
Oldmar Lucridious's page

161 posts. Organized Play character for Andrew Trexler.


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Grand Lodge

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Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:
Doctor M.E. Scalawag wrote:
He climbs up on the bar after an "accidental" fondle ("Sorry 'bout that. My fault."), and waves his arms to get everyone's attention.

Oldmar swats the gnome's hand away from the woman seated next to him without looking up from his book. He takes a sip from his water glass. "None of that, now."

I am sorry to call this out; I don't want it to go unremarked upon here and so I am posting in the thread rather than through a PM. I appreciate the in-character post and I'm all for character flaws, but this I could personally do without. This Lodge very much doesn't belong to me but please be cognizant that not everyone wants that kind of behavior in their game, and the Flaxseed Lodge is a fairly public and eclectic gathering. I am grateful for all the games you run here and respectfully ask, GM to GM, that you take care to ensure everyone feels welcome to participate.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

No problem, Khel, I'm a little bogged down myself.

Tektite, I just got out of the table I was originally in for "normal," so I'll check my sheets tonight and let you know in a few hours (if you've still got a spot by then). I think I've got somebody on the cusp of 5th level but maybe she got there already.

Hope we can get the gang back together for another game after Gameday. I'd be happy to run it if Khel can't.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Thanks, Khel!

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:


Grand Lodge
The university still won't offer a position. 0 gp.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Upon returning home, Oldmar bangs out a chapter about how goblins are terrible and nearly--but not inevitably--irredeemable.

Thanks Khel and company! A little slow it may have been at times but this was great fun nonetheless. Looking forward to the Siege!

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oldmar sighs deeply, feeling his wounds. "What's to stop these two from killing Ekkie when we're gone? I'm not exactly intent on staying to ensure a peaceful transition. Not for goblins, anyway."

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Gonna assume Inoklar is done for.

Oldmar moves over to the orange next goblin, seeking a swift end to this battle--he's getting tired.

Waraxe @ Orange, Inspire, Hatred: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 1 + 1 = 22
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 = 10

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Finally, the goop crumbles off an irritated Oldmar. He steps up swings like his life depends on it. It quite possibly does.

Waraxe @ Bug, Shaken, Inspire, Hatred: 1d20 + 5 - 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 5 - 2 + 1 + 1 = 22
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 = 11


Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Huzzah! No longer entangled next round, too. Things are looking up!

Probably right in time for the Big Bad to crit me into unconsciousness, lol. :)

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Aw man, the fire doesn't at least burn off the goo? Speaking of: did you roll for duration already?

Str check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Oldmar tries to free himself again and gets nowhere. Looks like it's going to be like the last fight...

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Apparently not!

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

"Well, I suppose Sarenrae is not for you. Justice must be meted for your crimes." Oldmar unstraps his axe and advances. Path: five feet northeast, 25 feet east. Presumably triggering whatever's under that grey box. If he reaches the bugbear:

He swings to bring a swift end to the bugbear's suffering.

Waraxe @ Bugbear: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 CRIT THREAT Confirm: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 and/or Crit Damage: 2d10 + 8 ⇒ (10, 10) + 8 = 28 <-- damn!

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Sounds good! For RP reasons, Oldmar is not going to strike the first blow. He might unstrap his axe and move forward, though, but again he'll wait until people move out of the hallway (thanks Rokdor). GM, if you want to move everyone up to where Oldmar is now, the historian will use the surprise round to advance/draw and demand that the bugbear drop its weapon.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:
Hakotep Flaxseed wrote:
Well, I don't want to start a combat action yet because the whole point of initiative is that Gaelwyn reacts the fastest once we're ready to start combat so Hakotep won't be able to react until after the baddies go. But Hakotep is ready to take them out as soon as we get moving....

Fair enough. The way I usually run it (in this kind of situation) is that whoever triggers combat effectively consumes the surprise round, then we jump into regular initiative. I'm happy to let Gaelwyn do the honors, though.

Oldmar drones on about healing and seeking the light and the blessing of the Dawnflower...

