Min2007's page
Organized Play Member. 204 posts (4,875 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

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Razcar wrote: Aranna wrote: But you aren't stepping back and seeing how simple it is. Everything you know comes from only two sources direct observation or being told by some other person. Nah. I would say that you are omitting a very important source of knowledge - deduction and reasoning. People reach conclusions (true or false ones, but nevertheless) and base what they know on that, and not only on what they've been told or seen. Yes, few of us discover any new knowledge through this process (however, people that move our society forward sure do). But I'm sure many have had the thought train, especially when growing up, that "if A is 1, then doesn't it make sense that B is 2? Hmm... I now think B is 2". I love the way you think. But is deductive reasoning really a source if it starts from either direct observation and/or belief? And it does. I think of deductive reasoning as an expression of the human thought process. If you "know" a certain set of things then you will deduce from those more information. Look at some inventions. I think you will agree that invention is a very pure form of deductive reasoning. They were created by multiple people at the same time with sometimes a very small increment of time naming only one the inventor. Why did multiple people in different areas suddenly deduce something new? Because it isn't a source but rather a set of prerequisites to greater understanding. If I am told or observe some number of things then the light will switch on and I will say "Oh wow... that means I can make a radio!" So is it a source? I don't think so, even though it reveals a new "knowledge" it is more a product of knowing a certain number of other things.
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NobodysHome wrote: So, when you have one player from one campaign constantly arguing with you about your interpretations of the rules, it's a "player problem".
When three different players from three different campaigns start arguing with you, you have to look in the mirror.
But am I really being unreasonable?
It's human nature to push against the boundaries. I wouldn't hold it against yourself or your players if they try to push past the limits of the game. In most cases we as humans test those boundaries as a reassurance that they do exist and remain firm. If this is the case with your players then they will actually be happy that you enforce the boundaries you established, they will be reassured that they understand your game's framework and even more comfortable building within it.

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Irontruth wrote:
Belief in people is not the same as belief in concepts.
I don't doubt that you find belief vague and complicated. You have said so and I believe you.
But you aren't stepping back and seeing how simple it is. Everything you know comes from only two sources direct observation or being told by some other person. You don't have to believe that a chair exists because it falls into that first category; direct observation. But if someone told you a green overstuffed chair could be found in the coatroom of a certain Saudi prince's palace, you would either have to decide whether to believe him or go to Saudi Arabia and check the coatroom for yourself. The vast majority of what you "know" is in the second category; belief. EVEN concepts like God or justice are told to you by a person, clearly you didn't believe the person telling you about God but did belief the person telling you about justice. Justice and God are equally "knowable" and since the definitions of each change from culture to culture equally dismissable. It all just boils down to whether you believed the person telling you about the concept.
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John Napier 698 wrote: Aranna wrote: I think Freehold would get along with my Russian assistant. I had to drive somewhere with her. The temperature was in the teens and as I sat shivering in the passenger seat I asked if I could turn the heat on. She said no it was "too hot". And sure enough she drove the entire way looking completely comfy and relaxed in 17 degree weather and no heat on.
I will get my revenge... I think I mentioned a certain truck with no air or vents. I just have to make up some reason to get her on that truck this summer. And make sure that the power windows don't work so well. Bring the windows down a little, replace the window fuse with a burned-out one. Tell her that the parts are on order. :) It's an armored metal box, the windows are not designed to be opened.
Edit: and since it is used to transport money she will of course be required to wear body armor.
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I think Freehold would get along with my Russian assistant. I had to drive somewhere with her. The temperature was in the teens and as I sat shivering in the passenger seat I asked if I could turn the heat on. She said no it was "too hot". And sure enough she drove the entire way looking completely comfy and relaxed in 17 degree weather and no heat on.
I will get my revenge... I think I mentioned a certain truck with no air or vents. I just have to make up some reason to get her on that truck this summer.
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John Napier 698 wrote: Aranna wrote: John Napier 698 wrote: Aranna wrote: How about this one John?
