Grand Necromancer

Marian Rejewski Tarnshiav's page

11 posts. Organized Play character for ben1535.

Please cancel Paizo Order # 7966999.

Thank you!

Please cancel my miniature subscription. Thank you!

Dark Archive

Please cancel my 2E subscriptions for rulebooks and the AP.

I still want the deluxe hardcovers

I still want book 6 of Tyrants Grasp

Thank you!

Please cancel my core rulebook subscriptions. I am getting the deluxe books, and I do not want to purchase two copies of the same book.

I hope there is a way to still get the PDF with the Deluxe hardcovers.


Is it possible to replace my subscription hardcovers with my deluxe hardcovers?

I have preordered the deluxe 2nd edition books. However, I don't need 2 copies of either rulebook and I most certainly do want the PDF.

What are my options?

Please forgive me if this has been addressed elsewhere, I did indeed search. I really don't want to spend the extra $110 for extra copies.

Thank you for the help!


TL;DR Yes Deluxe / Yes PDF / No Basic Rulebooks

Dark Archive

Would anyone else like to see an iconic set for all the runelords?

Can we start the grassroots movement now so the product schedule aligns with "Return of the Runelords?" I doubt we'll get 14 new iconic heroes by then.

Sign the petition now: Iconic Heroes 10 (or X) = Iconic Villains: The Runelords of Thassilon!

Dark Archive

Party People,

Our teamwork experiment recruited enough people to build two tables, but we've had some attrition.

The Teamwork Experiment was built to try tackling the most difficult scenarios and modules with characters built around teamwork feats.

The table linked above is AoO & flank oriented, with the following PCs:
1) Battle Scion Skald (Combat Reflexes)
2) Hunter w/ T-Rex (Reach Weapon, Pack Flanking)
3) Holy Tactician Paladin (Reach Weapon, Combat Reflexes, Grants Paired Opportunists w/in 30')

Next level we'll also be able to share Outflank as well. AoOs grant allies AoOs, some crits grant AoOs, which also grant AoOs.

I'm not the GM, but I'm trying to recruit a player or two. I'll post this thread in our PbP discussion thread, so our GM can weigh in.

Stay Awesome!

Dark Archive

I'm listening to the PaizoCon podcast from Know Direction, and I just heard Maze of Death is due in Spring 2018. Is that true?

Also, are things winding down for Pathfinder minis? I hope there is still momentum.

I just became a subscriber, and if there are tea leaves to be read I think a discussion is appropriate.

Thanks for the input!


Grand Lodge

Party People,

I'll be starting a bi-weekly Saturday night home game for Skull & Shackles, likely in December.

Average group age is mid-30s, we all have regular jobs, lives, families, etc.

PM me if you're interested.

Stay Awesome!


Grand Lodge

Party People,

I have drafted a set of houserules for an upcoming Skull & Shackles game. My objective is to encourage the development of thematic characters, and emphasize the importance of skills and tasks to life aboard a ship.

Would you be willing to evaluate and critique the rules listed below? I am open to any and all feedback. Thank you!


Buy 2 Skills, Get 1 Free: Life at sea is a constant test of skill. Time typically spent on the road, meeting with city officials, or interacting with members of an adventurer’s professional community; all that time is spent performing shipboard duties. To represent this significant investment, I have developed the following rule – Any time a character allocates skill points, if two or more skill points are spent on sailing related skills, the character gains a bonus skill point. The list of qualifying skills includes: Appraise, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Sails), Craft (Siege Engine), Craft (Ships), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Cook), Profession (Sailor), Profession (Siege Engineer), Swim

For example, Krell the human Barbarian has a 12 intelligence. At 2nd level Krell would earn 6 skill points, and she invests ranks in Knowledge (Nature), and Profession (Sailor). She would immediately gain another skill point, which could be invested in any skill, not strictly a sailing skill.


