
Nihimon's page

Goblin Squad Member. 12,812 posts (12,818 including aliases). No reviews. 16 lists. 2 wishlists. 7 aliases.


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Goblin Squad Member

Bringslite wrote:

@ Nihimon

I admit I am not up to date on this thread. If you have some spare time could you elaborate on where the funnel of suck has failed? IMO it isn't a complete game and that funnel really needs lots of features to be realized.

I didn't say the Funnel of Suck failed.

Nihimon wrote:

I think the biggest let-down in PFO has been the utter lack of courage to follow through on the "funnel of suck".

... the "funnel of suck" systems were completely ignored...

Bringslite wrote:
I feel like the Funnel of Suck was destroyed with the implementation of "Universal Support to 20".

Me too.

Bringslite wrote:

*Compounding the problem, we have a fairly swift regen rate on reputation.

*No way to deny training access to our worst enemies.
*No reason to PVP except "I want to kill" and "I don't like those guys".
*No win or lose conditions.
*Feuds implemented as WAR mechanics.

I couldn't agree more, except I'd add that they never did a thing with Alignment, which was probably one of the most significant factors players considered when deciding which group to join during the Land Rush.

Goblin Squad Member

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Duffy wrote:
There is always that possible disconnect in expectations which is just all around unfortunate when it occurs. Current in development mechanics versus final is always a fickle and tricky thing with these sort of early access projects. Even when you don't learn new things that make you want to change your implementation the trickle of features and demand for content can cause problems.

I'm perfectly willing to accept the possibility that my reading comprehension failed me. I've even asked some Very Smart People that I know to read some of the same posts I read that gave me the expectations I had. They didn't tell me "you read it wrong". Instead, they told me "that won't work". Given how adamantly Some Folks were insisting it wouldn't work three years ago, and how adamantly Ryan told them "you're wrong, this is what we're going to do", I really expected Ryan to at least try.

But to completely abandon the idea without so much as talking to us about why, and then to turn around and blame the folks who supported this game in its infancy for not wanting to put up with the things those systems were meant to discourage... well, it rubs me the wrong way.

And I should probably stop harping on it for a while...

Goblin Squad Member

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It might well have proven to be a "bad" mechanic - we may never know for sure. But it was a mechanic that Ryan spent a lot of time talking about, and the consequences of that mechanic (and that mind-set) were the only things that made me willing to spend a couple thousand dollars supporting a PvP game.

Watching so many of my friends and allies stop playing because of the way the game was actually developed (as opposed to the way Ryan spent years saying it would be developed) was one of the most demoralizing things I've ever experienced.

Goblin Squad Member

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I think the biggest let-down in PFO has been the utter lack of courage to follow through on the "funnel of suck".

Ryan was extremely clear for a long time that PvP "isn't what the game is about." But in Early Enrollment, they made a heedless dash to implement PvP systems that let the very folks Ryan said he was "especially concerned about" be driven from the game, only to be told by Ryan that they were "playing the wrong game for the wrong reasons".

During all of that time, the "funnel of suck" systems were completely ignored, and then we were told that they didn't want Characters to lose the abilities they've paid XP for, so it sounds like they're completely abandoning even the pretense of being anything other than just-another-PvP-game.

It's been excruciatingly frustrating.

Goblin Squad Member

Duffy wrote:
I'm not sure why you highlighted that aspect or how you think it would be the candidate to draw in players that aren't super fond of PvP.

It makes Social PvP more meaningful. The players who are able to articulate a position that gets a significant faction of the server supporting them will have an actual advantage in-game, rather than the advantage always going to the most bloodthirsty / least scrupulous, as seems inevitably the case in most PvP sandboxes where the only thing that limits a player's ability to continue the attack unhindered is their own determination.

Goblin Squad Member

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I think the key innovation of Pathfinder Online as described in the blogs - the "killer app" aspect of it, if you will - was the idea that players would require in-game structures that could be destroyed by other players in order to maximize their Character Power. That level of risk was, I think, essential in capturing the PvP-averse players who really wanted nothing to do with a game that let other players attack them at will. The decision to abandon that innovation at the first opportunity (i.e. the War of Towers) leaves me scratching my head.

Goblin Squad Member

Audoucet wrote:
And I will remind you that they pretended that our money was just to accelerate things, but that they had enough funding to support a 5 years development. Which was clearly a lie.

