
Michael Talley 759's page

Organized Play Member. 622 posts (756 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.

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Liberty's Edge

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Have you tried GURPS?

It has much of what you are talking about and wanting in a Roleplaying game. Depending on the Storyteller, the world can be as real/detailed as they want. The system also includes real-life Disadvantages and Advantages that you can start the game with.

It is however a Point based game system, similar to the Champions/Hero System. But it has more realistic and thought-out Drawbacks for characters.

It is fun to play and from what I've read in the above post. It might work for what you are looking for since there isn't much House ruling, it's just what the Storyteller allows for books for their world-building. But everything you mentioned in the above post, is in the core book.

Hopefully, this was helpful.

Liberty's Edge

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Calybos1 wrote:

This was said as a half-serious, half-joking comment in a recent session, to our charismatic bard/priest: "Will you quit trying to talk our way out of these encounters? It's costing us valuable treasure!"

^_^ this was recently an issue for a few friends around the table with my Kellid Sorcerer, I've RP'd the group out of several issues big and small and lately they are wanting to get more combat.

Been able to change out my character with In-game story.

As for the GM, the game is a WAR Story with an army of Drow invading from their lands with Air Ships and Tactics on par with the Roman Legion. My Sorcerer Is now leading a Military Army while they are on a quest to fetch Magical artifacts that the Drow are looking for.

Liberty's Edge

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:

OMG... liars. I don't know that they're liars up front usually, but I've made a point to distance myself from any gamers that are liars. Like, I get the urge IRL to lie to me about big, major things in your life; not saying I CONDONE those lies but what the hey, I get it. But lying about your die rolls, or your PC's scrolls, or what kind of a campaign setting this is? Like, just why?

Anyway MT 759, I feel your pain then. As you can see I've run up against telling my players something, they don't either listen or take me seriously, make a decision, then suffer the consequences I mentioned and they get mad at me for whatever reason.

But liars... I had a GM end of last year/beginning of this year who first ran a 3.5 campaign, then a 5e campaign. In both I asked up front for primers on the games. Like, this guy is SUCH a fan of lies of omission... huge blind spots plus his general gaming style led to me just quitting both games.

Currently I'm saddled with a guy who lies routinely about his character, cheats on his die rolls, etc. I want to kick him outta' my table SO bad, but he's friends of the other players, most of which I inherited through a mutual friend, and there's this weird social dynamic at play... bottom line, I've been asked by the other 3 in the game NOT to boot this player.

It is SOOO annoying. Like, every level I have to audit his PC. I randomly change ACs of monsters attacking him or else he'll just hit, magically, on EVERY attack! SO infuriating.

Yeah, Liar's are so much fun. Had a similar player in one game. they hated the Defensive Spell Displacement and for some reason could never quite get the right even odd to make hits 100% of the time. {*innocent Halo appears over my small horns*} Generally had it as a one-use item, normally increased combat long enough for everyone to have fun. I did this after I noticed the player had one d20 on a natural twenty in their roll container and would roll another d20 and then of course claim the first one was the die roll.

the one they were dating generally protected them saying they saw them roll.

I'm not a big fan of an Eye for an Eye, but sometimes, the only way to nip it in the bud. Some players are new and don't know everything (had a player constantly stacking AC bonuses that wouldn't stack, but too their credit once they got past that rule it was fair sailing)

also if you can find it, you might find some amusement in the "Too much of good thing" Rule from Teenagers from Outerspace. It's meant for humor Comedy RPG's but it can be adapted for other genres easily enough and can make cheating start backfiring on the person/group.

Liberty's Edge

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Both are interesting ideas for Skulls and Shackles as Backup characters.

I've found the best Illusionists as Bards, Generally focusing on being spies Disguise Self, Image spells for creating props and performance Acting.

1st- Disguise Self
2nd- Invisibility
3rd- Invisibility Sphere
4th- Greater Invisibility
5th- Mislead
6th- Programmed Image

these would help your character move around and at the highest casting with Programmed Image, create an illusionary Dupe that can die for you if someone breaks into your room (generally pair it with the spell Alarm and the Programmed Image can be triggered with it going off)

Most GM's however generally forget Illusion spells only get the will save from directly interacting with the Illusion spell so it's a good rule of thumb to make sure the GM of the game remembers and know this mechanic. Otherwise, you might run into the GM that says all NPC's get a will save from just seeing the image.

Enchantment can be good for short-term gains and if you can role play it well, can even convince the target there was no spell and they really are your friend (or at least they like you) Still Spell, Silent spell and good Bluff/Diplomacy Checks are very useful :3

Liberty's Edge

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
Mark Hoover 330 wrote:

2 of my 3 current games feature a paladin. No matter how I plan the narrative, it ends up going like this:

Me: you enter the (insert setting for meeting the BBE here)...
Paladin player:*interrupts* I've got Detect Evil running, just a reminder
Me:*heavy sigh*… you see (insert physical description of BBE here) and yes, they're evil.

Now yes, I know there's ways to obscure the alignment of the NPC or villain monster, but I often forget that or don't want to include the extra magic item on the foe. My point is that while I very much enjoy a crunchy system, sometimes mechanics get in the way of good storytelling.

I get around this problem by doing two things.

1) A paladin using Detect Evil is very obvious. Not necessarily the same as spellcasting or your eyes glowing with holy light, but it's clear to all that you are Doing Something.
2) politeness. Most places frown on people just casting spells for no apparant reason. Especially if people recognize the spell you cast/ability you use. It's like going to come in and sic their drug sniffing dog on you - not something you do unless you have a good reason to if you don't want to needlessly offend people.

Not to mention Detect Evil is worthless on low level evil characters. Same as magical auras on items with Detect Magic. Unless they are supernatural or a Cleric, most peoples Evil Aura is barely a blimp on the Paladin's Radar.