Pirate’s Cunning (Basic): Whether by study, observation, or guile, years of life at sea have taught you much. Your intellect, savvy, or charm have made you an indispensable member of any seafaring crew. Select two skills from the following list. You may replace the primary ability modifier with any mental ability modifier. Appraise, Bluff, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Sails), Craft (Siege Engine), Craft (Ships), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Cook), Profession (Sailor), Profession (Siege Engineer)

Stowaway (Campaign Trait): You felt the call of the sea at a very young age. Trouble at home, a nautical lineage, or a burning desire set you on a path to stowaway as a youth. Whether given duties on a desperate crew, or mentored by a caretaker pirate, spending your formative years at sea has given you a proclivity for pirate tasks. Pick a crew position from the list below. You treat two vocational skills as class skills, and both skills gain an automatic +1 trait bonus.
• Barrel Man: Perception, Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nature)
• Boatswain / Bosun: Craft (Sails), Intimidate, Profession (Sailor)
• Carpenter: Craft (Ships), Heal, Knowledge (Engineering)
• Cook: Heal, Profession (Cook), Survival
• Coxswain: Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Sailor)
• Gunner: Craft (Siege Engine), Knowledge (Engineering), Profession (Siege Engineer)
• Master At Arms: Climb, Intimidate, Swim
• Quartermaster: Appraise, Diplomacy, Profession (Sailor)
• Rigger: Climb, Craft (Sails), Knowledge (Nature)
• Swab: Bluff, Knowledge (Local), Stealth


2+2=5 (Story): The life of a pirate is demanding, but rewarding. Your dedication to your life at sea is unequaled, and you have now gained an unequaled insight.
Prerequisites: One of the following feats – Athletic, Skill Focus, Expert Driver, Sea Legs, Siege Commander, Siege Engineer, Siege Gunner, Skilled Driver, Sure Grasp
5 Ranks in two of the following skills - Appraise, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Sails), Craft (Siege Engine), Craft (Ships), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Cook), Profession (Sailor), Profession (Siege Engineer), Swim
Benefit: Upon taking this feat, you immediately gain two of the following feats – Athletic, Skill Focus, Expert Driver, Sea Legs, Siege Commander, Siege Engineer, Siege Gunner, Skilled Driver, Sure Grasp

Crewcible of War (Teamwork): Battles, bilges, and ballistae have pressed you into locked step with your crew. Collectively your crewmembers are able to anticipate the turn of the ship, the release of a siege engine, and fire fusillades for furious effect.
Prerequisites: 5 Ranks in any of the following skills - Appraise, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Sails), Craft (Siege Engine), Craft (Ships), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Sailor), Profession (Siege Engineer)
Benefit: Any crewmember with this feat makes a piloting check to improve the performance of the siege engines. Make a DC 5 piloting check to assist a siege engine crew. For every 5 points by which the pilot exceeds the DC, an additional siege engine crew may be assisted. A siege engine crew must have at least one operator with this feat to gain the following benefits:
1) The pilot may be treated as part of the assisted siege engine crew
2) All assisted siege engines halve penalties for movement or environmental conditions
3) Assisted indirect fire siege engines halve the deviation distance on a missed attack (to a minimum of 1 square)
4) Assisted direct fire siege engine operators count as one size larger
5) Assisted siege engine crews may choose one additional benefit before making an attack roll, at the cost of an additional assist from the pilot:
a. Increase the critical threat range of one siege weapon
b. Increase the critical multiplier of one siege weapon

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Party People,

I have drafted a set of houserules for an upcoming Skull & Shackles game. My objective is to encourage the development of thematic characters, and emphasize the importance of skills and tasks to life aboard a ship.

Would you be willing to evaluate and critique the rules listed below? I am open to any and all feedback. Thank you!


Buy 2 Skills, Get 1 Free: Life at sea is a constant test of skill. Time typically spent on the road, meeting with city officials, or interacting with members of an adventurer’s professional community; all that time is spent performing shipboard duties. To represent this significant investment, I have developed the following rule – Any time a character allocates skill points, if two or more skill points are spent on sailing related skills, the character gains a bonus skill point. The list of qualifying skills includes: Appraise, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Sails), Craft (Siege Engine), Craft (Ships), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Cook), Profession (Sailor), Profession (Siege Engineer), Swim

For example, Krell the human Barbarian has a 12 intelligence. At 2nd level Krell would earn 6 skill points, and she invests ranks in Knowledge (Nature), and Profession (Sailor). She would immediately gain another skill point, which could be invested in any skill, not strictly a sailing skill.


