Nofx Johnson's page
Organized Play Member. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
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Was reading Goodman Games "the dungeon alphabet". When I got to "p", there was an option to make the random potion have addictive properties. I thought, this is genius, cure light, moderate, serious wounds should have addictive properties, especially since the PCs are drinking like 3-4 of them sometimes after combat. I've searched the threads, and couldn't find my answer, so figured I would ask it. Are potions addictive in Pathfinder? Should they be? Like each time you consume one, the percent chance of becoming addicted goes up? The description in GG book, just states that the addicted party would start to consume that potion, even when not needed, as the Pathfinder addiction rules actually harm the player. This seems a little less damaging. When I suggested it to my players, was met with hostility, lol.so just curious what the actual rules are, and if it is actually a thing?
Claxon wrote: My group usually takes a little over a year to complete an adventure path. We play every other weekend for about 6 hours We actually have a second group playing a different campaign on the other weekends, but it's not the same group in each (though I am in both). So you seem like you're about on track in my opinion. Honestly, combats just take a lot of time.
As far as whether poison immunity protects you from radiation...
Quote: Removing Radiation Effects: All radiation damage is a poison effect, and as such it can be removed with any effect that neutralizes poison. Ability damage and drain caused by radiation damage can be healed normally. Based on that and based on the statement that "Radiation is a poison effect" I believe immunity to poison would protect you from radiation.
Thanks! That's what I thought, just needed some confirmation.
Playing Iron Gods,(still), and was reading the Valley of the Brain Collectors, and radiation came up. I read the Technology Guide, and it describes radiation as a poison effect. There are 2 PCs which are immune to poison, a monk, and a barb. Soooo, are they immune to radiation? Seems like a straight yes, but, not sure if it's saying radiation is LIKE a poison effect, in that it drains con, and damages strength, or if it IS a poison effect and should be treated normally as if it was poison. Thanks in advance.
P.S. On a secondary note, just out of curiosity, how long should it take to generally get through an adventure path such as Iron Gods? We've been playing mostly every Saturday for about 6 months around 4-6 hours per session, and are just starting the 4th book. Are we unnecessarily dragging this out? Or does it seem about right? Or doesn't it really matter as long as everyone is enjoying it?
thanks again!
Darksol the Painbringer wrote: Honestly, the Incorporeal entry says "An incorporeal creature's attacks,"
So truthfully, it depends on who is wielding it.
If it were a regular creature? Targets normal AC. You want to target Touch AC stuff, you get a Brilliant Energy weapon.
If it were an incorporeal creature? Targets "Touch" AC. Because every attack of an Incorporeal Creature targets "Touch" AC. It doesn't matter what method of attack, whether it's laser beams, a little poke, or a ghastly sword.
I don't know how this can be any more complicated...
Lasers are touch weapons anyway, so a "ghost touched timeworn laser rifle" from numeria might be the way to go, if it's possible to make technology weapons magic weapons...
Lol, jeez look what I started...great responses. Ultimately, I will let him play his character as is, I could have screwed up on how many actual attacks are being made, at the end of the day I was just curious if the gauntlets bypassed hardness if made of adamantine, while at the same time damage is dealt from elemental fist, do also bypass DR. He is using a feat, and does keep track of how many times he can use fury of blows, and multiple attacks stem from full round attacks. Thanks for all the great input.
Playing through Iron Gods, and I have a PC in my group, who is utilizing this. Just wondering if it is legit. I'll pry continue to allow it, seeing as most of the enemies either have high DR, or are incorporeal. But, for future reference, the monk can use adamantine gauntlets, right? And doing so, can he still use a lightning elemental fist attack along with it? This is allowing him to overcome DR, and deal 1.5 damage to the constructs in this adventure path. I remember reading that if an adamantine weapon also has magical properties, they don't stack, you go with the better bonus. But these are two different attack scenerios, where the magic is coming from a different source than the weapon itself. So, what we end up with, when he uses his KI, is 2 claw attacks, fury of blows, with elemental lightning fists...so like 4 attacks, with multiple magic damages stacked on top. Are we doing this correctly, or am I dumb for allowing it?