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

I think anyone can make the opening salvo... I'm waiting mostly because you're all 30 feet behind me.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oldmar flashes a rare smile. "Oh? Who's that then?" He waves at the skulking goblin behind the throne. "Your muse?"

"You live on lies. You live on fear. You live on injustice. The light of the Dawnflower offers redemption, if only you would walk the path. Only judgment awaits those who shun the embrace of righteousness, whether by my hand or not. There can be peace if this war you have begun is ended. You can have prosperity, if this harassment and racketeering you oversee is finished. You can have life, if this gang is ended. Leave your evil ways and see the light."

Anybody else want to come in?

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Safe travels and good luck.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

This time, Oldmar isn't buying it. "Here is fine. I offer an ultimatum. Reveal your overlord and depart this city, never to return. Or face destruction."

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 def not a trap, lol

"I am known as Oldmar, of the Lucridious Clan," the historian says, waiting for his party before advancing. Oldmar will walk right into the trap so long has his companions are also in the hall.

Oldmar continues on. "We seek to reclaim peace and prosperity. You have specific targets--us. Who gave them to you?"

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Sorry, just getting home from work. :)

Oldmar advances into the chamber a short distance, his axe stowed. "You thieve. We come to reclaim." His words are plainly spoken, stated as simple fact. He does not shy from a fight, but will not provoke one unnecessarily.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Huzzah! Second thoughts for the win.

Smiling for the first time in a while, Oldmar plucks out Versevosh's wand and hands it to Sobestian.

Gaelwyn: 4d8 + 4 ⇒ (5, 3, 3, 8) + 4 = 23
Oldmar: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Five charges off.

Oldmar clips the brooch to his cloak and hands the potion to the revived Gaelwyn. He then nods in the direction of the unexplored passage.

Shall we? I'll take point.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:


Oldmar gives Ekkie a look as dirty as the channel below and gets to his feet, grabbing his axe and putting it away. He walks over to Gaelwyn and is about to hand Sobestian his wand, but thinks better of it. "Hmm, let's check the bodies first."

He proceeds to do exactly that. Any curatives?

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Sitting on his butt, Oldmar eyes the shoddy state of the enemy bard. He decides to take a risk.

Dropping his axe, he fishes out one of the recovered alchemist fires. Weighing it in his palm, he tosses it haphazardly in the direction of the melee ahead... aiming at the intersection southeast of the bard. AC 5 per combat rules. -2 penalty from range, -4 penalty for ranged attack while prone.

Alch fire vs. AC 5: 1d20 + 2 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 2 - 2 - 4 = 9 SUCCESS

The flask bursts and splashes the foe (and, sadly, Rokdor) with fire!

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oldmar attempts to advance across the bridge and over the grease...Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 ...and promptly falls unceremoniously on his butt...

These rolls though...

Sidenote: hesitant to point this out in our dire situation, but I doubt Ekkie deals 1d20 + 9 fire damage.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

"Oi!" cries Oldmar in uncharacteristic, if very dorfish, fashion when he realizes what's happened. His bootfalls clunk closer rather than further as he returns to the fight. Double move.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oldmar will be at least 2nd level by the time Serpents come to the Sieging.

If he doesn't die first, that is.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Un-dorf dot.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Well, we could do it Core if we wanted to. For both Core and regular, I have more low-level characters than I do mid-level. I've got a gap at 5-6 at the moment but will likely have somebody by November.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Thunk, thunk, thunk go Oldmar's boots down the hall...

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Is Oldmar still a-feared? If so he continues running away.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

True, but for some reason I thought prone meant denied Dex. I was wrong, just a penalty to AC.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Lol, I've totally forgotten about that too. And no provoking (I think) since he's denied his Dex and can't make AoOs. If not, I'm eating it and not you.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Will Save (Raging): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 nope!

Instead of a leering goblin, Oldmar's mind warps the image into that of a well-dressed orc offering an open palm...

This stirs an old memory.

