
NoxiousMiasma's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Alright, now that the Curtain Call Player's Guide is out, what kind of characters are people interested in bringing to this AP? It seems like it'll be best experienced with a party consisting of both Belkzen natives and foreign diplomats, which is cool.

The idea I'm most interested in is an Exemplar who was once a symbol or tool of Gorum's faithful, awakened to sapience by gaining a shard of Gorum's power, using one of tsukogami poppet, object yaoguai (for a former magic sword or holy symbol), or potentially automaton (for a statue brought to life) as a base, with the choice probably coming down to what Exemplar ends up looking like (please may we have an unarmed strike supporting ikon)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Any particular class options people are really hoping to see in the future? Like, druid orders, rogue rackets, barbarian instincts or anything? There's a fair few conceptual spaces from first edition that don't have any equivalent in the new edition, or just crazy new things that haven't been done at all yet.

I personally really want to see a blight order for druid, because detritivores deserve respect too, danggit! Or a Lunar mystery oracle, though I'm not sure if I'd prefer to see a lycanthropic curse or a moonstruck lunatic. More wizard Arcane Schools would also be really cool (Whispering Way, anyone?)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Okay, so I was wondering if there were any particular methods by which a thoroughly unpleasant, wicked, and vicious individual could end up turning into some form of demon (or other monstrous and much stronger and nonhuman creature) while still alive and retaining at least the broad strokes of their personality?
I want a plot element to reference things like the real-world Buddhist story of very wicked people managing to become an oni while still alive, and i was curious if there was already an existing creature or ritual based around that.