Zokar Elkarid

Oleg Dhuzy's page

132 posts. Alias of Paul Migaj.


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Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Enjoy your family man! We'll be here when you're ready.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Looking at the white box, Oleg muses that perhaps it might open with a keycard that had a white stripe. If the group fails to find one, Oleg promises to beat the box open to the best of his ability!

Oleg accompanies Bosh and Scarlet to meet with Ms. Otterbie, and to pay his respects. He will also travel to see Sanvil Trett, hoping to get a good price for the pair of excellent shortswords, or be directed to an interested merchant.

After that business is concluded, Oleg thinks another meeting with the town councilors may be in order. There is a lot under the town that they are unaware of, but perhaps that will be best discussed in the morning after a well-deserved rest.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Just wanted to drop in an hold this spot, I won't get a chance to respond until tomorrow afternoon

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg reacts rather predictably to the creature trying to crawl onto his leg. "Arrgh! Get offa me you filthy thing!" Then Oleg winds his foot back and kicks forward with all his might trying to send the creature flying back towards the other end of the room. Assuming he is successful, Oleg then takes a 5' step away from the blob.

Move Action: Martial Flexibility to gain Improved Bull Rush. Standard Action: Bull Rush

Bull Rush: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg will delay his turn until just before the little blob can act, hopefully buying everyone time to back off.

New Order: Cinder, Bosh, Oleg, Boilborn, Scarlet

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Disgusting things!" Oleg grimaces as he attempts to stomp the horrible things to death with his boot.

Brawler's Flurry using Power Attack (Full Round Action)

Unarmed Strike 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Unarmed Strike 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Damage 1: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damage 2: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Looking forward to the fight!

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg looks over the door leading west, while looking back at the group for confirmation. "This one?"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Well, we've been away from the town for over a day. I too sense as if we are close to discovering all of the answers we seek. Now, this creature with a thirst for blood bars our way. If we feed it, perhaps it can tell us what happened to make this bloody mess. There's also this door before us, leading further into this mystery. What do the rest of you think? Continue or head back?"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"In the town above there are animals with gallons of red food, that goes to waste otherwise. I'm sure you would be welcome to it. If you let us leave we can bring back a proper feast for you!"

Assuming it is safe to do so, Oleg follows everyone out, then looks to the rather bloody hallway. "What kind of machine eats blood? That is what it was talking about right?" Oleg frowns, thinking of visiting the local butcher and making an unusual request.

"Perhaps feeding it would be the safer route...it seemed friendly enough otherwise. If we're headed back, there was that other doorway we skipped in the prior room."

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Depends, what do you eat? Not my soul I hope!" Oleg makes an uneasy joke.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg responds aloud "You're underneath the town of Torch, in some sort of strange caverns that contain an underground stronghold of sorts. I am Oleg, a merchant, friend to all, and an explorer when needed. This place, I am not sure what this place is. Perhaps this place was a sort of laboratory or prison, so my friends think." Then Oleg looks around at everyone else. "Didn't you hear that voice too? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"The blood trail seems to lead forward towards the door at the far end. We must be get close." Oleg goes forward and attempts to open the far doorway.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"I'm not sure which, Bosh, maybe both?" Oleg responds. He points over to the side door next to the desk area and says "Let's come back to this later, looks like the ladies are on the trail of the missing councilman."

Oleg follows Scarlet and Cinder into the blood filled hallway.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg appears to be almost mesmerized by the desk with the glowing lights and panels. He attempts to open the translucent doors in order to enter the room and better examine this marvel of technology.

"Windowed doors, doesn't seem private or secure, why would anyone want such a thing?" he muses aloud.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"For what it's worth, I'm curious to see what's on the other side of that door by the rubble, too" Oleg mentions as he follows everyone around.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"I'm up to going a bit further in, though it wasn't much of a night and I feel almost as sore as I did before the rest. Let's call this a scouting run and then let's return to town, to let them know we're still alive, and to prepare for whatever we run into."

