Master Historian

Mercurywolf's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 45 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

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"Withdrawal from the schedule or a reduction of a GM’s schedule as a result of not being assigned a room may result in the loss of rewards and/or a removal from consideration for Gen Con 2022 or future major conventions."

Point of clarification: It feels really disingenuous to say "We expect you to bear a pretty big financial burden if you aren't selected for a room and volunteer the same amount of time as someone who is getting a room for no additional reward."

Will there be any other compensation offered if a GM is not given a room block or could something be offered if a GM were willing to opt out of needing a room?

Scarab Sages

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Thanks for the reply, Redeux! I didn't think to ask on Discord as Im not on Discord all that much. It was just something I was curious about.

Scarab Sages

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Out of curiosity, will there be any plans to run in-person tables at any Pop-up GenCon events at any local stores that will allow in person gaming?

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

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Azymondias wrote:

catfolk boons that sold for thousands, androids which were similar,

I just wanted to point out that those were sold to raise money for Charities, not Paizo. Every year they do Silent Charity auctions for interesting boons like Androids, Catfolk etc. They aren't selling them to make any profit. All of the proceeds go to the specific Charity or Charities they are sponsoring that year.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

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So, I'm going to suggest a rather crazy Charity boon here (very wishful thinking but could potentially raise a fair amount of money ):

Test of the Starstone

This boon may only be used at GenCon. Allows player to attempt a special one-on-one challenge. Record your PFS and Character on one of the lines below. If the challenge is successful, the character is permanently retired and becomes a legal god in Golarion. If the challenge is failed, the character is considered permanently dead as all availble prestige must be immediately spent to allow another character to take this challenge.

You would work with Paizo to develop successful the portfolio of this new god, and you may designate a new character to play the first high priest of this new diety, which would provide some benefit worked out between you and Paizo.

(Essentially, other than the slight bonus as a new high priest, this boon would just allow a character to be a new god and considered in Canon.)

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

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Glythic wrote:
I'm new to pathfinder Society and I love the idea, I just hate these silly race restrictions, Honestly I would like a Dhampire race boon, So I can make a legal standard character, I don't have anything to trade but maybe a Price can be sorted out. Just message me or email me thank you~!

It's somewhat frowned upon to offer real money for the Paizo boons. However, some people do take books/minis/paizo gift certificates in exchange for boons. You may considering offering that.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

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I know that feat
You played with it once upon a dream
I know that archtype
That look in a player's eyes so familiar a gleam
And I know that Additional Resources are seldom what they seem
But if I know you, and I know what you'll do
If they legalize it, the way you built it once upon a dream.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Refresh Refresh
Constantly hit F5
Refresh Refresh
Until new A.R. goes live

The page it loads
No changes yet to show
Refresh Refresh
New A.R. comes so slow

I need that ruling
Sweet Desna hear my prayer
Refresh Refresh
Sweet Desna doesn't care

Those items and spells
And archetypes are new
Refresh Refresh
I hope that feat is legal too

*Also stolen from Les Mis

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

16 people marked this as a favorite.

Gods rest ye merry Pathfinders
Let nothing you dismay
Remember good lord Aroden
Ascended on this Day
To save us all from Rovagug
By locking him away
Bringing Tidings of Comfort and Joy
Comfort and Joy
Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Inspired by Lord Aroden
Ascended Iomedae
Norgorber snuck into godhood
To Aroden's dismay
While taking on a drunken dare
Cayden Cailean found a way
Bringing tidings of bravery and ale
Bravery and ale
Tidings of bravery and ale

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

5 people marked this as a favorite.

On the ninth day of Christmas, John Compton gave to me

Nine Rogues-a-Sneaking
Eight Unchained Eidolons
Seven Summoners Summoning
Six psychics-a-spelling
Four fey boons,
Three brand new bloodlines,
Two grippli gloves,
And a legal feat from page three.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

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This occurred very recently:

I was GMing Destiny of the Sands, Part I: A Bitter Bargain and

In order to secure Madame Zelekharti's cooperation with Grand Master Torch, their plan was to throw the most epic rager Eto has ever seen. At each of the other tasks, they spread rumors about who was attending, booked merchants, bands, adult entertainers, and offered VIP invites to people that helped them spread the word/accomplish their goals.

During the party, they convinced Madame Zelekharti to work for Grand Master Torch due to all the business he would bring in, and thus she could collect even more secrets.

In the morning, one of the party members who was a Kitsune with Realistic Likeness impersonated Grand Master Torch and "signed" for the bill they had racked up of 30,000gp worth of drinks, damages, and other assortments.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

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Gino Melone wrote:
Vincent Holiday wrote:
Want Vanaran. Want vanaran like real bad, cuz I'm from Cincinnati, and, ya know...
I think I need an explanation for this one. Are ya'll southern brethren doing something very differently than we do things on the North Shore?

Because of Harambe