
Mizkitty's page

55 posts. Alias of Brandi Greene.


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Grand Lodge

In the story description at the start of the chapter it mentions that grafts can be created using things from the creature that don't kill it, like hairs and such. I like to think it's sort of like extracting DNA, and I like the idea of not having to kill a creature and carve it up to get the graft.
The rules mention that grafts can be created from scratch but typically need a special jar to remain viable. Am I missing somewhere rules for creating the grafts? Is that a separate crafting check that I need crafting for instead of medicine and takes additional days? Or as part of the same 1 day check using medicine to graft a tail onto the party member am I able to also create/grow the tail? If it's all the same check in the same day, why would I need a special jar? .. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but if anyone can clarify, I'd be most appreciative.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

So, is this just in regards to a fighter's weapon training ability or does it also affect other features? I ask because I have a rogue fighter that uses a rapier. Rapier is listed as a 1-hand, but in the light weapons section on this post. Does that mean I can use Piranha Strike with it now? Hero labs seems to think it does but I don't want to get surprised at the table.

Grand Lodge

Does this one count towards specials for 5 star status?

Grand Lodge

Oh yeah, that's how I got ghost touch on the weapon. I was able to drop agile from it thanks to being unchained.

Grand Lodge

My main character just hit level 15 (rogue 11/lorewarden fighter 4). There have been several new source books come out and this is my first character to reach this level. Are there any amazing must have items or there for rogues, especially in some of the newer companions, and campaign settings?

She's a finesse rogue built around springing into flank and staying there to make full use of high crit range and teamwork feats. Celestial armor and +1 keen ghost touch heartseeker adamantine rapier. Eyes of the eagle and trapspringer gloves.

I appreciate any input y'all may have to items both magical and non-magical.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

About the checks in the final section. I just played this one and am now trying to prep it for a convention. When you present the writ it lists perform oratory as the skill. If I'm reading correctly based on the paragraph on pg 23, I could increase the DC and let them roll diplomacy instead right? It seems pretty harsh to punish a table for not having a bard. Same thing with the perform comedy check?

I too am confused about the spymistress reference. I'm not sure where it came from or who she is. Did I miss that in the text? It seemed like it was hinting maybe Sloan dresses in women's clothing and make up and masquerades as this person, but that part of part 3 is the only time I recall hearing of the person.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

We do charity conventions in our area. How would we go about being able to offer retired scenarios for credit? I think that would be a big draw for a fundraiser.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Mizkitty wrote:

I know its a long shot, but I'll give it a try. I'm looking for a Skinwalker.

I have:
Sylph x2
Prophetic Dream
Aspis Slayer
Against the Consortium
Emotional Aura
Xenophobia x2
Personal Fixer x2
Numerian Weapon Training x2
Numerian Dabbler
Niche Specialist
Magaambyan Dilettante x3
Custom Order
Ancestral Ally
Adopted Weapon Training
Sky Citadel Scholar x4
Seen it Once
Mounted Tradition x4
Taint of the Worldwound x3
Long Distance Support x2

I'll trade multiples for the Skinwalker. Message me if you're interested. Thanks.

I'm revising my looking for. I'm now looking for a rebuild boon.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Mizkitty wrote:

I know its a long shot, but I'll give it a try. I'm looking for a Skinwalker.

I have:
Sylph x2
Prophetic Dream
Aspis Slayer
Against the Consortium
Emotional Aura
Xenophobia x2
Personal Fixer x2
Numerian Weapon Training x2
Numerian Dabbler
Niche Specialist
Magaambyan Dilettante x3
Custom Order
Ancestral Ally
Adopted Weapon Training
Sky Citadel Scholar x4
Seen it Once
Mounted Tradition x4
Taint of the Worldwound x3
Long Distance Support x2

I'll trade multiples for the Skinwalker. Message me if you're interested. Thanks.

I'm also willing to trade minis. I have a bunch of Pathfinder Battles. I also have a core set from bones 2 and would paint a mini in trade. I'm a pretty good painter

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I know its a long shot, but I'll give it a try. I'm looking for a Skinwalker.