Oleg packs up his gear and begins getting ready to move forward with Cinder.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg thinks that the power held in the machines underground town, and the controls in this room are very dangerous for Torch. Should the League ever find out the secrets here, it would end badly for the townsfolk. Although Oleg already trusts his companions enough to not worry that they are agents of the Technic League, he figures that resting first is probably preferable since his further exploration of the weather controls might have unintended consequences. In the morning, once everyone is healed up, Oleg will attempt to confirm his suspicions of how the controls work by attempting to move the sun back to a morning position.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Thanks Bosh" Oleg accepts the two swords and places them carefully in his backpack, sheathed. Then, Oleg turns to studying what he can of the room and the technology within, seeing if he can figure out what the room's few buttons and controls are for, and what pressing them might accomplish. He also sees if there are labels that might help. If nothing interesting comes up, Oleg will wish everyone a good night, and prop himself up against the door to sleep. He figures that if anything opens the door while everyone's resting, the loud thud of Oleg suddenly falling over will likely wake him up, and the noise might wake up the rest of the group.

Kn.(Eng.): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg painfully moves to the door and looks to find another lock on this side to close it. "This place looks safe, if anything crazy happens maybe we can break that strange looking set of windows to get out. It's not comfortable, but that's adventuring isn't it?"

Oleg votes to rest here for now, and then deciding in the morning whether to go on or go back. "We're all burned, bruised, cut and bumped to exhaustion as is, we may not have the strength to deal with anything else, and we shouldn't assume the way back will be safe"

If we are resting here, Oleg will spend an hour or more carefully looking the room over (Take 20 Perception) for anything dangerous or unusual. "I encourage everyone to look around, last thing we need is to lean back onto any strange red buttons by accident!"

DM Question:
Cam I use my Profession(Merchant) in some penalized capacity in place of an appraise check? I would care to estimate the worth of those shortswords.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"I've got an idea!" Oleg confirms with Bosh "Cinder, get ready to close the door!" Oleg lowers his shoulder and attempts to give the creature a good shove backwards.

Move Action=Use Martial Flexibility to Gain Improved Bull Rush Feat. 1/4 uses remaining
Bull Rush Attack Modifiers: BAB +2, Strength +4, Size +1, Feat +2

Bull Rush: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg continues trying to defend his friends from the burning creature. "I'm hoping those flames are hurting this bastard, and not just an effect of it's rage!"

Cestus Power Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Cestus Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Power Kick: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Kick Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg attempts to punch the creature with his Cestus and then tries to land a powerful knee into it's midsection. Even as he grunts in anger to add weight to the blow, he yells out to the party "I'm hurt, this thing is pretty deadly with those swords!"

Cestus Power Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Cestus Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Fire Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Knee Strike Power Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Knee Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Its not just you the dice roller loves Scarlet!

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Thank you both" Oleg nods to both Bosh and Cinder. "Seems like this one is upset over his dead friends maybe? It's literally steaming with rage!" Oleg tries to reassure his fellows via humor before ramming the red-hot spikes on his Cestus right at the strange creature.

Enlarged Oleg +1 to damage, 0 to hit (+1/-1), -2 to AC

Cestus Power Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Cestus Damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Fire Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Oleg then takes a 5' step back, and tells Cinder "Let's see if we can flank it!"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg takes the moment to adjust his Cestus just so, making sure he can use the weapon to it's maximum potential.

Use Martial Flexibility to gain Weapon Focus with Cestus for 1 minute. 2/4 uses remaining

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg says "Go for it, I'm curious to see what it does myself".
Oleg will also try to figure out what the pillar of purple and black metal, as well as the golden panel are for.

Kn.Eng: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Let's see what's in there" Oleg points to the double doors in front of the group. "But this time, let's try to avoid getting fried!" Oleg advances as quietly as he can toward the door, then looks it over for anything he might recognize as dangerous.
Perception for Traps: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2

Before attempting to open the double door, and assuming he noticed nothing dangerous, Oleg listens to see if he can hear anything inside before proceeding.
Perception: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg backs out of the room, helping Cinder along, who looks particularly hurt by the blast of electricity.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

"It's a trap!"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg looks absolutely stunned as Bosh walks through the solid wall. "Ahh..by the gods, why didn't you say you were a wizard of such immense power!" When the section of wall disappears, Oleg looks to the rock he chipped off to see what happens to it, amazed either way.

Then, eyes still wide with wonder, steps forward along the rest of the group into the metal room. Oleg looks at the lighted ceiling and the machinations on the walls in amazement, unable to keep himself from an audible "Whaaaooooow..." of amazement.