Nofx Johnson wrote: The class "Summoner" comes with this game, which is really cool. Now granted, I haven't read the rules cover to cover, because I assumed they are similar to the original base set. I did however scan through looking for any rules on summoning, and it seems very vague. So, how do you summon a monster card, by defeating it? Then, after you've summoned it, where does it go? Just displayed on the table like your familiar? Or in your hand? What exactly is the benefit to summoning? Do you add the "aquire" number to your skill roles? Or, does it simply add another die for skill roles? Then, once used, is it banished to the box? Like I said, very vague. Seems like a fun class, depending on the actual benefits of summoning. Thanks in advance! pardon me, some of those "roles" should read "rolls", lol
The class "Summoner" comes with this game, which is really cool. Now granted, I haven't read the rules cover to cover, because I assumed they are similar to the original base set. I did however scan through looking for any rules on summoning, and it seems very vague. So, how do you summon a monster card, by defeating it? Then, after you've summoned it, where does it go? Just displayed on the table like your familiar? Or in your hand? What exactly is the benefit to summoning? Do you add the "aquire" number to your skill roles? Or, does it simply add another die for skill roles? Then, once used, is it banished to the box? Like I said, very vague. Seems like a fun class, depending on the actual benefits of summoning. Thanks in advance!
What hurts a poltergeist, assuming you've found a way to target it? Does arcane strike hit and do damage, since they are incorporeal? If yes, then does adamantine, since it is considered a "magic" weapon? Or are they immune to ALL physical attacks, regardless? Would fire hurt them? A grenade, or arcanist bomb? They regenerate, too, right? Ugh... Thanks
KainPen wrote: Zhayne Majuba has it correct. Dr/- is by passed my magic spells. you are confusing Damage reduction with energy resistance. there is no such thing as damage resistance. A lot of people treat the two as the same thing because they think Dr stands for damage resistance. Thus combining the two effects into one effect that just does not exist. they are very different. on page 562 it says of the core rule books says " Spells, Spell like abilities and energy attacks even non magic fire ignore damage reduction." so Dr/- is by passed by spells.
Your not the only one I seen do this, I known at least 8 experince dms that have been doing this since 3.0 edtion D&D. A lot of them keep doing even after game of play and be corrected by thier players.
Hoped this would get your attention, I still have confusion on the whole DR thing. Posted earlier, but figured since this was a two year old post, noone would see my question
Ugh, I'm trying to read through all of these to actually understand DR better myself. I'm finding I still am not seeing the answer. So, adamantine weapons ALWAYS ignore DR? No matter what is after the slash? Or, now I'm seeing like the DR5/vorpal, or whatever. So....does this mean that even adamantine would not bypass DR, and ONLY vorpal would? And same for the rest, I guess. Does DR5/magic mean that ONLY magic weapons will bypass, and not adamantine? And, how about DR5/-...does that mean ONLY energy damage will bypass the DR, and not adamantine? Very confused, I have read what it says in the core rulebook, but just doesn't seem clear still. Thanks
Came to this message board thinking it was the same thing I need to know. It's close, but not exact. I'm playing iron gods, fire of creation. There are ratfolk scrappers, which say they can use their swarm ability to perform sneak attacks. So since two ratfolk can occupy the same square, does that constitute a swarm? And doing so, the target can't discern exactly where attacks are coming from? And in a swarm, does each creature take a turn attacking, unless otherwise specified? Thanks in advance!
burkoJames wrote: Nofx Johnson wrote: Nofx Johnson wrote: Ok, so he has a 19 intelligence score, which does grant him one lvl 4 spell 1x per day, at level 2. As far as multiclassing goes, he made his spell book his arcane bonded item, which supposedly made it so he could cast twice...I put the kabosh on that. But he will be able to use the spell. Thanks to all of your advice, I know how to deal with it. *Multi-casting A spellbook is not a legal choice for an arcane bonded object. That said all arcane bonded objects allow you to cast one spell from your spellbook once per day. It sounds like your group has a lot of misunderstandings about the rules. As soon as we think we've got them figured out, something like this happens. In all fairness, even though it says how many spells a wizard can do in a day, bonus spells are pretty vague. We thought it meant if your int score was higher, you could use the granted bonus spells. I got it now, they are kinda in a bank, until you are high enough to use them.