Very nice. Was it based on a game or the anime? Based on the anime. Nice. Overlooked the anime because it didn't interest me at the time. Now I'll have to look into it. After I get my Debit card issue resolved. As for Smite, any idea which platforms it runs on? OMG is it going to actually let me post again?!
Smite runs on PC, Mac, Xbone, and PS4.
Rwby just keeps getting better and better, and it started good in my never humble opinion.
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John Napier 698 wrote: Aranna wrote: Or this if you like MOBAs.
That one's nice too. I especially like how the guy with the horned helmet pulled a "Loki." He didn't just pull a Loki... he IS Loki. The game is Smite. Where all the characters are the various deities of the many old earth pantheons.
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John Napier 698 wrote: Aranna wrote: How about this one John?
Very nice. Was it based on a game or the anime? Based on the anime.
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Or this if you like MOBAs.
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Is there an afterlife? Yes.
It is accepted as truth that there is one if you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and even every Pagan religion if I am not mistaken.
So if you believe then yes.
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John Napier 698 wrote: Aranna,
Just remembered something a minute ago concerning:
c) They collide with the force expended by the smaller ship... Are Star Destroyers made of tin foil?! That is WAY too much damage.
The Hammerhead Frigate appeared to have "Firewalled" its engines.
What makes you think so? The admiral only asked for a Hammerhead, and the only other thing you see about the ship is the scene where they begin shoving the bigger ship.
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Tequila Sunrise wrote: Aranna wrote: Well home from work at last!
I overheard my Russian assistant chatting with some of the boys at work... She was trying to convert them to Satanic worship! What do they teach girls in Russia?! SO WRONG.
...Goth subculture? Maybe... hard to tell when I only see her in uniform. I pegged her for a good dominatrix because she LOVES doing mean things to people (like tricking Jews into eating pork) and others pain is like candy to her. She once twisted my hand (the one I hurt recently) and I caught the little smile she had as I screamed out in pain. She played it off as an accident and was sweet to me for days afterwards... but that smile... ~shivers~
Still I hope she was joking about Satanic stuff, that is dangerous.
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Rogue One is one of the best Star Wars movies made. Definitely worth a watch or three.
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Well home from work at last!
I overheard my Russian assistant chatting with some of the boys at work... She was trying to convert them to Satanic worship! What do they teach girls in Russia?! SO WRONG.
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I think the best way to rate good movies is to see how badly you want to rewatch them. I haven't wanted to rewatch a Star Wars film this much since A New Hope. Making it the second best Star Wars film in my never humble opinion.
That said one thing stood out as cinematics winning over physics in the space battle over Scarif.
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Based on my desire to rewatch it I am placing Rogue One at the second best Star Wars ever made, right behind a New Hope.
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John Napier 698 wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: TriOmegaZero wrote: Rogue One was good. I agree. I thought the Battle of Scarif, both on the ground and in space, was very well done. I had one issue with the space battle over Scarif... but it's just a minor point of cinematics winning over physics. It was still amazingly good.
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Rosita the Riveter wrote: In Cartography, is it generally considered acceptable to create a dot density map in which one dot represents that 10% of a given population has X attribute in the census tract the dot is in, as opposed to a map where a dot is Y number of people with X attribute?
I mean, I'm going to do it anyway. I'm just wondering if it's technically supposed to be done.
I suppose it could be done. It may be misleading since people are conditioned to view two same size dots as the same number rather than the same percentage but I could see the usefulness if you are trying to show distributions that include both highly and lightly populated areas.
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QTE is evil, as my timing sucks.
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Well I have seen Rogue One.
About damn time they made a Good Star Wars film. And this was damn good. I would rank this above Empire Strikes Back.
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Happy Birthday Freehold!
Lucky you the man who gets gifts twice in one month!
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A bit of Christmas music to get us in a state of battle readiness... er that is to say Holiday Spirit!
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It is as TOZ says, lanes aren't designed for customers to be able to bag.