Pirate’s Cunning (Basic): Whether by study, observation, or guile, years of life at sea have taught you much. Your intellect, savvy, or charm have made you an indispensable member of any seafaring crew. Select two skills from the following list. You may replace the primary ability modifier with any mental ability modifier. Appraise, Bluff, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Sails), Craft (Siege Engine), Craft (Ships), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Cook), Profession (Sailor), Profession (Siege Engineer)

Stowaway (Campaign Trait): You felt the call of the sea at a very young age. Trouble at home, a nautical lineage, or a burning desire set you on a path to stowaway as a youth. Whether given duties on a desperate crew, or mentored by a caretaker pirate, spending your formative years at sea has given you a proclivity for pirate tasks. Pick a crew position from the list below. You treat two vocational skills as class skills, and both skills gain an automatic +1 trait bonus.
• Barrel Man: Perception, Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nature)
• Boatswain / Bosun: Craft (Sails), Intimidate, Profession (Sailor)
• Carpenter: Craft (Ships), Heal, Knowledge (Engineering)
• Cook: Heal, Profession (Cook), Survival
• Coxswain: Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Sailor)
• Gunner: Craft (Siege Engine), Knowledge (Engineering), Profession (Siege Engineer)
• Master At Arms: Climb, Intimidate, Swim
• Quartermaster: Appraise, Diplomacy, Profession (Sailor)
• Rigger: Climb, Craft (Sails), Knowledge (Nature)
• Swab: Bluff, Knowledge (Local), Stealth


2+2=5 (Story): The life of a pirate is demanding, but rewarding. Your dedication to your life at sea is unequaled, and you have now gained an unequaled insight.
Prerequisites: One of the following feats – Athletic, Skill Focus, Expert Driver, Sea Legs, Siege Commander, Siege Engineer, Siege Gunner, Skilled Driver, Sure Grasp
5 Ranks in two of the following skills - Appraise, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Sails), Craft (Siege Engine), Craft (Ships), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Cook), Profession (Sailor), Profession (Siege Engineer), Swim
Benefit: Upon taking this feat, you immediately gain two of the following feats – Athletic, Skill Focus, Expert Driver, Sea Legs, Siege Commander, Siege Engineer, Siege Gunner, Skilled Driver, Sure Grasp

Crewcible of War (Teamwork): Battles, bilges, and ballistae have pressed you into locked step with your crew. Collectively your crewmembers are able to anticipate the turn of the ship, the release of a siege engine, and fire fusillades for furious effect.
Prerequisites: 5 Ranks in any of the following skills - Appraise, Craft (Alchemy), Craft (Sails), Craft (Siege Engine), Craft (Ships), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Profession (Sailor), Profession (Siege Engineer)
Benefit: Any crewmember with this feat makes a piloting check to improve the performance of the siege engines. Make a DC 5 piloting check to assist a siege engine crew. For every 5 points by which the pilot exceeds the DC, an additional siege engine crew may be assisted. A siege engine crew must have at least one operator with this feat to gain the following benefits:
1) The pilot may be treated as part of the assisted siege engine crew
2) All assisted siege engines halve penalties for movement or environmental conditions
3) Assisted indirect fire siege engines halve the deviation distance on a missed attack (to a minimum of 1 square)
4) Assisted direct fire siege engine operators count as one size larger
5) Assisted siege engine crews may choose one additional benefit before making an attack roll, at the cost of an additional assist from the pilot:
a. Increase the critical threat range of one siege weapon
b. Increase the critical multiplier of one siege weapon

Grand Lodge

Hi Everyone! I'm trying to build a teamwork-focused character for PFS, and below is the structure. Also, this character profile has a summary of the relevant feats. We'll be starting at L1, but below is an L9 Surprise Round example. Does this seem OK, and what should I do differently?

Shatner Voice "I have...a...plan"

Class Features

The (Paladin) Holy Tactician ability is an aura, which takes a standard action to establish. Once established, it is suppressed when the Holy Tactician is flat-footed or unconscious, but (like an aura) functions when the Holy Tactician is conscious and able to act.

The (Swashbuckler) Guiding Blade utilizes Panache, which takes a standard action to activate, and grants a Teamwork Feat within 30 feet.

