"Bad" movies you actually like


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The Star Wars Christmas Special

Bad because: Something like 30 straight minutes of only Wookies growling at each other with no translations. And the camos.

Good because: No one has heard of it (Lucas tried to cover it up, it's that bad), so you can invite your "friends" round to see it and then watch as they slowly become more and more horrified by it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Batman & Robin

Why it's (apparently) bad: It's campy, cheesy, and has cringeworthy one-liners. Also, nipples on the Batsuit.

Why I love it: Because Batman should be campy, and I don't like that everything these days has to be dark and gritty. (I still think Adam West was the best Batman.) Also, Ahhhhnald's one-liners may have been bad but hot damn, I still laugh every time. It's one of the few movies that's guaranteed to cheer me up whenever I watch it.

Also, George Clooney is gorgeous.

"What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age!"
"Everybody - CHILL!"
"Let's put this party on ice!"

Which hospital were you born in? We may have been separated at birth

captain yesterday wrote:

Tank Girl.

Why I like it: has a special place in my heart as the first post apocalyptic movie I'd seen, still love it. Not to mention Ice-T as a mutant bunny man!

Why it's bad: No one else seems to like as much as I do. Ice-T as a mutant bunny man was probably ahead of it's time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Command Performance

Why it's bad: Tired plot, lots of bad acting, doesn't care about explaining itself.

Why it's good: Dolph Lundgren

It's a simple action movie, uses tons of cliches, but actually avoids 1 or 2. Dolph is old, but as long as they don't make him run, he still looks decent in an action role. Basically, it's Die Hard. Swap out the corporate office for a rock concert, and the lone cop for the band's drummer.

The Pacifier

Why it's bad: Vin Diesel in a kids action-comedy

Why I like it: I used to come home for lunch and watch an hour of TV, cause I worked about 5 min away from home. This was for some reason always on and I just watched it out of laziness. I don't know if I've ever seen it from start to finish, but now when I see part of it, I can't take my eyes off it until it's done, or I have to leave. I don't love it because it's "so bad it's good", I'm just brainwashed myself into liking it.

Wow, well some have listed some movies here...

I liked Daredevil (directors cut), was actually a pretty good representation (as per the mature comics that came out at the time). I also like Electra, though I'm not quite sure where they came up with the idea of that movie...sort of like taking the character and putting it in a totally created plot...or really twisted from one of the comic stories.

I also loved Cutthroat Island. Gina Davis's character was one of the most kick arse female protagonists EVER!

I tend to like Batman and Robin, felt Clooney did the best portrayal of Bruce Wayne and Batman...plus a young Chris O'Donnell.

As for some of these movies...who thinks they were bad movies (Ladyhawke, I think that was universally loved by 80% of all girls from the 80s...and Beastmaster, that was loved by any kid that played D&D ever! Only derided by the elitist who love boring movies and hate anything entertaining!).

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kirth Gersen wrote:
I really liked [Star Wars] Episode II, which I know causes me to receive death threats, but, some on -- Christopher Lee! And a better arena fight than either Gladiator or John Carter.

My favorite part of Episode II was the flying cars on the "streets" of Coruscant. Many science fiction stories briefly mention taking our traffic jams off the ground and into the air, but never before had I seen a chase scene in such a setting, even in Star Wars.

Before, we had seen landspeeders, snowspeeders, speeder bikes, pod racers, etc. but always in remote, thinly populated regions: the deserts of Tatooine, the snowy wastes of Hoth, Endor with a stone-age level of civilization, etc. And besides, the landspeeders, speeder bikes, pod racers, etc. generally hovered, which isn't the same thing as flying.

But a huge metropolis swarming with flying cars must have been a challenge for those movie makers to use as a backdrop for an action sequence! I wish I could see more scenes like that chase.

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Mystery Men

Why it's bad: Corny everything, predictable plot, goofy characters, way too over-the-top. Also it stars Ben Stiller, who I usually can't stand.

Why I love it: Pretty much because of how goofy it is. It's definitely not meant to be taken seriously (most of the time), and despite how corny the acting and the plot and the gags are I still find them immensely entertaining. It's pretty quotable as well. And for once Ben Stiller doesn't want to make me pull my brain out through my nose, so that's worth something.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I love almost all of THE ASYLUM movies. Lavalantula and Megashark and Sharktopus and all that stuff.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Master of Disguise

Why I like it: Dana Carvey in stupid disguises, "A herd of turtles" line is instantly classic.

