Marlin the Red's page

35 posts. Organized Play character for David Rumage.


Grand Lodge

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Some of these recent changes I've really not cared for. I'll keep saying it but to me PF2E shouldn't be balanced like a mmo with nerfs to classes and it should be left to the GMs to ban/homebrew things they feel are too powerful like sure strike, electric arc, monk dedication flurry of blows etc at their tables and if Paizo feels it's an issue for society play have it adjusted for those in a separate rules page alongside the society restrictions they already have.

Grand Lodge

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Dyslexic Character Sheets wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

So. As far as I am reading this, a third party character sheet could not use the Pathfinder logo, the class icons, or possibly even the action symbols without a separately negotiated license?

A custom character sheet layout falls under the "some exceptions" in the Fan Content Policy. Since it's primarily art (the custom layout), it's not an RPG product in the sense that it'd need to reference the OGL or ORC. If it's an automated character sheet that's actively crunching numbers and referencing rules, then that would need to be released under the OGL/ORC and Compatibility License.

By that description, I'm certain that my character sheets, and many other tools like them, require ORC/OGL + Compatibility License. Only the most basic of tools would have no rules reference in them at all. Something as simple as "Select your ancestry from this list" would be enough to cross that very low threshold.

The gap between the old CUP and the new Compatibility License is what's jarring here.

The FCP doesn't apply to any character sheet, builder, tool, wiki or app that uses game rules, even if they're non-commercial. That means all the logos, artwork etc that used to be granted that way

I do not pretend to fully understand all the changes here, but my group exclusively uses pathbuilder for multiple reasons. Seeing that builders may no longer be covered and demiplane being the only official thing that I can think of that comes even close worries me, it is much too similar to dnd beyond and my group avoided it due to needing to buy packs or classes to be able to build a character.

Grand Lodge

Got so excited forgot to say my watch has ended!

Can confirm have my AP PDF as well!

Grand Lodge

I'm watching very closely! Have to know if I need to have someone get my mail while I'm out of town, and I need it for my new character lol

Grand Lodge

I am so full of hype for Book of the Dead right now. I am hoping it arrives before I leave for a friends wedding.

Grand Lodge

Yoshua wrote:

Twitter feed Erik Mona just said any orders through gen con gets a free mini. Assuming this explains why people are getting the promo mini's in their orders? My friends are in this thread so I thought I'd let you peeps no. Non friends need not read.

Wait is it orders placed during or orders that ship bc I just grabbed the pawns 1 and 2 using the promo code and don't want to miss possible mini bonus lol

Grand Lodge

Sara Marie wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Okay, this month the only pdf unavailable this time is legends book :'D If anybody knows workaround around this that allows met o buy it anyway, please tell me!
I poked some things on the product, and restarted my browser to test it, and I think it should be working now. If not, it will have to wait until someone else can try poking more things.

You're a legend! Thanks for all this

Grand Lodge

Just got my email guys! I still hope they release pdf for pending orders that have been pending more than like, a week. It's not a good feeling waiting for an order to arrive after you could go get it at a FLGS

Grand Lodge

mathD20 wrote:
Credit card has been charged! Now waiting for status to go to "shipped"!!! Come On Paizo, you can do it!!!

Gratz. No such luck here yet

Grand Lodge

Shisumo wrote:
Trying to decide if knowing I won't have to wait past tomorrow morning is worth $15 to me.

Same. Feelsbad tho since would basically lose out on main reason I subscribe in order to get it on street date instead of waiting for an order to ship that has been in pending for so long

Grand Lodge

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Yoshua wrote:
wall of text

that's my thought as well. Only thought I had that could fix it is some sort of subscriber agreement we'd have to agree to saying once pdf available order can't get full refund. Or simply do what most other online retailers do and charge on order click. Would esp solve the stuff ive seen posted like shipping charges changed/Need to update payment method bc something happened while this order has been pending etc

Grand Lodge

And a post about it'll take weeks

Grand Lodge

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Verlaunte wrote:
so basically the subscribers got shafted

I dont believe intentionally or even planned to be, just string of bad luck. Which sucks but it was hand we got dealt, sometimes deck of many things you get the reaper at level 3

Grand Lodge

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lonejedi wrote:

Got the Kingmaker email... arg!!