From a post on the Goblinworks forums:

Nightdrifter wrote:

Was there any indication before Lisa'a announcement that funding had fallen through? If we go back to the kickstarter faqs:

Is the whole budget coming from this Kickstarter?

No. Most of the budget is being provided by our initial investors, but the money we're raising on Kickstarter is the difference between a 4 year development plan and a much faster, much larger plan.

Barring unforeseeable future complications we do not expect to have to raise additional funds or do additional Kickstarter projects after the successful completion of this project.

Based on that the funding sounded secure before anything got underway back in late 2012. So if an investor pulled out, when did it happen?

Note the actual language used:

Barring unforeseeable future complications we do not expect to have to raise additional funds or do additional Kickstarter projects after the successful completion of this project.

Goblin Squad Member

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Bluddwolf wrote:


How many players did the original course actually attract?

I get your point, and I don't disagree.

I think it was probably a mistake to be reliant on subscriptions during Early Enrollment to continue development.

I also think there was something fundamentally broken with the development team. The reemergence of old bugs and the mysterious loss of prior functionality were very clear indications that they were not properly using Source Control. I expect they also had corruption in their builds due to not properly controlling the Build Environment.

Goblin Squad Member

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Demoyn wrote:
Don't just stay a failing course. Be Paizo. Adapt.

They set a course into the unknown, and then turned to stay close to shore before ever leaving sight of it.

Have the courage to turn back to the original course and leave the familiar coastline.

Let the folks who are rabidly pro-PvP put their money where their mouth is and actually risk something when they start a fight in-game. And the only thing that is worth anything to them is their Character Power, so you have to make that the thing they risk.

Goblin Squad Member

Duffy wrote:
... try emailing Nihimon...

If I tell you the domain for my email address is, can you guess my email address? *grins*

Goblin Squad Member

johntjameson wrote:
Hello. not sure where to post this, but maybe someone can point me in the right direction.. im new to pathfinder and willing to learn. problem is i have all the books or most of them, and honestly idk what im doing. I live in albuquerque new mexico and well to be honest, there's no pathfinder groups here at all. and so im having to go to this secondary method. is there any good groups or if someone knows about a local face to face, i'd appreicate that. theres 2 gaming stores here but no one seems to play pathfinder.. usually magic the gathering. you can contact me at or if u have yahoo messenger you can add me at basalan1701 there. just let me know u saw this post when adding me on messenger. thank you for your patience and time

I'm afraid you're in the wrong section of the forums. This is the Pathfinder Online forum - for the MMO computer game.

You might try posting a similar message in the Community forum.

Good luck!

Goblin Squad Member

Please see the sticky post at the top of the forums: Buying / Selling / Trading Pathfinder Online Accounts.

Goblin Squad Member

We almost joined Phaeros at that point...

Good times, good times...

Goblin Squad Member

Set wrote:

Is there some sort of trick to getting started?

My 15 free days have activated, but I just keep getting the message 'Could not connect to:' when I try to log in.

Server Downtime every day from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Pacific.

This is prominently announced in the Patcher.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

I don't believe grinding achievements are the type of achievements Rafees was asking for.

When he asked "where is the sense of achievement" he was asking for the achievement of accomplishing a true challenge or achieving a long held goal.

Reading what he actually wrote, in context, I think he was asking about the little things that make you feel like your character is advancing - things like completing quests or gaining XP in other games.

Goblin Squad Member

Rafees wrote:
... where, then, is the sense of achievement?


Your advancement in PFO is gated by a number of different things:

1. XP & Coin - you have to have both of these available to train a new Feat, or a new Rank of a Feat you've already started training. (Some early Ranks don't have a Coin cost.)

2. Achievements - many Feat Ranks have specific Achievement Requirements you must meet before you'll be able to train them. For example, in general you can't train an Attack to Rank 4 (where it uses the Masterwork Keyword) until you have the appropriate Expert Achievement at Rank 7, such as Arcane Expert or Longbow Expert. You gain Ranks in an Expert Achievement by having the appropriate weapon readied when you get credit for killing an NPC.

3. Ability Scores - many Feat Ranks have specific Ability Score Requirements you must meet before you'll be able to train them. You increase your Ability Scores buy training Feats that are related to that Ability Score. For example, training a Mage Wand Attack will give a slight bonus to your Intelligence, while training a Cleric Focus Attack will give a slight bonus to your Wisdom.