To his companion's surprise, Oldmar flees in shame, stepping over the goblin before him and across the caltrop'd bridge. AC 11 13 (I'm good with math!) versus caltrops with the fatigue from dropping out of rage.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:
DM Khel wrote:
Oldmar, in most un-dwarf-like fashion, leaps upon a pipe and runs along it, then sails through the air, landing on another pipe on the far side of the channel of s%+#!

Doing things in un-dwarf-like fashion is very Oldmar-like fashion. :)

The horse-chopper's crunch against Oldmar's breastplate elicits an unwilling grunt and a much-more-willing raising of the axe. His face shows confusion when his foe suddenly falls asleep, but he shrugs and steps over to the jester instead.


Waraxe @ Fool: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Cool, thanks. Oldmar got dropped from initiative somehow, but I assume he didn't die suddenly.

Oldmar eyes the caltrops warily and opts for a different tactic. He strides to the western edge of the room, gets a running start, and leaps across the gap!

Loooooong Jump!: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Landing as nimbly as a dwarf can land on the otherside, he has just enough time to step towards the nearest goblin, axe in hand.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Can Oldmar see over the pipes? Do they block line of sight, provide cover?

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Bound by circumstance, Oldmar finally breaks his silence. He calls down to Rokdor in Dwarven, a sure sign to his companions that something is up, as he finishes buckling his breastplate. "The last one's up here. I should be able to handle him." Hefting his waraxe with both hands, he wheels and charges!

Charge!: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 2 = 11
Shirt Reroll, with Stars: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 2 + 3 = 25
Damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Without a word, Oldmar takes off his breastplate and puts away his shield before clambering atop the ledge. Take 10 without armor check penalty should get me there. He draws his axe and drives it home in the snoozing goblin's throat.

Coup de Grace: 3d10 + 9 ⇒ (2, 7, 2) + 9 = 20 DC 30 Fort save or die

The grinning head rolls off the ledge in a brief waterfall of goblin blood. Oldmar scans the area up above and slowly puts his armor back on. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oldmar stifles a grunt of frustration and puts away his javelin, collecting the other two as well. He thrusts a wand unceremoniously at Sobestian.

CLWx2: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (3, 8) + 2 = 13 puts me at 17/20hp.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Curious -- what's the extra 1d4 fire damage from?

Oldmar embraces the flame. Despite the stink, it might actually help absolve him of soiled clothing. On fire, he calmly draws another javelin and waits.

Readied Action (as soon as an enemy goblin is visible):

Javelin: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 3 + 1 = 22
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oldmar has to bite his tongue. He lifts his axe in the air and stares hard at the goblin, as if to remind it that he slew two of its companions with the weapon. He points the the creature and silently mouths: you're next.

Hoping against hope that that gets the gobber's attention away from Gaelwyn.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

My stats are accurate unless I missed something. Which is possible.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Oldmar takes the full splash and calmly draws another javelin, flinging it at the only goblin still conscious.

Javelin: 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 - 2 = 7

He misses. Again.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oldmar is on his phone and can't edit the map and drops rage, takes a few steps back, drawing a javelin as he goes. He hucks it at the nearest gobber.

Javelin: 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 3 - 2 = 9

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

What's the procedure to get upstairs the way the gobber did?

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oldmar wordlessly approaches his next target.

Waraxe @ Red: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 1 = 22
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

I'll see you there, Sobestian! My posting will be infrequent as well until Monday.

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Having lost the use of his tongue in shame, Oldmar does not dispute this...

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oops, my bad, missed that it was surprise. Yeah, I'll just move and I'll wait until my turn to enter rage (that was the bonus, not a charge).

Grand Lodge

Dwarf Historian 1 | HP 12*/20 | AC 18* FF 16* Tch 10* | CMD 17* | F+8* R+2 W+3* | Perc +5 | Init +2
Per Diem:

Oldmar mutely hefts his axe and stomps aggressively into the room, perhaps in the hopes that some of the garbage will flee off his clothing. He brings the axe down on the blue-shirted goblin.

Waraxe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

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