Messageboard Troll!'s page
38 posts. Alias of Wolfthulhu.
Aberzombie wrote: Trollthulhu wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Thirdly: Damn I hate trolls. Don't be a hater. Would you prefer the term loathe? I would prefer you to be a bit more friendly, dammit.
GentleGiant wrote: spam Mmm. tasty spam.
Jyu1ch1 wrote: Emperor7 wrote: Jyu1ch1 wrote: +1 to what Ashe wrote in the other thread.
EDIT:Also to CJ.
Srsly why is that still open?
To give this old treant a proper swan song. Heck, if you're gonna walk away from Paizo and its boards you should do it with style, guns blazing.
And, LT has friends at the company. Friends that are happy to ignore his trolling. Sad thing, is that they alienate part of their customer base by supporting it. We know how that turned out for another company. :(
EDIT: This eulogy sux as ToP. Hm, Nakkid trolls for the top of the page is more interesting. Maybe trolls should just be nudist all the time. Sweetheart, I am nudist all the time. Oooooh yeah.
Rampages through thread.
Troll iz in ur thread, making you cry.
Treppa wrote: Justin Franklin wrote: Treppa wrote: Logic Ladder:
Dr. Jekyll
Dr. Double-D Honors
Mairkurion {tm}
The Green Man
Mistah Green
Mr. Hyde
I have deduced it. Mistah Green is the alter-ego and sock puppet of none other than... Mairkurion! J'accuse!! That is an incredibly mean thing to say ;) SOMEbody around here needs to be mean. Everyone else is so danged nice. I'm not nice, I make puppies cry. Grrrrrr.
2d6 wrote: d6 wrote: 1d6 2d6
Oh yeah?
Bwahahaha fail!
I know that I will never be politically correct
And I don't give a damn about my lack of etiquette
As far as I'm concerned, the world could still be flat
And if the thrill is gone, then it's time to take it back
If the thrill is gone, then it's time to take it back
Wasted Youth!
Wasted Youth!
Spank Trollham wrote: Messageboard Troll wrote:
You're so full of fail. No, Mr Messageboard Fail. What I am full of is awesomesauce. Yous ful of awsumtroolsawse. And mees need a cigarete.

Spank Trollham wrote: Messageboard Troll! wrote: Honest Trollperson wrote: Spank Trollham wrote:
Aberzombie wrote: Dude, awesome! You should create that alias, and just post that whenever a rules thread gets too heated. You could be the new Vomit Guy! On the contrary. My vast intellegence, and obvious mastery of all that is RPG makes me the perfect focus of these rules threads. Let them overheat! I shall prove that my way is right, and anyone who plays differently has a Candle of Invocation shoved up their ass. Frankly, you don't have the necessary intelligence to make fun of me. The math just doesn't add up. Bofh youse is stoopid. Me an smart trol persen. nons youse can b chaleng to me. *sigh* Here's the lowdown:
I am currently summa cum laude at the Mengele University of Troll Surgery in East Ossterfuchs. I have dozens of playtest and freelancing credits to my name. I can optimize a wizard in 4.5 seconds from memory using a stick of charcoal, three marbles, and some bark. Therefore, I do not have time to deal with nose goblins such as yourselves. So quit your butthurt whinging and read up on the rules a bit, it might stop you from looking like such n00bish asses next time. Ooooh aint yous da big smrtypant? Stuped. Wut good surgry to trool? Trol heeel kwik no need doctrz. Me takes lancez free to. And swordz and clubz and wutevez uder wepons peplz try to use on me. Bestezt wizerds is cookd on big fierz. Puts yer stik in der bum and cookz em sloe. Optumiz dat.
Youz no trol. Mez troel. Youz stooped.

Spank Trollham wrote: Messageboard Troll! wrote: Honest Trollperson wrote: Spank Trollham wrote:
Aberzombie wrote: Dude, awesome! You should create that alias, and just post that whenever a rules thread gets too heated. You could be the new Vomit Guy! On the contrary. My vast intellegence, and obvious mastery of all that is RPG makes me the perfect focus of these rules threads. Let them overheat! I shall prove that my way is right, and anyone who plays differently has a Candle of Invocation shoved up their ass. Frankly, you don't have the necessary intelligence to make fun of me. The math just doesn't add up. Bofh youse is stoopid. Me an smart trol persen. nons youse can b chaleng to me. *sigh* Here's the lowdown:
I am currently summa cum laude at the Mengele University of Troll Surgery in East Ossterfuchs. I have dozens of playtest and freelancing credits to my name. I can optimize a wizard in 4.5 seconds from memory using a stick of charcoal, three marbles, and some bark. Therefore, I do not have time to deal with nose goblins such as yourselves. So quit your butthurt whinging and read up on the rules a bit, it might stop you from looking like such n00bish asses next time. Ooooh aint yous da big smrtypant? Stuped. Wut good surgry to trool? Trol heeel kwik no need doctrz. Me takes lancez free to. And swordz and clubz and wutevez uder wepons peplz try to use on me. Bestezt wizerds is cookd on big fierz. Puts yer stik in der bum and cookz em sloe. Optumiz dat.
Youz no trol. Mez troel. Youz stooped.
Honest Trollperson wrote: Spank Trollham wrote:
Aberzombie wrote: Dude, awesome! You should create that alias, and just post that whenever a rules thread gets too heated. You could be the new Vomit Guy! On the contrary. My vast intellegence, and obvious mastery of all that is RPG makes me the perfect focus of these rules threads. Let them overheat! I shall prove that my way is right, and anyone who plays differently has a Candle of Invocation shoved up their ass. Frankly, you don't have the necessary intelligence to make fun of me. The math just doesn't add up. Bofh youse is stoopid. Me an smart trol persen. nons youse can b chaleng to me.
Tryn wrote: Jess Door wrote: Interesting question, can't believe I missed this topic until now. I think what I will allow is a half orc or half elf may take the human favored class bonus for their class if they choose ONLY if there is no half elf or half orc choice - in other words, their half orc or half elf specific bonus supercedes the basic human one.
if those favored class bonuses were Elven or Orc, and there were no half orc or half elf specific bonuses, I would allow them to pick from either.
I am interested on an official ruling as well.
after all the "you are wrong" "no, you are..." this is an intressting post/idea/approach to this topic.
You're wrong.
Garydee wrote: Urizen wrote: Garydee wrote: Urizen wrote:
But I tend to troll around those puerile sites where angels dare to tread.
No, not Gary's amateur porn stash.
Fixed it for ya. ;)
Appreciate the correction. My oversight! If only my hard drive was bigger. That's what she said.
Solnes wrote: Gary Teter wrote: /me gives up for now. No one likes a quitter. :P Bah! Don't let him fool you, he's just upping his post count.
Nerdrage Ooze wrote: Erik Mona wrote: Time for everyone to cool down or some of you are going to be sitting in the corner for a while. Nyoorgh... spurtle ... APG overpowered ! broken ! ... sploortch ... nobody will play Celestial Dire Roper Sorcerers anymore ... shlooop ... Eric Monna's comment ... GOOOP ... unlawful assault on the First Amendment ! ... splooortch ... NERDRAGEEEEE !!!! Stoopid ooze. You doan no nutin you talk about.
Messageboard Troll wrote: Messageboard Troll! wrote: Messageboard Troll wrote: Armchair DM wrote: This.
Fails. We meet again... You am fake troll! Me am Messageboard Troll! Umm.
*lights Messageboard Troll! on fire* Haha. Me am had fiure proofness casted on me long time. Silly pretender not a good troll. Here, you hold this glass of nasty acids.
*oops, spilled on you. Me am sorry*
Messageboard Troll wrote: Armchair DM wrote: This.
Fails. We meet again... You am fake troll! Me am Messageboard Troll!
And what happens on a Nat 1, he automatically misses the planet... but where does he end up?
Messageboard Troll wrote: Messageboard Troll! wrote: yoda8myhead wrote: Anyone else think its a little suspect that Judge_Jack made this post, possibly knowing full well that it would generate a lot of discussion, and then disappeared? Yeah, being his one and only post, I'm thinking he's gotta be a relative. Not that it's been a particularly controversial topic... Are you... my reflection? No. You shadow of me. Me am Messageboard Troll!
yoda8myhead wrote: Anyone else think its a little suspect that Judge_Jack made this post, possibly knowing full well that it would generate a lot of discussion, and then disappeared? Yeah, being his one and only post, I'm thinking he's gotta be a relative. Not that it's been a particularly controversial topic...
The OP is really just a close relative of mine. Nothing to worry about.
Set wrote: Such a sense of entitlement we have.
If the mods want to post that I'm a smelly troll who lives in his momma's basement and then ban my butt six ways from Sunday, my 'legal option' is to go upstairs and ask smelly-troll-mom to make me some hot chocolate because my feeling got hurted.
Oy. Also, vey.
And now I want hot chocolate...
Me live in Dad's basement. Mom have too much girly-troll stuff.
Mmmm... but me like hot chocolate.
Angry Fanboy wrote: Messageboard Troll! wrote: Angry Fanboy wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Those threads turned into flame wars? I must have been really reading those threads very differently than how most people were reading them: I thought the point of the threads had to do with libel in the public forum, not the actual accusations. But who knows, maybe they went all crazy after I saw them much earlier. FLAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flame is weak. You no good at this stuff. ACID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gahhh!
You change fast. Me now sad me ate wizard after him make fire resist triket. Must find new wizard for acid resist.
Angry Fanboy wrote: Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Those threads turned into flame wars? I must have been really reading those threads very differently than how most people were reading them: I thought the point of the threads had to do with libel in the public forum, not the actual accusations. But who knows, maybe they went all crazy after I saw them much earlier. FLAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flame is weak. You no good at this stuff.
Haken Sl'Ash wrote: So in the case of a Sor 15 / DD 5 do i get all of the bonus spells as well as bloodline powers??? Why you care? You fighter, not twitchy finger sorcerer.
Loopy wrote: I prefer the additional abilities throughout the life of the class over some penultimate capstone. I am with the camp who feels level 9 spells more than make for excellent capstones, and you get them a few levels earlier. Wait... there's a post capstone capstone?
Excuse me while I gouge out my eyeballs. (It's ok, I'm a Troll, they'll grow back.)
Galnörag wrote: GRU wrote:
An intelligent response to... a, well whatever.
GRU Someone's gotta feed the trolls, thats what PETT (People for the Ethical Treatment of Trolls) is for. You say it feeding tome? Where food? You not tease Troll, do you? Troll loves bacon.
Dem guys is hacks. Game not be any good.
Graaahrgh! What him say.
Troll still miss Troll spats. :-(
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: What was I thinking? It's a lot more fun to have an edition tussle than to talk about spiffiness and spats. Troll like spats! Have spats when young, but got blood on them... then spats got burned by someone try to burn Troll. Troll ate them but spats no good. :-(
All you al... ali. alle...
You other guys be quiet, Troll try to sleep.
(Got big date tonite with Lady Troll.)
Fuchs wrote: Scott, you are the best argument for an ignore function on those boards. Your hypocritical and arrogant crusading for 4E and your inability to accept any critic of it - no matter how true - should be labelled as the trolling it is. Scott no troll. He need to open eyes and see thing plain as nose on Troll face.
SirUrza wrote: Against.
We play a ROLEplaying game, not a ROLLplaying game.
Don't feed the trolls.
However, a forum for each of the core classes I would support. (Keeps all the quests about Fighters in the same place.)
Graaaaaah! You feed troll! Feed troll now.
Maybe troll feed YOU... to troll!
First tell Troll, not everyone ROLL dice? Not everyone say 'Me do this' in ROLE of game?
Game is same. You ROLE. You ROLL. All do these.
Now... me hungry.
Graaah! Smell fight!
One you fight one shield. One you fight two shield.
I eat loser. Then I eat winner!
All happy!
Me too. Not eat anything. Bug keep all snacks to self. Not nice bug.