Captain Elreth

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32. RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 494 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I am excited to hear that Paizo is working with Virtual Table Top software of d20Pro and Fantasy Grounds.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Now On D20PRO and Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletops

Looking forward to seeing how this will be rolled out. Will save me tons of time preparing for games!

Thank you Paizo and Mesa Mundi for getting together on this.

I would love to hear what my fellow gamers think of this announcement

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam

Quick questions.

1. What are the number of items you need to vote on to get the different levels of Voter?

2. Do you need to keep count yourself or is there a place to see how many pairings I have voted on?


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam

I was wondering that after the top 32 have been posted can those who did not make it in the top 32 request to find out what rank their item had?

If I understand the voting process all the items should now be ranked from 1 (best) to ???? (worst)

The top 32 items may not be numbers 1 through 32, since the process is a tool to help the judges not a replacement. It is possible that an items that ranked 500th could be in the top 32.

I think it would be great to see the rankings of the items in the top 32 (after voting to not cause bias)

Also for those who did not make it in the top 32 and they are willing to let everybody see their ranking if they post their item in a thread could their rankings be posted?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam

I must say this years voting method has given me a ton of insight.

Experiencing what the judges have in the past has given me insight galore. Things that I see over and over again that makes me one to poke my eyes out, bad formating, etc.

Since I have been reading a bunch of these items I realized that the first line is very important. A paragraph of fluff and the reader gets bored. Need to be brief on the description and get to the meat, but yet just enough description to catch the readers attention.

I wanted to say thank you for doing the judging this way this year. It has already improved the way I think about item design!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam

I must say I stressed over this part of my submission.

First pass, made a solid item... read great, mechanically perfect (at least I think) I let it sit a few days came back and read it and was like. Well it is good, but it's not "sexy" it does not pop.

So I added some flare, again read great, mechanically pretty good. I let it sit a few days then came back and read it and was like. Well it is sexy but man some of this is just does not make sense, oh crap its a SAK. (delete)

Anybody else see that line as a stumbling block? To go super sexy which may lead you into an auto-reject category, or be solid but not interesting enough to catch the judges attention.

Maybe it is the RPG Superstar paradox!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

This sounds 'legal' by RAW

PRD wrote:

Broken Wing Gambit (Combat, Teamwork)

You feign weakness, making yourself a tempting and distracting target.

Prerequisite: Bluff 5 ranks.

Benefit: Whenever you make a melee attack and hit your opponent, you can use a free action to grant that opponent a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against you until the end of your next turn or until your opponent attacks you, whichever happens first. If that opponent attacks you with this bonus, it provokes attacks of opportunity from your allies who have this feat. wrote:

Do you count as your own ally?

You count as your own ally unless otherwise stated or if doing so would make no sense or be impossible. Thus, "your allies" almost always means the same as "you and your allies."

—Sean K Reynolds, 10/12/10

This appears that it means that you can be by yourself give your opponent +2 to hit and damage and get an AoO when they attack you.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

We are playing currently in Wake of the Watcher and I read the description of the next module Ashes at Dawn.

Ut oh, I see no way for my character to work with vampires.

He is a paladin Holy Warrior of Light Undead Scourge.
He follows all the gods of good and also holds Pharasma in high esteem.

Here is his oath:
• I will learn the weight of my axe. Without my heart to guide it, it is worthless—my strength is not in my axe, but in my heart. If I lose my axe, I have lost a tool. If I betray my heart, I have died.
• I will redeem the ignorant with my words and my actions. If they will not turn toward the light, I will redeem them by the axe.
• I will not be taken prisoner by my free will. I will not surrender those under my command.
• I will never refuse a challenge from an equal. I will give honor to worthy enemies, and contempt to the rest.
• My word is my bond. When I give my word formally, I defend my oath to my death.
• I will suffer death before dishonor.
• I will never abandon a companion, though I will honor sacrifice freely given.
• I will protect my allies with my life. They are my light and my strength, as I am their light and their strength.
• I will seek out and destroy the undead. If I cannot defeat them, I will give my life trying. If my life would be wasted in the attempt, I will find allies and return to defeat them.
• The best battle is a battle I win. If I die, I can no longer fight. I will fight fairly when the fight is fair, and I will strike quickly and without mercy when it is not.

He considers all the gods of good to be his brother and sisters and took parts from each of the lawful good gods paladins oath to create his own.

I have played him as a person who hates undead over all other things. Everything else should be given a chance of redemption. If that choose is not picked then they are to be redeemed by his axe.