Sorry for wasting your time, I GM two nights a week, different groups. One group varies, the other is usually six guys. It's enough to try and draw the maps, raise the stats of bosses, memorize key points of the story, and NPCs. I just don't have time to memorize every stat for every race, and class. That's why I asked for help.
Kevin Mack wrote: Thats not how it works you only get spells at the lvl you accrsse them initally so 7th lvl for a 4th lvl spell. WOW, I don't know htf we missed that over the years. This is the best info I've gotten so far. The game will be very different now...I feel so dumb seriously, thank you.
Nofx Johnson wrote: Ok, so he has a 19 intelligence score, which does grant him one lvl 4 spell 1x per day, at level 2. As far as multiclassing goes, he made his spell book his arcane bonded item, which supposedly made it so he could cast twice...I put the kabosh on that. But he will be able to use the spell. Thanks to all of your advice, I know how to deal with it. *Multi-casting
Ok, so he has a 19 intelligence score, which does grant him one lvl 4 spell 1x per day, at level 2. As far as multiclassing goes, he made his spell book his arcane bonded item, which supposedly made it so he could cast twice...I put the kabosh on that. But he will be able to use the spell. Thanks to all of your advice, I know how to deal with it.
Rysky wrote: Nofx Johnson wrote: I think I posted on here twice before, so sorry for the stupid question, but, my link copied to the clipboard didn't work how I expected, how'd you do that rysky?
Below the post box there is a spoiler "how to format your text" that has all what you can do to posts.
For links you simply put: [ url = link here ] whatever text here [ / url ]
Without any spaces.
Jaçinto wrote: Really though, banning shortcuts is heavy handed railroading and takes a lot of fun out of it. Wait until he takes the spells to shut off technology or take control of robots or the other tech spells. Your wizard is going to find shortcuts and quick answers and that is just what is going to happen, unless you want to cheat him out of his character. Naw, I want all the PCs to enjoy their characters, I'll be more prepared next time. Thee are plenty of creatures in the area I could have thrown behind that door even, I won't stop him again...now how about that spell vs androids? Lol.
I think I posted on here twice before, so sorry for the stupid question, but, my link copied to the clipboard didn't work how I expected, how'd you do that rysky?
The Sideromancer wrote: Make the door a composite of several materials that interact with magic differently. Since the warp X spells state that it doesn't work until the entire thing s affected, it would require Warp Wood, Warp Metal, Transmute Rock to Mud, and possibly a few other things to bypass. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/warp-metal there's the link, I've thought of a few ways to deal with it since I posted, appreciate all the advice. And I'm not sure how he was casting a 4th level spell at 2nd level. My answer could have been as easy as "he opened the door, and it lead to a long hallway, that had collapsed in on itself, and the legs of one of the second expeditionists sticks out of the debris..." just threw me off at the time. Again, thanks.
In the Iron Gods, during the first book, there comes a time in a cave where the PCs battle a gremlin, "Jeznik". In the same room, there is a door, that's clearly not supposed to be opened yet. One of the PCs is a Wizard of metal. He wanted to get into this door, so he casts warp metal on it over and over again...I was not prepared for this. The door has 20 hardness, 720 hit points, and a break DC of 45, against what are presumably level one PCs. Since there will be several more locked "super doors", I'm sure this will come up again. I guess I'm looking for advice, on how to let him use his spell, but, without breaking the game. Or, more clarified rules on "warp metal", because, there's going to be alot of metal... The only justified reason I could give him was, that it was sky metal, so it didn't work, he didn't seem satisfied with the response, and I wasn't really either. Thanks in advance!
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Garbage Pail Kids the movie, I know this is a "so bad its good" to some, but, came out when I was a kid, and yes very dated, but, GARBAGE PAIL KIDS!!!!!!! nuff said
Thanks, but I kinda wondering if the weapon is more likely to break if wielded with two hands or not. Or should it just not be made of obsidian? Or does it not matter, because it is a one handed either way.
If a samurai wields a one handed weapon made out of obsidian, CAN that weapon even be made out of obsidian if it is going to be used as a two handed weapon? Or is it then considered a two handed weapon, ( which can't be made from obsidian).