4. Feats - some Feat Ranks require that you have already trained another specific Feat Rank. For example, those Rank 4 Wizard Attacks usually require Arcane Weapon Proficiency 2 and Arcane Attack Bonus 4.

5. Category Points - some Feat Ranks require that you have already earned a number of Category Points. For example, Arcane Weapon Proficiency 2 requires that you have earned 25 Arcane Category Points. You gain Category Points by earning Achievements in that Category.

Aside from that, you'll generally get the best sense of accomplishment by being part of an active, thriving Settlement or Company. Those communities will have needs, and seeing those needs met is a powerful motivator.

Goblin Squad Member

Brutus Bellator wrote:
Maybe you should replicate it on PFO 'official forum' at

It was posted there around the same time it was posted here.

Guide to Buying Backdated Accounts

Goblin Squad Member

Audoucet wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
The people who haven't activated their accounts still have all their free time coming.
Er, are you sure ? Didn't Kobold Cleaver lose his, without activating it ?

No. He made a really bad assumption that Goblinworks would automatically suspend his account if he didn't login during the next billing period.

Can you imagine the uproar if Goblinworks had automatically suspended all accounts that were using free time at the end of every billing period, causing those accounts to stop gaining XP?

Goblin Squad Member

Goblinworks had to make a choice - this way or that way. They made that choice and did their best to communicate it to people. There will always be people who are disappointed that it wasn't the choice they'd have made, or who expected it to work the way they consider "intuitive". Life goes on.

Goblin Squad Member

Can you imagine the uproar if folks came back to find their account had been suspended automatically just because they didn't log in during February, so now they'd missed out on four months of XP?

Goblin Squad Member

We've gotten a small number of Tier 3 Recipes from Mordant Spire.

Goblin Squad Member

Welcome, Whiddin.

Check us out at Or you can join us on TeamSpeak at (default port).

Goblin Squad Member

Here's Scorchbark's link properly formatted.

Pathfinder Online Player Settlement

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Phyllain wrote:
After some very enjoyable tower pvp with TSV...

We felt the same way!

You may have noticed I personally got a little confused when I finally got there and was charging in right as y'all all unflagged. I was still trying to process what happened when you killed me. Eventually figured out y'all had capped the Tower and closed the PvP window. I need more experience with stuff like that so I don't freeze up when I don't understand what's going on :)

Goblin Squad Member

Tyncale, you can make an Alias.

Goblin Squad Member

The main reason to buy PFO right now is if you believe in the vision and want Goblinworks to have the time and resources they need to continue development.

The game can be a lot of fun if you're hooked up with a vibrant community, but it's pretty rough around the edges and is different enough from other MMOs that it will take some serious effort to understand how things work.

Goblin Squad Member

Lludd wrote:
If that time is spent gathering and not killing. I get no copper.

We need Buy Orders in the Auction House.


Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Sspitfire appears to have left the game.
He was still posting on GW forums asking for Settlement submissions for a new guide back in mid/late March.

Sspitfire has indeed left the game. Real life issues made it a necessity. He just wanted to finish what he'd started with the guide before making a clean break.

Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:
A lot of shouting at the library trainer going on there. Nice library and lovely shrubberies, well done.

Thanks :)

And yeah, I was trying to clear some stuff off my chat window before taking a screenshot, and the /shareknow emotes seemed appropriate.

BTW, does everyone else know you can add punctuation to most of those emotes to subtly change them?

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks, folks :)

Goblin Squad Member

7 people marked this as a favorite.
They agreed that they wanted, eventually, to found a town dedicated to the collection and distribution of knowledge. All the gods which revered knowledge and education would have temples, or at least elaborate shrines, and in the center of town would be a library to rival the greatest of legend. This effort would insure their place in the afterlife.

After more than three years, The Seventh Veil has finally achieved, in part, one of our most enduring goals. We have built a library near Phaeros! This was an intensely satisfying event, and we want to thank Goblinworks again for inspiring us to such dreams and for giving us the sandbox that is letting us bring them to life.

Goblin Squad Member

Chomann2000 wrote:
can i has update?

The Goblinary: Pathfinder Online Database

You might find what you need at the Goblinary. If not, feel free to request new features and such in that linked thread or at

Goblin Squad Member


EEv7.1 is Live!

Goblin Squad Member

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Gol Tabomo wrote:
Couldn't Phaeros and AGC come to an agreement that doesn't necessarily bind EBA and EoX?