Why it's bad: you obviously didn't smoke enough weed watching it.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Cube

Why its bad? Incredibly ham fisted acting plus borders on torture porn.

Why I like it? The mystique of both the cube and the characters amnesia is incredibly interesting. Also, wondering what the next death trap rooms contraption will be is tantalizing; Such a guilty pleasure! Sequels are not as good though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Robot Jox
Dog Soldiers
Rapid Fire
The 13th Warrior
The Losers
Smokin' Aces
Starship Troopers
Every Fast & Furious

4 people marked this as a favorite.

As another reason on why the Star Wars Prequels are good: the music. They are John Williams at his finest. There is rarely a better opening scene than Anakin and Obi Wan's flight scene in Revenge of the Sith. Also Duel of the Fates.

The Last Samurai

Why it's bad; It's pretty much a reflavoring of Dances with Wolves and doesn't bring much new to the table.

Why it's good: The film has great scenery and costume. The fights are well done, and it's entertaining in the small scenes as well.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Mummy 3: Tomb of Dragon Emperor

Why It's Bad: Dumb plot, bad special effects and it has yetis playing football.

Why I Like It: It's dumb action with fun locations and it has yetis playing football.

Van Helsing

Why It's Bad: It's cheesy, has a weird plot and ton overacting.

Why I Like It: It's cheesy awesome, it's very memorable and all the actors are having ton of fun playing their roles.

Dracula Untold

Why It's Bad: Has very little vampire stuff going on, stupid enemy and laughable boss fight.

Why I Like It: Luke Evans is good Dracula, the vampirism is shown in unique way, has a vampire army and great locations.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
El Ronza wrote:

Batman & Robin

Why it's (apparently) bad: It's campy, cheesy, and has cringeworthy one-liners. Also, nipples on the Batsuit.

Why I love it: Because Batman should be campy, and I don't like that everything these days has to be dark and gritty. (I still think Adam West was the best Batman.) Also, Ahhhhnald's one-liners may have been bad but hot damn, I still laugh every time. It's one of the few movies that's guaranteed to cheer me up whenever I watch it.

Also, George Clooney is gorgeous.

"What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age!"
"Everybody - CHILL!"
"Let's put this party on ice!"

one of the worst movies ever made. People wonder why grittier movies are winning. This entire movie is why.

Scarab Sages

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I remember having a good time seeing Batman & Robin in the theater, but I was a teenager on a date, and we didn't actually pay much attention to the movie, which was a blessing because it's awful.

Forget The Joker, Joel Schumacher is the worst Batman villain ever.

John Woodford wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:

Flash Gordon

Why it's bad: It has all the hallmarks of bad science fiction. It's got bad dialog, poor plot, and cheesy special effects. It has a ridiculous football fight scene and it has the most over the top performance ever done by Brian Blessed.

Why it's good: I's incredibly fun despite all of that, it's got the best soundtrack Queen ever produced, and it has the most over the top performance ever done by Brian Blessed.

That's BRIAN BLESSED! And don't you forget it.

Also has Max von Sydow's teeth marks all over the scenery, plus visuals that look like they were designed by Jack Kirby (and I mean that in a good way). I can ignore the cardboard acting by the two leads because of all the cool stuff going on elsewhere on the screen.

Timothy Dalton noshes a bit, too, as Prince Baron. Then again, I liked him as James Bond.

As for the Queen soundtrack, they only did two, so saying it's their best soundtrack isn't saying that much. ;) However, the theme song must be the greatest theme music ever. So grand, so simple, so Queen.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
mourge40k wrote:
limsk wrote:
Keanu Reeves
GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I hate hate hate Keanu Reeves. He can go die in a fire set off by a toxic waste dump!


I'm not sure who's accent was worse in Dracula, his or Winona Ryder

Does it have to be one or the other?

Seems like it should be multiple choice.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Diamonds are forever

Why it's bad: It is... mildly put, awful in primarily plot, special effects and acting. Oh, and characters.

Why it's good: It has a fake moon car chase. It has Mr Wint and Mr Kidd. It is hilarious.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
mourge40k wrote:
limsk wrote:
Keanu Reeves
GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I hate hate hate Keanu Reeves. He can go die in a fire set off by a toxic waste dump!