Right now it looks like I have two options. Have the PC retire of leave the party off on some adventure for his church to reunite with the party after the adventure. Or prepare for a war against the vampires and align with whoever is killing them.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I have players already prepare for DC asking about interesting combination of spells. I would love of a Dev would chime in but also would like other players advice and or if you know of a specific ruling would be helpful.

PRD: Create Pit wrote:

Create Pit

School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (miniature shovel costing 10 gp)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect 10-ft.-by-10-ft. hole, 10 ft. deep/2 levels
Duration 1 round + 1 round/level
Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance no

You create a 10-foot-by-10-foot extradimensional hole with a depth of 10 feet per two caster levels (maximum 30 feet). You must create the pit on a horizontal surface of sufficient size. Since it extends into another dimension, the pit has no weight and does not otherwise displace the original underlying material. You can create the pit in the deck of a ship as easily as in a dungeon floor or the ground of a forest. Any creature standing in the area where you first conjured the pit must make a Reflex saving throw to jump to safety in the nearest open space...

"SRD: Emergency Force Sphere wrote:

Emergency Force Sphere

School evocation [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 immediate action
Components V
Range 5 ft.
Effect 5-ft.-radius hemisphere of force centered on you
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw None; Spell Resistance no


As wall of force, except you create a hemispherical dome of force with hardness 20 and a number of hit points equal to 10 per caster level. The bottom edge of the dome forms a relatively watertight space if you are standing on a reasonably flat surface. ...

Here is the issue. Caster A attempts to cast create pit under Caster B. Caster B responds with a Emergency Force Sphere.

The force sphere is 10X10 Same size as Create Pit. The EFS will stop A from targeting the middle of B location due to LoE rules.

Can Caster A instead target the area next to EFS and have it extend under the force shield? So half of the pit is outside the force shield and half is inside the force shield?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I have some players asking some weird questions. I wanted peoples help on this ruling.

If a wizard casts a flaming sphere or similar type spell 20 feet in front of them then jumps in a barrel and someone closes the lid. On that wizards next turn can they use a move action to move the flaming sphere?
At this point they do not have line of effect but would still be within the range of the spell to cause it to move.

If so what they used a wall of force to seal themselves in a corner and they had two flaming spheres up. Could the use a move and a standard to keep moving the sphere or does the wall of force, iron, stone, ice, etc. block line of effect and therefore disallow control of the spell?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

How many times can a PC take leadership?

If they can take it multiple times would they get multiple cohorts?

If they do not get multiple cohorts do the number of followers increase at least?

I have a character who is spreading the word of his great coming and setting up churches across Ustalav. I want to use leadership to have a set of followers and a semi powerful NPC to be setup as the head of each church using leadership to get the leader and the people of the church.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I am in a group and one of the players an archer loves to climb a tree at camp and if anything happen just fire from the tree.

There has to be some sort of penalty/danger for this. Though I cannot seem to find a rule on it per say.

Please help point me to the rules on firing a bow while in a tree.

He cannot fire a bow while climbing so he would have to be balanced in the tree or something.


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

12 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.
PRD-Battlemind Link wrote:

...You fuse your thoughts with an ally's, allowing the two of you to fight in tandem, perfectly coordinated. You and the ally each roll initiative in combat and use the higher die result before adding modifiers. This has three effects.

Melee or Ranged: If you both make melee attacks against the same creature, you both make attack rolls and both use the higher of the two dice for your attack rolls (plus bonuses).

Ranged: If you both make ranged attacks against the same creature, you both make attack rolls and both use the higher of the two dice for your attack roll (plus bonuses).

Spell: If you both cast spells and target the same area or same creature, affected creatures take a –2 penalty on their saving throw against the spells.

First part easy, no issue there since initiative is rolled at the same time and no question if it occurs.

"Melee or Ranged:" Ok first editing error, should be just Melee since there is a ranged line that says the exact same thing for range.
The real issue is when does the extra dice rolling occur and what if we have different number of attacks?

Wizard casts this on himself and his two kukri wielding fighter with boots of speed. Lets assume the wizard is getting 2 attacks in melee a round and the fighter is getting 6.

The wizard casts battlemind link and the fighter kicks down the door. Though the people inside were ready, no surprise round. Inside the room are 6 tough bad guys.

The fighter wins initiative (better dex then the wizard) He charges in and stabs a guy. Does he get to roll 2 dice at this point in time since the wizard wants to stab the same guy?

The wizard runs in and stabs the same guy, Do they now each roll a dice and pick the better roll and use it for their next attack? or just for the wizards attack.

They get surrounded.