As Bosh is attempting to speak to the machine-room, Oleg is also looking over the room carefully, particularly to what he fears might be a trap on the walls from the protuberances, and the amazement of the glowing ceiling, and especially any handles, knobs or switches that might be present.

Knowledge(Eng) Protuberances: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Knowledge(Eng) Glowing Ceiling: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Knowledge(Eng) Switches?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

As Oleg's eyes settle to the door panel that Bosh is trying to open, he remembers the strange brown-striped cards they found. Oleg takes out the "access card" and smiling broadly to Bosh, announces "Don't worry, master wizard, I think we have a key!" Then Oleg, tongue out in concentration, looks around for a suitable "keyhole" for his strange looking key.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg looks over at Scarlet and nods. "There is that other cavern to the north, the one without light. Perhaps we'll find something of use there, even though it seems that the tracks lead to this place. Perhaps everyone else saw the light too and came here to investigate, even those strange dead things that attacked us?"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg looks at the stone carefully trying to figure out how or why it is glowing. "This is very strange rock, I have never seen anything like it."

If applicable:
Kn.Engineering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Thinking back to his merchant roots, Oleg has a brilliant idea. "We should take some back to the town with us. It might be a type of ore for the smiths, or it might be magical. Worst case, we tie it to a stick and sell some magical torches, yea?"

Oleg will then try to use the spikes and hammer from his climber's kit to chisel a sample for later.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Thank you Cinder, thanks Bosh" Looking southward in the direction Scarlet points, Oleg confirms her deduction. "Yes, I see it too. Whoever it is, we should let them know the way is clear from these unnatural creatures."

Oleg begins making his way towards the glow, assuming everyone else is coming along too.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg sits down miserably in the sand, hands wet and sticky with his own blood and declares in a melancholy voice "I'm dying. Mama always said I'd die exploring these types of places. " Oleg takes out his mead bottle and chugs it down. "It's getting darker, I'm bleeding out aren't I?" Oleg seems to be not quite in as much danger of dying as he is letting on, but is badly wounded. He says to no one in particular "Don't let me turn into one of those things! Tell Helena I love her."

It takes him a little while to snap out of it before he comes to the realization that he's not getting worse. Slightly embarrassed, he grunts in pain as he stands up, and takes a longing look back the way they came. He finally states "If we're going forward, I say we follow the trail"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Holding his bleeding sides with one hand, Oleg steps toward the final skeleton with mean intentions. With an exasperated cry mixing pain and anger, he lashes out with his cestus and then attempts to split the creature's skull with a headbutt.

Cestus Power Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Cestus Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Strong Headbutt: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Headbutt Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg takes a step closer to the strange skeletal creature that Scarlet just stepped away from. Looking over at Cinder and seeing her in trouble, he shouts "Behind you!"

Then Oleg attempts the old high-low combination of powerful cross aimed at the head to set up a vicious kick should the monster duck the first blow.

Cestus Power Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Cestus Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Kick Power Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Kick Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg moves a little closer to the Skeleton attacking Cinder, hoping to protect the nearly blind woman from further attack. "These things seem to be fixated on you something fierce!" Turning to the skeleton, Oleg attempts to bash its skull in with powerful blows from his Cestus and kicks from his leg. "Leave her be you dead bastard!"

5' Step, Power Attack, Brawler's Flurry
Cestus Punch: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Cestus Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Kick Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Kick Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg moves carefully to get in flank with Cinder, before attempting to smash the foe using a swinging overhand punch with his cestus.

Cestus Power Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

To Hit:
+2 BAB, +3 Str, +1 Weap. Focus, +2 Flank, -1 Power Attack

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"And what're'ya lookin at ugly?" Oleg mouths off before trying to give the green eyes skeletal monster a massive punch to the face with his Cestus, and a follow up backhand for good measure.

Cestus Punch: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Cestus Backhand: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Possible Holy Weapon Balm Damage: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

In response to Cinder, Oleg motions at the now unmoving corpse with his foot. "I don't know about all of them, but that one fell apart like a rotten hollow log."

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg pours the holy weapon balm all over his cestus and checks the range of his punch with a practice jab. He looks to his companions and pointing north says "I've got the lady with the pretty eyes!"