The (Brawler) Exemplar level 3 ability "Inspiring Prowess" is like bardic performance through martial display.


Battle Song of the People's Revolt is a bardic performance masterpiece: "When you learn this masterpiece, choose a teamwork feat for which you meet the prerequisites. Once the feat is chosen, it can’t be changed. This performance grants the chosen feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear you. Your allies don’t need to meet the prerequisites of this feat. Abilities that extend the duration of a bardic performance, such as Lingering Performance, affect this masterpiece" This feat will be Seize the Moment, taken at L9 with Improved Critical as the Brawler Bonus Feat.

Flagbearer: Grants +1 morale attack/damage/saves vs. fear, but more importantly opens up "banners" on a polearm (such as the Fauchard)


Sandals of Quick Reactions (4,000 gp): Wearer can take standard and move actions in the surprise round.

Banner of the Ancient Kings (18,000 gp): +4 initiative, +2 vs. mind-affecting and re-roll, doubles flagbearer bonus, +4 to bardic performance level

drumroll please...

In Combination

At the start of a surprise round General Dissa Ray rolls initiative at a +4 from the Banner. On his turn:

No Action Holy Tactician activates, granting 1 teamwork feat within 30' (probably Paired Opportunists)

Standard Action Guiding Blade activates, granting 1 teamwork feat within 30' (probably Outflank)

No Action Sandals of Quick Reactions grant a Move Action

Move Action Due to +4 bardic level performance from "Banner", and "Inspiring Prowess", at L9 General Dissa Ray uses Bardic Performance at 7th level, and is able to perform as a Move Action. With "Battle Song of the People's Revolt" he can grant a 3rd teamwork feat. (probably Seize the Moment)


At L9 in the surprise round Dissa will grant:

1) Outflank (+4 to attacks while flanking, crits provoke AoO)
2) Paired Opportunists (+4 to AoOs, AoOs allow party to make AoO)
3) Seize the Moment (Any Crit provokes an AoO)
4) +2 Morale Bonus to Attack/Damage/Saves vs. Fear
5) +2 Competence Bonus to Attack/Damage

Instant Teamwork!

Sovereign Court


I am working on a Holy Tactician, and stumbled across the Bardic Masterpiece "Battle Song of the People's Revolt". I would like to be able to grant an additional teamwork feat via bardic performance.

The rules for bardic masterpieces state "Only a bard may learn a masterpiece" (ultimate magic)

The Variant Multiclass rules state a "secondary class" is chosen at creation (pathfinder unchained)

Does a VMC Bard count as a Bard for purpose of masterpieces?

Sovereign Court

We are starting a Kingmaker Campaign this Saturday, and I am planning to be the “Ruler”. Furthermore, I have a concept of a racketeer on the run; choosing a life of exploration for the promise of a new start. He will be Saturn Surtova, a half-fey son of an Avatar of Maghd and a disgraced baroness of the Surtova family “Ours is the Right”. Saturn will explain himself thusly, “When men take money from businesses they do not own, it’s racketeering. When the government does it, it’s taxing.” His intent is to start his own government with a very Laissez-Faire capitalism, using a minarchist approach providing only basic security and protection of fraud.

My intent is to focus on leadership, personal influence, and knowledge while being a formidable negotiator. Some story-to-mechanics aspects will include the wielding of a Scythe (Maghd’s favored weapon) as a representation that Saturn reaps where he does not sow. Also, I will be taking skill focus (Diplomacy) as no jury could convict him on any racketeering charges. He has a reputation as a Gangster of Love. Furthermore, he can dip into the knowledge of Maghd, journeying beyond Golarion to seek truth. Some people call him a Space Cowboy when he enters these trances.

I plan to take 1 Level of Oracle for access to Sidestep Secret, Focused Trance, and Lorekeeper with the Legalistic Curse. From then on I plan to take Mesmerist (Cult Master Archetype) and use the class features to dominate any negotiations while personifying the benevolent dictator. Finally, I want to include VMC (Bard) for Bardic Knowledge and eventual Perform Oratory.
I see Charisma as my only relevant stat:
Sidestep Secret – Charisma to AC and Reflex Saves
Noble Scion: Scion of War – Charisma to Initiative
Lorekeeper – Charisma to Knowledge Skills
Focused Trance – Add 20 to knowledge checks, Cha times per day
Towering Ego – Cha to Will Saves
Eventually Versatile Performance will allow Perform (Oratory) to replace Diplomacy & Sense Motive

From a roleplay perspective I hope to use Russian accents, Russian mafia terms, while embracing the mafia mentality.