Next round the fighter attacks 6 bad guys. Only rolling his own dice? And if he attacks the one the wizard attack they would both roll again or use the roll he made with the wizard last round as his attack roll for this round? Or do they both roll again and pick the highest for the fighters attack roll.

The wizard casts transformation and draws his other dagger.

All 6 bad guys are still alive and attack doing a little damage. The fighter laughs. They overestimated the bad guys and he wants to let his wizard friend have fun.
Beginning of the 3rd round the fighter decides to just go full defensive and watch the wizard have fun stabbing the bad guys.

The wizard makes 4 attacks. Since the fighter has already attacked everybody once while the spell was up do they both roll dice and the wizard pick the highest? If yes does this happen until the end of the spell duration?

What if the fighter wants to start stabbing again? Does he have to keep track of the numbers they rolled together to be used as attack rolls and therefore already knows how he will roll for a few attacks?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
PRD-Giant Form II wrote:
This spell functions as giant form I except that it also allows you to assume the form of any Huge creature of the giant type. You gain the following abilities: a +8 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +6 size bonus to Constitution, a +6 natural armor bonus, low-light vision, and a +10 foot enhancement bonus to your speed. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: swim 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet, rend (2d8 damage), regeneration 5, rock catching, and rock throwing (range 120 feet, 2d10 damage). If the creature has immunity or resistance to one element, you gain that immunity or resistance. If the creature has vulnerability to an element, you gain that vulnerability.

I was wondering can you use Giant Form II to turn into a Fire Giant with the Giant Template applied? That way it would be huge and not just sized large?

It says any huge creature of giant type.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I am on the fence on this one.

If a creature as Dimensional Dervish and bounces around the party within melee range does each time it bounces counts as movement that provokes AoO? Or since it is dim hopping around it does not provoke AoO?

As a creature Dimensional Dervishes around a few party members would each get an AoO? If so can the creature hoping around choose to use acrobatics to not provoke? If so would the hoping creature get any bonus for that?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Need some help figuring out when you can really advert your eyes or if you are caught flat footed do you just have to make the save.

Here is the situation. A group of PCs decide to dim door/teleport into a room. They do not know what is in the room and have their eyes open.

They happen to teleport infront of 4 medusa looking right at them.

A few scenarios.

1. Both sides are surprised.
2. Medusa somehow knew they were coming and are not suprised but the party is. Or at least one creature is not surprised.
3. Both sides knew and nobody is surprised.

PRD-Gaze Attack wrote:
Gaze (Su) A gaze special attack takes effect when foes look at the attacking creature's eyes. The attack can have any sort of effect: petrification, death, and charm are common. The typical range is 30 feet, but check the creature's entry for details. The type of saving throw for a gaze attack varies, but it is usually a Will or Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 gazing creature's racial HD + gazing creature's Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature's text). A successful saving throw negates the effect. A monster's gaze attack is described in abbreviated form in its description. Each opponent within range of a gaze attack must attempt a saving throw each round at the beginning of his or her turn in the initiative order. Only looking directly at a creature with a gaze attack leaves an opponent vulnerable. Opponents can avoid the need to make the saving throw by not looking at the creature, in one of two ways.
PRD-Surprise Round wrote:
The Surprise Round: If some but not all of the combatants are aware of their opponents, a surprise round happens before regular rounds begin. In initiative order (highest to lowest), combatants who started the battle aware of their opponents each take a standard or move action during the surprise round. You can also take free actions during the surprise round. If no one or everyone is surprised, no surprise round occurs.

1 and 3 are simple, there is no surprise round as per the rules for Surprise Round.

As long as there is at least 1 creature that is not surprised a surprise round occurs.

Those who are not surprised has actions and can advert their eyes.

The question is how about those who are surprised? Since they do not have an action they would need to make a save on their init even though they do not get to do anything, so therefore would they be able to advert their eyes or just make the save.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Let's say you have a creature with 6 arms. Said creature is holding a MW dagger in each hand. It's BAB is +9.

PRD-Multiweapon Fighting wrote:

Benefit: Penalties for fighting with multiple weapons are reduced by –2 with the primary hand and by –6 with off hands.

Normal: A creature without this feat takes a –6 penalty on attacks made with its primary hand and a –10 penalty on attacks made with all of its off hands. (It has one primary hand, and all the others are off hands.) See Two-Weapon Fighting in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.

Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.

"PRD-Two-Weapon Fighting wrote:

Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. See Two-Weapon Fighting in Combat.

Normal: If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. When fighting in this way you suffer a –6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to the attack with your off hand. If your off-hand weapon is light, the penalties are reduced by 2 each. An unarmed strike is always considered light."