Sure we could, as long as Phaeros didn't promise anything about how other EBA members would act, and AGC didn't promise anything about how other EoX members would act.

But frankly, I'd rather fight AGC (and Golgotha) than make deals with them. I mean, I'd prefer it if the game systems were ready for it, but still, having enemies to fight is good.

I still laugh every time I think back on Guurzak yelling "SURPRIZE INSPEKTION!" That's the kind of thing that makes the game fun. Fighting over Towers can be fun. Running around killing everyone in sight isn't fun for me, but it's not really "wrong" either. Although, it is probably one of those things that, if it gets done "too much", would be really bad for the game overall.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Tabomo wrote:
Phaerites have repeatedly mentioned they aren't bound by EBA agreements with Golgotha because they make their own decisions.


What we said was that the agreement Phyllain made with Cheatle was never ratified by the EBA. Cheatle assures me he made this clear to Tink.

Goblin Squad Member

Everbloom Alliance Territory

Goblin Squad Member

Black Silver of The Veiled, T7V wrote:
EBA is if anything True Neutral aligned.

Phaeros and The Seventh Veil are True Neutral.

The Everbloom Alliance is predominantly Neutral Good.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Nihimon wrote:
@Caldeathe, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but it's not helpful.
I guess it depends who you think I was trying to help. If I were Bluddwolf, I wouldn't want someone else's vendetta sticking to me.

I'm still not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but I notice that Bluddwolf favorited your post.

Your original comment sounded to me like you were crediting Andius with The Seventh Veil's will to fight. Re-reading it now, I see that you were probably saying that most of the denigration came from Andius.

Goblin Squad Member

@Bluddwolf, can you take it to another thread, please?

@Caldeathe, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but it's not helpful.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
... you explain that Phaeros is not bound by agreements made by said alliance?

That's not true. The agreement you're referring to was never ratified by the Everbloom Alliance.

Bluddwolf wrote:
Escalations are not limited...

Phaeros does not farm Escalations outside of EBA Territory unless invited. We have primary responsibility for four Monster Hexes inside EBA Territory. As such, they are a limited resource and need to be properly managed.

Thanks for presenting me the opportunity to clear up those misconceptions.

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Everbloom Alliance is friendly to strangers and helpful to all. We welcome visitors and are happy to talk to anyone interested in operating in our area. Generally, we're happy to let folks harvest or join us to fight escalations, but those resources are limited and therefore they need to be properly managed.

Known enemies in EBA Territory will be killed without any questions unless they've arranged for a proper escort first. It should be fairly easy to identify the folks on the forums who are "known enemies" :)

Goblin Squad Member

Rynnik wrote:
DeciusBrutus wrote:
What did you think the point of taking the tower was?

To get us to kill your gatherers?

I mean that is what any reasonable person would assume knowing the in-place deal you disrupted between EoX and your ally TEO.

It is very regrettable that a communication breakdown allowed Golgotha to assume that Phaeros was a party to that agreement. Perhaps we can all learn a lesson from this.

Nihimon (Asymmetrical Warfare)

Goblin Squad Member


Taking Towers is the only positive-gameplay tool we have in our toolbox right now.

We took one Tower from AGC because they were deliberately provoking us by ignoring our territorial claims on multiple counts. We defended it (without TEO, thanks) one night, then lost it (again, without TEO) the next.

That you chose to turn that into a scorched earth, all-out WAR against us and all of our allies was your choice. That you've continued that WAR despite the fact that we've once again unilaterally cooled things off is also your choice. That you're taking every opportunity to try to drive a wedge between us and our allies is, I suppose, understandable, but still transparent.

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:
... including currently held Tower hexes.

I meant currently held Towers in other hexes. I don't think anyone should ever respawn in the same hex they died in.

Goblin Squad Member

Gol Tink wrote:
Personally I would prefer that you just always spawn at the closest allied town (home, ally's, NPC).

I'd be fine with a slight variation of this that let folks spawn at any shrine in any allied hex, including currently held Tower hexes.

Goblin Squad Member

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Gol Phyllain wrote:
You two tend to ignore things you cant refute.

I've just learned how futile it is to try to refute the likes of you and Bluddwolf with facts and links to quotes. All that happens is I get mocked for providing links to quotes.

My friends have given me really good advice about only engaging the folks who are actually worth engaging - which is why I generally try to respond to Guurzak - but I'm deeply flawed and still have trouble actually following that advice.

