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Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5

I am delighted to announce that Joonas Frösen, one of the UK and Europe's favourite GMs, has just achieved his 5 Star game. He is well known for travelling afar to generously run games in Lodges and clubs wherever needed. (We suspect he has a series of portals.) It's hard to see where he finds the time because he already runs a thriving group in Cambridge. Joonas Frösen ran a wonderful "Serpents' Ire" game for us, today. Here are some of the players' comments:

This was a very complex adventures with many moving parts and Joonas had prepared it right up to the hilt, ready for a fast moving game without long pauses to check the text. He ran a very clear briefing subtley highlighting the key issues for missions and he did that all in-character. His table management is spot on. It's a pleasure to play with a challenging GM who does so fairly and without vindictiveness, occasionally helping struggling players. That's a rare thing. Joonas raises GM'ing to an artform.

Jonas combines all the things you want from a GM. Firstly, he is an excellent storyteller and paints the world for his characters in vivid colours with his narrative. Also, he is a balanced and experienced adjudicator who makes sure things occur fairly and correctly. Lastly, he is a devious opponent, ensuring that his players never get a a free ride.

Joonas really knows the system. He even understands the grappling rules!

He is highly knowledgeable about the rules and he really knows the scenario. So the pace of the game is improved because he knows it so well.

He is good at moving the plot forward when we were prevaricating. He kept the game right on track. He also gave us interesting and vivid descriptions of the NPCs and environment.

I liked his voices. He channels brain-eaters very well.
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If you have played with Joonas feel free to add your comments.

Sovereign Court

This is a very friendly group that is the perfect place to start playing Pathfinder, or for more experienced players to try their hand at GM'ing in a supportive group. Please sign up on Warhorn and click the "Play" button if you want to join a game. This helps us plan how many tables to organise. If you find you can't make it you can click the "Withdraw" button just as easily.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5

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Congratulations to Terry Thambipillai (universally known as Terry T) for achieving his 5th GM star.

Terry is a GM of puissant skill. He manages to balance a very firm grip on his players with a gentle sense of humour. He runs games tirelessly, both online and in person, and his tables are always full. He gives his time very generously at most of our UK games conventions.

Terry is an ornament to the Pathfinder Society in the UK and in Europe, albeit a slightly cracked urn. He is a remarkable ambassador for the game in Europe and has led many an adventuring party of Brits across the Channel. So far he has avoided starting any international incidents – probably because he is regarded as an English eccentric. Amazingly, they keep inviting him back for more. He is a very popular guest. I love his games and I hope to play in many more of them. Rock on Terry.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5

I am delighted to say we have a new "Friend in the North"...the remarkable, energetic and charismatic Ian Hawthorne (Mr Haitch) who has been busily organising games in his region. He is a regular GM at our UK games conventions and we look forward to getting him working even harder still.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5

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I'm just back from Conception with 140 game sessions to report and it's not going well. Many character numbers are causing the report to fail to save. They seem to be new character numbers that haven't yet been registered or numbers where a player is planning to create an extra character but hasn't registered it yet. The ones that are accepted come up as "RPG". The ones that aren't accepted remain blank in that column.

It's a real problem because the whole game report fails to save. I can't wait for players to register their characters online and, of course, the reality is that some never will. Is there anything I can do to work around this or are you working on a fix?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5

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I am delighted to congratulate Benoît Gros on achieving his fifth star for GM'ing. He sets the Gold Standard for running Pathfinder games and recently I was honoured to play in some of his games at GardenCon, Geneva. Benoît plays the characters like a professional actor who has learned his roles to perfection and he sets the scene and the atmosphere like a master of storytelling. What makes that even more remarkable is that he does so in several languages. On an international table, he will sometimes run in more than one language to make sure all the players are comfortable. Amazing!

The other great quality of Benoît's games is the tremendous verve and energy that he generates as he drives along the action. He manages to set just the right level of challenge, allowing his players to enjoy the games but feel pushed close to their limits.  It goes without saying he is very knowledgeable on the rules and clearly spends a serious amount of time to properly prep his games.

