About Marko GreyCurrent Status:
HP: 13/13 Stat Block:
Male Human Ranger 1
CG Medium Humanoid Init +3; Perception +6 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 Shield while wielding 2 melee weapons) HP 13 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2 (+2 vs Fear) ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 30 ft. Melee:
Full attack: +2(Longsword)/+2(Shortsword) Ranged:
Languages: Common, Varisian Advancement:
1st: Ranger; Favored +1HP Special Abilities:
Racial Traits ---------------- Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level. Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Traits
Benefit You start play with a harrow deck passed down from a relative. Because of your skill with fortune-telling, you gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks. Making Good on Promises: (Campaign)
Years of living with the fear and uncertainty of the unclaimed debt to Professor Lorrimor have inured you to extreme anxiety. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saves against fear effects. Class Abilities
Favored enemies:
Wild Empathy: A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check. Gear and Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Carrying Capacity Light 0-76 lb. Medium 77-153 lb. Heavy 154-230 lb. Current Load Carried lb. Currency: 0pp 69gp 0sp 0cp
Appearance and Personality:
Marko is a tall man, cresting six feet. His long black hair is normally bound into a ponytail and reaches his shoulders. He gazes on the world with purple eyes found in an ethnic Varisian. He is dressed in traveler's clothes colored of the earth except for the lineage scarf hanging at his waist adding a beautiful blue to his otherwise dull clothing. ------------------------------ Height 6'2" Weight 190 Age 20 Hair Black Eyes Purple Skin Olive ------------------------------ Marko is not often one found in a good mood. Dour of expression and always speaking of the twists of fate. In times of tough decisions he will often turn to the wisdom of his mothers Harrow Deck for guidance if there is time. Background:
12 Years ago... Life on the road has it’s up and down. Sometimes the downs far outweigh the ups… I was a child but I did what I could about the caravan to make Mama’s life easier. The visions would take her at times and she needed to be kept comfortable. It was time to move counties again she had said after reading the cards. A darkness was coming.
It had been days since Mama fell into the dreams murmuring about the darkness. I tried to keep her fever at bay. I never feared the travel and Uncle Perti and Papa were strong and kept us safe but sometimes things can’t be helped. We were several days from Lozeri and made camp for the night. A few cloaked travelers came to our fire. Papa and Uncle Petri talked to them for several moments at the edge of camp but they let them come in. This was odd because they never let strangers in to the camp. The strangers were shown around as if they were treasured guests. I didn’t like it. Something was wrong. I went to mama’s wagon and hid in the blankets and pillows she kept all over it for the fainting spells. A few hours went by. I started hearing less and less sounds of my family outside. I thought they had gone to sleep but that was when the door to the wagon flew open and a dark figure entered the room. Their cloak was pulled back to show their unnaturally pale skin and blood covered their mouth. I was too afraid to scream. That was when they took Mama. The thing stood over her and leaned into her feverish through and bit. Mama turned pale. After a few minutes he was done but Mama stopped breathing. Then he picked her up and carried her away. I couldn’t move. Frozen in the terror I witnessed. I was too afraid to leave my hiding place. Dawn eventually came and went. A day passed I think before another man stepped through the door. He was a scholarly looking man who was taking in the full sights in the light. I could hear other outside calling that they had found more. The scholar shook his head and turned to leave. I don’t know what possessed me to do it. Maybe hunger or thirst but I made a squeak of sound trying to ask anything but my voice wouldn’t comply. The scholar turned fast for a bookish man and eyed my pile. His hand was hidden in his coat as he drew aside a blanket to see me. He looked genuinely surprised as I started bawling. He took me outside as I dragged Mama’s dropped scarf from the floor and I couldn’t see any of the family. Just a few white sheets with something beneath them lined up. All of our things were still there but no people. He took me to Lozeri, he and his band of hired guards. I managed to ask his name once and he said Professor Petros Lorrimor. 4 years ago…
I had spent the next 6 years of my life in orphanages until I eventually ran away. I begged and stowed away in caravans. I searched Ustalav for the professor that had taken me away. I caught stories on the way. The Professor was a curiosity, a scholar, a menace in tainted knowledge, a hero. The stories were wild. I wanted to get his help. He could help me find the people who took Mama. He could help me get revenge or bring her back. 2 years later I found myself in Ravengro. He had a home here. I knocked and he answered. He seems unsurprised to see me again. He ushered me into a study with more books than I had ever seen. This unkempt boy with clothes stolen or found. The only thing left was my mama’s scarf. He listened patiently as I made my plea and begged. I offered him all of what I had even offered servitude but he just shook his head and told me to wait. He stepped out from his study for several minutes. I got nervous. Was he reporting me to the guards? Was he going to send me packing? But soon enough he was back. He read me a letter he had written calling in a few debts for some mercenaries he knew. They would search down and find my mother for me. He would give me enough money to get a place to live and start being more than an urchin. All he asked was a Favor he would call in someday. I was young, and emotional. I agreed without a second thought. 3 years ago…
It was a year later I got a missive from the professor. I was in Barstoi making a living as a hunter. The people kept their distanc3e and that suited me just fine. Still young I was full of hate and resentment to anyone who wasn’t family and I had learned that all of the family were dead. The solitude suited me nicely. I made my way back to Ravengro with haste. I had learned much about the lands in the short time and how to keep hidden from the forest dangers. Once arrived, I was seen with measured order. As much as I wished to hurry to the news he insisted on taking time and having tea and a meal first. Then the professor gave me the news. Mama had been taken by Vampires. She was turned and his men had to put her down. He handed me a small package. Inside was mothered Harrow deck. I burst into tears nearly immediately. This went on in the quiet room for several minutes before I managed to compose myself well enough to ask how she went. He told me of his men and the precise practice of slaying the vampire. There was no hate. There was only scholarly detachment in the method. He told me they had fought through several guardians to the lair where they held coffins before slaying them in their sleep. It helped to know she didn’t suffer in a fight and that she could finally rest. We again sat in silence for several moments before I asked what favor he wished. He simply held up a hand and said “Another time”. I asked how I could fight the things that took her so that I could get revenge myself. He thought a moment and stood, he walked to a nearby bookshelf and selected one before handing it to me. He explained that in it was a primer on the undead he had written and copied. He said to study it and I will know what to do should I find myself confronted again. I thanked him profusely before I left. He had done everything I asked and more. What on Golarion could my I offer him as a favor? 2 weeks ago…
A missive arrived. An invitation to the reading of the Professor’s will. He had died and named me specifically in the will. It had been years and I had thought he had forgotten about me. You can never shake old debts. |