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Huh? Weird. Lanes are designed in such a way as to make it very efficient for the cashier to be the one bagging. I would be rude if I went around the counter to help bag.
I would probably still wait for the cashier if in such a store as you describe. I certainly wouldn't feel any guilt over it. It's the store's fault not mine. Heck if you get in line behind my big full cart you should just expect to wait. Getting upset is rude.

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NobodysHome wrote: OK, after losing my entire lunch hour to this phenomenon, I thought I'd conduct a second totally-random survey:
At the grocery store, do you self-bag or just stand there?
I ask because I basically just lost my lunch hour in a loooong grocery line, watching people stand there, hands empty, patiently waiting for the checker to finish checking all the items, then stand there, patiently waiting for the checker to bag all the items. Timing the two (did I mention I spent most of my lunch hour in a line... with THREE people ahead of me?), they were about equal. So if people just stepped up and bagged their own groceries, the line would move twice as fast.
Yet in the entire store, I and one other guy were the only ones who self-bagged. Everyone else just waited. And waited. And waited.
What was odd was that I overheard the other self-bagger ask why no employees were bagging, and the checker responded with a mysterious, "Oh, California just passed a law about that."
I hadn't heard of any such ridiculous law, so I was wondering how many self-baggers and how many patient waiters we have?
(Having a kid with you or any other disability automatically qualifies you for the, "Guilt-free patient waiter" line...)
I wouldn't stand there... I would complain to management.
The options are self check out or cashier? Because if I select the cashier they always bag my stuff without any standing around needed. Ca made a law against cashiers bagging? There aren't any REAL issues out there for law makers to handle?! This was the pressing legal issue of your state?
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NobodysHome wrote: So, here's one for the FaWtLers, since we represent a wide swath of ages, geographic areas, ethnicities, and genders:
Is there anyone here who doesn't absolutely despise commercials with kids singing?
I'm trying to listen to the Pandora Classical Christmas channel, and the commercials are all for Applebee's, with the usual, "Wouldn't it be cute to have a bunch of kids singing Christmas carols off-key, with the usual words replaced by ads for our product?"
No, no it wouldn't. It makes me grind my teeth. It makes me turn off Pandora. It makes me decide to boycott Applebee's for the year.
Why, why, why, why, WHY?!?!?!?
I love when kids sing. They are SO cute!
But I don't watch ads, unless it is the Super Bowl when the ads are all part of the entertainment. Even on my mom's TV they have an ad skipping app.
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captain yesterday wrote: Put a sock in a milk carton and it's pretty much the same thing.
Edit: I'm just guessing, I haven't clicked the link.
It looks like the same technology they used to make virtual singers but used as a user interface for a home control system.
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Beer and Fruit Loops?! That sounds disgusting.
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30 somethings RULE the world! Or we would if these old timers would step aside so we can show them how they were doing it wrong all these years.
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Freehold DM wrote: John Napier 698 wrote: captain yesterday wrote: The last time I drank beer was August 20th 1996. I didn't start drinking until I got off work at 11, drank until 3 a.m. polished off 19 beers myself, and got up at 7 a.m. the next morning to go to Great America. I can't even drink as much as I used to when I was younger. More than two cans at a time and I run the risk of migraine-style hangovers. *sigh* Growing old does suck. I wouldn't know anything about that. Ditto. Happily immune to hangovers here. But for those of you suffering I will happily open all the shades to let the sun shine in and put on some upbeat music while waiting for sunrise. Just so I can cheer you up with a smile and a cup of coffee. :)
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The dog I had when growing up was crazy about snow. It would be single digits and a blizzard outside with 3 feet of snow and he would be waiting at the slider to be let out. Once outside he would run through the snow and roll in it. Of course he wouldn't want to come back in because we had to put him in his cage to melt and dry off before letting him run around inside.

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gran rey de los mono wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Aranna wrote: NobodysHome wrote: We're watching Death Note now, and it's a wonderfully creepy anime. Very much fun trying to assign alignments to all the major players, as morality has nothing to do, yet everything to do, with the overall theme.