Hey, whoa, chill. For all the guy may be a terrible actor (or at least regularly miscast), he's a genuinely good person offscreen. Doing things like giving almost his entire paycheck from The Matrix to the CGI crew because he felt they were underpaid, living in a simple apartment so he can keep giving large chunks of his money to charities, and so forth.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Episode 1: Phantom Menace

Why it's bad: Too long. Too much politics. Jar Jar. Pod Racing.

Why it's good: JEDI!!! This is still my favorite of the prequels and really don't believe all the bad press it's gotten over the years. Yes, the Prequels were disappointing... but that was in hindsight and really didn't kick in till Episode 2 and 3. I can't believe the stories about people being fury on opening weekend

This movie was so vastly hyped by star wars fans... that it was an Event. It was also the first time we really truly saw Jedi trained by jedi, being JEDI!!

As a big fan of the RPG, my friends and I LOVED seeing what a REAL Jedi could finally do. Prior to this... 2 ancient dudes, one half-robot, and a newbie who didn't finish his training. People swinging lightsabers like they were baseball bats or broomsticks...

THIS... was the lightsaber fight I had been dying to see and it never disappointed. Whatever flaws the movie has, Duel of the Fates made up for it.

Jar Jar was bad of course... but I hate all cute and goofy comedy characters... That included C3po and the Ewoks... so while he sucked... I never saw him as worse then what Star Wars already was famous for.

By Episode 2 and 3... the romance subplot and other things started to get on my nerves to the point I only saw the III once in the theaters...but EpI? I saw that every Tuesday before Game Night for about 10 weeks straight.

Dark Archive

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Garbage Pail Kids the movie, I know this is a "so bad its good" to some, but, came out when I was a kid, and yes very dated, but, GARBAGE PAIL KIDS!!!!!!! nuff said

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On the Star Wars prequels, I'm rewatching the Red Letter Media reviews in place of watching the actual movies. I find the review to be more entertaining than the movie itself.

I also love that he re-released the review for the phantom menace in 3D.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
mourge40k wrote:
limsk wrote:
Keanu Reeves
GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I hate hate hate Keanu Reeves. He can go die in a fire set off by a toxic waste dump!
Hey, whoa, chill. For all the guy may be a terrible actor (or at least regularly miscast), he's a genuinely good person offscreen. Doing things like giving almost his entire paycheck from The Matrix to the CGI crew because he felt they were underpaid, living in a simple apartment so he can keep giving large chunks of his money to charities, and so forth.

Yeah, I would prefer his acting career to end, but I can't argue with what he's done with the money he got from acting.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I never really minded Keanu Reeves, there are worse.

Knowing what a good person he is (did not know that Orthos!) Makes him infinitely more tolerable for me :-)

Besides Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures!! One of the best time travel movies ever!

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Starship Troopers

Why it's seen as bad...

  • Pretty much abandoned the plot of the novel.
  • Glorification of a military dictatorship.
  • Critics and most viewers completely missed the biting satire.

Why I loved it...

  • The biting satire.
  • Dina Meyer and Denise Richards.
  • The subversive sexual politics.
  • Excellent visual effects.
  • That scene at the end where Doogie Howser walks onto the scene dressed as an SS officer.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
TarSpartan wrote:

Timothy Dalton noshes a bit, too, as Prince Baron. Then again, I liked him as James Bond.

So did I. He had the poorly-suppressed rage thing going better than any of his predecessors, and after the camp of the Roger Moore years it was a welcome relief to have someone who actually came across as dangerous.

ETA: He also had what was arguably one of the best lines in Flash Gordon--when he and Zarkov are chained to the wall in the dungeon, blindfolded, and when we cut to them Barin is saying, in a normal conversational tone, "Tell me more about this man Houdini."

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Why it's bad: Low-budget action flick starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Directed by Albert Pyun whose career is filled with terrible movies, the only one of note in his career being The Sword and the Sorcerer. This movie has terrible dialogue, a predictable plot, and is full of 80s action movie cliches while taking itself way too seriously. Special effects are terrible. Van Damme proved his less-than-adequate martial arts skills here by blinding another actor while filming a fight scene. 14% on Rotten Tomatoes (where they erroneously list the title as "Masters of the Universe 2: Cyborg, for some reason).