People don't behave in ways that are contrary to their nature. You guys were running around killing everyone you could in the very beginning of Alpha. Trying to pretend that The Seventh Veil somehow drove you to that point now is ridiculous. I think you've always wanted to be murder hobos. I think that's why Pax made their first alliance with Bluddwof. I think that's why why Pax made their second "not an alliance, for realz" with Bluddwolf. And I think that's why you're getting all the groups who also very clearly wanted to be murder hobos (looking at you AGC) to join you.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
The loss of towers will eventually hinder even non combatant ability to train, and so it harms them as well.

The Seventh Veil's policy is don't kill random players. If we don't know you're an enemy, we leave you alone. Everyone who is harmed by the loss of Towers in this war is a known enemy.

Goblin Squad Member

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Gol Guurzak wrote:
Side A refuses to agree to any terms of war, and then starts a war.

Side A (Phaeros, duh) refused to agree to any specific terms which would bind us to inaction in the face of hostility. As a result, when AGC took hostile acts, we reacted with a measured, proportional response. We took one Tower specifically from the Company that had been making hostile acts in EBA territory. We successfully defended that one Tower the next night, then unsuccessfully defended it the next night. None of that activity involved TEO/Brighthaven. At that point, since the hostile acts from AGC had stopped (as near as we could tell) we were content to let things cool off again. But in an all-hands EBA meeting, a large force from Golgotha came into EBA territory and started killing everyone they could find.

You can say we "started" it all you want, but just keep in mind there are quite a few people in the audience with enough reading comprehension and general judgment to get a feel for the truth.

Goblin Squad Member

Gaskon wrote:
Its almost like T7V claimed they were going to try and keep non-combatants safe in an open PVP game, spent two years being called naive carebears on the forums, and are now accomplishing exactly what they said their goals were all along.

That's part of it. The biggest part of it is creating a place where PvP-averse players can feel comfortable easing into PvP at their own pace. Yes, Golgotha is doing everything they can to ensure we fail at that by deliberately trying to focus as much of the "roughest form of PvP" (Lee's words) on those PvP-averse players to punish them for daring to join us. Yes, we're going to do everything we can to make Golgotha pay for that over the long term. They may feel like they don't need Reputation or Training or Support right now, while the whole server is kinda stuck in the middle of Tier 2, but I'm fairly confident that won't always be the case and they've got a snowball's chance in hell of ever knowing peace with Phaeros again.

Gol Phyllain wrote:
... if we leave for a different game?

That's the crux of it, isn't it?

You'll lie about us, mock us, twist everything we say or do, and if we beat you, you (deniably) threaten to quit the game and accuse us of driving away players. You're a broken record.

Goblin Squad Member

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Gol Phyllain wrote:
You really need to make up your mind man. Did we have a ceasefire or didn't we?

Well, we stopped shooting didn't we?

But we never agreed to any specific terms, and we never would have agreed to any specific terms that were in direct contradiction with publicly announced Everbloom Alliance policy.

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There are some innovative mechanics in the combat and a pretty cool item on the chronicle sheet, but everything that's fun about this adventure is undermined by the 'choice' that happens at the halfway point.

Basically the cult that you've been brought in to stop has two operations, one is a summoning ritual and the other is a ransacking of nearby ruins the society was hoping to investigate

Whatever decision your party makes locks you out of the other and the mechanics that make the choices mutually exclusive feel extremely contrived (Oh these locations just happen to be an hour away in opposite directions. Oh taking one path just happens to create shockwaves that would make the other impossible. Oh there just happens to be Plot-School magic that creates a barrier that forces players in or out) If you want an object lesson in bad Railroading look no further than this sort of arbitrary nonsense that doesn't respect the players enough to even give them the illusion of agency.

Furthermore if your party is divided (as mine was) it pretty much guarantees that half of your party won't be having fun. That could potentially become more than half if one party member isn't feeling sporting and decides to leave off on their own effectively cutting off the encounter that most of the party wanted to play. In any event it's very easy for things to become hostile if your party isn't in agreement. Especially once, after you've made your choice, the scenario might ask you to be complicit in a war crime because you didn't already have enough reasons to fight with your party members. I've seriously never come so close to asking the GM for a ruling on PvP than I did with this adventure and I really hope I don't come that close again.

If you plan on running/playing this make sure your party is one that generally sees eye to eye on things (if such a party exists). Don't PUG this at a con if you can help it.