
Royal Consort Akiros Ismort's page

3 posts. Alias of Secondsight.

Organized Play Characters

Shadow Lodge Nylan Lestow

Male Elf Alchemist 2 (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Zoltan C

M Human Barb (Brutal Pugilist) 1 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Gelgish Stoneblnder

M Dwarf Rogue 2 (1 post)


Priestess of Pharasma
Anastasia Rasdovain
(99 posts)
Brother Tomlin

AC 19, Hp:44/60, Ki Points Left: 1/7, Poison Doses Left: 3 Initiative+6, Fort+5, Ref+11, Will+6 (add +2 vs. Fear), CMD 17 Att: +9/+9 with swords (1d4/18-20x2) or +11 Sword, Shuriken +11 (1/x2) (402 posts)
Craddock the Blue

M Half-Orc (Draconic Bloodline) Bloodrager 1 (3 posts)
Red Mantis Assassin
Demibaroness Alyczandra DeLaise

AC20 (T& FF 16), HP: 21/21, Init +4, Fort+0, Ref+7, Will+2/+4 vs Mind Effecting, Percep+14, Sense Motive+10 (110 posts)
Silver Crusade Gelgish Stoneblinder

Rogue (Scout) 3, Init+5, Att+5, 1d10+3/x2, AC18 (T14, F14), HP 27/27, F+3, R+6, W+3 (Dwrvn Resist not added) Percep+8, Acro+9 (+11mv thru threat), Climb/Swim+6, Dis Dev+10 (+12), Know (Local)+6, Know (Dungeon)+6, Escape Art+7, Sense Motive+7 (246 posts)
Mirri Massadeq

F Halfling Rogue (Unchained, Burgler)
Hp: 28/29, AC:21 (FF15, T17), Saves=F+4, R+11, W+4, Initiative+7, Perception+10 (+2 vs Traps, +2 when in Concealment), DD+14
(370 posts)
Roland La Vallette
(527 posts)
The Concordance Royal Consort Akiros Ismort
(3 posts)
Dark Archive Sister Soliel Levant

Female Tiefling AC 22 (31), Hp: 64/76, Att +12/+7 (+16/+11) and +12, Dam 1-6+6/+9 (SA), F+8, Ref+15 (+18), Will +6, Stealth+37, Perception+17 Alchemist//Rogue 4/4 (252 posts)
Svetlana Orlovsky

Bluff +10 (+11), Diplomacy +11 (+12), Disguise +20, Intimidate+10, Perception+11, Prof: Courtesean+8, Sense Motive +11 Stealth +9 AC 13, Hp: 32/32, Init+1, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+8 Copy Cats Left 7/7, Dazing Touches Left 7/7, Channels Left 8/8 (681 posts)

Female Changling Ninja 1 (3 posts)
Sczarni Zoltan Ceausescu

Initiative+2, Fort+4, Ref+2, Will-1 (+2 bonus vs. mind effecting after ETOH) AC 17, Hp: 15/15, Rage Rounds Left 7/9, Speed 40, CMB: 7/9, CMD: 17/19 Att +5 Spikes (1d6+4/x2), Acrob+3,(+7), Intimidate+5, Percep+3, Surv+3 (165 posts)