
Meredith Jones's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 45 posts (83 including aliases). 2 reviews. 13 lists. 1 wishlist. 10 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

In the description on p.13 it declares "All of the tightly shuttered
windows have wooden frames with filthy, mold-encrusted glass panes."

Does this mean there are wooden shutters covering each window?
If so, how could the players see the broken windows?

Or should it be "tightly shut windows"?

Anyone know what Elsir's cursed ring should be doing?

Considering that they get their first witch feat at level 2 and there are enough 2nd level witch feats.

So thanks for the nudge (see previous post here from yesterday) the purchase went through.

So I tried again with a second card deck and the same thing happened.
What is going on?

For 2 days I've been trying to buy a digital product and step 3 always does the same.

I press the red Place Your Order symbol and the page reloads showing me exactly the same screen albeit without the 3 steps above and below.

I've used Chrome, Edge and Firefox. I also disabled all the extensions and still the same result.

Please tell me what is wrong.

Please refund me the declined Bestiary 2 purchase.

I am getting extremely frustrated as this card works all over the place.
Paypal, Fantasy Grounds, Amazon, Gas Stations.


I have ordered lots of items but now all of a sudden the credit card is declined but my account is not reporting a declined payment, instead there is a payment for the correct amount on hold on my account. I entered a different credit card but when I enter the cvv number and press continue the screen doesn't move on and I've tried this in chrome and edge browsers.

Please fix this. And instead of refunding the payment please add the product to my digital library.

This is very frustrating.

P.S. this credit card still works at gas stations, amazon, ebay, etc.


I've tried ordering The Bestiary 2 several times.
I now have been charged 6 times and have one pending charge and
the PDF is still in my cart and not in my digital content.

Please refund all the erroneous charges, refuse the pending charge and put the pdf in my content.

The charges were charged as follows:

12:10 7.31.
12:10 7.31.
12:12 7.31.
12:13 7.31.
12:19 7.31.
14:28 8.1.

and just now I tried again so pending at 19.50 8.8.

Thank you for a prompt resolution.

BTW, I already tried deleting it from tha cart and adding it again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The goblin trait Burn it! adds a status bonus equal to half the the spell's level.
1) is this round up or down?
2) if a cantrip (produce flame) is automatically heightened does this mean at CL 3 it counts as a 3rd level spell for this trait?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just whipped this up and wanted to share it with you.

Enjoy. Hero Point Token


am going to be running Scarwall in 2-3 months.
Does anyone have any suggestions for minis?

- Farnaby

I'm going to run The Silverhex Chronicles soon and came up with the question what if, Gods forbid, I get a party of 6 Lini's.

Can I have multiple copies of the same pregen running in the same adventure?
As this is PFS I need a link to the ruling because I've searched and couldn't find it.

Thanks - Farnaby

I have a player that has been bitten by a wererat.
The cure is a cure disease, or remove curse by a 12th level cleric.

According to the book it costs CL x spell level x 10 gp.
This is then 360 gp for a 12th level cleric casting remove curse.

That sounds too cheap. Any ideas to make it quite unattainable or harder and/or more expensive?

So one of my players contracted lycanthropy from a wererat and according to the rules, it needs a remove disease or remove curse from a level 12 cleric.

Which brings me to my questions:

What level clerics to the various churches have in Korvosa?

Is there a standard formula for the size of a town or city that I can't find?


my group is going to enter the mansion soon ans I was wondering,
having a 5th level cleric of Saranrae with them, aren't zombies
just too easy? She can channel energy at least 7 times a day.

How did you handle that?

I decided to go with a subscription :-)


I just purchased the pdf and printed it out trying to figure out which pages have to be printed out next to each other if I print on A3 to make a book and then I saw it.

On the Index, it says Defense page 2, but on the Defense page, it is marked as page 3.
And it carries on, offense p. 3 is really p. 4, etc.
Or did I miss something really blindingly obvious?


I just got confused.

According to the inner sea world guide:

Numerous Harrow readings early in your life seem to have hit the mark precisely, increasing your belief that you are destined for a specific purpose in life.

Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on all Will saves made to resist enchantment effects.

But in the Crimson Throne Players Guide:

Numerous Harrow readings early in your life seem to have hit the mark precisely, increasing your belief that you are destined for a specific purpose in life; the Harrow deck and your destiny seem intertwined.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, must be chosen at 1st level

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Will saves made to resist charm or compulsion effects.

Which one is correct?
Also are the prerequisites true or not?


I just got a harrow deck and read through all the instructions, but still am at a loss with my first try.

Here is what I got:

The Foreign trader____The Forge_________The Dance
The Carnival_________The Empty Throne__The Avalanche
The Cricket__________The Tyrant________The Rakshasa

So I have the following matches:


The left column is the past, so I could either take the Carnival or the Cricket to interpret, the carnival as neutral outcome and the Cricket as negative? Or did I get that wrong?

So I take the misaligned Cricket which means a poor journey and tell them about the pc that died on their last adventure.

For the present, I only have the Tyrant which is not misaligned, so I have to interpret that "a paternal influence brings pain" somehow. Gods know how.

And last the future where I can choose between the traditional Dance (staying in perfect harmony) or the traditional Rakshasa (dominance and mind control). Which encounters would you use either of these for?
I would use the Dance for the Shingles chase perhaps, but the Rakshasa? No idea.

Does anyone have any ideas for me, anything that would help me interpreting the cards? What where your interpretations like?

Thanks for all the help.