Detect Evil (non-supernatural/Cleric) auras by HD
4HD or Less - None/nondetection
5-10HD - Faint Aura
11-25HD- Moderate
26-50HD- Strong
51+ - Overwhelming

Detect Evil (Cleric/Outsider)
1HD - Faint
2-4HD - Moderate
5-10HD - Strong
11+HD - Overwhelming

The Difference in the storytelling ended up with a Paladin learning the ability to Detect Evil wasn't as useful as they had originally thought, and it's a pretty common issue for most Game masters to forget about how Detect Evil/Magic/Undead work so I generally keep re-reading it myself to remember how it works.

Liberty's Edge

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Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
Michael Talley 759 wrote:
nope, I welcome all types. a few Murderhobos often complain after a few sessions when they notice their monstrous race character builds are being treated as monsters.

Question: did you TELL the players up front their monstrous race characters would be hunted as monsters?

One of my homebrews, had a backstory involving orcs and barbarism both being very bad and socially prejudiced against. I gave the players a "player's guide" to the region with this info, then reviewed it at Session 0. One of my players decided to be a half-orc barbarian.

I asked her "are you SURE you want to play that character in this region, based on the negative perception everyone has of both barbarians in general and all things Orcish?" She's like, umm... yeah, why?

2 adventures in, the PCs make it to a backwater village. The half-orc barbarian is stopped at the stockade wall and told she'll have to sleep in the barn with the rest of the pigs; the other PCs were welcome. What ensued was a near total murder of the village militia, halted only by swift intervention from the party's wizard.

The player was genuinely peeved that her character was so blatantly discriminated against. I calmly handed her the printed copy of the player's guide and pointed to the "Orc Wars" section.

I always try to tell my players, up front, if their PCs will have some disadvantage based on the way I'm running the setting, their race, class or whatever, preferably before they've even decided what to play. That being said, I have no control over whether or not they remember or care about those disadvantages.

yup. I asked. This same player was also one that believed Charisma was more important than Strength and Constitution for a Barbarian, and almost Rage quit because they also rolled at a single Stat Roll campaign (IE, only roll once and for each stat down the list) I still have that list too: 18, 16, 18, 12, 14, 5

That one wasn't my campaign (the die roll one) my stats sucked in that game. 10, 14, 12, 13, 12, 8. Ended up playing a Thief Style rogue because I was told it was going to be a city based Campaign. GM lied, it was Wilderness war story.

Liberty's Edge

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Generally, if they can hear, they do in my settings. Many plan their own Ambush against those who are breaking in, also why in larger areas where sound doesn't travel well they'll set off an alarm to alert everyone there are intruders. Some will come to look for the group {Guard types], some will lay Ambushes [Those generally too weak to chase down indruders] and the Main Villain the PCs are generally after knows to set themselves up for a fight should they not receive word of the intruder's removal by the guards in the proper fashion. (after all, some intruders have been known to disguise themselves as the guards)

Liberty's Edge

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Senko wrote:
Michael Talley 759 wrote:

nope, I welcome all types. a few Murderhobos often complain after a few sessions when they notice their monstrous race character builds are being treated as monsters.

Mostly they complain that I use a "common sense" style of running NPC's when it comes to players playings things in the uncommon and rare categories.

Like the player that was playing a Lizardfolk Barbarian, that ended up slaughtering a village of women and children and was shocked to be hunted down by the surviving men that had been out hunting, that and to be reminded that Speak with dead was a way to get information about a killer and was even more upset that the other players didn't back him up.

The same player later down the road ended up getting his characters killed 12 times but only after events of his own making.

He did finally start finding his method of fitting in with a Grippli Rogue I think they went with the scout Archetype. The character ended up being more heroic in the end than the Paladin.

It's one of the reasons I don't disallow players types. All types can bring something to the table, and a few of his murder hobo moments were helpful, his planning and tact, however, were what did him in so many times in the past.

I think I heard he is a pretty decent player and starting to become a Game master now as well in Alaska.

Sounds like a typical hero origin story for one of those villagers. Inhuman monster kills parents/family they hunt it down and slay it mounting its head somewhere.

Honestly, I had debated making an Islander that had made it to the mainland to become a Human Ranger NPC with Humanoid - reptilian that would be an encounter (friendly type) but never did

Liberty's Edge

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VoodistMonk wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Troth of the Forgotten Pharoah- You lose 3 HP so you can explode when you die (and thereby prevent folks from raising you in the traditional way.) You can also just choose to die as an immediate action, if you want.

Holy crap, though... the Mask of the Forgotten Pharoah that goes along with that little cult...

AoN wrote:
If worn by an evil character, the mask enhances the wearer’s control over undead, doubling the number of undead the wearer may control with animate dead, control undead, the Command Undead feat, and similar effects. Additionally, the wearer can cast animate dead once per day as a spell-like ability.

Ryze Kuja, have seen this freaking mask?!?! Give it to your Mystic Theurge necromancer build. Lol.

My Kobold Sorcerer ended up getting that Mask, Neutral Evil. :3 was quite fun to help the party with by making zombie Camels to cross the desert. No need for water or food for the undead camels. It was pretty fun. Shame the game master gave up running the AP I think either book 3 or 4 when I ended up slaying the Lamia snake lady.

Liberty's Edge

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nope, I welcome all types. a few Murderhobos often complain after a few sessions when they notice their monstrous race character builds are being treated as monsters.

Mostly they complain that I use a "common sense" style of running NPC's when it comes to players playings things in the uncommon and rare categories.