I have:
Sylph x2
Prophetic Dream
Aspis Slayer
Against the Consortium
Emotional Aura
Xenophobia x2
Personal Fixer x2
Numerian Weapon Training x2
Numerian Dabbler
Niche Specialist
Magaambyan Dilettante x3
Custom Order
Ancestral Ally
Adopted Weapon Training
Sky Citadel Scholar x4
Seen it Once
Mounted Tradition x4
Taint of the Worldwound x3
Long Distance Support x2

I'll trade multiples for the Skinwalker. Message me if you're interested. Thanks.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dude! I just ran Black Waters for the first time and now there's a sequel?! Sweet!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Ahh! Recharge boon! I play all the things! I'm also really excited to see race boons other than the elementals. Curious to see what other race boons the year will bring. There are some really good con boons this year! Thanks for making them!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Ah I have it correct now. And yes, next time hopefully we will get to hang more when we're not exhausted :) also, mad props to Cyzzane and her diplomacy skills in fixing the room situation.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So this was my second GenCon and at the the GM after action meeting I got to meet Painlord himself, with only a moderate amount of squeeage on part I think, and he asked if I would post my thoughts on the thread.
I'm the Venture-wife to the Knoxville VC and we drove up late Tuesday night after I got off work to make sure we could participate in the precon event at Scottys. Mark Stratton did an awesome job putting that together. It was actually the only time I was supposed to get to play at GenCon this year. It was worth the trip up and 3 1/2 hours sleep to participate in the shenanigans.
I spent all my time over running tables and such at kids track. Lucas Servideo did a great job getting that organized this year and I had a blast teaching the kids about the game. When things started clicking with the kids and they figured out what was up it was awesome. My big bad was getting his butt kicked so I went to withdraw, the girl playing Amiri didn't miss a beat, she said "I have no escape, I follow." I blinked at her for a second. I expect that from my local players. Wasn't expecting it from a 4th grader. I grinned, said well alright then, and watched as she took great delight in destroying my big bad on her next turn. I met a young boy on another table who immediately figured out the mysterious backstory regarding the female werewolf. He was guessing, but it was correct. Another boy said perhaps it was a soldier who was bitten and turned after he got back to base. Boy #3 in this situation said that couldn't be it because the werewolf was a girl and soldiers aren't. Before I could speak up on behalf of my gender and Golarion's forward thinking, the lone girl at my table jumped in "Hey, that's offensive. Girls can be soldiers too!" It was all I could do not to channel my paladin of Falayna (Empyreal Lord of femininity and war) and shout GirlPower! The boys agreed she was right and went on to set a very well laid trap for the poor werewolf. Based on what I saw, I think the future of our hobby is in good hands. Those kids were great.
The only game I spent with adults was Siege of Serpents and it is now my second favorite special to run. Excellent work to the developers and organizers in that one. Wow!
We hung out with the crew from Asheville, NC and Birmingham, AL. We invited the VC from Kentucky down for a minicon or two, and I spent a little time with Del Collins over at the kids track headquarters table. I think there might be an SEC of gaming forming as it seems we've all become friends and are making plans to attend each other's events for the next year.
I finally got to meet PirateRob and say thanks for all the hard work over on the GM prep boards. I ended up rooming with TriOmegaZero's wife and her brother. You guys were great! I also discovered that Mike Brock and I share a love of country music. That was cool for me. I'm really sad he's leaving us and wish him the best.
I skipped out on the other specials as I'm going to a bunch of events this year and wanted to save some for those cons. Ended up in my hotel room with some people as Zach Hall ran Feast of Sigils. That was great. Sunday evening we did another pick up table of Kirin and Kraken. I find it awesome that after running 7 or more tables of PFS all week, people still wanted more.
Friday, I earned my 4th GM star. That was pretty cool for me. I also got meet Bob Jonquet and put a face to name on all my emails. Great job organizing this year.
Overall, my second GenCon experience was the best. I saw some interesting people, had fun running games, spent way too much in the vendor hall, and some epic cosplay of the iconics. Seeing Wayne Reynolds squee over someone dressed as Lini and ask if he could have his picture taken with her was a real treat. The people involved in Paizo and PFS truly seem to love the hobby and it shows especially at GenCon. I'm already looking forward to next year!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Diggin the updates! Can't wait to download and read it myself before I start asking questions.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I second Joseph's question. Is it a rebuild within the class or a rebuild period? Also does it apply only to GM babies or play tested characters as well? I'll be honest, the shaman I have from the ACG play test I pretty much count as wasted scenarios. She was aweful and I rebuilt her within the class when the book came out, but haven't had the guts to try her again and see if it's better. I'd hate to lose another 4 levels of credit.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Lucas, you're a boss.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Have: Ifrit and Undine, Treasure Map.

Want: Oread

I just need an Oread to make my Suli, please help me.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

So sorry to see you go, but I wish you the best in your next endeavor and best wishes for your family. Thanks for all you've done for the community, and making me feel welcome at my first GenCon and remembering me at Origins. Thank you, thank you.