Standard: Use Holy Weapon Balm on Cestus.
Move: Use Martial Flexibility (3/4 remaining) to gain Weapon Focus (Cestus)

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg starts to inch over towards the wall of the cavern, then uses his boot to give two solid kicks at the skeletal creature while shouting "Keep away from me!".

5' Step
Brawler's Flurry Attack 1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Brawler's Flurry Attack 2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Damage Attack 1: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Damage Attack 2: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Great Map!

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg is happy to take the lead or the second position, if someone with a good perception wants to be front lead.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Hey Scarlet, why not try on that armor. It's a nice looking coat you have but what he's wearing looks to be much lighter and easier to move in" Oleg points out, then adds "You're not afraid of a little moldy rust, are you? I'm sure Bosh and Cinder did a good job"

Looking at the small but elegant crossbow, Oleg picks it up and loads it with a bolt, holding it in his free hand. He turns to Bosh and with a smile goes "Heh, now I'm like a little version of you!" Then Oleg giggles some more at his huge frame wielding the tiniest crossbow he's ever seen. He can barely fit his fat finger in the trigger guard. He secures the crossbow as best he can to his belt, ready to be drawn into his free hand.

"Don't worry, if his relatives want the equipment back I won't put up a fuss, but if it saves my hide down here, it's worth borrowing for a while"

If Scarlet doesn't want the armor, Oleg will take it for himself, assuming that the difference isn't cosmetic (fine=masterwork?), he will take the time to put it on.

Oleg, having thrown away the rotting organ of the beetles, is not carrying a light source as the group enters the nighttime desert deep underground. I am assuming Bosh has a cantrip for that? Looking at the sand and the tracks visible in it, he says "Well, looks like we have a path to follow." and then after a few steps adds "How did a desert end up underground, and why can I see the stars?. Remembering Sef's warning, Oleg looks at Scarlet and asks "Do you think the dead that Sef warned us about live in this desert?" while making sure his vial of holy weapon balm is still in hand, just in case.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg looks sadly at his new chain shirt and the fine chair shirt on the corpse. "Don't worry Bosh, if something comes crawling out of that chest you just shoot it with a crossbow. Seems a shame to waste that nice armor he's wearing with whatever horrific means you can conjure up. Is there any other way to make it safe to move the body?"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Thank you, Sef, I promise that we will clear this mold out. Your willingness to share information with us will be repaid by making this place safer for you and your people." Oleg promises solemnly. Then turns to his companions "What bad luck. We haven't found anyone alive yet. I hope that changes."

Oleg takes out the Holy Weapon Balm, ready to apply it to his Cestus the moment he sees a skeleton as described by Sef.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Why wouldn't they? We've helped them, they've helped us. We drank together, they shared secrets with us before. I trust them." Oleg says in regards to the suggestion of talking with Sef about the cold. "Not that I mind exploring carefully, never know what useful thing you might find"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"That is interesting, but I'm afraid you'll find my purse far less so." Oleg jokes before adding "When fortune smiles on me a little longer, perhaps I'll be your best customer!"

Oleg waits for the rest of the group to complete their business, and busies himself with adjusting his new armor to fit just so and not restrict his movement. Then he fidgets around with his daggers, tucking them into several places before being satisfied that he can draw them quickly and easily.

Ready to continue

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Good morning" Oleg bows, and out of window shopping curiosity more than buying intent, he asks "What do you have that's less conventional?"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg looks at his opponent a little curiously, knowing that his last hit didn’t have much on it. He nevertheless smiles genuinely and extends his hand to help Elian up ”Good match and well fought, I think next time you’ll best me for sure! Let me buy you a drink.” If taken up on the offer, Oleg will toast to the other fighter’s health and compliment his skills in the ring, taking his leave once the place begins to close down. If refused or if there’s no time, Oleg keeps the offer standing with ”Another time, then!”

If the party wishes to pool their money for a large purchase, Oleg will contribute up to 75 of his gold. The rest, as he says, is already ”spoken for.” After settling in for a restful nap, Oleg will wake up early and head off to the General Store, Market Square, Tempting Tonics, the Torch Guildhouse and the Temple of Brigh as necessary to fulfill his shopping needs. He may, as a result, be a little late to the group’s meeting. But when he arrives, it will be in a shiny new chain shirt!

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