PRD-Combat->Two Weapon Fighting wrote:

If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. You suffer a –6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to the attack with your off hand when you fight this way. You can reduce these penalties in two ways. First, if your off-hand weapon is light, the penalties are reduced by 2 each. An unarmed strike is always considered light. Second, the Two-Weapon Fighting feat lessens the primary hand penalty by 2, and the off-hand penalty by 6.

Table: Two-weapon Fighting Penalties summarizes the interaction of all these factors.

The point in question is what is the penatly for the creature fighting with multiweapon attack?

Is it -2 for primary and -2 for off hands?
Or is it -4 for primary and -4 for off hands?

Only Two-Weapon fighting mentions reducing the penatly by 2 if the off hand weapon is light. Multiweapon Fighting does NOT state this.

Yes it states see two weapon fighting in the core rule book, but two weapon fighting on deals with one main hand and one off hand. It does not state off hand(s). It would have taken just a few more words to say "reduce penatly of off hand attack(s) by 2" instead of saying "see two-weapon fighting."

I tried searching for any developer input if anybody knows of a thread where this has already been laid to rest please let me know.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
PRD-Arcane Discovery: True Name wrote:
True Name (Sp): Your researches into ancient tomes and your inquisitions of bound spirits have led you to one of the best-hidden secrets of the multiverse: the true name of an outsider—the name that defines the very essence of the creature and that gives the speaker control over the being. This outsider can have no more than 12 Hit Dice. Once per day, you can speak the common name by which the outsider is known, and the outsider travels to you as if you had cast planar binding upon it. It must obey you to the best of its ability, without pay or bargaining for its services, for its fear that you might release its true name to the wider world is enough to bring even the most recalcitrant of outsiders to bear.

What is the action to bring the outsider to you? It reads "you can speak the common name..." is that a free, swift, move, standard, full round, 10 minute?

Isn't this way out of power scope? An 11th level wizard can research the true name of a Glabrezu and have a CR 13 pet at his disposal once per day!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Can you use an Orange Ioun Stone (+1 Caster Level) to qualify for feats?

Craft feats state a requirement of X caster level.

Can a 10th level wizard pick up Craft Staff for his 10th level metamagic or craft bonus feat?

Can a PC that has 3 levels in fighter and 4 levels in wizard that has the orange Ioun stone pick up carft wand at his 7th level (only 4th level wizard but +1 Caster Level due to the Ioun stone)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

If a Medusa had a Hat of Disguise and used it to look like a Morlock would her gaze attack still work?

Or would the disguise self spell that the Hat of Disguise count as a veil?

PRD-Gaze Attack wrote:
The creature can also veil its eyes, thus negating its gaze ability.

Could the medusa choose to have it count or not count?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Having a discussion with some people and we would like some input.

PRD-Activate Blindly wrote:
Activate Blindly: Some magic items are activated by special words, thoughts, or actions. You can activate such an item as if you were using the activation word, thought, or action, even when you're not and even if you don't know it. You do have to perform some equivalent activity in order to make the check. That is, you must speak, wave the item around, or otherwise attempt to get it to activate. You get a +2 bonus on your Use Magic Device check if you've activated the item in question at least once before.

The question is can you activate a wand if you could speak the command word?

Wands use spell trigger to activate.

PRD-Spell Trigger wrote:
No gestures or spell finishing is needed, just a special knowledge of spellcasting that an appropriate character would know, and a single word that must be spoken.

To do a spell trigger you only need speak a word.

Does Activate Blindly override spell trigger since you may not even know it is a spell trigger time.

One line in Activate Blindly leans me toward yes.

PRD-Activate Blindly wrote:
You can activate such an item as if you were using the activation word, thought, or action, even when you're not and even if you don't know it.

I feel like that means a rogue could grab magical stick (a wand) he found on a mage and just swing it around make is UMD check and the wand can go off even though he cannot speak or is in a silence area. Though it is a DC 25 versus DC 20 if he knew the command word.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

When a druid decides to replace his animal companion the rules state he can get a new one spending 24 hours in prayer.

What happens to the old one? Does it keep its beefed up stats or revert to its original stats before it was made a companion.

I think they should revert back, or else you could have some crazy druid beefing up 365 animals in his forest every year. If that guy was 20th level you will quickly have a forest filled with insanely powerful creatures.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Ok I thought of a strange possibility.

Can a monk stick his fingers into a Scabbard of Vigor and get his unarmed strike an enhancement bonus on attack and damage?

