for a mix of ranged touch spells and mixed save blast spells to get the most out of the ability score bonuses.

A mounted Summoner (Possibly dipping into fighter or scout rogue for a few levels) works well with the ability score bonuses and the quadrupedal eidolon's speed more than offsets the speed penalty. Plus, since your faithful steed does all the hitting, you never have to worry about the strength penalty. Even when it dissipates, you can summon a celestial or fiendish steed with a standard action and charge back in.

Dark Archive

I feel like Uncanny Dodge would be a more useful feature than Trap Finding, representing that at a certain point in it's career, a Slayer learns to expect things to rush him at any time.

Dark Archive

I haven't had the chance to play this, but I'm definitely asking my GM if I can make an Arcane-Bloodline Bloodrager for the last book of Carrion Crown.

Dark Archive

Who wants to bet that the servers will burst into flames from the force of our frenzied clicks?

Dark Archive

Put the barding on my dog Amie and went and hunted everyone between here and my workplace. Probably gonna get some phone calls :/