I know of no other Venture Captain who has done more to encourage and organize an exchange of players throughout Europe. He is a very welcome visiting GM to our UK games conventions and without his help we would often be stuck for language support. And, of course he is a wonderful host to players from all over Europe at his own convention in Geneva, Switzerland. Well done Benoît!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5

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I am delighted to announce that Carol Tierney is our new Venture Lieutenant for England. Our VO Team unanimously voted Carol Tierney as the ideal candidate to take up the post. She is already doing most of the work of an energetic Venture Lieutenant and we wanted to recognise her efforts and make her official.

She has been instrumental in running the "Open Skies" Pathfinder Lodge in Cambridgeshire with regular games. The group has built formidable reputation within the UK. Carol organises the "3XP" Pathfinder Conventions and this has been so successful and popular that it often runs twice a year to cover special events.

Last year Carol wrote and ran the first player-scripted Pathfinder costumed LARP in the UK at "Conception" games convention. It was a wonderful special event for a convention and she is writing and organising a similar event for Conception 2015. She is one of the "Wyrd Sisters" who cook up hot and healthy grub for harassed GMs at that same convention. Of course Carol is also an excellent GM, and fast gaining more stars. We would be lost without her and her talent for organising. Watch out for great things to come, in her area and beyond.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5

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I am delighted to tell you that our UK Venture Captain, Dave Harrison is now a Five Star GM and I am honoured to be the one to submit this to Paizo. Dave was the "mad fool" who rashly volunteered the idea of the first PaizoCon UK. Without him the event wouldn't exist and many UK players wouldn't be playing Pathfinder, at all. He is a lovely guy, a good friend and a huge asset to the hobby. He is often willing to drop everything and run a game to make sure everyone else has a chance to play. Dave is certainly one of the most talented GMs that I know. I find him an inspiration!

Dave's new 5-Star status is endorsed by a host of really wonderful comments that I have from some of the players and GMs that he has entertained and supported:

Read what they say about Dave:

Having played in many of Dave's games I've always found them to be among the most atmospheric and engaging of all those I've played. His background knowledge of the world of Golarion really contributes to making our characters truly immersed into the role of Pathfinders and that our actions matter. His running of Eyes of Ten for our group is among the most memorable of all games I've ever played. It was just awesome. - Andrew B
Dave Harrison has been a friend and mentor to me through the last two and half years since I have taken up playing PFS. From the moment I met him, he was encouraging and welcoming to a shy player at her first con.

As a GM, he brings the world of Golarian to life, ensuring that each player in included and has fun. He is fair with the rules and the complete ambassador for the whole of the Pathfinder Society. I have loved every single game I have played of his, feeling immersed in the world and that exilhirating feeling of knowing you defeated the enemy with only a hit point or two to spare.

He has been totally supportive of my time so far as a GM, including sitting at my table as a player, He is positive, open and such a fun person, that I am now honoured to call him friend. Without his guidance and support, I don't think I would have ventured into starting my own events and broadening the numbers of games in Sussex. - Chris BB
The quality of Dave Harrison's GMing is such that when you manage to get onto one of his tables at sign-up you get a little bit excited. You know with absolute certainty that you're going to have a great time. It doesn't matter if everything goes wrong when the dice get rolled, if it all comes crashing around your ears, if that plan doesn't survive first contact with the enemy; you'll have so much fun it won't matter.

If ever there was a perfect example of where the journey mattered more than the destination it is one of Dave's games. The smiles on the player's faces, the laughter at the table and the retelling of the war stories after the event is all the evidence anyone needs that here is a great GM. Pathfinder Society and all of the players/employees who are involved in it should feel very proud and indeed lucky to have someone of Dave's calibre involved.

On a more personal note, I feel privileged to have been able to play when Dave ran the first (and so far only) UK 'Eyes of the Ten' table. That weekend is one of my most enjoyable roleplaying experiences so far in my 15+ years in the hobby and is I will never forget. The camaraderie between the players as our characters accomplished the seemingly impossible was something special. Such was the enjoyment had in that weekend that we as players 'reserved' Dave to run the module 'Academy of Secrets' with our new Venture Captain characters so we could 'get the band back together'.

