spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Everyone has given the go ahead on the Feral Child Druid so that is what I am going to be building. Hopefully I can have it done by sunday but there is a really heavy talk to be had in my house and the outcome could be really bad so it may be a little longer depending on how that goes.
GM SuperTumbler I sent you a quest messages.

spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
My response was ninja'd by an echoing concern. And I know it is a valid concern which is why I wanted to check before I just showed up with a kid.
And I was not really considering the Chaotic alignment. I am leaning more towards true neutral with the whole of going neutral good. There is safety in numbers and once the kid realizes the party is a safe place then the idea of putting that at risk would be resigning them to living in the caves with just her animal companion, which while nice is still kinda lonely.
And I am a fan of conscienceless so if you wanna play a jerk then you get the full effects of being a jerk. Party won't like you and the NPC's also won't like you.

spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Never my intent. In the first game I played with my old group I was stolen from by the rouge, cause he wanted to and was CN... And they did it with everyone objecting. Party cohesion is very important to me. And stealing from the party should only be for a story reason. Like if someone has a cursed item and doesn't realize it. Or if two characters like to prank each other. Or domination magic is in play.
There will be some behavioral issues but those come with the archetype. A Feral Child is raised by some kind of animal and has limited interactions with civilized society. I cannot promise tantrums would not happen but that could happen with any character. If the story calls for or creates a situation were a tantrum is needed then a tantrum might happen. But it would be for character growth.
I have a really grumpy Oracle in a different game who has yelled at most of the other players but they have no issue with the temperamental healer. And I have checked in about that.
In the last campaign I ran a new player joined and took over a child NPC. But they were treated like a child in most social situations and knew that coming in. Another player had adopted the NPC and they acted that out. She spent money on treats and classes in downtime.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
That was kind of my thought but some people do not like the idea of kids in bloody combat so I wanted to check and that is why I have a backup idea in the alchemist. The GM gave me a good hook for either option and I can be happy with either one.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
GM SuperTumbler I sent you some questions
So I have two thoughts and I figured I would put it to a vote and I am only giving vague ideas.
One being a feral child though our lovely GM has said I do not have to be a human so I would be something else. But bringing a youth in the game I feel needs to be checked in with everyone as some people are not ok with that. And I completely understand if someone does not want to deal with that.
The other is an alchemist and probably a little older than anyone in the party.
Is there a preferance?
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
GM Supertumbler did you get my message?
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
I have done the whole taking over an npc thing and that has not worked for me in the past
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
So I have thought about it a for a little while and while. I am not thinking of bowing out of this game. I am constantly struggling with keeping up with this game. There is 20 some odd posts which is a lot. I think I have lost interest in Nalnera and Regnir. Which sucks and I am not sure what to do about it.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Shaking her head at Dasur's ramblings and looking over at Torvi, "I fear you may be right."
Smiling at Glenda, "Thank you."
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
So do I have an attack for round six? I'm gonna post one but if I don't have it please just ignore.
---Round 6----
Looking back and forth across the battlefield. As appealing as the safety in numbers is Torvi is on her own. Running up to help her.
battle axe + flank: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 2 = 14
dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
---round 7---
battle axe + flank: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 2 = 26
dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Bouncing on her feet and waiting her turn.
I would like to ready an action to cast spiritual weapon once I make it up there, assuming the fight is still going. Also Regnir has an ability. Could he use that to get up the cliff?
Phase Lurch (Su)
A phantom in ectoplasmic form has the ability to pass through walls or material obstacles. In order to use this ability, it must begin and end its turn outside whatever wall or obstacle it's moving through. An ectoplasmic phantom can't move through corporeal creatures with this ability, and its movement speed is halved while moving through a wall or obstacle. Any surface it moves through is coated with a thin, silvery mucus that lingers for 1 minute.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
My laptop is messed up and I will try to stay caught up by with phone that is difficult sometimes
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Shrugging and then holding out an iron bar that turns into a grappling hook, "Yep."
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Shaking her head in, no, "I would rather no make it easier for the drow to catch up with us. I will bow to the groups vote but I do not like being in their path.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Leaning against the doorway and nodding, "That sounds like a good option." I hate you.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
I wouldn't object to any of those. They are both nice

spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Lame!
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3Figures..
acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
dmg: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 2) = 11
Quietly standing and half listening to the group. Why are you staying here. Because this is for Snorri. Are you waiting for him to die. That is the cowards way. I do not want the throne. You know that. Of all the drifting Tharnhammer's for my soul to have been bound to it had to be you. I would have rather faced Judgment than live out your day.. See the mad mage gets it! He does and Snorri is the Sovereign not me.
Shaking her head and trying to ignore the lecture that ensues and mving to follow the others. But keeping to the end as the rear should still be watched. Flinching and groaning when her foot slides into the mud. Biting the inside of her cheek when she slips again and her hand slides into the hot mud.
Catching up in time for Dasur's newest rant. Ah, yes. See how he spouts more wisdom. Do not bait me mortal. He was quoting something older and wiser than you can comprehend.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Apparently my attempts to post were eaten. Sorry.
And Dasur you are precious!

spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
So second level gives me access to an interesting spell, Instigate psychic duel. From what I understand of a Psychic Dual the physical body can still be hurt while I am in this. So I could lock a boss in a fight with me and you all could still hurt them. I kind want this spell. Though my other choices are either summon, invisibility or see invisibility.
Also I am tired so I will make these changes after I get some sleep.
HP: 1d4 + 4 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 3 + 1 = 10 +3 more from the con bump
+1 to con
Skills = Arcana, Dungeoneering, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth (gonna put two ranks here), Survival, UMD
background skills = Appraise & Geography
+1 BAB
+1 to Fort & Will Saves
Level 2 spells known are:Spiritual weapon
Emotional Conduit gives me Life Pact
I get Spiritual Interference (Ex or Su)
At 4th level, whenever a spiritualist is within the reach of her ectoplasmic manifested phantom, she gains a +2 shield bonus to her Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on her saving throws. She doesn’t gain these bonuses when the ectoplasmic manifested phantom is grappled, helpless, or unconscious. A spiritualist within 30 feet of her incorporeally manifested phantom receives a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. This bonus is a supernatural ability and does not apply if the phantom is unconscious.
So does that mean I only get the +2 shield and saves thing if we are right next to each other?
And nothing changes for Regnir except that his slams now count as a magical weapon for over coming DR.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
I have no clue how the spiritualist works, it is a learning process, so I will get something. But Regnir surely will get more surly!
And I will try to level up but I doubt it will happen till the weekend, which I have free to do whatever I want after the niece's birthday party.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Rubbing her side when Regnir had kicked her awake, "On a scale of one to ten. One being no threats and ten being certain death how dangerous is this route? Would rushing though there be better or is slower with caution a safer option?"
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Groaning and sitting down, "Regnir?" I can do this but do not expect it often.
Rolling her eyes at the wraith in her mind and focusing on calling him out, "Regnir does not require the rest that we do and he is willing to be on watch so that we can all sleep without it taking half a day."
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Sighing as the burns are soothed, "Thank you Glenda."
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Reflex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Letting out a yelp at the sudden pain. Wiping off what she can and mumbling, "I hate this." Groaning at the laughter in her head.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
I have heard that the spirit or the soul is sometimes considered another one, though I do not know how that works."
Glancing back at the bubbling water, "If we think we will have two days then we should hurry. If they are not likely to badger us then we might be able to move undetected."
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
I have feet and a will to live :D but that is all I can do.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Dasur is so strange and fascinating!
Also Duergar will be lots of fun. Not mushroom peace pipe fun but 'can you believe we survived that' fun.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Quietly mumbling to Torvi, "He will still be excited and ramble on about who knows what for a while."
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
I am having some bad family issues so please bot me if I am not posting.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Shaking her head, "Let of the elf hate. They aren't all that bad."
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
If no one wants the spare one, and yeah the mental image of Iverna wearing that armor is funny, then I would like to claim one for Regnir. He is staying out more and he can wear armor.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
I would like a chain shirt but that because better AC is nice.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Pausing and glancing back. Come back. Shaking her head and starting to walk towards the others. Pausing for a moment and then smiling. "Apparently we have a distance limit and things get uncomfortable. He is on his way back."
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Yeah but this is a long fight and I am a space cadet.
Turning and yelling to her party, "One ran off this way."
Twisting around and groaning, "Damn it." Unless stopped Nalnear is going to move in pursuit.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
"Why can't you just die!"
battle axe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 Do I have bless? And is the raging song still a thing?
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Round 13 that I missed due to crazy holidays. Sorry!
battle axe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Swinging her axe at the orc before at same time his blade bites into her.
Round 14
Growling and swinging again. Damn that hurt! But the axe is starting to feel to heavy.
battle axe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
I am sorry my friend. It is like a plague.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Grunting at the newest injury but continuing her movement.
battle axe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
To be fair I barely understand my build. The Spiritualist is new and strange to me. Also yay she wanted to stay around the pit but that was before more foes showed up.
Glancing up and groaning at the arrival of new foes. Looking over at Regnir, "You coming?" before moving slowly pushing though the dark murky waters.
That is two rounds of double moves.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
I am starting to get sick so please bot me for a few days. Sorry. Also I do not want to leave a foe behind us.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Yep. So we surrounding the pit and readying action to kill the drow, right?
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
"Dasur is that pit permanent? Are we supposed to throw thing until we kill him or can we surround the pit and attack him on our level when we want?"
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Less on the dice rollers but everything else I agree with!
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Thought so but I wasn't sure. Both Nalnera and Regnir would be running with that so my chance to hit might go up.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Round six and seven are double move. Round eight is a single move and then a hit
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Trailing behind the surly phantom and grumbling to herself, "Can't believe I did this to myself."
battle axe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Fire damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Torn between needing the flames to be free and the natural fear of being burned. Though as with life what she wanted did not matter and the flames licked around her.
Dropping to the ground and patting herself down and running around the corner after Dasur.
Double move.
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Round 3
Tugging against the webbing before lifting her axe and praying that in the close quarters it is only a foe that gets hit.
Reflex save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
battle axe - grappled: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 - 2 = 11 All the fail!
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Round 4
Reflex save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
battle axe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Damge: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
I am all caught up and accomplished absolutely nothing!
spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground
Round 2 is a double move for both of them and round three is a double move for Nalnera to squeeze next to Dasur. And move action and delaying my attack for Regnir until he can get a shot at the one with Glenda.