Like the player that was playing a Lizardfolk Barbarian, that ended up slaughtering a village of women and children and was shocked to be hunted down by the surviving men that had been out hunting, that and to be reminded that Speak with dead was a way to get information about a killer and was even more upset that the other players didn't back him up.

The same player later down the road ended up getting his characters killed 12 times but only after events of his own making.

He did finally start finding his method of fitting in with a Grippli Rogue I think they went with the scout Archetype. The character ended up being more heroic in the end than the Paladin.

It's one of the reasons I don't disallow players types. All types can bring something to the table, and a few of his murder hobo moments were helpful, his planning and tact, however, were what did him in so many times in the past.

I think I heard he is a pretty decent player and starting to become a Game master now as well in Alaska.

Liberty's Edge

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The loss of a friend is always hard Cori, I'm sorry for your loss of one.

Liberty's Edge

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IceniQueen wrote:

Just wondering, why is it SO hard to find players to play face to face with?

I have been looking on Meet-ups, here, Discord, and fliers in game stores (What game stores I have in my area and ones that will let me post fliers.

If I want to play online, no issue, but for the past 3 years I have looked and looked and cannot find people who want to play face to face (When their is no major outbreak of pandemic)

Anyone got ideas, sites that work to find players?

I am in Colorado and SO frustrated!

BTW, prefer PF1 vs PF2 but will play PF2

Currently running F2F in Billings Montana, some of us are thinking of starting a 2nd group. If your in region give us a holler.

1st edition as well, although the group tends to like Horror Style games

Liberty's Edge

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I was asked to never play Kobolds again in one group in Alaska because I played them as "too clever" and according to the GM I was supposed to Hero/God Worship ALL dragons, not just Dragons of my same scale color.

>.> It didn't help I one-shotted the Blue Dragon in the Mummy Mask AP ^^; I was a very lost in the world Black Kobold Sorcerer named Knicknock

Liberty's Edge

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Ravenloft plays well with Pathfinder, because it's basically a kitchen sink setting with steadier theming.

Have to agree with that and the White Wolf Ravenloft rulebook was very well written. Wish I could afford to get the rest of the books of that series

Liberty's Edge

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I have recently gained renewed interest in Ravenloft as a setting myself. Dark Fantasy is fun to run and the players I seem to run into simply adore the setting

Liberty's Edge

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Alice was a good girl since the day she came into this world, her father made her from the remains of his dying daughter's soul, she had been bad, Alice was sure of that. Adventuring and leaving her father alone...Although Alice would protect their father now, she wasn't like old Alice...well not much, she lacked the money to buy food for her father, when he got too involved in his experiments. So she would take it, people would come to try and take or demand money. She would make them go missing. With her father on his death bed now, she must truly protect her father and all his things from strangers entering the house. some say they work for the city or that they were Adventurers hired by the same. She knew that was false, Father's memories told her he had paid for their home in full and he was still alive. So they were thieves, all of them.

So they all have to die

To protect daddy

Because she was the better Alice.


Dread Soulbound Doll
NE, Tiny Construct, Rogue 3
Init: +8, Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light Vision, Perception +11
AC 19 Touch 16 Flat-Footed 15 (+4 DEX, +3 Nat, +2 Size)
HP 43 (3d10+3d8+6)
Fortitude +2 Reflex +7 Will +2
SD: DR2/Magic, Immune- Construct Traits, Evasion, Trap sense +1
Weakness: Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects
Speed: 20ft
Melee: Dagger +7 (1d2/19-20 P/S)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th, Concentration +8)
3/DY- Light, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Prestigitation
1/DY- Levitate, Inflict Serious Wounds (Will DC 15-Half)
SA- Sneak Attack +2d6
ST 11 DX 18 CN - IT 15 WS 14 CH 14
BA +5 CMB +3 CMD 17
Improved Initiative, Toughness, Skill Focus {Stealth}

SQ- Telepathic Bond (ex), Rogue Talent (Fast Stealth), Trapfinding (ex) +2
Soul Focus (su)

Language- Common, Dwarven, Halfling

Acrobatics +10, Climb +6, Craft- Trapmaking +11, Diplomacy +8
Disable Device +13, KS- Local +8, Perception +11, Sense motive +11
Stealth +24

Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects
(Ex) The weakened conviction of a soulbound doll’s soul makes it
susceptible to mind-affecting effects, despite the fact that it is a construct.

Telepathic Bond (Ex): The construct has a constant telepathic bond with its creator. The Construct is
constantly aware of all of its creator's thoughts, hopes, fears, dreams, and desires. It can see
through its creator's eyes and always knows its creator's location. It can also "speak" telepathically
to its creator. This ability has unlimited range and cannot be blocked by any means magical or

The Construct's deep bond with its creator invariably leads to hatred and contempt. The Construct
acutely senses any anger or disappointment the creator feels toward the Construct and knows its
creator's darkest and most humiliating secrets. No creator can maintain the loyalty of the Construct in
the face of this intrusive intimacy. This is a one-way power only.
The creator has no such bond with her creation.

Soul Focus (Su) The soul bound to the doll lives within a focus
integrated into the doll or its apparel, typically one of the
doll’s eyes or a gem embedded into its neck or chest. As
long as this soul focus remains intact, it can be used to
animate another doll, using the same cost as creating a
new construct. Once bound into the soul focus, the soul
continues to learn, and so if later it is put into a new doll
body, the soul retains its personality and memories from its
previous body or bodies. A soul focus has hardness 8, 12 hit
points, and a break DC of 20.

Challenge Rating 6

Hope others get some enjoyment and use out of this built Encounter

Liberty's Edge

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Technically you don't need Knowledge skills. Profession Scholar, allows one to make Knowledge checks based on your studies in the profession as well as some Craft Skills such as Alchemy, and Scholar was an actual profession so it can work, can even alternate the name to Sage if you want.