** spoiler omitted ** OMG I hate DeathNote... If I could write the names of it's creators into a notebook... cries single tear but... But... It's so good! Are you sure this isn't splash back from the playboy bunny work outfits? Cuz I'm willing to consider every day RWBY cosplay!
Note: you will have to dress as Yang. Every day. Would she have to cut off an arm? And what about Blake? Don't you want to see Aranna in those cute little kitty ears? Or maybe Cinder? Emerald? Velvet? Coco? And what's wrong with Weiss? Or even ruby on occasion? How about Pyrrha, before the fall of Beacon? And Glenda? Random White Fang minion #842?
I should stop now. As cute as those outfits are I would NOT chop off my arm over an outfit.
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NobodysHome wrote: We're watching Death Note now, and it's a wonderfully creepy anime. Very much fun trying to assign alignments to all the major players, as morality has nothing to do, yet everything to do, with the overall theme.
** spoiler omitted **
OMG I hate DeathNote... If I could write the names of it's creators into a notebook...
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I got to play with my new toy Monday morning. My snow blower is fully automated I just walk behind it and tell it where to toss the snow. I could learn to love winter again.
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John Napier 698 wrote: Good Morning, everyone.
I really lucked out downloading AMVs last night. I found over a dozen videos worthy of being in my collection, including ( and Freehold would enjoy this ) a video of Black Lagoon set to Shinedown's Sound of Madness. It's a video of ( Yes, Freehold. You guessed correctly. ) Revy going on a trigger-happy rampage.
Do you have "Anime's got Talent" AMV? I love that one.
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Daw wrote: I suppose I could have missed that we were talking My Little Pony centaurs and this will all be solved with Apple-based products.
I totally want to build that race now...
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Ok I just posted over there... BUT are you getting old TL? Freehold is the third person on the first page of the contest.
You are talking about taig's contest right?
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taig wrote: I'm doing a third-party giveaway again this year.
Here's how it works:
Post in this thread indicting your interest in getting a free PDF (or PDFs).
Each day, beginning on December 13th, I'll use Paizo's dice roller to randomly select a winner and I'll PM the winner to ask them for their choice of PDF(s) from Kobold Press, Legendary Games, Purple Duck Games, Raging Swan Press, Rite Publishing, Rogue Genius Games, Rusted Iron Games, Zenith Games, or Zombie Sky Press. Please limit selections to $12 (I can't afford to give away 12 copies of Deep Magic), but they don't have to be books that I've worked on.
If you've been chosen as a winner, you will be out of future rounds to make sure 12 different people receive free stuff. :)
This is so generous! But I don't need any prizes. Our current GM is on a Palladium Fantasy thing and so the prize should go to someone who can really use it.
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Tacticslion wrote: Freehold DM wrote: what am I supposed to be signing up for? It's like you're not even paying attention to my posts...
... as noted:
Tacticslion wrote: It has been brought to my attention that not enough of you are paying attention. To me. ... also to taig.
Freehold DM wrote: I don't even know what you're talking about and yet I am strongly compelled to agree with you wholeheartedly. DAGGUMMIT MAN!
Tacticslion wrote:
10 - Freehold! (... think of the children and 3rd party babes! Like Limey!)
Aranna! At least post in that other thread with a "Thanks, this is generous, but not for me!" so that Freehold's pheromone-hunting nose will follow you there!
EDIT: hm, a word was missing... Well... if you think it will help I can post over there.
Just tell Freehold all the girls over there are wearing bunny outfits he will come running.
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captain yesterday wrote: For months I've been hearing mice chew on stuff in the wall behind our computer. So for months I've been trying to hunt down and kill them, to no avail.
Even the General started making Caddyshack jokes.
Well, funny story, not funny in "haha!" way, well it probably will be for you. Pea Bear has a gold star with her picture in the middle wrapped in gold foil hanging on the wall behind our computer, it turns out when the heat or air conditioning, or any fan really is going the draft makes the gold star with her picture in the middle wrapped in gold foil sway and brush up against the wall, which sounds exactly like mice chewing on stuff in the wall.