"PRD:Monk-Unarmed Strike wrote:
A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.
PRD:Scabbard of Vigor wrote:
Once per day, as part of the action of drawing forth the weapon held by the scabbard, the wearer can order it to endow the weapon with an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. The duration of the effect depends on the desired enhancement bonus for the weapon.

A scabbard can be made for a great sword the blade of a greatsword is pretty thick and wide at the base. If made from softer leather one can easily insert their fingers if not their whole hand into the top of the scabbard.

Can a monk slide his hand or just a few fingers into the scabbard, then draw out the weapon (his hand) and get his hand enchanted since his unarmed strike counts as a manufactured weapon for spells and effects.

He can use crane style kung-fu which attacks with the points of the fingers.

If so could it apply to any creature's natural attack or only the monk since his unarmed strike is considered a manufactured weapon?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

12 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

The question came up once before in for forum but no answer was given by the devs. So i wanted to post it again for hopefully some input from the developers and input from other DMs.

If you have a +5 shield and have the shield master feat when you attack a creature with DR does the shield overcome the DR as if it was a +5 weapon?

I personally think it is no. Since DR refers to the enhancement of the weapon and not the current enhancement of the attack.

Shield Master adds the shields enhancement modifier to the attack and damage rolls of the shield bash. If the shield was enchanted as a weapon say +1 flaming. The resulting attack would be a +5 flaming weapon, but only count as a +1 weapon for DR purposes.

Additional argument is if you have a +5 defending longsword and you put all the enhancement to defense will it overcome DR as a +0 or a +5 weapon? It overcomes DR like a +5 weapon because that is what it really is.

agree disagree?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

What type are you when these spells are cast?

Do you stay your orignal type, or do you change types?

When in form of the dragon do dragon bane weapons function against you even though your a human?

In the spells it says you take/assume the form of X Y or Z. It does not state that you gain that type or subtype. It also does not state that you do not gain the type or subtype.

My search foo may have been weak and I was not able to find the answer.

Anybody know on this one?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

If a wizard first cast Giant Form I to become a Large troll.

If the wizard then casts enlarge person does he become a huge troll?

Since Giant Form is transmutation (polymorph) will any of the bonuses stack?

Would he be sized Huge but only benefit from the stat increases from Giant Form and twice the penatly to dex from both (like bonuses do not stack while like penatlies do stack)
Which would yeild: +6 str, -4 dex, +4 con, +4 natural armor?

This would yield worse then just Giant Form I but he could wield huge weapons.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Brass knuckles lets the monk use his unarmed strike damge for his brass knuckles damage dice.

11th level monk = 1d10
Monks Robes ~ 16th level monk = 2d8
Enlarge: 2d8 => 3d8
Strong Jaw: 3d8 => 4d8 => 6d8

Monk's attack with BKs is base 6d8 damage, right?

How about a 15th level monk = 2d6
Monks Robes ~ 20th level = 2d10
Enlarge: 2d10 => 4d8
Strong Jaw: 4d8 => 6d8 => 8d8

Not too shabby right? Is it over powered? The monk needs two spells and a magic item to pull this off.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

PRD-Improved Ki Throw wrote:
Benefit: When using the Ki Throw feat, you may throw your target into any square you threaten that is occupied by another creature. Make a bull rush combat maneuver check with a –4 penalty against the secondary target. If this check succeeds, the thrown creature lands prone in the secondary target's square, while the secondary target is pushed back and knocked prone in an adjacent square. If the check fails, the thrown creature lands prone in the nearest square you threaten adjacent to the secondary target.

Does the secondardy target provoke an AoO?

If no, if the thrower had Greater Bull Rush would the secondary target being pushed back provoke an AoO?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Who wins?

the EL of the 4 dragons would be an EL of 24, which is a tough fight for a full 20th level party.

Our gun slinger has the following built options
Dex 30 (easy to get at 20th level)
True Grit on Lighting Loading, and Stunning Shot

Feats: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Far shot, Leadership (15th level rogue cohort), improved init

Trait: reactionary

Weapons: Advanced firearm Revolver +1 steadfast gun, speed (+8 weapon); Dagger +1 dueling (stays in sheath just want the +4 init)

Init: +20 (+10 dex, +4 improved init, +2 reactionary, +4 dueling weapon)
cohort has similar build for init but only has +14 to init.

Combat is about to being, say the gunslinger challenged all 4 to a dual
4 Ancient gold dragons look at this human with a gun and a kobold cohort nearly pissing himself. The dragons almost feel sorry for them.

Init is rolled, all 4 dragons get natural 20s!!! so they go on 19, gun slinger and cohort roll a 1 and gunslinger goes first cohort last.