Why I love it: This is a Road Warrior level post-apocalypse chase movie, only on foot. I could run a game based on the plot of this movie and make it fun and exciting. So many knives. So. Many. Knives.

Also, I met the parents of the actor who plays the movie's antagonist. They ran a little candy store in a shopping center in Hawaii. Only reason I found out was because they had a full-sized movie poster on the door to the shop. They were so proud of their son. They also had a signed promotional photo of him on a shelf behind the register, in full costume holding a great big knife. It was heart-warming and funny all at the same time.

Not sure if everyone here already knows about this, but there was a great podcast a couple of years ago about this very subject -
Yeah, It's That Bad.

Really funny stuff, and I was very sad when it ended, but many hours of great listening.

If you check it out, I recommend skipping the first dozen or so episodes, as they were still figuring out the format and everything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadowborn wrote:


Why it's bad: Low-budget action flick starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Directed by Albert Pyun whose career is filled with terrible movies, the only one of note in his career being The Sword and the Sorcerer. This movie has terrible dialogue, a predictable plot, and is full of 80s action movie cliches while taking itself way too seriously. Special effects are terrible. Van Damme proved his less-than-adequate martial arts skills here by blinding another actor while filming a fight scene. 14% on Rotten Tomatoes (where they erroneously list the title as "Masters of the Universe 2: Cyborg, for some reason).

Why I love it: This is a Road Warrior level post-apocalypse chase movie, only on foot. I could run a game based on the plot of this movie and make it fun and exciting. So many knives. So. Many. Knives.

Also, I met the parents of the actor who plays the movie's antagonist. They ran a little candy store in a shopping center in Hawaii. Only reason I found out was because they had a full-sized movie poster on the door to the shop. They were so proud of their son. They also had a signed promotional photo of him on a shelf behind the register, in full costume holding a great big knife. It was heart-warming and funny all at the same time.

The reason it's listed as being related to MotU is that Cyborg was salvaged from the wreckage of a planned sequel to Masters of the Universe. Cannon films, doing what Cannon films did, was planning to churn out a sequel to the Dolph Lundgren He-man film, but they lost the rights to use He-man. So, they took what had been made for the sequel, and threw it at a director to make a film out of. That film became Cyborg.

Pyun's first cut of the film was supposedly more introspective and followed a messianic tone, but was panned by test audiences, so they shot a few more scenes and switched the story around to what it is now.

The Exchange

6 people marked this as a favorite.


Why it bombed: sci-fi fantasy mashup with cheesy special effects and plot (didn't help that it went up against "Star Wars" during its release).

Why it rocks: soundtrack, cheesy-aweome sets, so very, very Dungeons & Dragons in the manner of its sci-fantasy mashing. Really the whole reason I like Numeria in Pathfinder is because I saw "Krull" as a kid.

Scythia wrote:

The reason it's listed as being related to MotU is that Cyborg was salvaged from the wreckage of a planned sequel to Masters of the Universe. Cannon films, doing what Cannon films did, was planning to churn out a sequel to the Dolph Lundgren He-man film, but they lost the rights to use He-man. So, they took what had been made for the sequel, and threw it at a director to make a film out of. That film became Cyborg.

Pyun's first cut of the film was supposedly more introspective and followed a messianic tone, but was panned by test audiences, so they shot a few more scenes and switched the story around to what it is now.

Fair enough, but since it was simply released as Cyborg, you'd think they'd list it as such, since there is nothing at all pertaining to that story in the film that was released. As for the "messianic tone," I'm not sure how much Pyun changed it, but he still left the crucifixion scene in.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zeugma wrote:


Why it bombed: sci-fi fantasy mashup with cheesy special effects and plot (didn't help that it went up against "Star Wars" during its release).

Why it rocks: soundtrack, cheesy-aweome sets, so very, very Dungeons & Dragons in the manner of its sci-fantasy mashing. Really the whole reason I like Numeria in Pathfinder is because I saw "Krull" as a kid.

It didn't bomb because of Star Wars. Star Wars opened in 1977. Return of the Jedi opened in 1983. IN MAY. Krull didnt open until late July. Little more than two months after Jedi opened.

Krull didnt bomb because Return of the Jedi took it's lunch money.

