Grand Necromancer

Marian Rejewski Tarnshiav's page

11 posts. Organized Play character for ben1535.


Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Champion of Irori! Paladin + Monk + Smite Evil + Smite Chaos + Combat Maneuvers = amazing role-play class with mechanical viability. You can't tell me a selfless, unarmed protector of the innocent doesn't have flavor.

Taking a fun but sub-optimal super-MAD combination and cranking it to max is a great use of all 18s.

Silver Crusade


I plan to begin a bi-weekly Saturday night home game on 6 Sep at 5 PM at my house. The intent is to play the full Rise of the Runelords adventure path with non-PFS characters and apply the credit to a separate PFS character. I'm a family man and I've been playing since High School in the mid-90s.

So far we have:

-- GM
-- 3 Players
-- A basement gaming room
-- Lots of reference books
-- Most of the miniatures

Please shoot me an e-mail if you're interested...

Stay Awesome!


Silver Crusade


I think from a player and GM perspective the following is very reasonable:

I was summoned by the Decemverate or some VC, therefore I will likely be fighting in the next 13 days. I will cast my contingency the day I receive the notice, so the day I arrive for my assignment the contingency will already be cast and my 6th level slot will still be available.

You can argue that from a RP perspective. Multiple classes and prestige classes give the ability to re-assign spell slots or fill spell slots short-notice. Even if you do have to cast it day of, how often do you wade into battle the very day you receive your assignment notification?

I think for contingency it's different then say "Dominate Person". I wouldn't assume a dominated NPC is still available from a previous scenario, despite the Day/Level duration. One is an active choice, and one is a lingering result.

Stay Awesome!


Silver Crusade


I have the Mounted Tradition boon offering special mounts to the funky races (Wolf for Kitsune). It has 9 options.

I hate pets.

I would love to trade for the Research Specialist. I've PM'd [Dresden10589], but anyone else is more than welcome.

Also, is there a master repository for the boons available? I can't really say what I desire if I don't know the options.

Stay Awesome!


Silver Crusade

So, this is the "Where Mammoths Dare Not" thread?

Silver Crusade

Party People,

I, too, share the desire to play something beyond the core races. Sadly I have family and work commitments that make PFS my only legitimate role-playing opportunity. The drop-in, drop-out method while maintaining the same character has a great appeal. Additionally, crossing paths with players and characters from missions past is quite enjoyable. It really entrenches my character in the concept of being hand-picked for missions when one or two acquaintances are along for the ride.

I would love to see more diverse racial options. Why devote 60 pages of the APG to races which can't be played, only to include 147 racial substitutions or archetypes which will also never be in PFS? I don't understand how Golarion can have those races, but the society racially profiles for tiefling, aasimar, and human pathfinders. I can't envision full APG altering the campaign world more than Blood of Angels...

Long story short - I would love to get a race boon, and if I ever get one I will use it immediately on a new character. Race doesn't matter, the opportunity to play something unique is very desireable.


Silver Crusade

Any chance room exists for another player or two? A friend and I would love to join a Friday night game with long term opportunity. We are both RPG savvy, with some Pathfinder amongst decades of experience.

Thanks for the help!


Silver Crusade

I would love to play, and I prefer jovial games. I could do Friday nights no problem. Weekend nights are a maybe, and weeknights are out.

Where and when do you play? I started in high school in the mid 90s, and I've loved gaming ever since...


Silver Crusade

I would love to join a regular game, as would a friend. Friday nights are best for both of us, and we sre both seasoned gamers. I have a decent Pathfinder experience level, with lots of 3.5, 3.0, AD&D and a smattering of others.

Please let me know if you have room for 1 or 2 more PCs. I have GMed quite a bit, but I can't invest the proper time to run at the moment.


Silver Crusade

I know this may be derailing the good vs. evil, feats & skills, blood & devil conversation in this thread, but:

Paco Sanchez wrote: have access to the Library of the Absalom's Great Lodge and you only pay the 1/2 of the price for copy spells in your spellbook.

Where is this cited? I couldn't find anything listing the Great Lodge option for 1/2 price spells.

Could someone help both me and the OP? I do love the Cypher Script speech, and I'm taking it for my brand new cryptographer / wizard for PFS.

Thank you in advance for re-aligning this thread with the original request...

Stay Awesome!

Silver Crusade

I am Marian, descendent of the house Tarnshiav. My family remains in Frostmire Fen as the last human remnants of Sarkosis. Our lineage has been twisted over time, with some of the younger generations exhibiting increasingly demonic traits. Our time in close proximity to the worldwound has tainted our heritage.

As a youth my parents used ancient connections to give me a new life. I spent time as an endentured servant in Nex, working on the printing presses while in preparatory classes for the Arcane University. Frail of body, my keen mind was well suited for work in linguistics. As a budding cryptographer, I have gained small favors from faculty in exchange for minor translations and code-breaking assistance.

Now, I return to the society, committed to rid Golarion of the demonic incursion. I will never slay a beast with sword or mace, but through magic and knowledge I can enhance my peers. In fact, through the timely dissemination of the strengths and weaknesses of our opponents, the Silver Crusade as a whole can make far more impact than one warrior.

So now, I begin my quest discover the root causes of the Worldwound, the secrets of battling demons, and perhaps one day the restoration of my family.