Then the organized play order... arg!!

But now the Shipped Notice!! For those trying to guess the line (good luck ;): PFS/SFS SuperSubscriber, plus a couple replacements for errors on a prior order, but no sidecart items.

Gratz! I've just given in and no longer refreshing. it'll show up or it wont at this point. I've run out of dreams lol

Grand Lodge

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GayBirdGM wrote:

Well that's a bit disappointing. It's a little disheartening to received your subscription after it's released to everyone else that didn't subscribe.

But circumstances being what they are, it's understandable. I just wished they'd charge me and give me my PDFs at least.

+1 charge , I'd have the pdf so wouldn't be taking money for nothing.

Grand Lodge

Joan H. wrote:

Shipping Update:

Hi folks, thanks so much for your patience this month. I wanted to drop in for a correction and an update on shipping. Street date for our July subscriptions is actually Thursday, July 30, which aligns with the start of GenCon. I'm so sorry for the confusion! Additionally, shipping is taking longer than estimated, and the Warehouse Team has let us know that most folks should expect their shipping confirmation on Friday, July 31.

I know this is really disappointing news for some, so I wanted to take some time to break down two major factors contributing to this delay.

1. July is a massive month for subscriptions. Most of our subscription lines have a product releasing, which means orders take longer to build.

2. The warehouse team is taking extra pandemic precautions. As the only team that can't work remotely, Paizo is making sure to put their health and safety first. All of the team are working spread out in the warehouse and limiting interactions, which means that everything just takes a little longer. Those seconds and minutes add up for a big month like July.

Finally, I wanted to address some speculative comments with a blanket statement. We're always doing our best to look out for our customers, and thinking of how we can minimize impact to you all as much as possible when an issue or delay arises. It's not in our nature to "take it easy" while books are sitting unshipped and messages are waiting to be answered. Thanks again for your patience and understanding. If you have a concern with your order beyond the shipping delay, please open a new thread and we'll get to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for the update Joan! Sucks about the delay but things happen.

Grand Lodge

Yeah CS needs some extra hands or something, I think I only saw one post answered in forums yesterday. They got pushed back about 300 emails over the weekend (friday morning post said 1560ish, monday morning post 1830ish) so not even counting what they cleared on friday during the day. I try to not use the CS since it's a bit bogged down usually tbh. Last time I asked even a question it was months before I got a response. I have apost up now to try and combine my subscription order since my apg/ap/standalone are shipping separate from my lost omens due to me starting lost omens after the orders generated and was hoping to get those combined to save shipping a little.

Grand Lodge

CraziFuzzy wrote:
So if my order is still pending, I'm guessing that it will be quite a while before I receive either of my subscriptions (Legends and APG). Is there any chance of at least having pdf access if shipping is delayed? It's incredibly frustrating knowing that others have the pdf's already.

A lot of us hoping they give pdf to pending orders on street date at least.

There is mention it's happened b4

Grand Lodge

Calcryx666 wrote:
Don't worry friends, we'll all get our turn sooner or later, it's a very big month for Paizo products and lots of combinations for the warehouse team to send out, let's be thankful next month is a pretty quiet one.

With how my luck's been last few months, that's when I feel like I'll actually have my book.

Grand Lodge

bolorokenpay wrote:
APG SE pending since July 10. Is that normal?

I think most of us here have had it pending since the 10th. Mine has, though I did not ever actually get the order expected to ship email, it does show pending in my orders. If CS wasn't backed up to the beginning of the month I'd ask about it to make sure, but at this point it wouldn't get me a quick response.

Grand Lodge

That would be amazing. It could be exploited tho by ppl who only got the sub to get pdf early this time around, cancel order after download of the file so it isn't actually charged.

