
Natalie Saratov's page

396 posts. Alias of Jesper Roland Sørensen.

Liberty's Edge

CUrrently recruiting 1-2 new players Hell's Rebels, we had a few dropouts since we started and need to refill the ranks now.
Currently the team is at the beginning of Turn of Torrent about to plan get a group of Hell Knight Armigers out of a holding house.
The party currently consists of a Gunslinger/Alchemist, Urban Ranger, Bwarler and Warpriest of Milani.

Character creation
4th level Characters
Classes: All paizo classes from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game books are allowed. Summoners must be unchained.
Races: All core races, teifling and tengu, other races are considered on case by case. But note it will attract more notice from races not commonly found in Kintargo.
Attributes: Characters have 20 points to buy abilities, 18 and 7 can not be brought.
Alignment: Characters must be NG, CG, N, or CN. Lawful and Evil need a good background to be played, as they can be hard to justify in a rebellion against LE opposition.
Traits: 2 traits 1 must be a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels player guide. A 3rd trait can be picked with a drawback appopriate to the characters background story.
Skills: Background skills
Starting Wealth: Max for your class + 3000gp.
Feats: Point-blank shot are baked into Precise shot. Power attack is removed and can be used by any full bab class from 1st level and 3/4 bab class from 3rd level. Leadership and crafting are allowed.

You can look into the Game Thread if you like.

Liberty's Edge

I ordered a syrinscape soundpack, but when i try to recover the serian number in the My Downloads section of the web, i can't recover it.

The link "Click here to fetch serial number" does not work or it just reloads the my downloads page and I can't see where a serial number anywhere.
I hope you can help me fast as I plan to use it this weekend.

Thanks for in advance for your help.

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Even with the cobblestones of Argent Avenue and the foliage of Aria Park still wet from the morning’s light rain, dozens of Kintargans have gathered along the facade of the opera house to protest the city’s new lord-mayor, Paracount Barzillai Thrune. The city’s new leader was appointed by Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II, in the wake of the previous lord-mayor’s sudden flight from the city, an event that still has local rumormongers whispering furiously.
In a scant seven days, Paracount Thrune has instituted martial law, a curfew, and seven outlandish and polarizing proclamations. These actions and more have called many of Kintargo’s dissatisfied citizens here on this overcast morn. There’s been no sign yet of Barzillai Thrune himself, and the opera house’s doors remain tightly closed—as they have since the man chose the landmark as his new home—but judging by the growing sound of the protesters, he surely can’t ignore the scene on the streets below much longer.

As the hours wear on more and more citizhens press into the area. You hear the protesters call for their new lord-mayor to lift his unreasonable restrictions, while others call for an end to foreign rule and demand a proper election to determine Lord-Mayor Bainilus’s successor. Many seem content merely to yell and agitate, but a growing minority show their unabashed support of Barzillai Thrune by arguing back at the protesters.

Stationed outside the opera house are a dozen dottari guards and a scowling woman who seems to be ordering the others around.

Perception 20:

You catch glimpses of a figure watching the proceedings from behind a mostly curtained window on the opera house’s third floor

I just placed you on the map you can move to where you want to stay during the protest, it's a big crowd.

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Welcome to the discussion thread. I'll open the gameplay thread when I have prepared the starting post.

Liberty's Edge

This recruitment is mainly for my fellow players from a Runelords campaign which has lost it's GM. It might open up if there is to few interrested from that group.

The rebellion begins!

The city of Kintargo has long been a safe haven for artists, freethinkers, and those marginalized by the oppressive Chelish government, but now the city has been placed under martial law by inquisitor Barzillai Thrune. When a protest turns into a riot, a new group of heroes comes together to form an organized resistance against the devil-binding government and the church of Asmodeus—but can they survive long enough to establish allies? Or will they become the latest victims of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune?

Format and Expectations::

I play from Denmark so my times are CET/CEST
Posting expectations are one post per day from every player, I will mostly be updating with advancements during the evenings, but I will reply to posts during the day when I have the time.
Weekends are exempt but I will post on weekends, so if you're free we'll get through stuff that much faster! If something comes up and you won't be able to post for a while, that's just fine. Just let me know, and we'll work something out.