It bombed because it was a bad movie.

The Exchange

ShinHakkaider wrote:

It didn't bomb because of Star Wars. Star Wars opened in 1977. Return of the Jedi opened in 1983. IN MAY. Krull didnt open until late July. Little more than two months after Jedi opened.

Krull didnt bomb because Return of the Jedi took it's lunch money.

It bombed because it was a bad movie.

My bad, I should have said "Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi" for all the people who might be confused. It set a high bar that other films like Krull couldn't live up to.

Also: the name of this thread is "Bad movies you actually like."

Krull is a bad movie I actually like. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

Shadowborn wrote:
Scythia wrote:

The reason it's listed as being related to MotU is that Cyborg was salvaged from the wreckage of a planned sequel to Masters of the Universe. Cannon films, doing what Cannon films did, was planning to churn out a sequel to the Dolph Lundgren He-man film, but they lost the rights to use He-man. So, they took what had been made for the sequel, and threw it at a director to make a film out of. That film became Cyborg.

Pyun's first cut of the film was supposedly more introspective and followed a messianic tone, but was panned by test audiences, so they shot a few more scenes and switched the story around to what it is now.

Fair enough, but since it was simply released as Cyborg, you'd think they'd list it as such, since there is nothing at all pertaining to that story in the film that was released. As for the "messianic tone," I'm not sure how much Pyun changed it, but he still left the crucifixion scene in.

Sometimes they'll list production/working titles, not just release titles.

Yeah, that scene was from the original cut, imagine more of that and less JCVD high kicking action scenes.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zeugma wrote:


Why it bombed: sci-fi fantasy mashup with cheesy special effects and plot (didn't help that it went up against "Star Wars" during its release).

Why it rocks: soundtrack, cheesy-aweome sets, so very, very Dungeons & Dragons in the manner of its sci-fantasy mashing. Really the whole reason I like Numeria in Pathfinder is because I saw "Krull" as a kid.

What drove me up the wall about Krull was that it was like they tried to pour a trilogy's worth of plot elements into a two-hour movie. As a result, they weren't able to spend the time it would take to really develop those plot elements, and it suffered badly for that. There was an interesting set of movies buried in there somewhere, though--that's what makes it a bad movie I still like.

John Woodford wrote:
Zeugma wrote:


Why it bombed: sci-fi fantasy mashup with cheesy special effects and plot (didn't help that it went up against "Star Wars" during its release).

Why it rocks: soundtrack, cheesy-aweome sets, so very, very Dungeons & Dragons in the manner of its sci-fantasy mashing. Really the whole reason I like Numeria in Pathfinder is because I saw "Krull" as a kid.

What drove me up the wall about Krull was that it was like they tried to pour a trilogy's worth of plot elements into a two-hour movie. As a result, they weren't able to spend the time it would take to really develop those plot elements, and it suffered badly for that. There was an interesting set of movies buried in there somewhere, though--that's what makes it a bad movie I still like.

That's a really good point. It did feel like it had potential and possible story, but crammed too much into one movie.

I was also disturbed to learn that they completely dubbed over the female lead's voice, just to hide her accent.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Scythia wrote:
John Woodford wrote:

What drove me up the wall about Krull was that it was like they tried to pour a trilogy's worth of plot elements into a two-hour movie. As a result, they weren't able to spend the time it would take to really develop those plot elements, and it suffered badly for that. There was an interesting set of movies buried in there somewhere, though--that's what makes it a bad movie I still like.

That's a really good point. It did feel like it had potential and possible story, but crammed too much into one movie.

I was also disturbed to learn that they completely dubbed over the female lead's voice, just to hide her accent.

That's pretty sucky.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zeugma wrote:

Cutthroat Island!

1995, starring Gena Davis. One of the biggest box office bombs ever... but 12 year old me thought Matthew Modine was just too amazing and that Geena Davis was the ultimate "action girl"!

I guess it's nostalgia for my misspent youth, but I still like the movie.