Though if they hold on charging you until it's actually shipped so that there's no "Well you paid for this but have no product to show for it" Technically giving pdf would be giving product at the subscription price, just digital goods waiting for phyiscal. I would opt into early payment for pdf and wait for books, I use the pdfs more anyways

Grand Lodge

Automationeer wrote:
I will admit, as someone with a first name that's very, very late in the alphabet, I've been wondering if they were shipping them alphabetically by first name.

Nah it's randomized bc mines early in alphabet lol

Grand Lodge

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
The Painted Oryx wrote:

Yes I have been an AP subscriber forever and decided to subscribe to the Core and Lost Omens lines because I was so excited for the APG and Legends, and I wanted it early..but same as y'all, still pending.

I emailed trying to cancel them because its waaay more expensive for me to get the real books than the pdfs because I get them shipped to Canada and our dollar is crap. I dont mind the PDFs, I only subscribed to the physical books to get the PDF faster lol

Ah well, covid makes things crazy!

You might not get a response to your email for months.

Maybe not months. But still may be awhile. Theyve got over 1500 emails going back to June 8th as of Friday morning, and latest forum post I've seen answered is June 18th. Tho that requires your post not getting bumped since they go from bottom up on the forums

Grand Lodge

Eh it happens. Does not suppress my excitement for a new product. Just have more time to develop backstory

Grand Lodge

Aaron Highcolor wrote:
Still pending. This is really becoming an ongoing issue with Paizo.

Really only since covid ive noticed. With states shutting down etc. Hopefully they just give us the pdf on street so I can use it next week. Think it's too late now to hope it'll arrive for tommorow game sadly. Time to RP a ghost lol

Grand Lodge

criticalham wrote:
Marlin the Red wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Verlaunte wrote:
aww man
I could be wrong but I do not think Paizo is open on the weekends.
There are a few people who've gotten their order shipped on saturday last week iirc

Seems like it's true today as well. I had given up all hope... but my email finally arrived just an hour ago! Downloading the files as I type this.

Good luck to everyone else still waiting. Hang in there! <3

Lucky! Still pending here. I got excited and checked. I think they know how many times we've refreshed and actually feed on our desperate excitement and anticipation lol

Grand Lodge

Seraphiel451 wrote:
My order is still pending two weeks after authorization. I’ve settled myself to not getting the physical books until sometime in August. I just would like the pdf, I’m running my bi-weekly game tomorrow and I’d really hoped to have it for that. Here’s hoping for those lovely weekend workers at the warehouse!

Same. My character I was making to replace the one I lost to a lot of bad saving throws vs a Cockatrice(side note we now have an epic bard statue) uses a ton of stuff from APG, Kobold, Riding drake, EZ Focus restore etc.and was hoping to get him in tomorrow.

Grand Lodge

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Verlaunte wrote:
aww man
I could be wrong but I do not think Paizo is open on the weekends.

There are a few people who've gotten their order shipped on saturday last week iirc

Grand Lodge

You're a legend! Thanks a ton, hope things cool down for you guys.

Grand Lodge

Thanks Sam, I did go ahead and get those subscriptions so I've got the Tier 1 advantage and my crit hit deck just shipped today!

Grand Lodge

One final question on it, is the society scenarios retroactive? IE we sub today do we get all the ones prior to now? I'm assuming yes bc there's only the option to start at 00 for the subscription but assuming leads to broken hearts

Grand Lodge

That's amazing! No worries on the email response, you all just dropped a whole new edition. Thanks for the hard work Sam, you're amazing knocking out all these responses

Grand Lodge

I sent an email in 3 weeks back asking, but since paizo I know is getting flooded w questions: I may have missed it somewhere, but I'm a legacy ap subscriber, however my group is looking at adding 2 more subscriptions: The question is this would we get the free scenario for having 4 subscriptions while still keeping our legacy 30% off cover for the ap, or would we have to give up the legacy to get the new advantage?

Grand Lodge

I'd like to remove the Lost omens world guide from my sidecart please, Just saw there is the character guide which will be better for my group at this time.

Grand Lodge

I've been refreshing all morning D: