
Nefaerieous's page

8 posts (1,384 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 aliases.


Yep, dwarf fighter it is. Greycastle reminded me to actually write out my character so I'll do that (this is his wifey :-) ). Imma read y'all's first though.

Play Turq! I think Imma be a dwarf, mmmmm, fighter?

And a.....something, what sounds good? Northern climes, sounds like we got a couple magic users, maybe another fighter? It's been ages since I played one.

( kobolds then?!)

So the future arcane trickster rogue is gonna fit in juuuuussst fine. Just checking in, wanted to see what's going on, will read up and get caught up and convert Io back to first level (I've played him before in a tabletop campaign).

I'm guessing there was discussion elsewhere for Greycastle to get that nice list together. Anything I missed?

Also glad to be back on Paizo!

Wild magic sorcerer it is! I've roughly fleshed it out, will get it better and get some deets to ya tomorrow. And will do my best to remember to roll that extra d20. Half elf, brand new (1st level), highly curious, courtier background, getting sleepy, going to retire for the night.

Thanks, I'm no longer the invisible avatar! Was looking all over the totally wrong page.

I have an interest in playing a wild magic sorcerer, but there's the rolling on the wild magic table. Do you think that would be interesting or just a distraction? Don't want to have a character that's too much work. Plus there's still the Light Cleric idea, which I think can be different enough from the current Life Cleric, especially as mine would be level 1.

I haz the dumb, can't figure out how to insert a profile image for this non-alias account....

Hmmmm....haven't played a bard in a while. Just played a cleric in a tabletop game that was fun. But I really like spell casters that don't have to memorize spells. Cleric of light, or pyromaniac....hmmmm.

I'm interested, sure! Would be rolling a brand new character. Sounds like one ranger and a whole lotta possibility.