Brandi Greene

Grand Lodge

Our FLGS bought a case to have on hand for our Free RPG Day minicon, they even raffled off the gargantuan red dragon (still sad I didn't win). They only have 6 boxes out of that case left. Yeah, I think Dungeons Deep is a hit!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd love to find out just what information was extracted from this Frostfur captives we escorted...

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Super excited for these scenarios. I just ran From Under Ice and my players are itching to finish the journey in the Tapestry! Looking forward to these new specials at GenCon too. Paizocon, someday...

Grand Lodge

I don't think there's a pregen version of the summoner for PFS, but I hope they make one so this set can hit the table more often. . Those are some pretty cool minis. I'm really digging this whole battles set and I think its convinced us to get a subscription. Love the dragon and can't wait to see more dungeon decor

Grand Lodge

Dude! FlipMat Classics! Way better than getting them printed at Office Depot! Bet we collect them all!

Grand Lodge

Crap, now I think I *have* to become a minis subscriber... These look amazing!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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I'm gonna be a Kobold!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I'm swimming in Sylphs! (I've got 3 extra) Going for a Suli, need an Undine and/or Oread. Pm me if you want to trade.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I see so many people going straight for the negative, "What if the Core table doesn't make, I just have to go home or play a pregen.." There are other options! We can have as many characters as we want. I've got 16 right now, with something in every tier. Some are GM babies, some are characters I've played all the way up to 13. Now, I'm gonna make more characters for this campaign and challenge myself to make it to Eyes without the cheese. I'm excited and looking forward to it. Regardless of whether or not my original table makes, I'll have a character. Anyone playing can do the same thing! Maybe, I'm a glass half-full kinda person though.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I'm super excited about this option! I'm starting to run out of regular scenarios to play, especially finding things to play at Cons. Looking forward to making some new core characters.

As a GM, I'm excited about this option too. I often end up with new players at my table and sometimes, I think they get overwhelmed by all the extra things the optimized/experienced players do. This will help.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love the dungeon dressings and I especially love the idea of doing them as a builder series. My FLGS still get the goblins and Undead Hordes sets and they're pretty good sellers. I know we bought a slightly unholy amount trying to collect them all. If I could get more dressing bits to make my map awesome, I'd buy those little packed like crazy! 1-2 braziers just isn't enough! :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Ok, so Alarka and friends are stuck inside because the wizard mage handed one of the scepters out. This shut the door and trapped them inside. To continue on, the PCs need all the scepters they find. So when they gather the first 4, wouldn't that cause the door to shut again? Do you give them like a round to get inside before the door seals itself, and wouldn't that put the PCs in the same position as Alarka and friends? Trapped with no way out? I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this. I've got some logic-y players and I'd like to be able to give them more of an answer as to why this works for them than "Reasons."

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Thinking about having a PFS Christmas party and was trying to think of a few good scenarios to include that would fit in well with the idea. So far, I've got Frostfur Captives. Any other suggestions? Maybe a module?

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

My husband and I are playing a ratfolk fighter and ratfolk rogue with all the cray cray teamwork feats. We will also be using the Mouslings minatures from Reaper. Yep, Mickey and Minnie will be hitting a local table once our main characters finish Eyes. Our story is that our main characters adopted them while we adventured in Rats of Round Mountain.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I sent a PM weeks ago and follow up one last week. Still no response, and no update. I showed up for all my sessions and they all made. I'm nervous now. I should only be 4 games from my 3rd star, but its showing 7 because 3 of my gencon tables are missing. 2 tables of kid's track and Legacy of the Stonelords!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Congrats Bunny! See ya in Knoxville sometime! :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

My legacy of the stonelords that I GMed hasn't been reported either. At least you're not alone..

Grand Lodge

So this was pointed out by someone in my local group and I just wanted some clarification regarding rage song and allies accepting it. My skald is level 6, but a GM baby so I've never played her.

"If a raging song affects allies, when the skald begins a raging song and at the start of each ally's turn in which they can hear the raging song, the skald's allies must decide whether to accept or refuse its effects. This is not an action. Unconscious allies automatically accept the song. If accepted, the raging song's effects last for that ally's turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first."

So if they accept it, after they finish their turn, they lose the -1 to AC and the extra hit points from the Con bump? Wouldn't that make it sort of difficult and complicated when dealing with AoOs and just hit points in general? Was is supposed to be until the ally's next turn? Otherwise why would it last until the song ends, because each ally's turn is always going be first.