Round 1:
Fires 6 shots (vs touch ac of 5 since they are within 100’) can hit each one at least once all Stunning Shots (0 grit cost, no save stunned)(has the 5th + 6th shots just in case he rolls a 1 to hit), spends 2 grit on one of them to do con bleed just for fun.
Dragons stand there stunned
Cohort runs up next to first dragon.

Round 2: lightning loading (0 grit cost) fires 5 shots stun locking the dragons again
Dragons stand there stunned again.
Cohort using dastardly finish coup de gras the first dragon.

Round 3+: Rinse and repeat Dragons NEVER GET TO GO, they are stun locked. They will either die from gun shots or die from coup de gras. Either way Gunslinger Wins.

The dragons have 0 chance in a fair face to face fight. They have to get the drop on the gunslinger. Once the gun slinger can go it is all over.

Any creature that is not immune to crits is a walk in the park for the gunslinger. As long as the gun slinger can survive the creatures one standard action surprise round he wins. Wins with ease most of the times as well.

I think the stunning shot should have some sort of save. Even if you do something like even if you are save you are staggered at least the creature gets some action and not stuck in a stun lock.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the errata.

In the Beastiary 2 there is a creature called witchfire.

It has a witchflame bolt attack listed as ranged.

What is the range of it? Line of sight?!?!?

Is it a range touch? Or does the target get its full AC against the attack?

Beastiary 2-Witchfire wrote:
Ranged witchflame bolt +13 (8d6 fire plus witchflame)

I have the pdf and searching for witchflame bolt comes up with nothing explaining range or if it is a touch attack or not.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

When using Stunnnig fist you can stagger instead of stun starting at 12th level "At 12th level, he can make the target staggered for 1d6+1 rounds"

In the undead immunities it does not list staggered as an immunity.
"• Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).

• Immunity to bleed, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning."

Though it does have a line about fortitude saves. "Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless)."

I am leaning toward saying they cannot be staggered, but why did they not list staggered but list poison and stunning. Those are always based on Fort saves, so why list them specificly if there was a line stating they are immune to all fort based save effects.

Cinematically speaking I can see an undead getting staggered though. You rock the lich with a hard shot that rattles his bones causing it to need to spend time adjusting its skull back on straight and getting its bones back into the proper location.

What is your opinion?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

The two side pouches each hold 20lbs. The central portion holds up to 80lbs "The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. "

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam

I am looking forward to collapsing the wave function a little after 5pm today.

To determine if any random event (1000+people accessing the forum at the same time) can cause the messageboards to crash.

It has happened in the past, and right now we are looking at the box wondering are the messageboards alive or dead?

Cannot wait till 5pm to find out, on and to find out if I made it in the top 32!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam

In previous years some of the judges were willing to give input on items that did not make it in the top 32 if the person posted their item in a specific thread.

Are any of the judges willing to do this again this year?

I thought it was very enlightening reading about the thought processes of the judges on why the item did not make it in their top 32.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have been trying to find a specific rule and I am either going blind or something.

How long is a poison able to stay on a weapon before it becomes inert?

I know one attack removed it, but how long before use can it be applied and still be active?

If it is on a blade I can see it drying up and becoming useless after a given amount of time.

What if you applied the poison to an arrow head then coated the arrow head in a thin layer of clay, wax, etc. Would the poison on the arrow last longer?

Anybody know where the rules are on how long a poison is active after it is applied to a weapon?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam

I am in a conundrum of which item should I submit. Of course I am not going to give any details since I would get DQ’d for that but I think many of us may be under the same situation. It goes as follows.

I have 3 item ideas.
First item is what I am calling my safe item. It does not break any of the auto-reject rules. Text would only be about 200 words. Does not bend or break any game rules. Though may not be ‘sexy’. If this item existed any of a certain type of characters I played would almost always want this item.

Second item breaks the SAK rule. Though all the different things it does are all tied together under one theme. The theme is ‘sexy’, it gives both in game number crunchy benefits with role playing benefits/consequences. Bends some rules and could open some rules questions that may not be able to be covered in 300 words.

Third item does not break any auto-reject rules. Would need to use all 300 words to plug as many possible loopholes as possible. The item is ‘sexy’ in that it is a great ‘rainy day’ item. Any character can use this item and is beneficial to all. Items effects can bend and almost break game rules. One weird consequence that could occur cause rules questions when used in ways other than the original intent. I had come up with this item last year that was for a specific task. As I have been thinking of it over the past year I realized I could use it in many other ways and the weirdness that could ensue. Though they are ‘sexy’ rules questions.

So what do you guys think is it better to go with the safe item, the items that breaks SAK but is ‘sexy’ with solid rules but some weirdness, or go with one that does not break is ‘sexy’ but could be a what-if nightmare?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
PRD-Consecrate wrote:
...You cannot consecrate an area with a similar fixture of a deity other than your own patron. Instead, the consecrate spell curses the area, cutting off its connection with the associated deity or power. This secondary function, if used, does not also grant the bonuses and penalties relating to undead, as given above.
PRD-Desecrate wrote:
...If the area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture of a deity, pantheon, or higher power other than your patron, the desecrate spell instead curses the area, cutting off its connection with the associated deity or power. This secondary function, if used, does not also grant the bonuses and penalties relating to undead, as given above.

To me the secondary function reads, "Cast in opposing clerics temple adn shut off that cleric's ability to cast spells"?!?!?!?!

The line I am referring to is "Instead, the consecrate spell curses the area, cutting off its connection with the associated deity or power."

What does cutting off its connection with teh associated deity or power actully do? Does it just turn off the bonuses granted by the spell, or does it cut off ALL connection to the diety which would also be spell casting and channel energy abilities.

Is this secondary function the ultimate pwn the cleric in his evil temple spell?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

PRD-Greater Trip wrote:

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to trip a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Trip. Whenever you successfully trip an opponent, that opponent provokes attacks of opportunity.

Normal: Creatures do not provoke attacks of opportunity from being tripped.

APG-Ki Throw wrote:

Benefit: On a successful unarmed trip attack against a target your size or smaller, you may throw the target prone

in any square you threaten rather than its own square.
This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you cannot throw the creature into a space occupied by other creatures.

If a creature has both Greater Trip and Ki Throw does he get an attack of opportunity for throwing the creature?

It looks like he does, the Greater trip would trump the no AoO of Ki Throw?

PRD-Greater Bullrush wrote:
Whenever you bull rush an opponent, his movement provokes attacks of opportunity from all of your allies (but not you).
APG-Improved Ki Throw wrote:
Benefit: When using the Ki Throw feat, you may throw your target into any square you threaten that is occupied by another creature. Make a bull rush combat maneuver check with a –4 penalty against the secondary target. If this check succeeds, the thrown creature lands prone in the secondary target’s square, while the secondary target is pushed back and knocked prone in an adjacent square. If the check fails, the thrown creature lands prone in the nearest square you threaten adjacent to the secondary target.

Now what if the creature(T) has Greater Trip, Improved Ki Throw, and Greater Bullrush. With an ally (A) at his side and an enemy(E) infront of each of them.

If he Improve Ki Throws one enemy into the other would the thrower get 1 AoO on the one he is throwing and his ally get 1 AoO for the creature thrown and 1 AoO for the creature bullrushed?

would look like

_EE (both now prone)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Undead do not take damage from Brown Mold.
If you had zombies covered in brown mold and a PC is surrounded by the Brown Moldy Zombies do they take 3d6 damage, or 3d6 damage per patch?

It reads like only on the persons turn if they are withing 5' of brown mold they take only 3d6 even if there are completely surronded.

What happens if a living creature moves withing 5' then away then back within 5' in a single round, dose it take 3d6 or 3d6 twice?

What if a skeleton covered in brown mold does the cha-cha within 5' of a creature stepping away and back. With a 30' movement a creature can step away and back 6 times doing a double move. Provoking an attack of opportunity since it is all the same move action. Would the poor creature standing next to the Brown Mold Skeleton Dancer take 18d6 cold damage?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

The combination of brass knuckles and an amulet of mighty fists currently looks like a perfect combo for a monk.

APG-Brass Knuckles wrote:
Monks are proficient with brass knuckles and can use their monk unarmed damage when fighting with them.
PRD-Amulet of Mighty Fists wrote:
This amulet grants an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons.

My question is do they both give unarmed attacks their bonus?

If they are both +2 to hit and damage then they do not stack since they are both enhancement bonuses.

What if you have brass knuckles +4, and Amulet of mighty fists +0 (flaming and frost special abilities).

When the monk attacks with his unarmed attacks does he get the +4 to hit and damage from the brass knuckles and the +1d6 fire and +1d6 cold from the Amulet of Mighty Fists?

It makes it cheaper for the monk to have a +1 flaming weapon by buying +1 brass knuckles (2k) and +0 flaming amulet (5k). Total cost 7k to buy +1 flaming brass knuckles would have cost 8k.

Only 1k in difference and takes up the neck slot so yeah that is not bad.

Let's look at a much higher level. +5 brass knuckles (50k) +0 of speed amulet of mighty fists (45k). Total cost 95k
A pair of +5 brass knuckles of speed would cost 128k. That's a 33k difference.

The question is, does the monk benefit from both the brass knuckles and the amulet of mighty fists?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Can you Ki Throw someone into the air and let them fall?

APG:Ki Throw wrote:

Benefit: On a successful unarmed trip attack against a target your size or smaller, you may throw the target prone

in any square you threaten rather than its own square. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you cannot throw the creature into a space occupied by other creatures.

For instance if the creature with Ki throw is large and has lunge, it can attack a square 25 feet above the ground (10' tall and have 10' reach normally with +5' for lunge) Can the creature trip a creature then trip it into the 25 foot square above and adjacent to him and let him drop for 2d6 falling damage and landing prone next to him?

Ki Throw does not provoke AoO but would the falling from 25 feet provoke? The feat says the movement of the creatue into the threaten square does not provoke AoO but what about the creatures new movement of falling?

If the creature doing the ki throw has greater trip he would get a AoO for tripping the other creature and then one for it moving in a threatend square as if fell 20'?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Help me here, but I was not able to find any place that says what type of spells can be put into a trap.

Can they be ranged? If so short medium or long?
Can the spells be touch spells?
Can they be personal spells?

The first two are yes, I am sure, though personal spells.

Hmmmm. Can I have a trap of invisibility purge? As the PCs walk around an evil temple invisible they step near a proximity trigger trap removing their invisiblity. Or better yet the trap is outside the evil priests chamber so as he steps out the evil guy triggers his own trap and purges the area of invisbility.
In this case would the invisiblity purge be targeted on the square the trap goes off in, or the creature that triggers it has it attached to them so as they move the invisbility purge moves with him?

Then this strikes of how about a See Invis trap. You walk across it and get see invis cast on yourself.

How about a serious of traps setup to buff your BBEG: Shield, See Invis, Righteous Might, Divine Power, Fly, and haste. All in a row in his room. He hears people outside he walks the path and instant buffed??!?!?!?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was looking at putting a few Inflict Light Wounds trap in an adventure.

Cost to make:
Highest Spell Level: 50*1*1 = 50gp
Auto Reset: 500*1*1 = 500gp
Total Cost for an autoresetting Inflict Light Wounds Trap 550gp.
Challenge Rating: CR 1
Perception: DC 26, Disable DC 26

As I was setting up the map I realized the undead could use it as a healing center. They can heal for 1d8+1 just by walking across the 'trap'.

Why not have Cure Light Wounds traps in good temples. Just in case undead attack? To undead it is a trap, but to living creatures it is an infinite use cure light wounds. Also it is cheaper then a wand of cure light wounds.

Then I thought well you can put traps on chests, even small chests. If you can put an inflict light wounds trap on a small chest, why not a cure light wounds trap? For the low low price of 550gp PCs can have a standard action cure light wounds when the trap goes off.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Ok here is a question that reminds me of the bag of rats greater cleave issue from 3.0

Can an irate chicken could at a living enemy for a Hungry Ghost Monk's Steal Ki ability?

APG-Steal Ki wrote:
If the monk scores a confirmed critical hit a gainst a living enemy or reduces a living enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, he can steal some of that creature’s ki.

Chickens are listed at 2 cp each.

Before adventuring for the day the Hungry Ghost monk goes to a local farmer drops a gold and picks up 50 chickens ties there legs together with some string and stuffs them in his Handy Haversack (he remembers to open it up every once and awhile to give them air).

He is battling along vs some giants and finally finishes off the last one, he is down to 2 ki point left in his pool and only 12 hitpoint(last one he dropped brought him back up some). Being an 11th level Hungry Ghost Monk he has Life From a Stone.

He hears in the distance more giants readying to attack him. He is alone and half dead and all out of healing potions. Is he in trouble? Nope, he pulls 10 chickens out of his Haversack shakes it to piss it off setting them on the ground at his feat. He then spends a couple round flurry of blows killing all 10 pissed off chickens.

Now our Hungry Ghost monk gains 10 ki points and 110 hitpoints. Not bad for 2sp.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

When a monk uses flurry of blows his base attack is considered higher, would you use the flurry base attack or the non flurry base attack bonus when using combat expertise?

Combat Expertise wrote:
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +1 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +1. You can only choose to use this feat when you declare that you are making an attack or a full-attack action with a melee weapon. The effects of this feat last until your next turn.
Monk wrote:
For the purpose of these attacks, the monk's base attack bonus is equal to his monk level.

A level 4 monk would he get +1 AC when flurrying or +2?

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