Character creation
Classes: All paizo classes from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game books are allowed. Summoners must be unchained.
Races: All core races and teifling, other races are considered on case by case. But note it will attract more notice from races not commonly found in Kintargo.
Attributes: Characters have 20 points to buy abilities, 18 and 7 can not be brought.
Alignment: Characters must be NG, CG, N, or CN. Lawful and Evil need a good background to be played, as they can be hard to justify in a rebellion against LE opposition.
Traits: 2 traits 1 must be a campaign trait from the Hell's Rebels player guide. A 3rd trait can be picked with a drawback appopriate to the characters background story.
Skills: Background skills
Starting Wealth: Max for your class.
Feats: Point-blank shot are baked into Precise shot. Power attack is removed and can be used by any full bab class from 1st level and 3/4 bab class from 3rd level. Leadership and crafting are allowed but I don't have to much expereince with them, so I might require help if you pick those up.

Feel free to ask any question.

Liberty's Edge

So I was looking into using my credit baby to build a Mysterious stranger spellscar rifter and got a question about on of the abilities.

At 3rd level I get the following deed:
Daring Deeds (Ex): At 3rd level, a Spellscar drifter gains Rapid Reload as a bonus feat. The Spellscar drifter must choose a firearm to associate with this feat. Additionally, the Spellscar drifter can select one additional 1st-level gunslinger deed which he can use with his Amateur Gunslinger feat. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.
Would the later part of this ability even work since I replace the amateur gunslinger with extra grit upon taking the dip in gunslinger.

Liberty's Edge

I have a quick question for the rules regarding the shielded mage feat when using the shield hand to cast a spell.


Prerequisite(s): Shield Focus, base attack bonus +3 or fighter level 1st.

Benefit(s): You reduce the arcane spell failure of any shield you use by 15% (to a minimum of 0%). Using a shield does not prevent you from completing somatic spell components with the hand wielding the shield.

Would I loose the shields AC bonus when casting a spell with that hand? I can't find any kind of rules about this in the core rulebook, I'm looking to build an armored battlemage and would love to go sword and board with him.

Thanks in advance for the answers.

I've always wanted to play the Skirnir archetype but it's horribly written and doesn't really function all to well untill after most games are finished.
I've worked a little around with it's abilities and wanted to share my rework with your for advice and discussion.

Skirnir (Archetype)
Diminished Spellcasting: A skirnir casts one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, he may cast spells of that level only if his Intelligence allows bonus spells of that level.

Sorcerous Shield (Ex): At 1st level, skirnirs are proficient with all types of shields, including tower shields, and do not suffer an arcane spell failure chance when casting magus spells while using a shield. They treat their magus levels as their fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for shield-related feats. This ability replaces spell combat.

Arcane Bond (Su): At 1st level, a skirnir gains a shield (except for a tower shield) as an arcane bond item. This is identical to the wizard class ability, but the skirnir may only bond with a shield, not a familiar or other item.

Arcane Pool: At 1st level, a skirnir can use his arcane pool to grant an enhancement bonus to a weapon as normal, as well as to his shield, paying the arcane pool cost separately for each. At 5th level and above, he can also add the following shield special abilities: animated, arrow catching, arrow deflection, bashing, blinding, fortification(any), reflecting, spell resistance (any).

Spellstrike (Su): At 1st level, a skirnir may use this ability with a weapon or shield bash attack. He may also use a touch attack or shield bash with his shield in conjunction with any pool strike magus arcana.

Shielded Spell Combat (Su): At 4th level, a skirnir gains the spell combat ability, but only when wielding his bonded shield. A skirnir may use his shield hand to perform somatic components for magus spells. At 10th level, he gains the benefits of improved spell combat. At 16th level, he gains the benefit of greater spell combat.
This ability replaces spell recall, improved spell combat, and greater spell combat.

Spellshield (Su): At 7th level, as a standard action, a skirnir may store a magus spell in his shield by spending 1 point from his arcane pool per level of the spell. This functions as the spell storing weapon special ability, but activates only on a successful shield bash by the skirnir and is not limited to spells of 3rd level or less. This ability replaces knowledge pool.

Greater Spellshield (Su): At 16th level, a skirnir may activate a stored spell as an immediate action after being struck in combat. He may choose to have the spell affect himself or the creature that struck him. This ability replaces counterstrike.