This is actually one of my most favorite movies of all times, =)

Sovereign Court

Bill Dunn wrote:
Orthos wrote:
mourge40k wrote:
limsk wrote:
Keanu Reeves
GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I hate hate hate Keanu Reeves. He can go die in a fire set off by a toxic waste dump!
Hey, whoa, chill. For all the guy may be a terrible actor (or at least regularly miscast), he's a genuinely good person offscreen. Doing things like giving almost his entire paycheck from The Matrix to the CGI crew because he felt they were underpaid, living in a simple apartment so he can keep giving large chunks of his money to charities, and so forth.
Yeah, I would prefer his acting career to end, but I can't argue with what he's done with the money he got from acting.

His career is nearly over. None of the big studios return his calls anymore.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Jack Reacher

Why it's bad? A police procedural meets action flick. Television is packed with Jack Reacher-ish programming. Jack Reacher described differently than Tom Cruise in source material. Everyone on the planet hates Tom Cruise.

Why I like it? I am a sucker for detectives, sheriffs, and secret agents. Some of my favorite childhood memories are watching Westerns, James Bond, and Columbo films with my Gran. Jack Reacher had elements of all of these but was down to earth. There were no super powers, impossible stunts, or cheesy effects. Just an interesting mystery and some extraordinary events. Tom Cruise was baller in it to.

Special note#1 I cant stand the mission impossible movies. Super boring and repetitive to me.

Special note#2 I get that in the books Jack Reacher is really a black guy bigger than Micheal Clark Duncan was, and twice as smart as Sherlock Holmes, but I didnt read it; so I dont care.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Why it's bad: It overspent hideously, to a level it couldn't hope to recoup. It had a weak story and forgettable characters.

Why I like it: Seen as a tech demo, it is amazing. It's the first animated movie to actually try for real-looking people, and the biggest test of that is, as always, the TEETH. And these people have natural-looking teeth. Final Fantasy games do tend to have nonsensical plots and stereotypical characters, if anything, it failed in not making the characters stereotypical enough, as bad as that sounds. And the ending, I know... but a bittersweet ending with a touch of hope is a delicious thing.

Sissyl wrote:

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Why it's bad: It overspent hideously, to a level it couldn't hope to recoup. It had a weak story and forgettable characters.

Why I like it: Seen as a tech demo, it is amazing. It's the first animated movie to actually try for real-looking people, and the biggest test of that is, as always, the TEETH. And these people have natural-looking teeth. Final Fantasy games do tend to have nonsensical plots and stereotypical characters, if anything, it failed in not making the characters stereotypical enough, as bad as that sounds. And the ending, I know... but a bittersweet ending with a touch of hope is a delicious thing.

I saw this movie in the theatre, with a friend I was meeting in person for the first time. We were both fans of the games.

I'm glad somebody liked it, and is willing to say such kind and generous things about it. I would not have done so myself.

Mileages do vary, especially in this thread. =)

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pan wrote:

Jack Reacher

Why it's bad? A police procedural meets action flick. Television is packed with Jack Reacher-ish programming. Jack Reacher described differently than Tom Cruise in source material. Everyone on the planet hates Tom Cruise.

Why I like it? I am a sucker for detectives, sheriffs, and secret agents. Some of my favorite childhood memories are watching Westerns, James Bond, and Columbo films with my Gran. Jack Reacher had elements of all of these but was down to earth. There were no super powers, impossible stunts, or cheesy effects. Just an interesting mystery and some extraordinary events. Tom Cruise was baller in it to.

Special note#1 I cant stand the mission impossible movies. Super boring and repetitive to me.

Special note#2 I get that in the books Jack Reacher is really a black guy bigger than Micheal Clark Duncan was, and twice as smart as Sherlock Holmes, but I didnt read it; so I dont care.

He's actually a blonde white dude.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Imbicatus wrote:

Flash Gordon

Why it's bad: It has all the hallmarks of bad science fiction. It's got bad dialog, poor plot, and cheesy special effects. It has a ridiculous football fight scene and it has the most over the top performance ever done by Brian Blessed.

Why it's good: I's incredibly fun despite all of that, it's got the best soundtrack Queen ever produced, and it has the most over the top performance ever done by Brian Blessed.

I am pretty sure Highlander will duel to death for that honor...

Drejk wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:

Flash Gordon

Why it's bad: It has all the hallmarks of bad science fiction. It's got bad dialog, poor plot, and cheesy special effects. It has a ridiculous football fight scene and it has the most over the top performance ever done by Brian Blessed.

Why it's good: I's incredibly fun despite all of that, it's got the best soundtrack Queen ever produced, and it has the most over the top performance ever done by Brian Blessed.

I am pretty sure Highlander will duel to death for that honor...

Let's not forget Wayne's World.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pan wrote:

Jack Reacher

Why it's bad? A police procedural meets action flick. Television is packed with Jack Reacher-ish programming. Jack Reacher described differently than Tom Cruise in source material. Everyone on the planet hates Tom Cruise.

Why I like it? I am a sucker for detectives, sheriffs, and secret agents. Some of my favorite childhood memories are watching Westerns, James Bond, and Columbo films with my Gran. Jack Reacher had elements of all of these but was down to earth. There were no super powers, impossible stunts, or cheesy effects. Just an interesting mystery and some extraordinary events. Tom Cruise was baller in it to.

Special note#1 I cant stand the mission impossible movies. Super boring and repetitive to me.

Special note#2 I get that in the books Jack Reacher is really a black guy bigger than Micheal Clark Duncan was, and twice as smart as Sherlock Holmes, but I didnt read it; so I dont care.

I LOVE this movie. Mostly BECAUSE Tom Cruise was cast. I've heard that he looks nothing like the book version, but Tom just worked BETTER then the Giant tough guy.

There's just some scenes that seem MORE Awesome when played by small guy beating down a room full of street thugs, than some WWF/He-man type guy. Especially just that resigned confidence that YES... He's gonna school every one of these guys crossing him... and finds it an annoyance rather then a challenge. Lil' Tom really shined in those scenes.

As an added bonus, it had one of my favorite action movie quotes.

/Points gun at interrogatee. "I was born in October. When I get to my birthday I pull the trigger. One... two... three..."

Also the whole phone conversation with the sniper at the end... just some awesome smacktalk that would be boring coming from someone who looked like he physically capable of doing it. There's just something fun about the little guy who seems WAY too confident...

I've heard a lot of complaints about this show... but I always enjoy it.

Sovereign Court

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phantom1592 wrote:
Pan wrote:

Jack Reacher

Why it's bad? A police procedural meets action flick. Television is packed with Jack Reacher-ish programming. Jack Reacher described differently than Tom Cruise in source material. Everyone on the planet hates Tom Cruise.

Why I like it? I am a sucker for detectives, sheriffs, and secret agents. Some of my favorite childhood memories are watching Westerns, James Bond, and Columbo films with my Gran. Jack Reacher had elements of all of these but was down to earth. There were no super powers, impossible stunts, or cheesy effects. Just an interesting mystery and some extraordinary events. Tom Cruise was baller in it to.

Special note#1 I cant stand the mission impossible movies. Super boring and repetitive to me.

Special note#2 I get that in the books Jack Reacher is really a black guy bigger than Micheal Clark Duncan was, and twice as smart as Sherlock Holmes, but I didnt read it; so I dont care.

I LOVE this movie. Mostly BECAUSE Tom Cruise was cast. I've heard that he looks nothing like the book version, but Tom just worked BETTER then the Giant tough guy.

There's just some scenes that seem MORE Awesome when played by small guy beating down a room full of street thugs, than some WWF/He-man type guy. Especially just that resigned confidence that YES... He's gonna school every one of these guys crossing him... and finds it an annoyance rather then a challenge. Lil' Tom really shined in those scenes.

As an added bonus, it had one of my favorite action movie quotes.

/Points gun at interrogatee. "I was born in October. When I get to my birthday I pull the trigger. One... two... three..."

Also the whole phone conversation with the sniper at the end... just some awesome smacktalk that would be boring coming from someone who looked like he physically capable of doing it. There's just something fun about the little guy who seems WAY too confident...

I've heard a lot of complaints about this show... but I always enjoy it.

You should read the novel series. Quality varies. But they are mostly very well written and really good.

They adapted a novel "One Shot" for the movie. And admittedly the movie is great. But read the books and you will learn to love Jack Reacher.

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Hama, if you're a fan of the Reacher books (as I am) and can't get enough of them, you might also try the older (but still good) Travis McGree novels by John D. MacDonald. Lee Child cites them as a huge influence on the Reacher books, and it shows.

I mentioned in the "What Are You Reading" thread that Echo Burning borrowed so liberally from Purple Place for Dying, for example, that the homage is unmistakable.

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