So then all you need is a high Wisdom-based character. Just be careful though, most GMs will only allow the check once to see if you've "read the Subject" and the DC's can be higher if said creature/group/thing is Unique and has never been recorded anywhere.

Liberty's Edge

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Depending on the type of blasting you pick bloodlines to improve damage.

You cannot lose a spellbook, you are the spellbook

which holds at level 1 and upwards effectively.

Feats and such make your spell choices more effective, at which point you pick AOE Spells and Ray spells for Sniping.

I generally go with Fire/Water Elemental Bloodline and then take Cold/Fire Spells as you can freely change the energy type on casting.

Burning Hands (Freezing Hands)

It doesn't increase your damage output, but it does make it harder or more expensive to resist both versions of your Arcane power.

Liberty's Edge

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

^Is the memory alteration obvious and supposed to be considered desirable ("Citizen, report immediately for memory updates!")?

Is the "cursed item" supposed to also do something bad? Preventing external memory rewriting sounds like a feature, not a bug.

The Baron has the ability to memory alter through people's dreams/while they sleep within his domain. I was thinking of making the item a Cursed Ring of Mind Shielding (this way while worn they can't just get rid of the ring via selling it)

Liberty's Edge

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I am still in the starting area of running a Horror Campaign and trying to keep it slow and smooth. (Generally, my favorite style of Horror, where it is slow to get to the creep Factor and then hit with the full horror)

I'm going to try and keep this vague just in case any of my players happen to come to the board.

I'm running a Psychological Horror and the Baron of the land has the ability to re-write the memories of the people within his domain that are linger there too long. The Start of the campaign has the group joining the local Adventurer's Guild that is backed by the Baron and opposed by other nobles the region is at war with a Core Race which becomes off-limits to the PC's at character creation.

I'm planning on a cursed magical item that will block the Baron's powers of altering memories to start the ball rolling with that character starting to notice things since they will not be able to have their memories altered.

I'd like to give the characters the effect of questioning if they truly are who they think they are.

So any advice for slow to boil Horror Campaigns.

Liberty's Edge

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I first got introduced to Pathfinder on the small island of Ketchikan as a "Let's see what the new version of 3.5 is like" Hooked on 1st edition Pathfinder ever since

Liberty's Edge

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Shelyn type here...

Skill focus - Craft Painting, with Mythic Version.

A World of art :3

Liberty's Edge

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So reviewing old notes and items I did when I ran the Mummy Mask and found an item that I placed in the Merchant Household as an item for resell (as I didn't think the group would want to keep it)

Unique Magical Ring - Ring of Appraisal
[CL 7th, Aura- Moderate Divination, Market Cost: 14,900GP, Craft Cost: 7,450GP]
Grants a +3 Competence Bonus to the Appraise Skill and Grants the Constant Ability to Detect Magic (per Spell)

It was popular enough to put two PC's behind gold & Equipment wise because they thought it would be a major boon.... and me being a DM, I didn't have the heart to tell them it was a pricy throw away item. (Group had a Cleric & Sorcerer, and one of the Fighters had the Appraise Skill)

I've noticed that a lot of players like to hold onto Unique items, in a few games I've done other horrid items [Most Cursed] Like the Ring of Three Delusional Wishes (Where failed will-saves result in those hearing the wish believe it was granted)

Just wondering, how many other DM/GM have also created Unique or Joke magical items that the group became strangely attached too?


The Fluff of the Ring of Appraisal was so Merchants in Ancient times could see magical items and appraise if they where indeed valuable or just someone having cast Magic Aura on a worthless trinket

Liberty's Edge

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Since ye said your being lazy

Heroic NPCs: The ability scores for a heroic NPC are:
15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. - Generally reserve for Cohorts

Basic NPCs: The ability scores for a basic NPC are:
13, 12, 11, 10, 9, and 8. - All the usual other NPC's, makes for less overshadowing of PC's when done with only NPC classes

Liberty's Edge

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Ryze Kuja wrote:

Yeah, I said what I said.

This is collective imagination, people! Brain Trust stuff! Get after it!

O.o I completely forgot there was a homebrew section

^^ and I often write adventures and scenarios, man I really should visit the forums more often XD

Liberty's Edge

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Wouldn't mind seeing the original AP's getting hardcover versions of each of them.

Liberty's Edge

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Invulnerable Rager is generally perfect for this.

Some barbarians learn to take whatever comes their way,
shrugging off mortal wounds with ease. These barbarians
invite their enemies to attack them, and use pain to fuel their
rage. An invulnerable rager has the following class features.
Invulnerability (Ex): At 2nd level, the invulnerable
rager gains DR/— equal to half her barbarian level. This
damage reduction is doubled against nonlethal damage.
This ability replaces uncanny dodge, improved uncanny
dodge, and damage reduction.
Extreme Endurance (Ex): At 3rd level, the invulnerable
rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose
one) as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian
gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance for every three levels
beyond 3rd. This ability replaces trap sense.

Now while some rage powers suggested for the Archetype do fit pretty well.

Reckless Abandon (Ex): While raging, the barbarian can take
a –1 penalty to AC to gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls. The AC
penalty increases by –1 and the attack roll bonus increases
by +1 at 4th level and every four levels thereafter.

When combined with the feat - Power Attack

Power Attack (Combat)
You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by
sacrificing accuracy for strength.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all
melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain
a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to
damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making
an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed
weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon
that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage
rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are
making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary
natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches
+4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases
by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must
choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and
its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage
does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal
hit point damage.

But you also want to invest it healing oneself. Sadly with this build it takes a while to make the investments add up, 3 Feats in fact, which is why I generally play a human with this build. (which on topic makes one an ideal target by monsters generally)

The feats to invest in are Endurance, Diehard and of course Fast Healing.

and certainly at level 4 you want to take Renewed Vigor.