Liberty's Edge

Build advice: I been toying to build a character inspired by Kirito from swords arts online, and this is what I have end up with as the closest I can get:

Male human monk (Unchained) 1
Init: +6, Perception +10,

AC: 16, T 16, FF 13 (2dex, 3wis, 1dodge)
Hp: 12 (1d10+1+1)
Fort: +3, Ref +2, Will +3

Templesword +4/+4 (1d8+3/19x2)
Unarmed +4 (1d6+3/x2)
Shuriken +3 (1d2+3/x2)

Str: 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Will 16, Cha 8
BaB +1, CMB +4, CMD 20
Feats: Improved initiative, skill focus(perception),
Monk: Improved unarmed strike, stunning fists, dodge,
Skills: Acrobatics +6, knowledge dungeoneering +5, perception +10, survival +4, stealth +6,
Traits: Scholar of ruins (dungeoneering), something fitting to make survival class skill,
SQ: Focused study, flurry of blows

later feats: combat reflexes (2), crane style chain (3,5,7), skill focus stealth (8), imp. critical (10)
open feat slots: monk bonus 6th, normal 9th and 11th feats.

By lvl 11 he would have 5 attacks in a flurry which he can alternate between each weapon with no penalty, and an normal AC of 35 with barkskin, mage armor, belt +2 str/dex, headband +4 wis and +2 ring.

What do you people think? any ideas or tips?

Liberty's Edge

I probably already know the answer to the question I'm about to ask, but never the less I like to have it comfirmed.

Would an Investigator's sturdied strike count as sneak attack for the purpose of meeting pre-req. for the sap adept and sap master feats?

Liberty's Edge

I got a question about the Underhanded talent that i can't seem to find an answer to on the messageboards.

I am uncertain on how the cost of this talent works, if I have the ability to draw a light conceal weapon as a free action, and I can make a full attack. Do I then use one of my times per day for each attack, or is the cost meant to be for the surprise round with no regards to the number of attacks I can make?

For those wondering I'm planing on using the Sandals of quick reaction and
Always Threatening: "You are fast on the draw. As a move action, you can draw a light, concealed weapon for which you have Weapon Focus. If you have the Quick Draw feat, drawing this weapon is a free action."

Liberty's Edge

15 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Thunder and Fang (Combat)
You have mastered the ancient Shoanti Thunder and Fang fighting style, allowing you to fight with increased effectiveness when wielding an earth breaker and klar.

Prerequisite: Str 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (earth breaker), Weapon Focus (klar)

Benefit: You can use an earth breaker as though it were a one-handed weapon. When using an earth breaker in one hand and a klar in your off hand, you retain the shield bonus your klar grants to your Armor Class even when you use it to attack. Treat your klar as a light weapon for the purposes of determining your two-weapon fighting penalty."

I need to ask the messageboard about this, I have been discussion this line of usage from the feat with other GM's and my VC, and they all have different views on how this feat works.

Some believe I have to apply by the favor text of the feat and only use Earth Breaker with a Klar.
Others says i can use 2 Earth Breaker as it dosn't state that i can't use the Earth Breakers in both hands but with the -4/-4 attack roll.

If this has been answered before could some one post me a link because i couldn't find any answer to this question, and i apologise for my lack on that.

Liberty's Edge

I've got a question, I was told that when you had the Weapon Finesse feat and you used a weapon to perform a combat maneuvers I could use my dex in place of str for the CMB check, however when i read the FAQ it states that I can only use that method on disarm, trip and sunder.

My question is do I need to take Agile Maneuvers to use my whip when making grapple and steal maneuvers?
Courtesy of taking a -4 on the steal check and have Greater Whip Mastery allowing me to make grapple.

Liberty's Edge

I can't find anything about this so i apologise beforehand if this has been addressed before, and would like a link if so

I want to ask if my cavalier's mount with trample ability, and the charge through feat would be able to apply its trampling ability as part of the charge when it moves over a target on its path to the intented target of the charge ?

Liberty's Edge

I need to ask about which dieties would allow my Vampire Hunter to take the Vengeance inguisition?
I was hoping that i could use Ragathiel from the ISWG, his portfolio has vengeance, but in the UM doesn't show if a diety focused on vengeance is able to take it.
(I couldn't find anything about this so sorry if this has been addressed before.)

Also would Ragathiel count for a patron deity for future dip into Divine Scion ?

Thanks in advance