That's too bad. I could have loaned you my mom's cat. He can catch any mouse... and helpfully show off his trophy to you by arranging their remains across your neatly folded clean laundry.

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captain yesterday wrote: Improved Initiative is more important than skill focus.
Besides, winter driving is an art form, not a skill. :-)
It was actually a nice relaxing drive, I went the long way through Middleton so as to avoid the big hills with turns at the bottom. :-)
Still, it'll be nice not having to go out tomorrow after the other half a foot comes down.
No it's a skill... wait so is art...
I just had a grandfather who sat my little rear down in the driver seat when I turned 16 and drilled me on EVERY maneuver you could put a car through over and over and over till I could do it all blindfolded. That included ice driving and regaining control of the car after it went into a skid. I did great only causing a few scuffed tires and one broke signal light in damage (my brother did worse). And now I can confidently b&~&$ about all the crazy drivers on Michigan's roads with a smug sense of superiority (especially if I get to drive past them while they wait in a ditch).

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Freehold DM wrote: Aranna wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: I hurt. Moving sucks. I feel your pain. No really my toes seriously hurt from those evil shoes. It may be time to draw the line with my boss.
holds up playboy bunny outfit
You know... Just a few phone calls and I could really help out on the foot pain front. Wha... How does that help my feet?!
Seriously though my work outfits now consist of a set of polos (summer) and sweaters (winter) that are a size too small and feel painted on, those stupid muffin top style work pants, and now these murderous narrow toed shoes. I already led one rebellion and won a concession for women to be allowed to wear skirts in the summer as long as we provide our own. The men were jealous (their pants are also cut to be muffin top style) and one of them even started wearing a skirt himself (he calls it a kilt silly boy) so we helpfully reinforced his self image with compliments on how pretty it made him look. If my revolt against the shoe wins then I think that most of the staff will name me a 'Champion of the People!'
Or it could backfire... Freehold could win a spot on the board... and everyone would blame me for our new bunny uniforms. Although my new Russian assistant sounds like she might like it... maybe with a whip and handcuffs to punish those she doesn't like. She was a former women's prison guard.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: I hurt. Moving sucks. I feel your pain. No really my toes seriously hurt from those evil shoes. It may be time to draw the line with my boss.
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Captain Yesterday, Boob Brained wrote: Go on... ~sigh~
~gets redressed~
That page break can sneak up on a person.

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Kitty Catoblepas wrote: Kileanna wrote:
I couldn't disagree more with that statement.
We're talking about different things. If you're dealing with a player (or players) who is acting like an idiot for the sake of idiocy, you just shouldn't play with them (or run them through a pun dungeon if that's your thing).
If you've got players who want to butt heads with all of your heroic NPCs, you might want to consider a change in narrative. You've stumbled upon the secret to making villains that your party actually cares about. Congratulations.
So your party has pissed off the Centaur. Maybe impressing the local Orcish horde is more their style. Turns out the Orcs are being oppressed by the Centaur? You can have a three in one liberation, ally gathering, and revenge plot. Is the Prince angry that you've scattered the Centaur to the winds and brought a bunch of rambunctious Orcs around to save him from some warlord? Maybe he's the next major antagonist, then.
In short, I'm not saying that you should let your players run wild; I'm saying that you shouldn't work against them, trying to shoehorn them into the wrong story for them.
Your making the wild assumption that the whole party wants this. Here is news; That is really rare. What typically happens is one or two of the stronger egos in the group decide to act out (or create problematic characters) in order to force the GM to cave to their demands often doing so against the wishes of the rest of the party. If the GM isn't strong then the behavior actually gets worse because they see that they can get away with bullying the GM. If you instead have them pay for their misdeeds in game in a real way and present a believable world with real consequences the rest of the party (and often the bad players themselves) will thank you down the line with excitement and investment into this world you're presenting.