If you'll excuse the paraphrasing; if a company can be judged on the quality of its GMs, then well done Paizo, you're second to none. - Alex S
Dave is an inspiration. I have been lucky enough to role-play with him as both GM and player for over 20 years and have never had a bad game with him. His enthusiasm for the game is infectious and his knowledge and ability to finely judge and balance game play by adhering to both the letter and the spirit of the rules is second-to-none. He brings characters and settings to life with his descriptions and paces games so there is never a dull moment.He really is a star and if not for his support of Pathfinder here in the UK I doubt it would have become anywhere near as popular as it has. - Phil L
Even before officially becoming venture captain for the UK, I have always enjoyed Dave's presentation and style of GM'ing. His helpful and can do attitude has influenced the gaming community in the UK since the demise of other living games. Dave's approachability has meant that he now has a great support network of gamers and convention organisers. His passion for role-playing, Pathfinder  and the Pathfinder Society setting shines through and combining that with new players allows him to actively promote a great game. As a GM he allows the players to shine, promoting the ongoing story and most importantly he is inclusive of everyone at his table. Definitely a fair GM, with his emphasis on fun and balance over the mechanical nature of rules. However he doesn't pull his punches and feels for the player as much as the party, concerning character deaths. I already rate Dave as a five star GM, though official recognition is always a boon. - Dan J
Dave has GM'd my favourite character to a Seeker and Venture Captain, which is something I will never forget. I enjoy every game he runs, he is a true roleplayer to the core and one of the best Pathfinder GM's I could wish to sit at a table with. - Steph B
Dave is an enabler. When the players want to try something inventive, and entirely outside the rules, he copes with it calmly and adjudicates it fairly - and keeps the fun flowing. To my mind, that puts him squarely in the top tier of GMs. - Brock
I've always appreciated Dave efforts to accommodate players and run games at the drop of a hat, and never failed to enjoy those games immensely - monkeys - with lasers !! - oh my. - Chris M
From a player's perspective; Dave's storytelling is such that his convention slot overrunning feels like a privilege, rather than an inconvenience. - Rich T
Dave is one of my favorite GMs, especially as he makes the NPCs come to life. He doesn't just GM a game, he roleplays the game, making it an experience to remember.
If there was a Paizo-Oscar for best performance, Dave would be nominated , or even win on a yearly basis....his "miss Feathers" still gives me the creeps  after 2 years :)  - Marcel G
Dave is a very inspiring GM. I had the fortune that I started my very first (and second) PFS game at his place and with him as GM. That got me hooked and got me playing (and GMing) PFS myself. He always goes out of his way to ensure players have a seat and are happy in a game. His greatest strength in my view is his way to weave a story. His Midnight Mauler done at special invitation (he was the only one at the time) for my birthday was a scenario to be remembered - for all it's seven or eight hours we played it. I had the privilege to sit at his table with my son for his fourth star and all I can say is - congratulations and well deserved. - Jens L
Dave is a great GM because he brings life to any adventure. He is loved by all. He worked hard for his fifth star and he deserved it. Just as much as any other GM would earn their stars. - Phillip L

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5

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We are very excited to announce that we have two new Venture Lieutenants for England. Their names will be no surprise to Pathfinder Society players who attend games conventions in the UK, because they are both regular GMs and organisers. Looking after the north and working out of Sheffield we have Pete Pollard and a little further south and working out of Peterborough we have Tonya Woldridge.

Pete is an Oscar Nominated GM who regularly covers every game slot at most of the big game conventions and has a talent for bringing the adventures to life in a frighteningly vivid way. For many years he has been a rock that we could depend on at games conventions and he runs a lively regular local group in Sheffield. This year he is handling the table assignment at PaizoCon UK.

Tonya runs the gaming half of CrispyCon and she gets an award for the smoothest running game convention in England...ever! She has been our mainstay for the scheduling of games and GMs at the big conventions and she is one of the "Three Wyrd Sisters" who run the soup kitchen for poor GMs at the Conception 5-day games convention. All her family are dyed-in-the-wool Pathfinder fanatics and in her spare time she organises them, too. As if that wasn't enough, she is also an ace GM. Wow!

These two great people will be helping Dave Harrison and I as our team of star Pathfinder GMs attend more and more local conventions to spread the word to new players and entertain game hungry veterans. Please say hiya to them and wish them luck.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5

I've run this twice now and I'd like to recommend it as a great adventure. It has lots of atmosphere, hostile weather, dramatic moments and opportunity to roleplay. The combats take place across unusual and challenging terrain that make the fight more than a slogging match. There is an interesting interlude where they are trying to save the ship in the middle of a hell-storm, mostly without any sailor skills. This is fun if carefully handled and laid on fast and furious so they are constantly assaulted by problems.

I thought it was going to be a character killer scenario when I first read it because the players meet some quite serious challenges including ethereal foes and undersea combat penalties. In fact the two parties that I GM'd both foundf it relatively easy. (one had six players and the other had four.) So be warned you may need to turn up the volume a little in order to give your players the sense that they are meeting a really worthwhile challenge.

On both occasions we had a new player on the table and in order to play at this level they picked up Valeros. Wow! He is a mincing machine at 7th level!!! They gave him the Cloak of the Manta Ray and he was a Terror of the Deep!

Another tip: I had all the maps printed out to size but it proved to be a mistake for the complex shipwreck. It slowed down the action because a lot of the wreck is empty apart from floating bodies. (They don't smell them, they taste them, urgh yuk) On another run I would just give the players a description as they moved around -- and then just slap down a map of the relevant area. I think that might make it creepier, too.

Good adventure. Enjoy!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5

We played "Stay of Execution" last night and it was great. We had a lot of entertainment from it. I had a hunch that things would wander off the plotted locations and they certainly did but that was fine. I'm glad I had spent a few minutes sketching out the overall plan of the prison or the game would have slowed down a lot.

This was a brilliant adventure for roleplaying and wheeler-dealing. It was never a really tough challenge from the combats. That was partly because my players used every opportunity they could to roleplay their way through.

Interestingly, because of their Faction missions, they spontaneously asked a lot of difficult questions about the set-up of the prison.

The Taldan players were asking how the food was taken in to the prisoners. If you have the scenario you will know why. They found a stinking load of pigswill that was due to be taken in to the prisoners and they completed one of their goals before even starting the scenario. Fair play.

The Qadiran player hooked on to the quest for the Qadiran prisoner like a bloodhound, and she spent a lot of time trying to work out how the smuggled items were being paid for by the prisoners and how the smugglers got OUT of the prison. (DMs, better prepare your answers carefully.)

Our Osirion Faction character is actually an Ulfen warrior and she is not heterosexual. She fell heavily for the red headed and green eyed Enga and put a lot of effort and charm into the preservation of her life so she could carry her off. She was very, very upset to suddenly find she was not unconscious but dead. If you've read the scenario you'll guess which faction popped her.

Our Andoran players refused to leave the prison without seeing Skrange so they could find some evidence of corruption. I made Skrange a Johnny Cash style half orc dressed in black and shaking his rusty cage. Alone in his tower he has been writing a book for the last fifteen years about the was he has been incarcerated by his treacherous cousin. The Andorans claimed to be agents of his publisher and offered to get it published for him.

Rivak and his hairy heavies stopped the party in their tracks but they offered to get him out of jail with them. Of course that's a much better offer than getting Hadge so he accepted. Rival later ratted on the gnolls and used them as a distraction for the outside wall guards while he got away scot free.

The party avoided the worst of the bugs by luring them off by feeding them the food from the barrels and holding them at bay with flaming torches and burning oil. Their plan went a little awry when the characters slipped on the greasy rubbish and fell into their own burning oil.

They took out Enga VERY swiftly. They left hurriedly when the riot spilt into their area. Rivak's ambush turned into a deal and they had the required payment for Grinnd in their backpack. They sweetened the deal by sketching of him in erotic poses and leaving him the drawings. He didn't eat them.

Very little blood was spilt but we had a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to running again at Conception UK next week.