How would you represent the mob boss turned king?
What mechanics do you think fit the story?
How would you structure your kingdom?

Hi Folks!

Our group is going to be starting Kingmaker in the new year. I am the host for our games, and so have been designated the "leader". With a rudimentary introduction to the Kingmaker Kingdom roles, I'm under the impression that Charisma is a big deal.

I've been mulling over some character concepts and I just can't find the right fit.

----- Ideas

1) Maximal Charisma Utilization (Single Attribute Focus)
2) Leading (skills, roleplay, leadership feat)

I was planning on a starting Charisma around 26.

My current frontrunner is Master Summoner, worshiping Arqueros, summon good monster feat, and taking Evolved Summons as often as possible. I would plan to use the Eidelon as a super-scout with the "Skilled" evolution, and count on my summoned monster to actually do the damage.

Mesmerist is currently my second-place option, but I'm not sure what kind of kingdom would be built by an elusive master liar.

The Heavens oracle is tempting, especially with Color Spray and Cha to all saves. Skills seem terrible, and a curse could be a major detractor.

I've peeked at Eldritch Scion Magus, but I think that could get MAD fast and has skill problems.

----- Rules

We can use all Paizo products, and expand with GM approval. I personally would prefer to stick to Paizo.

My knowledge of archetypes is mediocre, and I am familiar with about 10% of the feats. Noble Scion (War) seems like good one...

We are using the "Race Builder" rules from Advanced Race Guide, with 20 RP and a 20 point buy.

----- Other Background

I just played an awesome Thassilonian Transmutation focused crafting wizard with annihilation spectacles for Rise of the Runelords, so I would prefer to avoid sorcerer.

I like to play a variety of characters, but in general I don't like pet-based classes. I thought the summoner would be an extreme exception, as it would be solely focused on versatile pet-power.

Party People,

I've recently leveled to 13th with my transmutation focused wizard in Rise of the Runelords. I'm actually playing a thassilonian specialist, focused on "Generosity" instead of greed. My character, Bertil Adelbrecht, worships Shelyn (Bertil Adelbrecht, Shelyn Follower | BASF). He doesn't make the party, he makes the party better.

I've done the following things mechanically:

Human, Focused Study
Trait - Clever Wordplay (Int to UMD)
Trait - Merchant Family (Sell goods at 60%)
Trait - Inner Beauty (+4 Sacred 1/Day to Craft/Diplomacy)
Trait - Transmuter of Korada (Casts Transmutation Spells at +1 CL)

Valet Familiar - Super Boosts Crafting

Feat (Human 1) - Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
Feat 1 - Additional Traits
Feat (Wizard 1) - Scribe Scroll
Feat 3 - Craft Wondrous
Feat 5 - Craft Arms
Feat (Wizard 5) - Spell Focus (Transmutation)
Feat 7 - Dazing Spell
Feat (Human 8) - Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)
Feat 9 - Craft Rod
Feat (Wizard 10) - Heighten Spell
Feat 11 - Quicken Spell

Feat 13 - ? Considering Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation) and Persistent Spell.

I've focused on crafting and spellcraft, so with Crafter's Fortune and Inner Beauty I have around +38 to a variety of crafting skills, with a +33 to Spellcraft.

I do lots of buffing and almost all of the utility casting. I have made almost all of the magic items our group utilizes. Most importantly, I have Annihilation Spectacles, which makes around 1/2 my spell slots spontaneous as I have so many transmutation slots.

What spell would you take for Spell Perfection?

I'm considering Slow and Disintegrate.

Pooping out persistent, quickened slow spells every round would be pretty cool. Jacking up the DC for disintegrate (with quickened true strike) would be fun, as I don't do much attacking.

What would you do?

I am open to any ideas. Thank you for the help!


We use all Paizo products with 3rd Party by GM approval...