Just thought it was oddly worded and hoped to get an answer.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Lucas, you rock my socks sir. This is awesome. I had a lot of fun GMing Kids Track this year and catching KonKrud from you. I'm planning on starting to run it around here locally, perhaps at the library. These coloring sheets will be handy. Congrats on that star too :)

One other question. Do you know how we get the reward certificate for the kids completing the track? If I do this locally, I'd like for them to get something too.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

So is the June 27 version the final version or is it still the play test version? Kinda cuttin it close if its not the final.

Also wondering about the trap in mine. It says reflex negates. I didn't think you could negate all if that...

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

So I know when the final book comes out next week its going to change some of the stuff for the classes we've all been using for the playtest. Just how much are we allowed to change? Like, is it only if a spell is not longer available we replace it with one that is? Or can some slightly bigger changes be made? For instance, I played a shaman up to level 4 as a flame shaman. I thought she might just need to level a bit to be effective. Possibly I built her wrong, or maybe flame just wasn't a good choice, but while I enjoyed the character's personality, she was awful in play. Once I get the final book, will I be allowed to change her spirit too or is that too big? I hate to just loose out on 4 levels of scenarios I can't replay....

I don't want a complete rebuild, like the GM boon, changing her race or ability scores and such. Just maybe like the spirits and hexes...

Sorry if I missed this somewhere else.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Would love a rebuild boon. I'm fixing to take my very first character ever through Eyes of the Ten and I've made some costly errors in creating her. If I could rebuild her now that I know how to make a character, I think Eyes would be much more awesome. She's not retiring either, I'm going to keep playing mods and APs with her.

I'm new to con GMing. I've got an extra Sylph boon.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I'm super excited about the new races. But I think I'm even a bit more excited that there's another year of elemental race boons! I've been agonizing over whether or not to go ahead with the concepts I had for each of them, or combine into a sylph. Now I can do both!

Now to figure out what to do with a kitsune and nagaji that aren't horrible, but there won't be a million of. Hmm...

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

So we are trying to get more organized in choosing which games to run at our FLGS. A quick way to sort through everything we've covered. I found this from someone called Sveden here on the messageboards and its just about perfect for what I want. I'd also like to be able to add a column for the scenarios star review rating and for the number of times we've run it in our area. I'm having trouble recreating the formating of this amazing document. Anyone know how to instruct me or able to put me in contact with the creator? I realize this is a long shot, but I'm hoping. Thanks.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Someone told me the Musket Master archetype was recently banned for PFS play. Is this true and could you point me to where this was announced officially? I can't find it. Thanks!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

This game was played at a con we were running this weekend, and we're trying to report. The GM didn't mark on the sign in sheet for the ABCD Boxes. I glanced at the scenario and didn't see there were any criteria for the boxes, but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss it. It seemed like kind of a big deal the things going on the scenario though... Anyone know if there were things we were supposed to check? I was a player in the game, so I could mark it reporting if we did the things or not. Thanks!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Ahhh. Things make more sense now. Thanks!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I've been playing PFS about a year now and the scenarios have been spread out over all the seasons. Now I'm GMing for a bunch of brand new players who started in December. I'm running the Destiny series at a con this weekend and I'd like to give my players a little backstory regarding Torch and his relationship with the Society, but I don't know all those details. I know the Shadow Lodge was bad but then they were good for some reason and torch was the leader and then something happened and the SL is gone and Torch is a bad guy....? Could someone give the spoilers so I can understand and help my newbies understand what's going on? Thanks :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

4 people marked this as a favorite.

At my lodge we usually try to do:

We Be Goblins - let the players get the evil out of their systems. And play it as though the PCs are studying about goblins at the Pathfinder Academy.

First Steps 1 - the players are close to graduation and going on some trial missions and meeting some of the potential VCs they will be getting assignments from as full Pathfinders.

The Confirmation - graduation has arrived and this is the final. Once the players are done, they are level 2 and official Pathfinders.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Quick question. I love the GM prep folder, I use it alot especially being a new GM. I'm trying to run The Devil We Know Series for my local group right now. All the monster stats in the folder say they are HeroLab files. I have HeroLabs but when I tell it I want to open it with HeroLabs it just opens a brand new blank character. What am I doing wrong? The only thing I can find to open it with is like WordPad and its so full of code, its nothing but a mess. Thanks!

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Congrats Justin! Let us know where y'all are playing and we'll get a load of the Knoxville crowd to come down and play. :)

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