
Marko Grey's page

2 posts. Alias of Guru_of_the_Sands.

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Alabarro Bolmora
(1 post)
Scarab Sages Karin Mankahtet
(1 post)

Dark Archive Dimril Eppercot
(0 posts)

The Exchange Fawkes Jamison
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Fin Lightbringer
(0 posts)

The Concordance Bini Hopskipper
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Hema Gatebreaker
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Valeriya Orlovsky
(0 posts)

Sovereign Court The Balance / Salvario Morilla
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Bakgyen
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade Korin Scaleblooded
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Darian Black
(0 posts)

Exo-Guardians Rgr-Rgr
(0 posts)

Acquisitives Hamish Ironbrow
(0 posts)

Manifold Host Azovath
(0 posts)

Dataphiles Cheshire Babu
(0 posts)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Fin Starhollow
(0 posts)

Acquisitives Karzikama "Steelhide"
(0 posts)

Dataphiles Casa Argent
(0 posts)

Second Seekers (Jadnura) Boa'Kai
(0 posts)

Acquisitives Angus Black
(0 posts)

Exo-Guardians Alana Vei
(0 posts)

Acquisitives Mitzi Gyrodazzle
(0 posts)

Second Seekers (Jadnura) Arkos V
(0 posts)

Verdant Wheel Hargrym Hearthborne
(0 posts)

Grand Archive Braegan Tek-Varul
(0 posts)

Vigilant Seal Finnegan Hopskipper
(0 posts)

Radiant Oath Xander Strongarm
(0 posts)

Horizon Hunters Placehokder
(0 posts)

Radiant Oath Jeras Flamebrand
(0 posts)


The Scribbler
Caern Stern

Male Human Inquisitor (Sin Eater)/1 (44 posts)
Ferrus Goldenbrow

Male Oread Brawler/1 (7 posts)
Jules Corvid

Acrobatics: +11; Bluff: +9; Diplomacy:+10; Disable Device: +9; Disguise: +9; Escpe Artist: +9; K: History: +7; K: Local: +6; K: Nobility +7; Linguistics: +8; Perception: +8; Sense Motive +4; Sleight of Hand: +7; Stealth: +18
HP: 27/27 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 | AC: 16 | Touch: 14 | FF: 13 | CMD: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 (+2 vs fear) (405 posts)
Karas Argentus

Male Current Effects: Bloodrage; Fast Healing 1; Phantom Blood; Align Weapon:Good (Claws) BR5/DD4 | HP 128/128| Rage 14/20 |AC 29|FF 22|T 16|Resistances: Cold 10, Fire 5, Electricity 5 | Fort +12 | Ref +5| Will +6 | CMD 25| Init +9 | Perc +15 | Spells: 1-0/2;2-2/2|Mythic Power:5/7 (1,062 posts)
Dog Rider
Kit Fights-Like-Badger

Male Halfling Barbarian 1 (Titan Mauler)| Init +3 | AC 17/14/14(+2 vs Med or larger) | Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +1 | perception +6 (105 posts)
Marko Grey

Male Human (Varisian) Ranger/1 (2 posts)
Cheliaxian Rogue
Miera Karvanna
(1 post)
Grau Soldado
Rivas Cartwright

AC 16/12/14 | HP 10/10 | F+3,R+3,W+6 (+4 vs Mind affecting) | Int.+8, Perc.+7 | CMD 11 | Spells: 1:1/2 | Phantom in Conciousness | (47 posts)