Rules Experts:

Please check out the spell Eldritch Conduit and Greater

The spell allows the casting of cone, line, or sphere spells with an ally as the origin of the spell.

Check out the PRD wording on sphere spells:

A sphere-shaped spell expands from its point of origin to fill a spherical area. Spheres may be bursts, emanations, or spreads.

Is Fireball as sphere? It's a 20' radius burst.

The fireball spell doesn't specifically say sphere, but does say radius. This could allow an ally to be the point of origin for fireball via Eldritch Conduit.

Is Antimagic Field a sphere? It extends in a 10' radius emanation.

The Antimagic Field doesn't specifically say sphere, but does say radius. This could allow an ally to be the center for an antimagic field, so then our investigator or monk becomes the dedicated caster-hunter.

I just wanted a second opinion before I bring this to my GM this Saturday.

Thanks for the help!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

My wizard was killed the other night, in a vain attempt to save the rest of the party. I was playing a very craft-heavy th level human thassilonian transmutation specialist, dedicated to Shelyn. I had even taken the 'Merchant Family' trait.

The party had my character reincarnated, and BOOM! Gnoll.

My initial plan is just to groll with it, and try to explain to the family and temple that I'm the same guy.

However, if I sever my family and religious connections I will likely retrain. I've seriously considered taking a level of ranger, then progressing into Eldritch Knight.

If you had a wizard poof into a Gnoll, what would you do?

Current stats (post reincarnation, no re-training)

STR: 13
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Int: 21
Wis: 7
Cha: 10

- Transmuter of Korada
- Merchant Family
- Inner Beauty
- Clever Wordplay (UMD)

Extra Traits
Skill Focus (Spellcraft)-Focused Study Human
Craft Wondrous Item
Craft Magic Tattoo
Craft Magic Arms & Armor

Hello Optimizers!

I am building a new character for a home game utilizing 20 point buy, all the Paizo books, starting at level 1.

Character concept:
- Bertil Adelbrecht, Shelyn Follower (BASF); He doesn't make the party, he makes the party better.
- Emphasizing buff spells
- Optimizing craft feats

So far, the mechanics I'm looking to include:
- Human
- Focused Study (Spellcraft L1, TBD L8, L16)
- Thassilonian Specialist (Greed) Transmutation, loses Ill/Ench

I'm debating the following traits:
- Inner Beauty (+4 Trait to Bluff, Craft, Diplomace 1/day)
- Spark of Creation (+1 all craft checks, -5% to craft costs)
- Merchant Family (+10% sold goods costs)
- Transmuter of Korada (+1 caster level for transmutation)
- Finding Haleen (+1 HP & Skill/level) this one feels sketchy

I like all of those traits, so I'm considering taking Additional Traits as my L1 Feat. Would you recommend:
- Varisian Tattoo (+1 caster level for transmutation)
- Additional Traits (Take all 4 above)
- Fast Learner (+1 HP/Skill per level)

L3 - Craft Wondrous
L5 - Craft Arms & Armor
W5 - Inscribe Magic Tattoo
L7 - *Open* / Craft Construct
L8 - Skill Focus X
L9 - Craft Rod

Annihilation Spectacles are the gear that makes the Thassilonian specialist so attractive. Instead of prepping and casting the same two spells every level, the option becomes prepping the same two spells and casting ANY level appropriate transmutation spell at every level.

Silver Crusade


I plan to begin a bi-weekly Saturday night home game on 6 Sep at 5 PM at my house. The intent is to play the full Rise of the Runelords adventure path with non-PFS characters and apply the credit to a separate PFS character. I'm a family man and I've been playing since High School in the mid-90s.

So far we have:

-- GM
-- 3 Players
-- A basement gaming room
-- Lots of reference books
-- Most of the miniatures

Please shoot me an e-mail if you're interested...

Stay Awesome!


Party People:

I am confused about access to magic items. The guide to pathfinder society organized play says +1 weapons, armor, mundane items and all of Chapter 6 are always available.

Does that mean if I want to buy a headband of vast intellect I must encounter one on a chronicle sheet?

Does that mean stat-boost items are exceptionally rare?

The guide to PFSOP seems not only very restrictive, but skewed toward martial characters.

Thank you in advance for the inputs...

Stay Awesome!