This type of character the main stat you want to be your highest is Constitution with Strength being the second highest.

I used this starting concept and build in Reign of winter, at the higher levels I also increased my Energy resistance to cold, and could absorb cold damage to heal myself at the higher levels.

The character survived every encounter, even when the 'Tanks' of the group ended up dying in pretty short order. The hard part was the build generally always goes last in Initiative order. (moves like an actual tank)

Liberty's Edge

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VoodistMonk wrote:
A False Priest Sorcerer with the Empyreal Bloodline, Nature Magic, Believer's Boon, Incredible Healer, and Healer's Hands... might actually be overkill. I guess you could VMC Cleric since False Priest gives up the Empyreal Bloodline Channel Energy.

That's a pretty impressive Divine Sorcerer build

Liberty's Edge

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Sadly as a CN Rogue, most of the group hated that my character was pretty much just in it for the money. If he wasn't going to get some coin out of it, one could count him as not caring. (Although he did end up saving a village because the group bribed him with ten gold to protect the village, his version of protection was leading the villagers all out into the woods and waiting for the enemy to hit and leave the village.)

It was certainly a character played on Hard Mode, and the group didn't much care for the character antics. But ironically he made it longer than everyone else's characters that had rolled fairly well.

Liberty's Edge

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Sysryke wrote:
I'm curious to hear about any games people played where you had to get outside of you role-playing box. I know given enough time, most of us play a little of everything. But, if you look below the surface, there's often a common thread of flavor, mechanic, or play style most of us fall into. Have you ever challenged yourself, or been forced to get outside of your box? Sometimes these types of games can lead to great characters. Mostly interested in positive or intriguing experiences, but absolute disaster stories are welcome too.

Most characters I play are casters, so when I got invited to a game that involved rolling 3d6 down the list and not being able to trade the stats around and class drawn from a grab bag (although you could work any Archetype you wanted at creation related to the class)

I drew the Rogue class, my stats however where ST 13, DX 14, CN 11 IT 11 WS 10 CH 12

My +2 for being human went into Dexterity

It also didn't help I was told it was Cityscape game, and build the Rogue to be a Break and Enter Thief, and it suddenly became a Out of the city Survival game against dark creatures invading the plane.

Liberty's Edge

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MrCharisma wrote:

EDIT: Heh, my latest two were The Maiden and The Mother (again not a conscious choice), I guess the next one should be The Crone.

Sounds like a perfect selection of cleric from reign Of Winter AP :3

Liberty's Edge

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LordKailas wrote:
The spell describes them as being shapeless. So, I imagine they're just sort of floating blobs.

I agree, with a pair of Tendrils for hands {maybe more}

Liberty's Edge

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Still playing, still writing adventures for, and inventing some amusing things in first edition Pathfinder

Liberty's Edge

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Ended very well for much of the players in question.

Sir Edwynd Merrosett married Princess Eutropia Stavian, a political marriage that saw his family and there collective military back the Princess.

Cate the Catfolk Oracle of Calistria has been adopted into the castle as the pet of the kingdom... she does not get along with a certain dog... (Yeah we didn't get it either, but this is the ending the player picked for there character)

Mudbert the Half-Orc is quite happy that he finally get's to follow his real passion. Cooking, and has opened a great tavern where a person feeling positively shocking can go eat food created by a Half-Orc that can tell the difference between a scrambled egg and an Omelet.

and Finally
Charolette The resurrected dhampir that had killed the whom we thought was the real prince, has found the Alchemist that dared create duplicates to play with Eutropia's heart has been dealt with, from there she merely watches from the shadows slaying any dissenters she hears about against the Queen....and her king on occasion.

the final battle was very musketeer-ish, it was nice to see the builds we created becoming part of the story via the Game Master.

Which was pretty amusing to play through.

Liberty's Edge

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Carrius The II, never died.

His Mothers death was mostly overlooked into the why.

A Vampire and a Queen.

Thankfully it was dealt with but not before it has passed it's bitter curse unto the passenger within her, Carrius.
Born paler than most his differences where attributed to her condition and that Carrius himself might fully recover himself as she seemed too,
sadly she died a month later. His aging went like that of other children at first, gradually slowing. However that was not what had lead to his
exile by his father.

It was the hunger, as he got older he felt it growing on him and one night within the stables he lashed out on a stable girl his first taste of blood.
However his father had caught him, he was never sure as too how at first. But this act had sealed his fate into the world of the night as a Dhampir and
his father had sent him away and declared dead.

Absalom was his home for years, namely the Arcanamirium an exile to a highly stationed school of magic, but it was like a prison for many an unwanted noble.
namely children born that where not, Pretty or human.

Carrius did find the power of magic within him as he learned but it was more akin to a second nature. Sorcery was his strength, with it he was learning to Divine
answers, spy of enemies, manipulate enemies and most importantly, devise an escape and return to Taldor. But he would not return alone. His father was known for drinking
the golden orchard elixir time was equally on his side, ever since he'd drank his aging had slowed, so he continued with some magic here and there he went unnoticed.

The use of Divination magic and spying lead him to discover others that where rejected nobles from Taldor, many where simply embarrassments and where sent to various schools
in Absalom. But there where a few, some what like himself, exiled by family because they where not 'human'.

Going to each in kind, slowly and gaining their trust he was able to create his own little Arcane Society: The Emerald Eyes of Absalom.

Money could buy many things and as they build themselves over the years with lessons and experience, they went forth into the world to put many of their plans into

Founding Members of the Emerald Eyes Of Absalom

1- Carrius II (Dhampir/M/LE/Arcane Bloodline Sorcerer 18)
[Spy Master, Dominator, Monster. These where the things that Carrius thought of himself as he grew into his power. Enchantments to bind the weak, Divination to destroy the strong, and his friends to remove whatever else remained in his way] *use of Divination and his Knowledge skills to best determine the best locations for military strikes.

2- Dorna Betony (Ifrit/F/LN/Summoner 12th - Dragon Based Eidolon)
[Originally Dorrin Betony, but between her genie blood and use of Mulibrous Tincture, she was sent away. She loves winter and Cold and takes many pains to adorn herself with such colors which
has created an interesting Eidolon that is Immune to Fire but whom's breath weapon is cold] *Dragon Provides aerial power

3- Zarishu (Oread/F/N/Promethean Alchemist 14th)
[While she was noble born, Zarishu could care less about revenge, she cares far more about maintaining the health and well being of all her friends within the society as
they are the only ones that age as slowly as she does.] *Provides Golem Support for the army

4- Vivianna Lemaris (Sylph/F/LE/Wizard-Abjuration 15th)
[A good defense is a good offense, would work best to describe Vivianna's use of magic, while specializing in Abjuration, she utilizes conjuration magic almost as often to create battlefield
conditions that work best for her and her allies] *Crafts items that create battlefields of Ice and Cold

5- Espeth Nicodemius (Tiefling/F/LN/Wizard-Illusionist 14th)
[Espeth loves to paint and is very creative, while weaving spells to make herself appear human she has opened a few businesses for the Society so that they might be able to fund themselves,
one such business is Phantasmal Delights, Part School for Illusion and part Tavern. Where one can stay anywhere they desire, and not be far from home.{and in some darker corners, sleep with whomever, whatever they want}]

6- Hammel Valewood (Fetchling/M/NE/Wizard-Necromancer 13th)
(Halfling born and the 'youngest' founding member of the arcane society, Hammel's desire for personal power over death and his hatred for nobles that enslave the weak. He hopes for the day the society
takes over Taldor, so that their mighty Mage powered army might march upon Cheliax and gain freedom for all Halfling kind.] *Provides Undead forces for the army, occasionally creates greater undead to act as 'Generals'

7- Elphin Thornecastle (Undine/M/CN/Arcane Healer Bard 13th)
[Elphin was quite surprised when his ruse as an exiled noble was found out by Carrius, but far more surprised when asked if he wished to not only continue his ruse but with the help of others, many of whom where noble
born with aspirations creating a Society of Arcane Nobles. they'd need someone that could help smooth others feelings of them. To make them welcome them, as Elphin had done to others to make them welcome him.
How could he refuse? Of course he joined as it would likely be the most fun he'd have in years to come. Not to mention with others that could enjoy his sense of humor.]
*Uses his Bardic Abilities to sway the masses to believe in Carrius as their future king to be, depending on the role needed this is either as Kind and powerful healer to commanding diplomat.

Liberty's Edge

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Valandil Ancalime wrote:
Michael Talley 759 wrote:

Channel Energy Ability, picking if it harms or heals seems weird too me. If you fill a room with light (an Energy) then it hinders or helps per sensitivity to it.

so house rule has generally been for classes with the Channel Energy ability it helps and harms at the same time based on the type of energy being channeled. Made Selective channel more important in more than a few cases. (and cut down on Dhampires being played)

I also use that as a houserule.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one that finds it odd.

Liberty's Edge

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Channel Energy Ability, picking if it harms or heals seems weird too me. If you fill a room with light (an Energy) then it hinders or helps per sensitivity to it.

so house rule has generally been for classes with the Channel Energy ability it helps and harms at the same time based on the type of energy being channeled. Made Selective channel more important in more than a few cases. (and cut down on Dhampires being played)

Liberty's Edge

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magnuskn wrote:
Michael Talley 759 wrote:
Ironically, having shadow stepped into the room, they hadn't disabled the trap and when trying to leave was struck blind as the group in turn killed the rogue for being too blood thirsty
Uh, that... surely did a number on your campaign. How did you deal with the resulting fallout for the events of the later books?

My wife being the GM and new to game mastering has asked me a few ideas for fixing this issue, the easiest answer was a simulacrum, the Immaculate Circle fearing putting all of it's eggs in one basket created a Simulacrum and left it with the cult of the twilight child.

It did have the undesired effect of keeping emotional links to the child prince non-existent but kept the rest of the adventure fairly intact for the group.

The blame fell on Maxillar Pythareus for the creation of a fake prince carrius to rule as a puppet for him. (we haven't finished the campaign quite yet)

Liberty's Edge

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and always remember in "The Game" you must make your enemies seem to be vile villains and you the hero, otherwise ......

Which is a reason I love the way the AP is written, the book itself is written to convey the same mentality of "The Game" as it where with bits of subtly woven here and there that show not all is as it seems.

All in All it is a good AP, and they did make changes in the setting to make the AP run a little smoother.

You are right there are Contradictions, just like there are Contradictions in real life.

we have a Player in it as a 'Royal Assassin' whom plans on killing anyone or anything that get's in the way of the princess getting the throne. Will this cause issues in the AP? Yup, you betcha, can our characters do much about it? Nope, in character we have no clue to it yet.

Liberty's Edge

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The first adventure module lists the Campaign traits within it for that module and how they hook into the module. Players could take them based on the missions if a GM wishes, then when the Player's Guide comes out reveal the benefit or hindrance of the trait.

List of traits in book 1:

Athletic Champion
Taldan Patriot
Disgraced Noble
Senatorial Hopeful
Young Reformer
Rising Star

Liberty's Edge

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This is one of my attempts to see about helping others build characters for this AP. While an intrigue setting combat/casting/hell-breaking-loose will happen. Here is a list of books and ideas I have for some character concepts and builds that should help players build characters as well as feats to look into.

Pathfinder side books
1)-Knights of the Inner Sea (several knightly codes that will help LG in a revolution as they are)
2)- Heroes of the High Court
3)- Inner Sea World guide
4)- Taldor First Empire
5)- Taldor Echo Of Glory
6)- Inner Sea Races
- These will all help flesh out a character personality based from Taldor.

Class (Archetype) Ideas
Alchemist (Alchemical Sapper)
Bard (Arcane Duelist, Arcane Healer, Court Bard, Daredevil, Detective)
Cavalier (Courtly Knight, Musketeer)
Cleric (Crusader)
Druid (Fey Speaker, Pack Lord, Urban)
Fighter (Archer, Dragoon, tactician, Two-Weapon Master)
Gunslinger (Musket Master)
Inquisitor (Black Powder Inquisition, Preacher)
Magus (Soul Forger)
Paladin (Divine Defender, Holy Gun, Sacred Shield)
Ranger (Dandy, Trophy Hunter, Urban Ranger, Warden)
Rogue (Charlatan, Investigator, Rake, Snoop, Swashbuckler)
Swashbuckler (Daring Infiltrator, Inspired Blade, Noble fencer, Musketeer)
Vigilante (Gunmaster, Warlock)
Wizard (Schools: Evocation or Focused School: Admixture)

Sorcerer Bloodlines
Accursed, Arcane, Dreamspun, Fey, Imperious, Maestro, Serpentine, Verdant

Oracle Mysteries
Battle, Bones, Flame, Life, Lore, Nature, Shadow, Time

Curses: Tongues [Fey], Haunted and Shattered Mind [Iron Gods AP]

These are a few ideas I had when I started writing my own Taldor based Campaign. Was going for a Musketeer theme to it. But it looks like those notes might help a few other GM's for helping PC's with ideas.

Liberty's Edge

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If it's that new flu-bug flying around, take vitamin C supplements in the morning, Something Spicy for lunch for Viruses or Non-spicy Curry if it's more fatigue related.

I know lots of foods that actually help with different variants of Colds and flu's.

The joy of living in Alaska

Liberty's Edge

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Garion Beckett wrote:
I'm looking for feats that up help me make better undead such as more HP or something like that..


Change one of your spell Focus to Conjuration
Augment Summoning
Skeletal Summoner

This will convert with most GM's as Summoning undead with +4 Str & +4 Cha

Empower Spell will help with spells like Enervation which does 50% more on a 1d4 level drain, or if used on Undead 1d4x5 Temporary HP for 1 hour (with a 50% increase)

Not to mention you can now summon skeletons & Skeleton Warriors with summon monsters, use a high enough spell level to cast it with 1d4+1 and increased the summoned minions with 50% increase with the Str & Cha Mod should make you a necromancer not to be taken lightly.

But classically [and not using GM ok to alter feat outcomes]

Spell Focus [Necromancy]
Craft Wand [useful for wands of Animate Dead] (You can save on this feat by taking Arcane Bond: Wand, that way even with the last charge used the wand can be re-enchanted]
Improved Channel (if you took the Arcane Bond of Wand, and want others undead to be more likely to be .... 'liberated' by you)
Reach spells [Necromancy touch spells, become Ranged Touch Spells]
Skeleton Summoner [Don't have undead right now? Summon some for defense]
Spell Mastery [Taken Prisoner? Make sure you still have spells for escape]

If the character in question is in the standard Pathfinder setting, consider also taking the feat Associate [Whispering Way] and then Whispering Way Disciple from the Agents of Evil Pathfinder Player Companion which gives you access in several towns and cities to Necromancy scrolls, potions and assistance on occasion from your patron's. they are however Roleplay feats mostly so take what you wish in that vein.

Not really found to many feats that augment undead before creation. HD generally depend on the creatures in question.

Liberty's Edge

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Well it looks like the only area there could be an issue, is the Monk's AC bonus is dependent on not wearing armor of any kind. If the Halfling is, then their AC is Wisdom Bonus + Monk level bonus too high.

The build seems interesting, wish my GM had made past this book.

Also, meant an AOE Mage's Disjunction rod (AOE version of a rod of Cancellation, no permanent damage to magic items but it does knock them out of use for a bit)

Liberty's Edge

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So many ideas in my group came about with the announcement of the AP.

1 player can't wait to play a Vigilante that doesn't travel into a dungeon. I get to try out a Noble Sorcerer build in a setting that sounds perfectly suited for said character. heh, one player is thinking of playing a Female Ulfen Skald that is looking for a husband since her father is a member of the Ulfen Guard she is in Taldor and currently caught up in the glitz and Glamour, and then we have the Ulfen Barbarian, father to said Female Skald whom is NOT caught up in all the glitz and glamour.

Liberty's Edge

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Non-Magical Challenge!

It seems like a lot of the issues for the Martial's is that they want less magic.

It's an easy fix.

remove all casters from the PC selection
(Bards, Clerics, Paladin's, Ranger's, Sorcerer and Wizard) add martial only classes from other books that have no spell casting abilities.
(such as Gun slinger, Samurai, Ninja, etc)

Limit monsters encounters to Animals, Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid, plants and vermin (at least those without magical origin)

No Aberrations, Constructs, Dragons, Fey, Magical Beast's, ooze's, Outsiders and Undead

No magical items of any sort.

Alchemy should be fine, but not the Alchemist class.

Non-magical healing
1 HP per level for 8 Hours of Rest (twice this if under a character with the heal skill care)
2 HP per level for each full day of rest (again twice this if under care)
also heal back 1 Pt of ability recovery per 8 Hours or 2 per full day of rest (again double if under healer's care)

In case you where wondering. This is a real possibility, magical encounters are meant more for the casters that seem overpowered, if you don't like them, then being able to limit yourself to this system should be no big deal for you or your group. let's face it, I've out 'wizarded' a wizard as a cleric, so really it breaks down to casters versus Martial's so remove the magical and your campaign should break down to this.

I've enjoyed such games, but most people playing these days don't

Liberty's Edge

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Crystal Frasier wrote:

The last iconic for War for the Crown is Raveni, the psychic. We wanted a boom-stick who also knew how to maneuver in polite society.

Originally I championed for Lem instead of Merisiel, but was told Lem isn't an "A-list" iconic, and so I needed to use Merisiel instead. Now I just feel bad for Lem.

As do I, that is a pity that he didn't make 'the cut' as it where.

Kevin Mack wrote:
I find your lack of Lini disturbing. many AP has she managed to get into. I can't seem to recall many of them.

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Welcome fellow Miscreants, Hench persons and dare I say other villain's. It would appear my grand scheme to go out and make my mark in the world has not gone exactly as planned. First I got separated from my scouting party. I was primarily there to make sure they had some magical back-up, however being as I am a specialized wizard of Creation and prohibited against Conjuration & Evocation I doubt it would have been much, but I digress.

Shortly after my wandering aimlessly I was accosted by an annoying blue Kobold from some place called "kelepish"? Not sure I understood it too well at the time. Worse it was affiliated with a Warpriest some weird sword swinging lady of overzealousness whom forcefully told me I would repent of evil or be killed, Wisely I just chose to nod my head and smile. Lastly
a woman of half-elven nature that seemed to think I was some kind of 'Cave-elf'

Now here I am, I have gained a great deal of power over my time with the group, with a tavern to show for my troubles on an island in the middle of no where. Although, they are building a statue of us after saving them from ancient cult of storm worshiping idiots, Lizardfolk and cannibalistic halflings.

Now here I am telling you my story for a little support from fellow Villain's. Any advice? So far the only thing of worth it seems is the islanders seem to have no idea that I am anything other than a strangely dark skinned elf. I have been thinking of altering the population as it seems to have an overly large amount of males compared to females and wonder if any of you might have tried something similar, or should I start small and ease myself back into trying to be evil.... It just seems so hard these days, well thanks for listening, just good to have support groups these days. Of course I am also here to hear your woes of villainous failings and will offer what support I can to you as well.

[This is what happens when I guess I can't sleep and decide I had to much fun earlier with another poster XD, welcome to villain's anonymous where the idea is general conversation for helping people playing redeeming evil characters that still think they're evil.]

Liberty's Edge

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:-) I personally think Str Vs Dex can be summed up pretty niftilly with this qoute from the beginner's book.

Beginner's Guide wrote:

Jumai watched as the challenger hefted his huge hammer. The
man was big, no question about it. But even so, that hammer
was ridiculous.
“Compensating for something?” he shouted. Jumai raised
his rapier and gave it a twirl. “Seriously, man, have a little
common sense. Can you even parry with that thing?”
In response, the big man turned and swung his hammer at one of
the arena’s support beams. It burst apart in a shower of splinters, making
the stands above tilt dangerously. The audience screamed.
He turned back to Jumai and smiled. “What do you mean, ‘parry’?”

:-3 most Dex builds use light weapons and can get up there in damage. But it's generally easier to go strength based and swing pretty fearsome weapons. But I don't know every feat and ability out there, and far as I know there could be a feat chain system that can allow a Dex character to use a two-handed heavy thingamajig to do massive damage. :-) But I haven't seen it yet at my table.

Most of my players seem to focus on being Ranged Attackers with Rays and tend to suffer issues as enemies surprise or swarm them.

Liberty's Edge

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Athaleon wrote:
I have yet to hear how the "longer adventuring day" solution uses up the casters' spells but not the party's HP or healing resources.

Oh it does. The cleric uses up their ability to heal almost as much as the wizard blows things up. Losing Resources is the point of the long adventuring day.

To me the argument is more a long the lines of Campaign type. If the campaign is dealing with a war zone the wizard might take out a small group, but then they'll be in Melee or shot with archers.

I've yet to find a PC over balance a single game I've run, and they have certainly tried many a time.

Break down of basic classes
(casters)Wizard/cleric/druid - Plan ahead
(support)Bard/Sorcerer - Theme [limited]
(Warriors)Barbarian/fighter/monk/Paladin/Ranger - Offense & Defense

So for the most part what people find overpowered about flexible casters is that they are too flexible. So long as they know what to face they can prepare for it.

However, while warriors are often more often built for a singular focus,
it doesn't make them any less a threat than the Casters.

Feat chains like Master Craftsman and Craft Arms & Armor allow them to build in the games for their needs the weapons during their down time.
I've yet to meet a fighter that couldn't spare two feats, 3 feats if you
also want craft wondrous items, is it optimized? nope. But it allows flexibility in equipment built to best support the PC's.

Not likely a good use in a travel game. But then again maybe the PC takes leadership and the Cohort is a stay at home and make things does the crafting while the PC is away and the others protect 'home town X'

After all, other's say leadership get's pretty OP too.

All in All, every character has it's flaws, every campaign requires a bit of work. But most importantly, it also requires everyone to enjoy themselves.

Like last night, my Barbarian has been pretty much destroying encounters, after a few bad rolls the other PC's in character made fun of my character. So my character later on stayed behind to protect a prisoner. The Mesmerist, The Fire Kineticist and the druid almost died to an Ice Troll because I wasn't there to stop the monster from closing ranks. the druid ended up using all her spells so couldn't heal the Fire Kineticist who was down to 3 HP when they came back (she did however heal her animal companion first just FYI)

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